902 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation: S drive = H steam (ρ down + ρ mix) g where: ρ down - density of water in downcomer tubes; ρ mix - density of water in riser tubes; H steam - height of steam content section; g - acceleration of gravity. In steam boilers with natural circulation the circulation rate is usually between 10 and 30. Thus, consumption of water in the circulation circuit “circulation rate times” more than steam output of the boiler. There are two aspects of the design of natural water circulation loops. One is to ensure a sufficient mass flux of circulating water to avoid burnout of evaporator tubes. The other is to avoid tube wall temperature fluctuation and tube vibration due to oscillation of circulation velocity. The design criteria are therefore reduced, in principle, to those of critical heat flux, critical flow rate for burnout, and flow instability. In practical design, however, the circulation velocity and the void fraction at the evaporator tube outlet are used as the design criteria (Seikan I., et. al., 1999). This study has been made with assumption that the heat flux in the furnace of the boiler even all the time. The target of the study was to define the circulation rate of the boiler, thus average heat flux do not change it. I would like to acknowledge professionals from “Foster Wheeler” company for good and comfortable cooperation.
In general, the traditional Physics courses needs examples of the aplications of the Physics concepts in other areas such as Chemistry and Biology. This lacks tend to demotivate Chemistry and Biology students regarding to deal with Physical concepts developed in classroom. In this work, the analogy among mechanic and electric oscillators is investigated to be applied in Chemistry and Biology areas, showing to be valuable due to its aplication in techniques that aims to measure mass variation with high precision. This measure could be made in a direct or indirect way. These techniques are known as electrogravimetric techniques and they are important in biosensor aplications. Thus, this paper explores the electromechanic analogy in an interdisciplinary way involving areas like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Based on this analogy, it is proposed an experiment that can be applied in different ways, i.e. by an basic approach or more deeper, depending on the students specific formation, in other words, Physics, Chemistry or Biology.
Komposiitit ovat yhdistelmämateriaaleja, jotka koostuvat kahdesta tai useammasta eri materiaalista. Komposiitit ovat kiinnostavia tämän päivän koneenrakennukselle niiden korkean vahvuuden ja jäykkyyden suhteesta niiden kevyeeseen painoon nähden. Kuitulujitteisten komposiittien ja laminaattien valmistukseen on monia eri menetelmiä ja ne eroavat toisistaan lähinnä hartsin levittämistapojen sekä kuitujen asettelutapojen perusteella. Komposiittien työstäminen on vaikeaa, mikä johtuu niiden epähomogeenisesta ja anistrooppisesta laadusta ja komposiittien sisältävien lujitteiden korkeasta abrasiivisesta vaikutuksesta. Tavanomaisia työstömenetelmiä, kuten sorvausta, porausta ja jyrsimistä käytetään komposiittien työstämiseen. Kuitujen suuntaus komposiiteissa vaikuttaa paljon niiden työstämiseen. Ultraäänisen tärinän käyttäminen kuitulujitteisia komposiitteja sorvattaessa parantaa työstetyn kappaleen pinnanlaatua. Komposiittimateriaalien kiinnittäminen metalleihin eroaa selvästi muiden materiaalien kiinnittämisestä. Komposiittien yhdistämisen yhteydessä on otettava huomioon monia eri asioita, kiinnitysreikien valmistuksesta käytettäviin kiinnikkeisiin. Komposiittien kierrätys ja hävittäminen on tärkeä osa niiden elinkaarta, eikä niiden kierrätykseen ole tällä hetkellä hyviä ja kustannustehokkaita kierrätysmenetelmiä. Tällä hetkellä kierrättäminen tuleekin kalliimmaksi, kuin käytettyjen komposiittien vieminen kaatopaikalle.
