894 resultados para Qualidade fisiológica de sementes d


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The current paper had as its objective to analyze the precision planter's operational performance according to five different displacement velocities and two types of jumpers for planting no-tillage corn. The utilized experimental delineation consisted of blocks at random with parcels subdivided in factorial scheme 2x5, two types of jumpers (4 and 5 staples) and five different displacement velocities (3.0; 4.5; 5.0; 7.0 e 9.0 km h-1) with four repetitions and by applying the average comparation test, as for the jumpers effects as for the displacement velocities effects, to the significance level of 5%. It was evaluated the data concerned to the longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, survival indices, mechanical harm on seeds, germination tests and grain production. It was also observed the planter displacement velocity effect of on variables as: longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, mechanical harm and yield. The survival indice of plants were high for all the studied velocities and jumpers. Among the studied velocities, the one of 5.0 km h-1 presented the highest yield to both types of jumpers.


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This study aimed to evaluate the behavior of the deposition and mechanical damage in seeds using a continuous flow metering system under different slope and speed. Part of the study was conducted at Agricultural Research Foundation Agricultural - (FAPA), where seeds that are deposited by a metering system were collected, and the quality analysis verifying the percentage of mechanical damage were conducted at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNESP, city of Botucatu– SP. The mechanism deposition was subjected to three different speed conditions (4,7, and 10 km.h-1) and three differents working slopes, ( 3%, 8%, and 16%). The results were submitted to Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05), and an analysis of variance with F test at 5% significance level was performed. The results showed an interaction between the factor slope and speed of work, increasing the metering mechanism speed, results in a reduction of the seed deposition at a 3% slope but a working speed of 10 km h-1did not reduce the rate of seed deposition until the slope reaches 16%. Both the slope factor and the working speed caused at least 3.9 and 4.2% more damage to the seeds, respectively.


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This study aimed to evaluate the hydrothermal effect on conservation of two jabuticaba fruits, Myrciaria jabuticaba Vell. Berg. Fruits were subjected to thermal treatment by 10 min at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC and wrapped into expanded polystyrene trays, stored at 9 ºC and 85-90% RH, being evaluated every 5 d. Shelf life, weight loss, respiratory rate, soluble solids, titrable acidity, texture, C vitamin, pH, total and soluble pectin and polypheno loxidase activity were evaluated. Lower shelf life was observed for control treatment (31 d) and largest was found at 15, 20 and 25 ºC (45 d). A sligthly delay was observed in the breathing pick at 15, 20 and 25 ºC at 25 d and not in the 20 d as observed in the other treatments. Soluble solids increased with storage time for all of temperature treatment, but at 15, 20 and 25 ºC increase was smaller. Texture an C vitamin were higher in fruits stored at 25 ºC. Soluble pectin was smaller at the end of storage period, at temperatures of 20 and 25 ºC. Polyphenoloxidase activity decreased along 30 d regardless storage temperature. Treatments at 20 and 25 ºC were the most effective for mainteining posthaverst quality of the jabuticaba fruits.


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The objectives of this work were performing the biometric characterization of seed Chloroleucon foliosolum (Benth) G. P. (Lewis) from the municipality Ituaçu - BA, and analyze methods of scarification and temperature on germination. The seeds were characterized according to measurements of length, width and thickness, weight of thousand seeds, and water content. Were employed methods of scarification with sandpaper and sulfuric acid for 15 and 30 minutes, and not scarified seeds, combined with germination temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C. Percentage and germination speed index, and percentage of primary root protrusion, abnormal seedlings, hard seeds and dead seeds were evaluated. The means of length, width and thickness was 6.03, 4.30 and 3.47 mm, respectively. The weight of a thousand seeds was 67.3 g with water content of 6.1%. Whereas the percentage germination with normal seedling, the method of scarification with sulfuric acid for 15 or 30 minutes combined to germination temperatures of 25 or 30 °C were effective in overcoming dormancy of Chloroleucon foliolosum.


