888 resultados para Primary Years Programme (PYP)


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This study assessed the structure of adults' attachment networks, using a questionnaire measure of preferred attachment figures with a large sample of adults (N = 812) representing various ages and life situations. Two broad research questions were addressed. The first question concerned the variety of attachment figures reported by adults and the relative strength of attachment to each, including preferred (primary) attachment figures. The second question concerned the effects of normative life events on attachment networks and the nature of primary attachment figures in different life situations. Overall, the results supported the preeminent role of attachment relationships with romantic partners. However, relationships with mothers, fathers, siblings, children, and friends also met the strict criteria used to define full-blown attachments; further, each of these targets constituted the primary attachment figure for some participants. The structure of the attachment network was related to variables such as age, relationship status, and parental status, attesting to the important role of normative life events. The results have theoretical and applied significance and are related to principles of attachment, caregiving, and socioemotional selectivity.


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A virtual outpatient service has been established in Queensland for the delivery of post-acute burns care to children living in rural and remote areas of the state. The integration of telepaediatrics as a routine service has reduced the need for patient travel to the specialist burns unit situated in Brisbane. We have conducted 293 patient consultations over a period of 3 years. A retrospective review of our experience has shown that post-acute burns care can be delivered using videoconferencing, email and the telephone. Telepaediatric bums services have been valuable in two key areas. The first area involves a programme of routine specialist clinics via videoconference. The second area relates to ad-hoc patient consultations for collaborative management during acute presentations and at times of urgent clinical need. The families of patients have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the service. Telepaediatric services have helped improve access to specialist services for people living in rural and remote communities throughout Queensland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To examine the epidemiology, primary care burden, and treatment of heart failure in Scotland, UK. Design: Cross sectional data from primary care practices participating in the Scottish continuous morbidity recording scheme between 1 April 1999 and 31 March 2000. Setting: 53 primary care practices ( 307 741 patients). Subjects: 2186 adult patients with heart failure. Results: The prevalence of heart failure in Scotland was 7.1 in 1000, increasing with age to 90.1 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. The incidence of heart failure was 2.0 in 1000, increasing with age to 22.4 in 1000 among patients greater than or equal to 85 years. For older patients, consultation rates for heart failure equalled or exceeded those for angina and hypertension. Respiratory tract infection was the most common comorbidity leading to consultation. Among men, 23% were prescribed a beta blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 46% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for women were 20% (p = 0.29 versus men), 7% (p = 0.02), and 34% (p < 0.001). Among patients, 75 years 26% were prescribed a β blocker, 11% spironolactone, and 50% an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The corresponding figures for patients &GE; 75 years were 19% (p = 0.04 versus patients < 75), 7% (p = 0.04), and 33% (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Heart failure is a common condition, especially with advancing age. In the elderly, the community burden of heart failure is at least as great as that of angina or hypertension. The high rate of concomitant respiratory tract infection emphasises the need for strategies to immunise patients with heart failure against influenza and pneumococcal infection. Drugs proven to improve survival in heart failure are used less frequently for elderly patients and women.


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The prevalence of "primary aldosteronism" (PAL) cannot be precisely determined at this time, given 1) lack of a universally accepted definition, and 2) normotensive as well as normokalemic phases in the evolutionary development of a disease eventually characterized by hypertension and hypokalemia. The exception is fully genetically characterised forms such as glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism, the true prevalence of which could be proven today by universal screening using a single blood sample, but this is neither practical nor appropriate. Controversy has arisen regarding the rareness, or otherwise, of PAL because of 1) rediscovery in the last 12 years of the normokalemic phase described by Conn, 2) application of widely available methods for measurement of aldosterone and renin to "screening", 3) variable quality of these methods, and of their application, and 4) lack of the necessary "diagnostic", in addition to "screening", tests in some studies. PAL is significantly more common than previously thought, and a very important potentially curable form of hypertension. Early diagnosis and specific treatment avoids morbidity. The current focus on increased detection is essential, and will help to resolve the question of prevalence.