Kunnossapidon kuluista suurimman osan aiheuttavat koneiden ennakoimattomat rikkoutumiset ja niiden tuomat tuotannonpysäytykset. Kunnossapidon suunnitelmallisuutta ja vikojen ennustettavuutta pyritään parantamaan erilaisin kunnonvalvonnallisin keinoin. Havaitsemalla alkava vikaantuminen ajoissa ja seuraamalla sen kehittymistä luodaan mahdollisuus korjaustoimenpiteiden ja -ajankohdan hallittuun suunnitteluun ja tätä kautta kustannussäästöihin. Tässä työssä on tutkittu kompressoriyksiköiden (kaasuturbiini ja keskipakokompressori) ja niiden apulaitteiden kunnossapidon menetelmiä, niiden hyödynnettävyyttä sekä mahdollisuuksia kehittää mekaanista kunnonhallintaa. Työssä päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että käytettävien menetelmien hyödynnettävyydessä on kehitettävää. Kunnonvalvonnan ohjeistuksia tarkennettiin vastaamaan tämän päivän tavoitteita. Todettiin myös, että värähtelynvalvontaan perustuva kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä soveltuu hyvin kompressoriyksiköiden kunnonvalvonnan järjestelmäksi. Värähtelynvalvontaan perustuva kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä luo mahdollisuuden turvallisen käyttöajan ennustamiseen. Kunnonvalvonnan kehittämisen ja käyttövarmuuden parantamisen kannalta jatkotutkimuksen tekeminen kompressoriyksiköiden mekaanistenlaitteiden turvallisen käyttöajan ennustamiseksi on perusteltua.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen höyryturbiinin suoritus-kyvyn mittaamiseen käytettävissä olevia menetelmiä ja mittausjärjestelmiä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät aiheuttavat mittauksiin mittausvirheitä ja tutkia turbiineiden nykyisten mittalaitteiden epävarmuudet. Tässä diplomityössä selvitettiin millaisia standardinmukaisia testejä sekä muita varteenotettavia testejä turbiinin suorituskyvyn määrittämiseen on käytetty ja millaisia mittauksia ne vaativat. Lisäksi tutkittiin eri lähteistä millaisia mittalaitteita ja mittausjärjestelmiä voidaan käyttää turbiinin toiminnan mittauksiin. Soveltuvista mittausmenetelmistä esitettiin toimintaperiaatteet ja teoria. Kunnonvalvontaa varten esiteltiin värähtelyiden ja vääntö-momentin mittaamisen periaatteet. Epävarmuuksia arvioitiin mittalaitteiden teoreettisen epävarmuuden ja laitesijoittelun pohjalta. Työssä havaittiin, että suorituskyvyn arvioimiseksi on olemassa useita standardeja, mutta niiden mukaisiin mittauksiin tarvittaisiin nykyistä enemmän mittaustuloksia. Tarkkoja sekä luotettavia mittaustuloksia on haasteellista saada kaksifaasivirtauksesta. Mittalaitevalinnoilla ja mittalaitteiden määrää lisäämällä voidaan mittausten epävarmuutta pienentää. Loviisan ydinvoimalaitokselle ehdotettiin muutamia mittausjärjestelmiä turbiinin suoritus-kyvyn määrittämiseksi. Erityisesti turbiinin sisäiset olosuhteet tulisi määrittää nykyistä tarkemmin. Vääntömomentin mittaaminen olisi hyvä kunnonvalvonnan työkalu.
The 'Niagara Rosada' grape is the main Brazilian table grape belonging to the Labrusca family. It develops medium, cylindrical and compact bunches with berries presenting a pinkish skin and a foxy flavor that is valued in the Brazilian market. These berries are tender and have a pedicel-berry connection provided by the vascular bundles and surrounding skin. This cultivar is very susceptible to berry drop mainly caused by vibration and senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal mechanical behavior of the pedicel-berry detachment, using resistance indexes extracted from traction force-deformation curves. Test results showed two different detachment types. In the first one, which exhibited higher average resistance, a considerable portion of the vascular bundle came out attached to the pedicel and in the second type; the vascular bundle was retained inside the berry. The proposed indexes based on maximum detachment force, force at 0.2; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 mm, and maximum force to corresponding deformation ratio did not discriminate the senescence of the berry.
Pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) method is a commonly used non-destructive technique for investigating space charges. It has been developed since early 1980s. These days there is continuing interest for better understanding of the influence of space charge on the reliability of solid electrical insulation under high electric field. The PEA method is widely used for space charge profiling for its robust and relatively inexpensive features. The PEA technique relies on a voltage impulse used to temporarily disturb the space charge equilibrium in a dielectric. The acoustic wave is generated by charge movement in the sample and detected by means of a piezoelectric film. The spatial distribution of the space charge is contained within the detected signal. The principle of such a system is already well established, and several kinds of setups have been constructed for different measurement needs. This thesis presents the design of a PEA measurement system as a systems engineering project. The operating principle and some recent developments are summarised. The steps of electrical and mechanical design of the instrument are discussed. A common procedure for measuring space charges is explained and applied to verify the functionality of the system. The measurement system is provided as an additional basic research tool for the Corporate Research Centre of ABB (China) Ltd. It can be used to characterise flat samples with thickness of 0.2–0.5 mm under DC stress. The spatial resolution of the measurement is 20 μm.
Multibody simulation model of the roller test rig is presented in this work. The roller test rig consists of a paper machine’s tube roll supported with a hard bearing type balancing machine. The simulation model includes non-idealities that are measured from the physical structure. These non-idealities are the shell thickness variation of the roll and roundness errors of the shafts of the roll. These kinds of non-idealities are harmful since they can cause subharmonic resonances of the rotor system. In this case, the natural vibration mode of the rotor is excited when the rotation speed is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. With the simulation model, the half critical resonance is studied in detail and a sensitivity analysis is performed by simulating several analyses with slightly different input parameters. The model is verified by comparing the simulation results with those obtained by measuring the real structure. Comparison shows that good accuracy is achieved, since equivalent responses are achieved within the error limit of the input parameters.
Self-fluxed nickel alloys are usually flame fused after thermal spraying. However, due to the practical aspects of high temperatures reached during flame fusing, large structures such as the hydraulic turbines for power generation, can not be efficiently coated. An alternative is to fuse the sprayed coating with a gas tungsten electric arc. In this case, heating is much more intensive and substrate temperature during and after the fusing operation is much lower, thus reducing the possibility that any problem will occur. In this work, coatings of self-fluxed nickel alloy fused by flame and gas tungsten arc were evaluated as protection of hydraulic turbines against cavitational damage. Several tests were performed, including the ASTM ultrasonically vibration-induced cavitation, optical and scanning electronic microscopic metallography, and hardness tests. The results showed that the arc-fused coating presented better cavitation damage resistance, probably due to its finer microstructure. A field application of this new technique is also described. A self-fluxed Ni alloy was flame sprayed in critical regions of Francis-type hydraulic turbine blades and fused by a gas tungsten arc after spraying. The blades will be inspected during the next two years.
Tämä kandidaatintyö on tarkoitettu suomenkieliseksi selvitykseksi lastuavissa työstöprosesseissa esiintyvien työstövärähtelyjen luonteesta, syntymekanismeista ja välttämismenetelmistä. Erityisesti työssä keskitytään matemaattiseen mallintamiseen pohjautuviin välttämismenetelmiin.
Fan systems are responsible for approximately 10% of the electricity consumption in industrial and municipal sectors, and it has been found that there is energy-saving potential in these systems. To this end, variable speed drives (VSDs) are used to enhance the efficiency of fan systems. Usually, fan system operation is optimized based on measurements of the system, but there are seldom readily installed meters in the system that can be used for the purpose. Thus, sensorless methods are needed for the optimization of fan system operation. In this thesis, methods for the fan operating point estimation with a variable speed drive are studied and discussed. These methods can be used for the energy efficient control of the fan system without additional measurements. The operation of these methods is validated by laboratory measurements and data from an industrial fan system. In addition to their energy consumption, condition monitoring of fan systems is a key issue as fans are an integral part of various production processes. Fan system condition monitoring is usually carried out with vibration measurements, which again increase the system complexity. However, variable speed drives can already be used for pumping system condition monitoring. Therefore, it would add to the usability of a variablespeed- driven fan system if the variable speed drive could be used as a condition monitoring device. In this thesis, sensorless detection methods for three lifetime-reducing phenomena are suggested: these are detection of the fan contamination build-up, the correct rotational direction, and the fan surge. The methods use the variable speed drive monitoring and control options for the detection along with simple signal processing methods, such as power spectrum density estimates. The methods have been validated by laboratory measurements. The key finding of this doctoral thesis is that a variable speed drive can be used on its own as a monitoring and control device for the fan system energy efficiency, and it can also be used in the detection of certain lifetime-reducing phenomena.
