994 resultados para Phylogeny, Conservation, Wet tropics, Bioluminescence, Cave, Troglophile


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A shark survey was conducted between October, 2012 and December, 2013 in order to strengthen the existing data collection and research thus improving conservation and management of sharks in Sri Lanka.


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The priorities for the revised National Plan of Action include: strengthening current regulations; improved data collection of landings; identifying breeding and nursery grounds; study of ecology and biology of sharks; improved data acquisition of shark products and trade; and active enforcement at sea, landing sites and markets.


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Phylogenetic relationships among 15 species of wood mice (genus Apodemus) were reconstructed to explore some long-standing taxonomic problems. The results provided support for the monophyly of the genus Apodemus, but could not reject the hypothesis of paraphyly for this genus. Our data divided the 15 species into four major groups: (1) the Sylvaemus group (A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, A. alpicola, and A. uralensis), (2) the Apodemus group (A. peninsulae, A. chevreri, A. agrarius, A. speciosus, A. draco, A. ilex, A. semotus, A. latronum, and A. mystacinus), (3) A. argenteus, and (4) A. gurkha. Our results also suggested that orestes should be a valid subspecies of A. draco rather than an independent species; in contrast, A. ilex from Yunnan may be regarded as a separate species rather than a synonym of orestes or draco. The species level status of A. latronum, tscherga as synonyms of A. uralensis, and A. chevrieri as a valid species and the closest sibling species of A. agrarius were further corroborated by our data. Applying a molecular clock with the divergences of Mus and Rattus set at 12 million years ago (Mya) as a calibration point, it was estimated that five old lineages (A. mystacinus and four major groups above) diverged in the late Miocene (7.82-12.74 Mya). Then the Apodemus group (excluding A. mystacinus) split into two subgroups: agrarius and draco, at about 7.17-9.95 Mya. Four species of the Sylvaemus group were estimated to diverge at about 2.92-5.21 Mya. The Hengduan Mountains Region was hypothesized to have played important roles in Apodemus evolutionary histories since the Pleistocene. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor), or black gibbon, one of the lesser apes (Hylobatidae), is mainly distributed in Yunnan, China. Of the four recognized subspecies, N. c. jingdongensis is endemic to the Wuliang Mountain, central Yunnan,


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The Critically Endangered black crested gibbon Nomascus concolor of China, Laos and Vietnam is threatened by deforestation and habitat destruction but there have been no studies of how it uses its forest habitat, probably because of the typically rugged t


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Trainers from the region contributed theory and practical training to trainees from government departments, universities and NGOs relevant to conservation of seagrasses and monitoring methods.


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This was a follow up to the workshop held in October, 2014. This second workshop consolidated findings an and recommendations and highlighted the importance of cooperation between Department of Fisheries (DoF) and non-state actors.


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Surveys on seagrass taxonomy, distribution and extent were carried out in 14 locations within Myeik Archipelago and along the Rakhine Coast.


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Research included: population structure of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta); a National Plan of Action for the conservation and management of sharks; levels of heavy metals in shark products; and a database on rays.


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以雅罗鱼亚科为外群,采用分支系统学的原理和方法对亚科17个属(须鳊属除外)进行了系统发育和动物地理学的分析。结果表明,(1)亚科这17个属为一个单系群,并由4个较小的单系群组成;(2 )亚科现在的地理分布格局除源自离散事件外,主要源于扩散事件。亚科的特征演化还表明,东亚地区地质历史的反转演化和平行演化可能在亚科系统发育过程中起了重要的作用。