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Primary objective: To describe a prospective memory rehabilitation programme based on a compensatory training approach and report the results of three case studies. Research design: Programme evaluation using pre-and post-intervention assessments and telephone follow-up. Methods and procedures: Three participants with traumatic brain injury completed 8 weeks of training with 1 - 2 hour individual sessions. Assessments were formal prospective memory assessment, self-report and measures of diary use. Experimental interventions: Intervention aimed to identify potential barriers, establish self-awareness of memory deficits, introduce a customized compensatory tool, a cueing system and organizational strategies. A significant other was involved in training to assist generalization. Main outcomes and results: All three participants improved on formal prospective memory assessment and demonstrated successful diary use after the programme. Self-report of prospective memory failure fluctuated and may reflect increased self-awareness. Conclusion: A compensatory approach may be useful in improving prospective memory performance following TBI.


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The knowledge, skills, and attitudes manifested in health and physical education school curricula are an arbitrary selection of that which is known and valued at a particular place and time. Bernstein's (2000) theories of the social construction of knowledge offer a way to better understand the relationship among the production, selection, and reproduction of curricular knowledge. This article overviews contemporary knowledge in the primary field (production) on which curriculum writers in the recontextualizing field might draw. It highlights tensions in the knowledge generated within the primary field and, using a case of the USXs National Standards for Physical Education (NASPE), demonstrates how particular discourses become privileged when translated into curriculum documents in the recontextualizing field


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Background: The age-related loss of muscle power in older adults is greater than that of muscle strength and is associated with a decline in physical performance. Objective: To investigate the effects of a short-term high-velocity varied resistance training programme on physical performance in healthy community-dwelling adults aged 60-80 years. Methods: Subjects undertook exercise (EX; n = 15) or maintained customary activity (controls, CON; n = 10) for 8 weeks. The EX group trained 2 days/week using machine weights for three sets of eight repetitions at 35, 55, and 75% of their one-repetition maximum (the maximal weight that an individual can lift once with acceptable form) for seven upper- and lower-body exercises using explosive concentric movements. Results: Fourteen EX and 10 CON subjects completed the study. Dynamic muscle strength significantly increased (p = 0.001) in the EX group for all exercises (from 21.4 +/- 9.6 to 82.0 +/- 59.2%, mean +/- SD) following training, as did knee extension power (p < 0.01). Significant improvement occurred for the EX group in the floor rise to standing (10.4 &PLUSMN; 11.5%, p = 0.004), usual 6-metre walk (6.6 &PLUSMN; 8.2%, p = 0.010), repeated chair rise (10.4 &PLUSMN; 15.6%, p = 0.013), and lift and reach (25.6 &PLUSMN; 12.1%, p = 0.002) performance tasks but not in the CON group. Conclusions: Progressive resistance training that incorporates rapid rate-of-force development movements may be safely undertaken in healthy older adults and results in significant gains in muscle strength, muscle power, and physical performance. Such improvements could prolong functional independence and improve the quality of life. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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In 2001 the Child Development Unit (CDU) in Brisbane piloted a series of monthly multidisciplinary case discussions via videoconference in the area of child development. During 2001 two sessions were provided; during 2004 there were 40. The substantial growth in 2004 was due to the expansion of child development services to include special interest group meetings and multipoint case conference meetings. In 2004, a total of 49 h of videoconferencing was conducted. The average session length was 75 min. Education and training sessions were delivered to 32 hospitals and health centres in Queensland and northern New South Wales. The maximum number of sites involved during a single videoconference was 25. The average number of attendees for each videoconference was five per site, including allied health staff, nurses and paediatricians. The delivery of child development services via videoconference has been shown to be useful in Queensland, especially for allied health staff working in regional and remote areas. The growth of the programme indicates its acceptance as a mainstream child development service in Queensland.


