806 resultados para Portuguese language - Provincialisms - Brazil
Portuguese textbook has been the focus of many investigations, nevertheless, the theme still has much to be discussed, reflected and broadened. This conviction mobilized us to perform this research, seeking to answer three questions: (1) how does the author of the textbook induce the student to give his opinion in comprehension questions of text in Portuguese textbook of 4th and 5thgrade? Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the assumption of enunciative responsability? And (3) Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the non assumption of enunciative responsability? In this direction, we define as objective to id entify, describe, analyze and interpret how the (non) assumption of enunciative responsibility materializes itself in Portuguese textbooks. The theme is echoed in the guidelines of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais PCN (1998; 2001), who assume that all education committed to citizenship need to create conditions in order the student can develop his discursive competence" (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 23). This assertion of PCN (1998; 2001) is closely related to our research object, and therefore, it has corroborated to the accomplishment of this study. So, we analyze the comprehension questions of the texts that are elaborated by the authors of Portuguese textbooks of the 4th and 5th grade, used at public schools in the city of Natal-RN in 2010. As a theoretical basis, we have considered the postulates of Textual Analysis of Discourses ATD and Enunciative Linguistics. Our research was mainly based on the studies of Adam (2011), Nølke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), Nølke, Fløttum e Norén (2004) Rabatel (2004; 2005; 2008; 2009), Guentchéva (1994; 1996). Our data analysis revealed that the authors of Portuguese textbooks explore the reading comprehension, inducing students to answer questions that may be categorized like: (1) induction to the assumption of enunciative responsibility, (2) induction for non assumption the enunciative responsibility, (3) orientation for the study of vocabulary and grammar and (4) orientation of extra themes. The results from the comparison of the books of 4th and 5th grade of the two analyzed collections, we observed through the links of (non) responsability Nølke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), Nølke, Fløttum e Norén (2004), which in 79% of the questions, the authors induce the decoding of a content objectively inscribed in the text. In this sense, the notion of understanding a text is compromised, since it is limited to copying contents or transcription exercises, failing to consider the interactive use of language, or rather, failing to expand the student's knowledge in the (re)construction of the text of the meanings. This shows that there is a lack in the deal with the text that includes the textual discursive resources in the reading activities in Portuguese textbooks. We recall, in this direction, the works of Marcuschi (2005), Antunes (2003, 2005), and Bunzen Rojo (2008), among others authors who contributed greatly to orient the choice of Portuguese textbooks. Finally, we believe that the study about the enunciative responsibility phenomenon in Portuguese texto oks offers, above all, instruments in order to the interlocutors identify the elements present in the enunciation and the effects that these elements bring to the (re) construction of the meanings in texts that they read and write in the classroom.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
Using parent report to assess early lexical production in children exposed to more than one language
Limited expressive vocabulary skills in young children are considered to be the first warning signs of a potential Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (Ellis & Thal, 2008). In bilingual language learning environments, the expressive vocabulary size in each of the child’s developing languages is usually smaller compared to the number of words produced by monolingual peers (e.g. De Houwer, 2009). Nonetheless, evidence shows children’s total productive lexicon size across both languages to be comparable to monolingual peers’ vocabularies (e.g. Pearson et al., 1993; Pearson & Fernandez, 1994). Since there is limited knowledge as to which level of bilingual vocabulary size should be considered as a risk factor for SLI, the effects of bilingualism and language-learning difficulties on early lexical production are often confounded. The compilation of profiles for early vocabulary production in children exposed to more than one language, and their comparison across language pairs, should enable more accurate identification of vocabulary delays that signal a risk for SLI in bilingual populations. These considerations prompted the design of a methodology for assessing early expressive vocabulary in children exposed to more than one language, which is described in the present chapter. The implementation of this methodological framework is then outlined by presenting the design of a study that measured the productive lexicons of children aged 24-36 months who were exposed to different language pairs, namely Maltese and English, Irish and English, Polish and English, French and Portuguese, Turkish and German as well as English and Hebrew. These studies were designed and coordinated in COST Action IS0804 Working Group 3 (WG3) and will be described in detail in a series of subsequent publications. Expressive vocabulary size was measured through parental report, by employing the vocabulary checklist of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory: Words and Sentences (CDI: WS) (Fenson et al., 1993, 2007) and its adaptations to the participants’ languages. Here we describe the novelty of the study’s methodological design, which lies in its attempt to harmonize the use of vocabulary checklist adaptations, together with parental questionnaires addressing language exposure and developmental history, across participant groups characterized by different language exposure variables. This chapter outlines the various methodological considerations that paved the way for meaningful cross-linguistic comparison of the participants’ expressive lexicon sizes. In so doing, it hopes to provide a template for and encourage further research directed at establishing a threshold for SLI risk in children exposed to more than one language.
