943 resultados para RADIATION-USE EFFICIENCY


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The sun has the potential to power the Earth's total energy needs, but electricity from solar power still constitutes an extremely small fraction of our power generation because of its high cost relative to traditional energy sources. Therefore, the cost of solar must be reduced to realize a more sustainable future. This can be achieved by significantly increasing the efficiency of modules that convert solar radiation to electricity. In this thesis, we consider several strategies to improve the device and photonic design of solar modules to achieve record, ultrahigh (> 50%) solar module efficiencies. First, we investigate the potential of a new passivation treatment, trioctylphosphine sulfide, to increase the performance of small GaAs solar cells for cheaper and more durable modules. We show that small cells (mm2), which currently have a significant efficiency decrease (~ 5%) compared to larger cells (cm2) because small cells have a higher fraction of recombination-active surface from the sidewalls, can achieve significantly higher efficiencies with effective passivation of the sidewalls. We experimentally validate the passivation qualities of treatment by trioctylphosphine sulfide (TOP:S) through four independent studies and show that this facile treatment can enable efficient small devices. Then, we discuss our efforts toward the design and prototyping of a spectrum-splitting module that employs optical elements to divide the incident spectrum into different color bands, which allows for higher efficiencies than traditional methods. We present a design, the polyhedral specular reflector, that has the potential for > 50% module efficiencies even with realistic losses from combined optics, cell, and electrical models. Prototyping efforts of one of these designs using glass concentrators yields an optical module whose combined spectrum-splitting and concentration should correspond to a record module efficiency of 42%. Finally, we consider how the manipulation of radiatively emitted photons from subcells in multijunction architectures can be used to achieve even higher efficiencies than previously thought, inspiring both optimization of incident and radiatively emitted photons for future high efficiency designs. In this thesis work, we explore novel device and photonic designs that represent a significant departure from current solar cell manufacturing techniques and ultimately show the potential for much higher solar cell efficiencies.


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Cylindrical vector beams were produced from laser diode end-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser by use of two types of subwavelength multilayer gratings as the axisymmetric-polarization output couplers respectively. The grating mirrors are composed of high- and low-refractive-index (Nb2O5/SiO2) layers alternately while each layer is shaped into triangle and concentric corrugations. For radially polarized laser output, the beam power reached 610mW with a polarization extinction ratio ( PER) of 61: 1 and a slope efficiency of 68.2%; for azimuthally polarized laser output, the beam power reached 626mW with a PER of 58: 1 and a slope efficiency of 47.6%. In both cases, the laser beams had near-diffraction limited quality. Small differences of beam power, PER and slope efficiency between radially and azimuthally polarized laser outputs were not critical, and could be minimized by further optimized adjustment to laser cavity and the reflectances of respective grating mirrors. The results manifested, by use of the photonic crystal gratings mirrors and end-pumped microchip laser configuration, CVBs can be generated efficiently with high modal symmetry and polarization purity. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia eraikuntzan gehituko diren argi-babeski sistema mota desberdinak aurkeztea da, bertan ematen den energia kontsumoa murrizteko asmoz. Izan ere, argi naturalaren erabilpen egoki batek eraikinaren efizientzia hobetzera eramango gaitu. Horretarako, ezinbestekoa izango da baliabide hau behar bezala ezagutzea, argitasuna eta beharrezko babesa eskaintzeko, eta ondorioz, energia aurreztea lortzeko. Babes sistema egokiena aukeratu baino lehen, aldez aurretik sortu izan diren argi-babeski mota desberdinak aztertu izan dira. Horrez gain, eguzki erradiazioa neurtzeko metodo grafiko eta analitikoak ere aztertu dira. Ondoren, Ecotect programak eskaintzen dituen simulazioei esker, eguzki erradiazioaren datu zehatzagoak lortzeko asmoz, ikasketa horretan erabiliko den eraikinaren kokapena, orientazioa eta ezaugarriak erabaki dira. Behin prototipoa definituta, programa bidez lau babes sistema mota desberdinak aztertu dira, horrela babesik gabeko eraikinean lortutako datuak alderatzeko. Azterketa Bilbo eta Sevillan egitea erabaki izan da. Izan ere, bi hiriburu hauek klimatologian duten desberdintasuna argi-babeskien aukeraketan duen eragina aztertzeko aukeratu dira, gainera, orientazioak eta argi babeskien dimentsioek ere izan dute zer esana aukeraketa garaian. Horrez gain, argi-babeskiek sortutako itzala ere aztertu izan da. Horrela, sistema hauen jarrera orokorra ikusi daiteke, eta beraz, uda garaian babesteko eta negu garaian eguzki izpiak sartzen uzteko duten ahalmena ikusi da. Bukatzeko, aurretik lortutako datu guztiei esker, eta bai kokapena zein orientazioa kontutan hartuz, babes sistema egokiena aukeratu da, jakinik ezinbestekoa dela argitasuna, babesa eta aurrezte energetikoaren arteko oreka egoki bat lortzea.


