926 resultados para Piedmont Technical College--Students--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate changes in body weight, BMI, body composition, and fat distribution among freshman women during their 1st year of college. Research Methods and Procedures: Freshman women during the 2004 to 2005 academic year were recruited to participate. The initial baseline visit occurred within the first 6 weeks of the fall 2004 semester, with the follow-up visit occurring during the last 6 weeks of the spring 2005 semester. At each visit, height, weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences, and body composition (by DXA) were obtained. Results: One hundred thirty-seven participants completed both the fall and spring visits. Significant (p < 0.0001) increases between the fall and spring visits were observed for body weight (58.6 vs. 59.6 kg), BMI (21.9 vs. 22.3), percentage body fat (28.9 vs. 29.7), total fat mass (16.9 vs. 17.7 kg), fat-free mass (38.1 vs. 38.4 kg), waist circumference (69.4 vs. 70.3 cm), and hip circumference (97.4 vs. 98.6 cm), with no significant difference observed in the waist-to-hip ratio (0.71 vs. 0.71; p = 0.78). Discussion: Although statistically significant, changes in body weight, body composition, and fat mass were modest for women during their freshman year of college. These results do not support the purported freshman 15 weight gain publicized in the popular media.
Aims: University student alcohol misuse is a considerable problem. Alcohol expectancy research has contributed significantly to our understanding of problem drinking in young adults. Most of this research has investigated positive expectancy alone. The current study utilized two measures of alcohol expectancy, the alcohol expectancy questionnaire (AEQ) and the drinking expectancy profile [consisting of the drinking expectancy questionnaire (DEQ) and the drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire] to predict severity of alcohol dependence, frequency of drinking, and the quantity of alcohol consumed per occasion. Methods: Measures of drinking behaviour and alcohol expectancy were completed by 174 undergraduate university students. Results: Positive alcohol expectancy factors accounted for significant variance in all three drinking indices, with the DEQ adding additional variance to AEQ scores on frequency and severity of alcohol dependence indices. Negative expectancy did not add incremental variance to the prediction of drinking behaviour in this sample. Drinking refusal self-efficacy and dependence beliefs added additional variance over positive and negative expectancies in the prediction of all three drinking parameters. Conclusions: Positive expectancy and drinking refusal self-efficacy were strongly related to university student drinking. The incorporation of expectancy as a means of informing prevention approaches in tertiary education shows promise.
Little research has been undertaken to examine the empirical basis of commonly applied methods of posttrauma intervention. We propose that Pennebaker's work on structured disclosure of trauma provides a suitable analogue to explore questions of interest. The present study asks whether avoidance coping is likely to interfere with abbreviated disclosure of traumatic experiences. Subjects were 118 college students randomly allocated to either a one-session or four-session written trauma-disclosure condition. At 2 months postdisclosure, subjects with high avoidance coping within the one-session condition exhibited significantly more trauma-specific and physical symptoms than all other subjects. Avoidance coping significantly predicted trauma-specific symptoms at 2 months. These findings suggest that single session traumatic disclosure may not be useful for individuals with an avoidance style of coping.
Perceptions of America as a powerful but malevolent nation decrease its security. On the basis of measures derived from the stereotype content model (SCM) and image theory (IT), 5,000 college students in I I nations indicated their perceptions of the personality traits of, intentions of, and emotional reactions to the United States as well as their reactions to relevant world events (e.g., 9/11). The United States was generally perceived as competent but cold and arrogant. Although participants distinguished between the United States' government and its citizens, differences were small. Consistent with the SCM and IT, viewing the United States as intent on domination predicted perceptions of lack of warmth and of arrogance but not of competence and status. The discussion addresses implications for terrorist recruitment and ally support.
Citizens of 9 different English-speaking countries (N = 619) evaluated the average, or typical, citizen of 5 English-speaking countries (Great Britain, Canada, Nigeria, United States, Australia) on 9 pairs of bipolar adjectives. Participants were drawn from Australia, Botswana, Canada, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, the United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. There were statistically significant similarities in the rankings of the 5 stimulus countries on 8 of the 9 adjective dimensions and a strong convergence of autostereotypes and heterostereotypes on many traits. The results relate to previous stereotyping research and traditional methods of assessing the accuracy of national stereotypes.