The purpose of this study is to understand, impact and evaluate the development of intercultural communicative competencies among European credit-seeking exchange students and other sojourners through purposeful intercultural pedagogy. This pedagogy encompasses intentional intercultural- educational approaches which aim to support and enhance sojourners’ intercultural learning throughout the study abroad cycle (pre-departure, in-country and reentry phases). To test and validate these pedagogies a 20-hour intervention was designed and implemented among two cohorts of 31 sojourners during the in-country phase of their sojourn in Portugal. The process to develop and validate the intercultural intervention was driven by a mixed-methods methodology which combined quantitative and qualitative data to triangulate, complement and expand research results from a pragmatic stance. The mixed methods research design adopted is multi-phased and encompasses a multi-case study and an evaluative component. The multi-case component is embodied by sojourner cohorts: (1) the primary case study involves 19 incoming students at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) as participants in the European exchange program Campus Europae; (2) the second case study comprises three incoming Erasmus students and nine highly skilled immigrants at the same university. All 31 sojourners attended two intermediate Portuguese as Foreign Language classrooms where the intervention was employed. Data collection was extensive and involved collecting, analyzing and mixing quantitative and qualitative strands across four research phases. These phases refer to the: (1) development, (2) implementation and (3) evaluation of the intervention, as well as to (4) a stakeholder analysis of the external value of the intervention and of the Campus Europae program. Data collection instruments included pre and posttest questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Results confirm the intercultural effectiveness of the intervention and the positive impact upon research participants’ intercultural gains. This impact was, however, greater in case study 2. Among explanatory variables, three stand out: (1) participant meaning-making abilities, (2) host language proficiency and related variables, and (3) type of sojourn or exchange programs. Implications for further research highlight the need to systematize purposeful intercultural pedagogy in sojourner populations in general, and in European credit student mobility in particular. In the latter case, these pedagogies should be part of the design and delivery of credit-bearing exchange programs in pre- departure, in-country and re-entry phases. Implications for practice point to the urge to improve intercultural practices in: macro (higher education institutions), mezzo (exchange programs) and micro (sojourner language classrooms) contexts where this research took place, and wider social scenarios they represent.
Objetivou-se conhecer as implicações do cuidado à criança e ao adolescente vítimas de queimaduras para a prática da enfermagem. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram dez profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um Centro de Referência a Pacientes Queimados do sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no segundo semestre de 2012 por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Em relação aos sentimentos frente ao cuidado verificou-se que esses vivenciam ansiedade e tensão frente à dor do paciente, têm a sensação de doação querendo “fazer mais”, tristeza e abalo, sensação de utilidade e de competência ao ver os efeitos do cuidado, impotência por não terem controle sobre a situação vivenciada, revolta e raiva por não compreenderem o porquê este acidente aconteceu e pena dos pacientes e de seus familiares devido o seu sofrimento. Como facilidades para o cuidado referiram a ajuda mútua entre os membros da equipe aliada ao tempo de atuação no setor, o desenvolvimento de um bom relacionamento com a família da criança / adolescente, a sinceridade da criança ao manifestar seus sentimentos, uma identificação e afinidade maior para cuidar crianças e adolescentes e o adolescente ser mais aberto e entender com facilidade a linguagem utilizada no setor. Referiram como dificuldades à falta de preparo e a pouca habilidade para cuidar de crianças/ adolescentes com dor, o desconhecimento acerca do paciente, a falta de habilidades técnicas para realizar procedimentos em crianças/ adolescentes, lidar com o familiar, lidar com a necessidade de manipular o corpo do adolescente, comunicar-se com crianças que não sabem expressar-se, pacientes que não falam o português e adolescentes que possuem linguagem própria, explicar para o paciente a magnitude do trauma sofrido e