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A água é um recurso vital para a existência de todos os organismos vivos, e a captação para uso doméstico, produção agrícola, mineração, produção industrial, geração de energia, atividades de lazer e práticas florestais podem levar à deterioração da sua qualidade, atingindo o ecossistema aquático e também a disponibilidade de água potável disponível para consumo humano. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar a qualidade da água do Córrego Chumbeadinha no município de Ourinhos-SP, que perpassa pela área urbana da cidade e é desprovido de mata ciliar em quase todo seu percurso, além de sofrer dois represamentos artificiais. O Córrego Chumbeadinha é um afluente de segunda ordem do Rio Paranapanema, percorrendo cerca 4 km de sua nascente até sua foz. Foram realizadas amostragens das seguintes variáveis: Sólidos em Suspensão, pH, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, temperatura da água, coliformes fecais, transparência da água, além do cálculo do índice de estado trófico, em quatro locais no curso do córrego, de setembro de 2009 a abril de 2010. Dessa forma, o córrego Chumbeadinha nasce com uma qualidade boa, apesar de sofrer forte pressão da expansão urbana, porém os demais pontos foram classificados como eutróficos, sendo registrada a presença de coliformes fecais em todas as amostragens. A falta de vegetação nas margens do lago pode ser a grande causadora da eutrofização, pois os sedimentos não encontram dificuldades para chegar até o curso d'água, assim interferindo diretamente no IET do lago.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The action of man has led, over the years, major impacts on the environment, especially in aquatic ecosystems, leading to an impairment of water quality, considered one of the essential factors for the maintenance of vital functions and consequently the life of the planet. Among the activities considered a risk for the environment are linked to pollution from many sources and even entire watersheds, whether by industrial waste, sewage, or for substances used in agriculture, such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The (2,4-D) 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is used worldwide, and the fact that its genotoxicity is proven by several studies and by its long persistence in soil, which enables the leaching and percolation of compounds affecting water bodies, toxicity studies are relevant and justifiable. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of 2,4-D by examining the liver of the fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed to different dilutions. Portions of liver were collected and fixed for histological and histochemical techniques to detect total proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. lipids. Treatment with 2,4-D herbicide apparently did not alter the lipid profiles, the accumulation of polysaccharides, and the presence of total proteins. The 2.5 and 5.0% were lethal to fish. These mortalities are probably of high toxic and cytotoxic potential of 2,4-D herbicide results. Several histopathological changes were found, such as: loss of cytoplasmic integrity, loss of cell limit, nuclear deformation, vacuolated cytoplasm, tissue disorganization and hydropic degeneration. Statistically significant changes were: hydropic degeneration and vacuolated cytoplasm. It is concluded, therefore, that the qualitative morphological analysis is an important method for observing changes in liver toxicology studies. As the O. niloticus species is an efficient biological indicator of water pollution by 2,4-D