A gestão das instituições de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil tem apresentado inconsistências gerenciais: O que se faz não é o que o aluno espera. O que se ensina não é, geralmente, o que os universitários veem em seu Campus. A literatura aponta para, basicamente, duas questões as quais potencialmente apresentam maior impacto acerca desta realidade: A intervenção do governo na intenção de gerir a qualidade do ensino e a industrialização do ensino. Paralelo a estas questões, há uma carência na literatura de aportes ao que se refere à satisfação dos clientes. Muito embora existam modelos de mensuração, como a ACSI e o ESCI, e diversos conceitos de satisfação, os esforços direcionados para públicos específicos são insuficientes e/ou até inexistentes em alguns casos. Por fim, segundo o ANUP o Sudeste abriga quase a metade de todas as IES do país, sendo-as, com ampla predominância, instituições particulares, reiterando a relevância desta região para o Brasil e das IES privadas no país. Assim, este estudo se dispõe a aproximar os temas gestão de instituições de ensino superior, satisfação do consumidor e, por fim, o papel da região sudeste do país para a educação, com ênfase nas IES particulares, objetivando adaptar e validar um instrumento capaz de ser aplicado na gestão acadêmica e evidenciar os determinantes que promovem satisfação do universitário. Por meio deste projeto, pode-se analisar a utilização de um modelo adaptado do ACSI e identificar pesos e coeficientes entre as variáveis propostas: Expectativa, Qualidade, Valor e Satisfação.
Este trabalho é um estudo exploratório sobre o Ambiente Comunicacional Internet que investiga tanto a possibilidade da influência de suas ferramentas de interação/comunicação sobre o comportamento sexual e de risco quanto o desenvolvimento de comportamento compulsivo no uso destas ferramentas na busca de parceiros sexuais. A metodologia adotada é, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, a da pesquisa exploratória, um levantamento e análise de dados quantitativos e pode ser considerada como pertencente ao paradigma tradicional empírico, pois a coleta de dados foi baseada em respostas a questionários semi-estruturados, aplicados a um grupo de informação composto por 428 estudantes universitários dos cursos ligados à área de Computação e Informática de uma instituição particular de Ensino Superior do município de São Paulo SP, Brasil. Para isso, obedece à Resolução do Conselho Nacional de Saúde CNS 196/96 e conta com o TCLE. Os resultados indicam que as práticas sexuais, a exposição a DST e vírus HIV e, particularmente, a tendência ao desenvolvimento do Transtorno de Adicção à Internet se distinguem de modo irrefutável. Os participantes que alegaram buscar parceiros sexuais reais na Internet são diretos nos seus objetivos, pois quando encontram esse parceiro concretizam o ato sexual, em ambientes impessoais, como por exemplo, o motel, e muitas vezes de modo arriscado no que toca à prevenção e à segurança no contato com outro. Destaca-se, ainda, que a compulsão não é reconhecida pelo grupo e que a procura de parceiros por intermédio das mídias digitais, para esse grupo, não está relacionada a itens negativos quanto a sua qualidade de vida o que suscita o estudo e a discussão mais aprofundada sobre a interação comunicação, sexo e Internet .(AU)
Essa dissertação de mestrado aborda as temáticas de saúde, promoção de saúde e o lúdico na sala de aula do estudante universitário durante a aprendizagem. O objetivo geral foi verificar a partir do ponto de vista dos universitários a existência da promoção de saúde na sala de aula. Optou-se por um método descritivo e exploratório com emprego de análise de conteúdo. O autor utilizou as entrevistas de 15 alunos dos cursos de pedagogia, direito e administração de empresas de vários semestres dos cursos. Os resultados permitem afirmar que os entrevistados possuem uma percepção acerca dos conceitos de promoção de saúde, sobretudo no que diz respeito à saúde como a conjugação de bem estar e a boa manutenção dos aspectos que configuram a saúde física e mental. Alguns entrevistados afirmaram que o lúdico seria passível de utilização apenas em cursos que visam à formação para a prática docente. A sala de aula pode ser entendida como um espaço de promoção de saúde e disparador dos processos criativos na aprendizagem. Apontou-se também a possibilidade de se manter abertos os canais que possibilitam a melhora da saúde por meio da realização de atividades lúdicas sabendo que essas trazem benefícios não somente no processo de socialização necessário ao enfrentamento das situações cotidianas que permeiam o universo escolar, mas, acima de tudo, na manutenção de um ambiente relacional que pode trazer benefícios em todas as dimensões do convívio escolar.