conversar com esses acerca das sequelas, deformidades e limitações com as quais terão que (con)viver. Quanto às estratégias para se instrumentalizar para o cuidado utilizam a leitura sobre queimaduras e curativos, leituras de materiais de outras áreas da saúde, uso de técnicas de abordagem e interação com pacientes e familiares, a prática diária no setor e a busca de apoio na equipe e na instituição, realizando atividades de educação continuada. Quanto às estratégias utilizadas para cuidar referiram o estabelecimento de vínculo e de uma relação dialógica, o uso de brincadeiras e atividades lúdicas, o fornecimento de apoio, a introdução da família no processo de cuidado, o uso da criatividade, a valorização do aspecto psicológico do paciente, a adaptação do cuidado de acordo com a faixa etária do paciente e o uso da escuta atenta e sensível. A partir dos dados concluiu-se que o cuidado de enfermagem a crianças e adolescentes vítimas de queimaduras é complexo bem como causador de impacto para os profissionais atuantes em Centros de Queimados. Acredita-se que o estudo possibilitará discutir e refletir acerca da prática profissional da enfermagem no Centro de Queimados frente ao cuidado à criança e ao Adolescente vítima de queimaduras.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
A number of historians of twentieth-century Latin America have identified ways that national labor laws, civil codes, social welfare programs, and business practices contributed to a gendered division of society that subordinated women to men in national economic development, household management, and familial relations. Few scholars, however, have critically explored women's roles as consumers and housewives in these intertwined realms. This work examines the Brazilian case after the Second World War, arguing that economic policies and business practices associated with “developmentalism” [Portuguese: desenvolvimentismo] created openings for women to engage in debates about national progress and transnational standards of modernity. While acknowledging that an asymmetry of gender relations persisted, the study demonstrates that urban women expanded their agency in this period, especially over areas of economic and family life deemed "domestic." This dissertation examines periodicals, consumer research statistics, public opinion surveys, personal interviews, corporate archives, the archives of key women’s organizations, and government officials’ records to identify the role that women and household economies played in Brazilian developmentalism between 1945 and 1975. Its principal argument is that business and political elites attempted to define gender roles for adult urban women as housewives and mothers, linking their management of the household to familial well-being and national modernization. In turn, Brazilian women deployed these idealized roles in public to advance their own economic interests, especially in the management of household finances and consumption, as well as to expand legal rights for married women, and increase women’s participation in the workforce. As the market for women's labor expanded with continued industrialization, these efforts defined a more active role for women in the economy and in debates about the trajectory of national development policies.
The general aim of this article is to analyse the political organisation of the territory in Portuguese America from the start of the building up of the Crown judiciary system from in the 16th to the 18th centuries and to look into the causes of its belatedness in comparison to what happened in Spanish America. The focus will however be on the comarcas through the reconstitution of the process leading to the setting up of these judiciary divisions. Four stages of this process will be identified and discussion will ensue over the social and political contexts in which these political and administrative novelties came to happen. It is claimed that the delay in the structuring of the judicial network in the States of Brazil and Maranhão stems from the fact that the Portuguese advance into the territories took place at a later stage. The comparisons between the two systems will also bring other differences to the fore, not least the greater rigidity of the Spanish model in contrast to the more experimental character of the Portuguese one, and the resilience found to exist in the donatarial system. It is also worth to point out that given solutions were the result of the will of central power as much as of local initiative, and it is suggested that the building up of the crown’s political apparatus (in which the judiciary network is included) brought about the connivance,albeit ephemeral, of social interests which are considered contradictory or irreconcilable by some authors.