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Com o grande crescimento da população e consequentemente o aumento significativo do consumo de produtos de origem industrial, quantidades enormes de efluentes são geradas, e muitas vezes descartadas de forma imprópria. Esses resíduos industriais comumente são eliminados em mananciais hídricos, afetando lençóis freáticos, córregos, rios e oceanos. Uma das maiores evidências da poluição da água é a alteração de sua cor original. Despejo de efluentes têxteis, por exemplo, alem de alterar drasticamente a cor dos mananciais, geram produtos e subprodutos tóxicos, nocivos tanto para a flora como para a fauna aquática. Essas substâncias possuem alta persistência em meio aquático devido a sua natureza química, conferindo a estes efluentes um lento processo de biodegradação e podendo ter efeito bioacumulativo na cadeia alimentar. Assim veem sendo desenvolvidas diversas maneiras de se controlar a quantidade e a qualidade de efluentes industriais, dentre eles os de corantes têxteis. As técnicas mais utilizadas são a cloração, filtração, tratamentos floculantes e adsorção por Carvão Ativados. Porem, muitas vezes esses processos possuem desvantagens, como, por exemplo, o alto custo e alterações drásticas no pH. Assim tratamentos alternativos, como o uso de Moringa oleifera, veem sendo muito estudados. Este trabalho visou avaliar o potencial do uso das sementes de Moringa oleifera como adsorvente na remoção de corantes têxteis em meio aquoso. Para isso foi analisado a remoção do corante Direct Violet 51, utilizando pó das sementes. Foram realizados testes com diferentes tempos de contato nos valores de pH 2,5, 4,5 e 6,5. Posteriormente novos testes foram realizados, utilizando o sobrenadante e a biomassa das sementes, ambos na forma livre e imobilizada em alginato de calcio, bem como reutilização destes. Através da analise das amostras, notou-se que o processo de coagulação/floculação sobressaiu-se em...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The action of man has led, over the years, major impacts on the environment, especially in aquatic ecosystems, leading to an impairment of water quality, considered one of the essential factors for the maintenance of vital functions and consequently the life of the planet. Among the activities considered a risk for the environment are linked to pollution from many sources and even entire watersheds, whether by industrial waste, sewage, or for substances used in agriculture, such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The (2,4-D) 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is used worldwide, and the fact that its genotoxicity is proven by several studies and by its long persistence in soil, which enables the leaching and percolation of compounds affecting water bodies, toxicity studies are relevant and justifiable. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of 2,4-D by examining the liver of the fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed to different dilutions. Portions of liver were collected and fixed for histological and histochemical techniques to detect total proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. lipids. Treatment with 2,4-D herbicide apparently did not alter the lipid profiles, the accumulation of polysaccharides, and the presence of total proteins. The 2.5 and 5.0% were lethal to fish. These mortalities are probably of high toxic and cytotoxic potential of 2,4-D herbicide results. Several histopathological changes were found, such as: loss of cytoplasmic integrity, loss of cell limit, nuclear deformation, vacuolated cytoplasm, tissue disorganization and hydropic degeneration. Statistically significant changes were: hydropic degeneration and vacuolated cytoplasm. It is concluded, therefore, that the qualitative morphological analysis is an important method for observing changes in liver toxicology studies. As the O. niloticus species is an efficient biological indicator of water pollution by 2,4-D


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Com o grande crescimento da população e consequentemente o aumento significativo do consumo de produtos de origem industrial, quantidades enormes de efluentes são geradas, e muitas vezes descartadas de forma imprópria. Esses resíduos industriais comumente são eliminados em mananciais hídricos, afetando lençóis freáticos, córregos, rios e oceanos. Uma das maiores evidências da poluição da água é a alteração de sua cor original. Despejo de efluentes têxteis, por exemplo, alem de alterar drasticamente a cor dos mananciais, geram produtos e subprodutos tóxicos, nocivos tanto para a flora como para a fauna aquática. Essas substâncias possuem alta persistência em meio aquático devido a sua natureza química, conferindo a estes efluentes um lento processo de biodegradação e podendo ter efeito bioacumulativo na cadeia alimentar. Assim veem sendo desenvolvidas diversas maneiras de se controlar a quantidade e a qualidade de efluentes industriais, dentre eles os de corantes têxteis. As técnicas mais utilizadas são a cloração, filtração, tratamentos floculantes e adsorção por Carvão Ativados. Porem, muitas vezes esses processos possuem desvantagens, como, por exemplo, o alto custo e alterações drásticas no pH. Assim tratamentos alternativos, como o uso de Moringa oleifera, veem sendo muito estudados. Este trabalho visou avaliar o potencial do uso das sementes de Moringa oleifera como adsorvente na remoção de corantes têxteis em meio aquoso. Para isso foi analisado a remoção do corante Direct Violet 51, utilizando pó das sementes. Foram realizados testes com diferentes tempos de contato nos valores de pH 2,5, 4,5 e 6,5. Posteriormente novos testes foram realizados, utilizando o sobrenadante e a biomassa das sementes, ambos na forma livre e imobilizada em alginato de calcio, bem como reutilização destes. Através da analise das amostras, notou-se que o processo de coagulação/floculação sobressaiu-se em...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)