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A total of 62 variable osteological and external characters was found among the five currently recognized species of Epalzeorhynchos. When the genera Crossocheilus and Paracrossocheilus are combined as the outgroup, only 30 of these characters can be polarized. This includes six autapomorphies. The remaining 24 polarized characters form a data matrix which yields a single, 26-step tree with a Consistency Index (CI) of 1 and a Retention Index (RI) of 1, The analysis was also performed on a combined dataset in which the 32 unpolarized characters (characters for which the combined outgroup was dimorphic) were added and coded as missing data (i.e., "?"), Analyzing this data matrix with all multistate characters ordered generates the same single most-parsimonious tree with a length of 63 steps, a CI of 0.98 and a RI of 0.97, When either Crossocheilus or Paracrossocheilus is used as the sole outgroup, the same single most-parsimonious tree is produced although the numbers of informative characters and some of the polarities differ. Evidence is presented to support the following hypotheses: (1) E, kalopterus + E, frenatus + E. bicolor + E. munensis form a monophyletic group; (2) E. frenatus + E, bicolor + E, munensis form a monophyletic group with E, kalopterus as its sister group; this speciation event is congruent with the predictions of vicariant speciation mode I; and (3) E. bicolor and E. munensis are sister groups, again congruent with vicariant speciation mode I, Evidence presented here also supports the zoogeographical hypothesis that the faunas of the Indochinese region and the Greater Sundas are more closely related to each other than either of them is to the lower Salween basin fauna and that the lower Mekong, Chao Phraya, and Mac Khlong basin faunas are more closely related to each other than any of them is to the Greater Sundas, In addition, the monophyly of Epalzeorhynchos is also preliminarily discussed by including either Paracrossocheilus or Crossocheilus in the ingroup. It is demonstrated that E. bicornis clusters with Paracrossocheilus when Paracrossocheilus is included in the ingroup. It seems likely that the taxonomic position of E. bicornis will be resolved as more fishes of the Crossocheilus group are included in future studies.


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Ying-Gui Dai and Jun-Xing Yang (2003) Phylogeny and zoogeography of the cyprinid hemicultrine group (Cyprinidae: Cultrinae). Zoological Studies 42(1): 73-92. The hemicultrine group consists of middle-sized cyprinids in Asia which taxonomically belong to the subfamily Cultrinae in the Cyprinidae (Cypriniformes), but there has been no convincing generic phylogenetic hypothesis proposal so far. On the basis of a morphological study of 65 specimens soaked in formalin and 14 skeletal specimens of 8 species in 6 genera within the hemicultrine group as an ingroup, a 70-character matrix was obtained. The generic phylogenetic relationships of the hemicultrine group are hypothesized with the matrix by the method of cladistic analysis. When the species Rasborinus lineatus or Cultrichthys erythropterus is used as the sole outgroup, the matrix gives the same single most-parsimonious tree of generic phylogenetic relationships within the hemicultrine group which shows that the hemicultrine group forms a monophyletic group. However, when Rasborinus lineatus is used as the sole outgroup and Cultrichthys erythropterus and Paralaubuca barroni are included in the ingroup, the hemicultrine group is validated to represent a paraphyletic group, and the hemicultrine group and the genus Paralaubuca form a monophyletic group. The tree of generic relationships and zoogeography of the monophyletic group comprising the hemicultrine group and the genus Paralaubuca suggest the following: (1) The monophyletic group comprises 2 smaller monophyletic groups: the genera Hemiculterella + Pseudohemiculter + Hainania and the genera Hemiculter + Paralaubuca + Pseudolaubuca + Toxabramis. (2) The sister groups of the monophyletic group show both overlapping and vicariant distribution patterns; therefore the generic distribution pattern of the monophyletic group maybe have resulted from both dispersal and vicariance events. (3) The monophyletic group probably originated on the Asian mainland from the Yangtze River to the Pearl River and on Hainan Island in China. (4) The monophyletic group probably originated after the Japanese Archipelago was separated from the Asian mainland at the beginning of the Quaternary Period in the Cenozoic but before Taiwan, Hainan Island, and Indonesia were completely isolated from the Asian mainland after the ice age in the Quaternary Period. (5) Speciation of the genus Hemiculter should have been the earliest, and those of the genera Paralaubuca, Pseudolaubuca, and Hainania ought to be the latest in the process of evolution of this monophyletic group. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/zool/zoolstud/42.1/73.pdf.


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Mitochondrial sequences (2,379 bp) from cytochrome b, ND3, 12s and 16s rRNA were analyzed in order to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the yuhinas (Yuhina), including the chestnut-faced babbler Stachyris whiteheadi which is endemic to the


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The phylogenetic relationships among rhacophorid frogs are under dispute. We use partial sequences of three mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and cytochrome b) and three nuclear protein-coding (Rag-1 rhodopsin exon 1, and tyrosinase exon 1) genes from 57