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Diurnal variation in trawl catches and its influence on energy efficiency of trawler operations are discussed in this paper, based on data on landings of a Japanese factory trawler which operated in the Indian waters during 1992-93. The factory vessel equipped for stern trawling had a length overall of 110 m, GT of 5460 and installed engine power of 5700 hp. Operations were conducted off west coast of India between 31 and 278 m depth contours, using a 80.4 m high opening bottom trawl with an adjusted vertical opening of 7.60.9 m. The catch data was grouped according to the median towing hour, by the time of the day. CPUE obtained was 3713.4 kg.h-1 for day time operations and 1536.6 kg.h-1 for night-time operations. Mean daily catches were 31367 kg.day-1 (SE: 2743) for day time operations and 9430 kg.day-1 (SE: 966) for night-time operations. Fuel consumption were 0.399 and 0.982 kg fuel.kg fish-1, respectively for day and night-time operations. Total catch and catch components such as threadfin bream, bulls eye, hairtails, trevelly, lizard fish showed significant improvement during day-time operations while swarming crabs showed a significant improvement in the night-time operations. The difference in catch rates between day and night could be attributed to diurnal variation in the spatial distribution and schooling behaviour of the catch categories, their differential behaviour in the vicinity of trawl systems under varying light levels of day and night and consequent effect on catching efficiency and size selectivity at different stages in the capture process. The results obtained in addition to its importance in the operational planning of trawling in order to realise objectives of maximising catch per unit effort and minimising fuel consumption per unit volume of fish caught, has added significance in the use of bottom trawl surveys in stock abundance estimates.


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Didaticamente, podemos dividir o espectro da radiação ultravioleta (UV) em três faixas: UVA (400 a 320 nm), UVB (320 a 290 nm) e UVC (290 a 100 nm). Apesar do UVC ou UV-curto ser eficientemente filtrado pela camada de ozônio da Terra e sua atmosfera, este é uma das faixas do espectro de UV mais usadas para explorar as consequências de danos causados ao DNA, já que a letalidade induzida por este agente está relacionada aos danos diretos no genoma celular, como as lesões dímero de pirimidina, que são letais se não reparadas. Contudo, demonstrou-se que a radiação UVC pode gerar espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), como o oxigênio singleto (1O2). Embora, o radical hidroxil (OH) cause modificações oxidativas nas bases de DNA, alguns trabalhos indicam que o 1O2 também está envolvido nos danos oxidativos no DNA. Esta ERO é produzida por vários sistemas biológicos e reações fotossensibilização, quando cromóforos são expostos à luz visível ou são excitados pela luz UV, permitindo que essa energia possa ser transferida para o oxigênio sendo convertido em 1O2, que é conhecido por modificar resíduos de guanina, gerando 8-oxoG, que caso não seja reparada pode gerar uma transversão GC-TA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de elucidar a participação de ERO nos efeitos genotóxicos e mutagênicos gerados pela radiação UVC, assim como as enzimas envolvidas no processo de reparação destas lesões em células de Escherichia coli. Nos ensaios as culturas foram irradiadas com o UVC (254 nm; 15W General Electric G15T8 germicidal lamp, USA). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso de quelantes de ferro não alterou a letalidade induzida pelo UVC. A azida sódica, um captador de 1O2, protegeu as cepas contra os danos genotóxicos gerados pelo UVC e também diminuiu a frequência de mutações induzidas no teste com rifampicina. A reversão específica GC-TA foi induzida mais de 2,5 vezes no ensaio de mutagênese. A cepa deficiente na proteína de reparo Fpg, enzima que corrige a lesão 8-oxoG, apresentou menos quebras no DNA do que a cepa selvagem no ensaio de eletroforese alcalina. A letalidade induzida pelo UVC foi aumentada nos mutantes transformados com o plasmídeo pFPG, ao mesmo tempo que representou uma redução na indução mutagênica. Houve dimuição na eficiência de transformação com plasmídeo pUC 9.1 na cepa fpg quando comparado a cepa selvagem. Assim como, um aumento da sensibilidade ao UVC na associação entre mutantes fpg e uvrA. Estes resultados mostram que o 1O2 participa dos danos induzidos pelo UVC, através da geração da lesão 8-oxoG, uma lesão mutagênica, que é reparada pela proteína Fpg