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos investigar a presença de manifestações psicossomáticas em estudantes universitários, a partir da identificação e da prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e stress entre outros transtornos; identificar sinais e sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e stress em universitários portugueses; e correlacionar os sinais e sintomas entre si. Utilizou-se o método quantitativo descritivo de corte transversal. Como meio de investigação, foram utilizados três instrumentos: O Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado de Spilberber IDATE, a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress EADS-21 (DASS) e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp ISSL. A amostra resultou em 147 universitários de primeiro ingresso na universidade com idade variando entre 18 e 26 anos da Universidade do Algarve Ualg (Portugal), em seus diversos cursos. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e correlacionados com o auxilio do software estatístico SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versão 19.0 para Windows, utilizando a análise estatística descritiva de frequência e média, Teste T de Student e ANOVA. Os resultados apontaram uma amostra em sua maioria de mulheres, solteiras, que saíram da casa dos pais para estudar e que no momento da coleta dos dados não exerciam atividades de trabalho, apenas estudavam. Houve presença de indicadores de ansiedade, depressão e stress, sendo o nível de ansiedade encontrado moderado e vinculado à probabilidade de depressão associada. Em relação a manifestações psicossomáticas, foi identificada uma dificuldade em auto-avaliação da presença destas, porém entendeu-se que há associação de manifestações psicossomáticas em relação aos sintomas de stress, ansiedade e depressão, encontrados. Levantou-se a hipótese de associação desses sintomas com a situação atual de crise econômica que passa a sociedade portuguesa, principalmente no período de coleta desses dados. Assim, verificou-se um possível estado de vulnerabilidade nesta população com alguma dificuldade em se adaptar às novas exigências de vida, necessitando então de medidas preventivas que auxiliem a adaptação e reestruturação do estilo de vida desses estudantes.
Information technology is at the centre of today’s business environment. The increasing importance of e-commerce and the integration of information systems in all areas of a business means it is crucial for managers to understand and implement IS (information systems). This major text, now in its second edition, provides the skills and knowledge necessary to choose the right systems, and to develop and manage them effectively. Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management assumes no prior knowledge of IS or IT, and emphasises the importance of IS to management decision making. It takes a 3 part structure: Part One covers hardware and software technologies; Part Two looks at information systems analysis and design; and Part Three describes the strategic management of IS. This successful format allows each section to be studied alongside individual modules, and enables students to focus clearly on specific areas and use the book for more than one course. This book is suitable for college students, undergraduate degree and postgraduate students taking courses with modules in the practical IT skills of selection, implementation, management and use of BIS. The practical sections are also of use to managers in industry involved in the development and use of IS.
In this study, we tested in older and younger adults the efficacy of two well-known procedures to experimentally induce anxiety: a) Velten self-statements combined with music; b) film scenes. We extended the pre-vious findings in this field to the understudied area of mood induction in older adults. Fifty-seven older adults and 94 college students were random-ly assigned to one of the experimental conditions or to a control group. Results indicated that both procedures were effective, according to a series of ANOVAs for several self-report, physiological, and behavioral measures. Likewise, the highest effect sizes were observed for the Velten procedure (g = .81 vs. g = .71), and the effects were significantly higher in younger (g = 1.0 in the Velten condition) than in older adults (g = .62), Q = 4.25, X2(1), p = .0392. Both procedures were effective to induce inducting anxiety in both age groups, especially the Velten procedure in younger adults. Therefore, Velten self-statements combined with music may be very useful anxiety induction procedure for further research in controlled situa-tions of emotions across the life-span.