Pulseri on laite, joka tuottaa noin 10 MHz:n taajuudella olevan sähköisen pulssin, joka ohjataan kiteeseen. Kide lähettää korkeataajuuksisen ääniaallon ja toimii samalla vastaanottimena kaikuna heijastuneille ääniaalloille. Kide ja membraanikalvo ovat vedessä. Ääniaalto heijastuu takaisin suodatusmembraanikalvosta, jolla on tarkoitus erotella epäpuhtauksia. Membraanikalvo ja kide ovat millimetrin etäisyydellä toisistaan ja ääniaalloilla kestää noin 1,3 mikrosekuntia kulkea kiteestä membraanikalvon pinnalle ja siitä kaikuna takaisin kiteeseen. Saadaksemme luotettavia tuloksia ääniaallon kulkuajasta, kiteen tulee olla värähtelemättömässä tilassa silloin, kun kaikuna palaava pulssi saapuu takaisin. Työssä keskitytään kiteen vaimentamiseen mahdollisimman nopeasti lähetetyn pulssin jälkeen ja siihen liittyviin ongelmiin.
Tässä diplomityössä määritettiin pituussuunnassa hitsatun rakenneputken väsymislujuus HF –hitsausta käytettäessä. Työn tavoitteena oli vertailla eri jälkikäsittelyjen ja kahden eri materiaalin vaikutusta väsymislujuuteen. Materiaaleina kokeissa oli Ruukki double grade ja Optim 700 Plus MH. Eurokoodi 3 ja IIW määrittelee kiinnityshitseille väsymiskestävyysluokaksi 125-140, kun SN -käyrän kaltevuus, m = 3. Koetuloksia vertailtiin näihin valmiiksi määriteltyihin väsymiskestävyysluokkiin. Ruukki Metals Oy toimitti koemateriaalin kahdenlaisia väsytyskokeita varten, joiden avulla väsymislujuus voitiin määrittää. Ensimmäinen koe suoritettiin värähtelyllä hyödyntäen rakenneputken ominaistaajuutta, jolloin kuormituksen rajajännityssuhde on -1. Toinen väsytyskoe suoritettiin rakenneputkista leikatuille väsytyssauvoille, missä pituussuuntainen HF –hitsi on keskellä sauvaa. Tämä väsytyskoe suoritettiin vetotykytyksellä rajajännityssuhteella 0,1. Väsytyskokeissa havaittiin, että kiinnityshitsi täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset, koska murtumat tapahtuivat perusaineesta. Tällöin koetuloksia vertaillaan Eurokoodi 3:n perusaineen väsymisluokkaan 160, SN -käyrän kaltevuudella m = 5. Kaikkien koetulosten väsymiskestävyysluokan keskiarvoksi saatiin 185 95 %:n todennäköisyydellä. Tutkimuksessa saatiin arvokasta tietoa kahden eri materiaalin väsymislujuudesta. Materiaalilla ei kuitenkaan havaittu vaikutusta lujuuteen. Eri jälkikäsittelyt eli juuren puolen metallipurseen höyläys tai pituussuuntaisen hitsisauman hehkutus eivät vaikuttaneet väsymislujuuteen. Kokeissa väsymismurtuma ydintyi rakenneputken pinnalta olevista alkuvioista, joten putkien käsittelyä valmistuksen jälkeen voitaisiin parantaa.