Objective: To analyze the panorama of breastfeeding in Brazil through an integrative literature review highlighting its advances and challenges. Methods: We carried out an integrative literature review in the SciELO and PubMed databases and in booklets published on the websites of the Ministry of Health and the International Baby Food Action Network (IFBAN) using the following Portuguese and English descriptors: aleitamento materno (breastfeeding), autoeficácia (self-efficacy), promoção da saúde (health promotion) and desmame (weaning) in the period from 2002 to 2015. Results: We identified at first 43 articles, 33 booklets, 1 thesis and 3 dissertations, including in the study 17 articles, 3 dissertations and 19 booklets due to information saturation. It was verified that breastfeeding rates have reduced significantly over time with direct implications in infant mortality rates, being associated with early weaning and the lack of promotion of maternal self-efficacy in the prenatal and postpartum. To change this situation, Brazil imposed a number of public policies aimed at breastfeeding success, which advocated to raise rates. Conclusion: Despite the advances, the Brazilian panorama of breastfeeding shows that the country remains below the recommendations of international organizations, and overcoming the obstacles to successful breastfeeding constitutes a major challenge for the Brazilian public health.
The Portuguese came to Bengal in the early 16th century for trading. Between 1575 and 1600, they established many colonies on the banks of river Ganga, like Chinsura, Hooghly (Porto Pequeno), Satagaon, Gopalpur and Bandel, covering the eastern part of India. During their stay, Portuguese built many churches, schools and charitable institutions. Churches of Augustinians and Jesuits became popular tourist destinations until today. Although by the 18th century, the Portuguese presence had almost disappeared from Bengal with the emergence of British imperialism, the 500 years old (approx.) Portuguese culture is still living in modern Bengal, in the form of tangible and intangible heritage. Traces of the Portuguese impact could be seen in Bengali language, literature, folk-tales, folksongs, cuisines, agriculture, religion, cinema and trade. Some of these are included in the academic curriculum of history at school, college and university levels. In this context, research has been undertaken in the past and is still ongoing in several universities. However, heritage studies under a museological point of view have not yet been initiated at the university level. Though Goa, Panaji, Calicut, Chennai and Nagapattanam were the Portuguese centers for long periods and research has been conducted there along with the establishment of some museums,
Purpose This study aims to present the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Positive Valuation of Life Scale (Lawton et al. in J Aging Ment Healt 13:3–31, 2001). Method Sample included 207 community-dwelling elders (129 women; MAge = 77.2 years, SD = 7.5). The data collection included the translated and adapted Portuguese version of Positive Valuation of Life Scale, Life Satisfac- tion Index Z, Meaning in Life Questionnaire and Geriatric Depression Scale. Results From exploratory factor analysis, two factors emerged, existential beliefs and perceived control, ex- plaining 49 % of the total variance. Both factors were positively related with meaning in life and life satisfaction and negatively related with depression (p\0.05). The values obtained for internal consistency for the total scale and for each subscale were good (a [ 0.75). Conclusion The Portuguese version of Positive VOL Scale represents a reliable and valid measure to capture the subjective experience of attachment to one’s life. The two-factor structure is an update to Lawton’s previous work and in line with findings obtained in the USA (Dennis et al. in What is valuation of life for frail community-dwelling older adults: factor structure and criterion validity of the VOL, Thomas Jefferson University, Center for Applied Research on Aging and Health Research, 2005) and Japan (Nakagawa et al. in Shinrigaku Kenkyu 84:37–46, 2013). Future research is required to investigate VOL predictors and the potential changes toward the end of the life span.
Recent research evidences inconsistencies in teachers' practice regarding skills assessment of L2 students. Scientific evidence supports that less experienced teachers have lower orientation toward multiple task-tests for non-native students. Research questions: Whether school teachers as having different teaching training and unequal teaching experience with non-native students perceive differently a four-skills scale. Purpose of the study: This study intends to analyse the importance degree between the four skills/tasks: reading, writing, speaking and listening, in the perspective of school teachers. Method: 77 teachers, aged 32-62, with (and without) experience in teaching and adapting materials for immigrant students, divided into six groups according to their scientific domain. Assessment tools included a scale for judgement of four academic tasks adapted from the original “Inventory of Undergraduate and Graduate Level: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Tasks (Rosenfeld, Leung & Ottman, 2001). Main Findings: 1) different degrees of importance attributed by teachers on tasks that should be included in academic and language test for immigrant students; 2) perceptions of teachers are determined by predictors in this order: scientific domain, experience with multicultural classes and lower prediction from teaching service and age; 3) different results between american and portuguese samples answering the same questionnaire.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2010