Picky eating is a childhood behavior that vexes many parents and is a symptom in the newer diagnosis of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) in adults. Pressure to eat, a parental controlling feeding practice aimed at encouraging a child to eat more, is associated with picky eating and a number of other childhood eating concerns. Low intuitive eating, an insensitivity to internal hunger and satiety cues, is also associated with a number of problem eating behaviors in adulthood. Whether picky eating and pressure to eat are predictive of young adult eating behavior is relatively unstudied. Current adult intuitive eating and disordered eating behaviors were self-reported by 170 college students, along with childhood picky eating and pressure through retrospective self- and parent reports. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that childhood parental pressure to eat, but not picky eating, predicted intuitive eating and disordered eating symptoms in college students. These findings suggest that parental pressure in childhood is associated with problematic eating patterns in young adulthood. Additional research is needed to understand the extent to which parental pressure is a reaction to or perhaps compounds the development of problematic eating behavior.
The purpose of this study was to identify the state and trait anxiety and the perceived causes of anxiety in licensed practical nurses (LPNs) returning to an associate degree nursing program in order to become registered nurses (RNs). The subjects for this study were 98 students enrolled in a transitional LPN/RN associate degree nursing program in two community colleges in the state of Florida. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) developed by Spielberger (1983), was used as the measuring instrument for this study.^ In addition, a Q-sort technique was used to obtain information from the subjects regarding perceived causes of anxiety. Anxiety causes for the Q-sort cards used in the study were developed from the themes identified by a sample of LPN/RN students in a pilot study. The state and trait anxiety levels were obtained using the STAI for college students scoring key and scales. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the state and trait anxiety of the students. Correlational statistics were used to determine if relationships existed between the state and trait anxiety levels and perceived causes of anxiety identified by LPN students returning to an associate degree nursing program.^ The analysis of the Q-sort was performed by computing the means, standard deviations, and frequencies of each cause. The mean trait anxiety level of the students was 57.56, $SD=29.69.$ The mean state anxiety level of the students was 68.21, $SD=25.78.$ Higher percentile scores of trait anxiety were associated with higher ranks of the Q-sort category, "failing out of the program," $\rm r\sb{s}=.27,\ p=.008.$ Implications for future nursing research and application of the findings to nursing education are presented. ^
This multi-site, multi-ethnic/cultural study examined the effects of variation between ethnic/cultural groups and the effects of institutional variation within ethnic/cultural groups on identity formation. The participants were 892 late adolescent college students from six sites in 5 countries (Brazil, China, Costa Rica, US, and Sweden) representing different linguistic and ethnic/cultural traditions living in the context of varied social conditions. As hypothesized, there were significant differences in the proportion of identity statuses between sites in the Personal domain, $\chi\sp2$(20, N = 858) = 164.78, $p<.001,$ the Interpersonal domain, $\chi\sp2$(20, N = 858) = 145.69, $p<.001,$ and the World View domain, $\chi\sp2$(20, N = 858) = 120.89, $p<.001,$ but the distribution of the differences was more complex than expected. In addition, there were significant differences in Identity Satisfaction among sites, F(15, 2325) = 12.65, $p<.001.$ Further univariate analyses revealed that differences among sites were found on Identity Satisfaction in the personal, interpersonal and world view domain. The direction of the differences, however, were more complex than hypothesized.^ The second hypothesis was confirmed but only with the world view identity status and not for each of the six sites. Stepwise discriminant analyses showed that Identity status in the world view domain was predicted by Institutional Support in Nebraska, gender and Institutional Change in Brazil, and Institutional Access in China. Lastly and as hypothesized, some Institutional Attributes significantly predicted Overall Identity Satisfaction in all sites as revealed by multivariate regression analyses, except in Sweden, F (5, 79) =.660, p =.65. These findings extend the literature on identity formation not only by having investigated how culture influences the process of identity formation with samples representing different ethnic/cultural and linguistically different populations but also by empirically testing the role that social processes play in identity formation at the cross-cultural level. ^