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Due to inadequacies of previous underwater towing techniques and the special needs of a recent underwater survey, a modified mania-board technique was developed. With this new technique, the diver holds on to the manta-board with one arm; consequently, the board is referred to as a single-armed manta-board (sam-board). The sam-board proved inexpensive and highly maneuverable, allowing the divers to freely collect samples or record information. Through some experimenting with the board and changing some of the variables, such as rope lengths, towing speeds, etc., a highly efficient towing method can be achieved. Preplanning and strict diving safety procedures must, however, be implemented to assure efficiency. This paper presents the materials, guidelines for board construction, equipment, and preplanning and diving safety procedures necessary for the sam-board towing operation.


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This is the Impact Assessment of ionising Radiation on Wildlife document produced by the Environment Agency in 2001. This report describes the behaviour and transport of radionuclides in the environment, considers the impact of ionising radiation on wildlife, and makes recommendations on an approach for the Impact assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife for England and Wales. The assessment approach focuses on three ecosystems representative of those considered potentially most at risk from the impact of authorised radioactive discharges, namely a coastal grassland (terrestrial ecosystem); estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. The likely scale of the impact on wildlife is also assessed in light of a preliminary analysis based on this assessment approach. The report demonstrates the behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in a number of different ecosystem types. Particular emphasis is placed on exposure pathways in those ecosystems most likely to be impacted by the authorised discharges of radioactivity within England and Wales. The use of biomarker techniques is reviewed in the report, and their application to the study of exposure to multiple contaminants is discussed.


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Two bycatch reduction devices (BRDs)—the extended mesh funnel (EMF) and the Florida fisheye (FFE)—were evaluated in otter trawls with net mouth circumferences of 14 m, 17 m, and 20 m and total net areas of 45 m2. Each test net was towed 20 times in parallel with a control net that had the same dimensions and configuration but no BRD. Both BRDs were tested at night during fall 1996 and winter 1997 in Tampa Bay, Florida. Usually, the bycatch was composed principally of finfish (44 species were captured); horseshoe crabs and blue crabs seasonally predominated in some trawls. Ten finfish species composed 92% of the total finfish catch; commercially or recreationally valuable species accounted for 7% of the catch. Mean finfish size in the BRD-equipped nets was usually slightly smaller than that in the control nets. Compared with the corresponding control nets, both biomass and number of finfish were almost always less in the BRD-equipped nets but neither shrimp number nor biomass were significantly reduced. The differences in proportions of both shrimp and finfish catch between the BRD-equipped and control nets varied between seasons and among net sizes, and differences in finfish catch were specific for each BRD type and season. In winter, shrimp catch was highest and size range of shrimp was greater than in fall. Season-specific differences in shrimp catch among the BRD types occurred only in the 14-m, EMF nets. Finfish bycatch species composition was also highly seasonal; each species was captured mainly during only one season. However, regardless of the finfish composition, the shrimp catch was relatively constant. In part as a result of this study, the State of Florida now requires the use of BRDs in state waters.


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Light traps and channel nets are fixed-position devices that involve active and passive sampling, respectively, in the collection of settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes. We compared the abundance, taxonomic composition, and size of such larvae caught by each device deployed simultaneously near two sites that differed substantially in current velocity. Light traps were more selective taxonomically, and the two sampling devices differed significantly in the abundance but not size of taxa caught. Most importantly, light traps and channel nets differed greatly in their catch efficiency between sites: light traps were ineffective in collecting larvae at the relatively high-current site, and channel nets were less efficient in collecting larvae at the low-current site. Use of only one of these sampling methods would clearly result in biased and inaccurate estimates of the spatial variation in larval abundance among locations that differ in current velocity. When selecting a larval sampling device, one must consider not only how well a particular taxon may be represented, but also the environmental conditions under which the device will be deployed.


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If the conventional steady flow combustor of a gas turbine is replaced with a device which achieves a pressure gain during the combustion process then the thermal efficiency of the cycle is raised. All such 'Pressure Gain Combustors' (e.g. PDEs, pulse combustors or wave rotors) are inherently unsteady flow devices. For such a device to be practically installed in a gas turbine it is necessary to design a downstream row of turbine vanes which will both accept the combustors unsteady exit flow and deliver a flow which the turbine rotor can accept. The design requirements of such a vane are that its exit flow both retains the maximum time-mean stagnation pressure gain (the pressure gain produced by the combustor is not lost) and minimises the amplitude of unsteadiness (reduces unsteadiness entering the downstream rotor). In this paper the exit of the pressure gain combustor is simulated with a cold unsteady jet. The first stage vane is simulated by a one-dimensional choked ejector nozzle with no turning. The time-mean and rms stagnation pressure at nozzle exit is measured. A number of geometric configurations are investigated and it is shown that the optimal geometry both maximizes time mean stagnation pressure gain (75% of that in the exit of the unsteady jet) and minimizes the amplitude of unsteadiness (1/3 of that in the primary jet). The structure of the unsteady flow within the ejector nozzle is determined computationally. Copyright © 2009 by J Heffer and R Miller.