The interferometer for low resolution portable Fourier Transform middle infrared spectrometer was developed and studied experimentally. The final aim was a concept for a commercial prototype. Because of the portability, the interferometer should be compact sized and insensitive to the external temperature variations and mechanical vibrations. To minimise the size and manufacturing costs, Michelson interferometer based on plane mirrors and porch swing bearing was selected and no dynamic alignment system was applied. The driving motor was a linear voice coil actuator to avoid mechanical contact of the moving parts. The driving capability for low mirror driving velocities required by the photoacoustic detectors was studied. In total, four versions of such an interferometer were built and experimentally studied. The thermal stability during the external temperature variations and the alignment stability over the mirror travel were measured using the modulation depth of the wide diameter laser beam. Method for estimating the mirror tilt angle from the modulation depth was developed to take account the effect from the non-uniform intensity distribution of the laser beam. The spectrometer stability was finally studied also using the infrared radiation. The latest interferometer was assembled for the middle infrared spectrometer with spectral range from 750 cm−1 to 4500 cm−1. The interferometer size was (197 × 95 × 79) mm3 with the beam diameter of 25 mm. The alignment stability as the change of the tilt angle over the mirror travel of 3 mm was 5 μrad, which decreases the modulation depth only about 0.7 percent in infrared at 3000 cm−1. During the temperature raise, the modulation depth at 3000 cm−1 changed about 1 . . . 2 percentage units per Celsius over short term and even less than 0.2 percentage units per Celsius over the total temperature raise of 30 °C. The unapodised spectral resolution was 4 cm−1 limited by the aperture size. The best achieved signal to noise ratio was about 38 000:1 with commercially available DLaTGS detector. Although the vibration sensitivity requires still improving, the interferometer performed, as a whole, very well and could be further developed to conform all the requirements of the portable and stable spectrometer.
Vibrations in machines can cause noise, decrease the performance, or even damage the machine. Vibrations appear if there is a source of vibration that excites the system. In the worst case scenario, the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the machine causing resonance. Rotating machines are a machine type, where the excitation arises from the machine itself. The excitation originates from the mass imbalance in the rotating shaft, which always exists in machines that are manufactured using conventional methods. The excitation has a frequency that is dependent on the rotational speed of the machine. The rotating machines in industrial use are usually designed to rotate at a constant rotational speed, the case where the resonances can be easily avoided. However, the machines that have a varying operational speed are more problematic due to a wider range of frequencies that have to be avoided. Vibrations, which frequencies equal to rotational speed frequency of the machine are widely studied and considered in the typical machine design process. This study concentrates on vibrations, which arise from the excitations having frequencies that are multiples of the rotational speed frequency. These vibrations take place when there are two or more excitation components in a revolution of a rotating shaft. The dissertation introduces four studies where three kinds of machines are experiencing vibrations caused by different excitations. The first studied case is a directly driven permanent magnet generator used in a wind power plant. The electromagnetic properties of the generator cause harmonic excitations in the system. The dynamic responses of the generator are studied using the multibody dynamics formulation. In another study, the finite element method is used to study the vibrations of a magnetic gear due to excitations, which frequencies equal to the rotational speed frequency. The objective is to study the effects of manufacturing and assembling inaccuracies. Particularly, the eccentricity of the rotating part with respect to non-rotating part is studied since the eccentric operation causes a force component in the direction of the shortest air gap. The third machine type is a tube roll of a paper machine, which is studied while the tube roll is supported using two different structures. These cases are studied using different formulations. In the first case, the tube roll is supported by spherical roller bearings, which have some wavinesses on the rolling surfaces. Wavinesses cause excitations to the tube roll, which starts to resonate at the frequency that is a half of the first natural frequency. The frequency is in the range where the machine normally operates. The tube roll is modeled using the finite element method and the bearings are modeled as nonlinear forces between the tube roll and the pedestals. In the second case studied, the tube roll is supported by freely rotating discs, which wavinesses are also measured. The above described phenomenon is captured as well in this case, but the simulation methodology is based on the flexible multibody dynamics formulation. The simulation models that are used in both of the last two cases studied are verified by measuring the actual devices and comparing the simulated and measured results. The results show good agreement.