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Primary objective: To examine changes in the relationship between intonation, voice range and mood following music therapy programmes in people with traumatic brain injury. Research design: Data from four case studies were pooled and effect size, ANOVA and correlation calculations were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Methods and procedures: Subjects sang three self-selected songs for 15 sessions. Speaking fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency variability, slope, voice range and mood were analysed pre- and post-session. Results: Immediate treatment effects were not found. Long-term improvements in affective intonation were found in three subjects, especially in fundamental frequency. Voice range improved over time and was positively correlated with the three intonation components. Mood scale data showed that immediate effects were in the negative direction whereas there weres increases in positive mood state in the longer-term. Conclusions: Findings suggest that, in the long-term, song singing can improve vocal range and mood and enhance the affective intonation styles of people with TBI.


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BACKGROUND. Regular physical activity is strongly advocated in children, with recommendations suggesting up to several hours of daily participation. However, an unintended consequence of physical activity is exposure to the risk of injury. To date, these risks have not been quantified in primary school-aged children despite injury being a leading cause for hospitalization and death in this population. OBJECT. Our goal was to quantify the risk of injury associated with childhood physical activity both in and out of the school setting and calculate injury rates per exposure time for organized and non-organized activity outside of school. METHODS. The Childhood Injury Prevention Study prospectively followed a cohort of randomly selected Australian primary school- and preschool-aged children (4 to 12 years). Over 12 months, each injury that required first aid attention was registered with the study. Exposure to physical activity outside school hours was measured by using a parent-completed 7-day diary. The age and gender distribution of injury rates per 10 000 hours of exposure were calculated for all activity and for organized and non-organized activity occurring outside school hours. In addition, child-based injury rates were calculated for physical activity-related injuries both in and out of the school setting. RESULTS. Complete diary and injury data were available for 744 children. There were 504 injuries recorded over the study period, 396 (88.6%) of which were directly related to physical activity. Thirty-four percent of physical activity-related injuries required professional medical treatment. Analysis of injuries occurring outside of school revealed an overall injury rate of 5.7 injuries per 10 000 hours of exposure to physical activity and a medically treated injury rate of 1.7 per 10 000 hours. CONCLUSION. Injury rates per hours of exposure to physical activity were low in this cohort of primary school-aged children, with < 2 injuries requiring medical treatment occurring for every 10 000 hours of activity participation outside of school.


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Background: Children engage in various physical activities that pose different injury risks. However, the lack of adequate data on exposure has meant that these risks have not been quantified or compared in young children aged 5-12 years. Objectives: To measure exposure to popular activities among Australian primary school children and to quantify the associated injury risks. Method: The Childhood Injury Prevention Study prospectively followed up a cohort of randomly selected Australian primary and preschool children aged 5-12 years. Time (min) engaged in various physical activities was measured using a parent-completed 7-day diary. All injuries over 12 months were reported to the study. All data on exposure and injuries were coded using the International classification of external causes of injury. Injury rates per 1000 h of exposure were calculated for the most popular activities. Results: Complete diaries and data on injuries were available for 744 children. Over 12 months, 314 injuries relating to physical activity outside of school were reported. The highest injury risks per exposure time occurred for tackle-style football (2.18/1000 h), wheeled activities (1.72/1000 h) and tennis (1.19/1000 h). Overall, boys were injured more often than girls; however, the differences were non-significant or reversed for some activities including soccer, trampolining and team ball sports. Conclusion: Although the overall injury rate was low in this prospective cohort, the safety of some popular childhood activities can be improved so that the benefits may be enjoyed with fewer negative consequences.


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The system of education in Slovenia includes pre-school education; primary education; secondary education (vocational education, technical education, general education [grammar schools]); higher education (university [undergraduate and postgraduate education] and professional type). In this course students develop the ability to analyze and evaluate media messages and to identify for themselves issues of concern, as well as... to discuss, understand, explain and with production through cooperation with student's media their own communication (ZaIa, age 34, media education professor at University of Maribor).