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Replacing a conventional combustor in a gas turbine with one that produces a pressure gain could significantly raise cycle efficiency. For this efficiency gain to be achieved the exit flow from the combustor must be coupled to the downstream turbine such that the pressure gain produced by the combustor is retained and such that the turbine efficiency is maintained. The exit flow from a pressure gain combustor will often contain a high velocity unsteady jet. It has previously been proposed that ejectors should be used to harness the energy in the unsteady jet, this paper proposes combining an ejector with the first stage vane, producing a single compact component that preserves the combustion driven pressure gain and delivers a suitable flow to the turbine so that its efficiency is not compromised. This novel component has been experimentally tested for the first time. The performance of this first prototype design is found to be low due to high levels of loss generated by secondary flows. However possible mitigation strategies are discussed. It is shown that the unsteadiness at exit form the ejector-vane is reduced compared to the inlet flow. If a pulse combustor were incorporated into a gas turbine, it is unlikely that the level of unsteadiness experienced in a downstream rotor will be significantly larger that that due to the periodic passing of upstream wakes. Copyright © 2010 by Jonathan Heffer.


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To evaluate the efficiency of gamma radiation in combination with low temperature Chinese pomfret, Pampus chinensis were preserved by the treatment of different doses of gamma radiation (3, 5 and 8 KGy) at freezing temperature (-20°C) during 90 days of storage period. Quality assessments for fish were carried out at an interval of 15 days during the storage period. Quality assessments were done by organoleptic, chemical (Total Volatile Nitrogen, TVN and Trimethylamine, TMA) and microbiological (Total Bacterial Count, TBC and Total Mould Count, TMC) evaluation. From the analysis of all parameters, maximum shelf-life was observed for irradiated (8 KGy) sample. It remained acceptable up to 75 days and that was the highest duration among 4 types of samples.


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This article explores the possibility of using a laser to remove toner-print from office paper. Removal of print would allow paper to be re-used instead of being recycled or disposed into a landfill. This might reduce climate change gas emissions per tonne of office paper by between 45% and 95%. Although there is little previous research on the area, a number of related articles on paper conservation methods using laser radiation can be found in literature. Different authors have studied the effects of laser energy on blank paper and its application for cleaning soiled paper. However, this study examines toner-print removal from paper by laser ablation. In this article a laser in the visible range is applied to a single toner-paper combination with a range of energy fluences. Results are evaluated by means of colour measurements under the L*a*b* colour space and SEM images. Analysis of the samples reveals that there are parameters under which it is possible to remove toner from paper without causing significant discolouration or damage to the substrate. This means that it is technically possible to remove toner-print for paper re-use.


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An experiment was conducted along the shore of Culasi, Antique in Panay to compare the milkfry (Chanos chanos) catching efficiency of the ordinary fry seine against its innovation and the ordinary sweeper against its 2 modifications. Results show that it is possible to replace the wings of the presently used sweeper and the ends of the fry seine with a coarse-meshed netting. This improvement decreases the water resistance of the gears and thus enables fry gatherers to use larger ones thereby giving more catch.


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Gamma radiation (3, 6 and 9 kGy) in combination with low temperature (-20°C) were applied to retain the quality and shelf-life of shrimp, Penaeus monodon for a longer period. The quality was assessed by monitoring the chemical (TVN, TMA) and sensory changes in irradiated and non-irradiated (control) samples. Among chemical indicators of spoilage, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) values for irradiated shrimps were found to be 2.26, 2.18 and 1.57 mg N/100g of sample at 3, 6 and 9 kGy respectively after 90 days whereas for non-irradiated samples it was found 2.45mg N/100 g of sample. Trimethylamine (TMA) value for non-irradiated samples after 90 days were found 2.30mg N/100 g sample whereas that for irradiated shrimps at 3, 6 and 9 kGy were found to be 2.10, 2.08 and 1.98 mg N/100 g sample respectively. The sensory scores of control sample were gradually decreased with the progress of storage period. From this study, it was clear that gamma radiation in combination with low temperature showed shelf-life extension (90 days) in each dose of radiation used but during the use of 9 kGy radiation, P. monodon showed best quality.