991 resultados para Phase-variable Genes
The continuous parametric pumping of a superconducting lossy QED cavity supporting a field prepared initially as a superposition of coherent states is discussed. In contrast to classical pumping, we verify that the phase sensitivity of the parametric pumping makes the asymptotic behaviour of the cavity field state strongly dependent on the phase theta of the coherent state \ alpha > = \ alpha \e(i theta)>. Here we consider theta = pi /4, -pi /4 and we analyse the evolution of the purity of the superposition states with the help of the linear entropy and fidelity functions. We also analyse the decoherence process quantitatively through the Wigner function, for both states, verifying that the decay is slightly modified when compared to the free decoherence case: for theta = -pi /4 the process is accelerated while for theta = pi /4 it is delayed.
The principle that alloys are designed to accommodate the manufacture of goods made from them as much as the properties required of them in service has not been widely applied to pressed and sintered P/M aluminium alloys. Most commercial alloys made from mixed elemental blends are identical to standard wrought alloys. Alternatively, alloys can be designed systematically using the phase diagram characteristics of ideal liquid phase sintering systems. This requires consideration of the solubilities of the alloying elements in aluminium, the melting points of the elements, the eutectics they form with aluminium and the nature of the liquid phase. The relative diffusivities are also important. Here we show that Al-Sn, which closely follows these ideal characteristics, has a much stronger sintering response than either Al-Cu or Al-Zn, both of which have at least one non-ideal characteristic. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The calibre of the Foramen of Panizza in Crocodylus porosus is variable and under adrenergic control
The foramen of Panizza is located within the outflow tract of the crocodilian heart, between the left and right aortas. It has been suggested that the foremen of Panizza has a variable calibre, which could explain the profound changes in the distribution of flows and pressure profiles recorded in the right and left aortas. We investigated this possibility using a modified in-situ perfused heart preparation in combination with isolated strip preparations from the outflow tract. In the perfused heart preparation, bolus injections of adrenaline increased the resistance in the foramen of Panizza, indicating a decrease in its diameter. Isolated strip preparations from the outflow tract showed a concentration-dependent increase in tension in response to adrenaline, while vasoactive intestinal polypeptide caused a relaxation in adrenaline pre-contracted strip preparations. We propose that an increase in the diameter of the foremen of Panizza may be important during pulmonary to systemic shunts to allow blood to flow from the left to right aorta (reverse foramen flow) in order to supply the carotid and coronary arteries. During non-shunting conditions, a constricted foramen may prevent excess flow from the right to left aorta during diastole.
Aluminium alloys that contain Si, Mg, Fe, Mn and/or Cu usually contain one or more types of intermetallic phases that are not readily distinguishable in the microstructure by conventional microscopy methods. It has thus been a challenge to develop a method that will unambiguously identify them. A practical approach has been developed that is based on an inherent linear relationship revealed for the overall distribution of any two elements in a precipitate/matrix geometry and the first-order approximation of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) results. Application of this approach to a direct chill cast 6082 alloy is demonstrated, and its major limitations are discussed.
Coral reef degradation resulting from nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is of increasing global concern. Although effects of nutrients on coral reef organisms have been demonstrated in the laboratory, there is little direct evidence of nutrient effects on coral reef biota in situ. The ENCORE experiment investigated responses of coral reef organisms and processes to controlled additions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) on an offshore reef(One Tree Island) at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. A multi-disciplinary team assessed a variety of factors focusing on nutrient dynamics and biotic responses. A controlled and replicated experiment was conducted over two years using twelve small patch reefs ponded at low tide by a coral rim. Treatments included three control reefs (no nutrient addition) and three + N reefs (NH4Cl added), three + P reefs (KH2PO4 added), and three + N + P reefs. Nutrients were added as pulses at each low tide (ca twice per day) by remotely operated units. There were two phases of nutrient additions. During the initial, low-loading phase of the experiment nutrient pulses (mean dose = 11.5 muM NH4+; 2.3 muM PO4-3) rapidly declined, reaching near-background levels (mean = 0.9 muM NH4+; 0.5 muM PO4-3) within 2-3 h. A variety of biotic processes, assessed over a year during this initial nutrient loading phase, were not significantly affected, with the exception of coral reproduction, which was affected in all nutrient treatments. In Acropora longicyathus and A. aspera, fewer successfully developed embryos were formed, and in A. longicyathus fertilization rates and lipid levels decreased. In the second, high-loading, phase of ENCORE an increased nutrient dosage (mean dose = 36.2 muM NH4+; 5.1 muM PO4-3 declining to means of 11.3 muM NH4+ and 2.4 muM PO4-3 at the end of low tide) was used for a further year, and a variety of significant biotic responses occurred. Encrusting algae incorporated virtually none of the added nutrients. Organisms containing endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (corals and giant clams) assimilated dissolved nutrients rapidly and were responsive to added nutrients. Coral mortality, not detected during the initial low-loading phase, became evident with increased nutrient dosage, particularly in Pocillopora damicornis. Nitrogen additions stunted coral growth, and phosphorus additions had a variable effect. Coral calcification rate and linear extension increased in the presence of added phosphorus but skeletal density was reduced, making corals more susceptible to breakage. Settlement of all coral larvae was reduced in nitrogen treatments, yet settlement of larvae from brooded species was enhanced in phosphorus treatments. Recruitment of stomatopods, benthic crustaceans living in coral rubble, was reduced in nitrogen and nitrogen plus phosphorus treatments. Grazing rates and reproductive effort of various fish species were not affected by the nutrient treatments. Microbial nitrogen transformations in sediments,were responsive to nutrient loading with nitrogen fixation significantly increased in phosphorus treatments and denitrification increased in all treatments to which nitrogen had been added. Rates of bioerosion and grazing showed no significant effects of added nutrients, ENCORE has shown that reef organisms and processes investigated ill situ were impacted by elevated nutrients. Impacts mere dependent on dose level, whether nitrogen and/or phosphorus mere elevated and were often species-specific. The impacts were generally sub-lethal and subtle and the treated reefs at the end of the experiment mere visually similar to control reefs. Rapid nutrient uptake indicates that nutrient concentrations alone are not adequate to assess nutrient condition of reefs. Sensitive and quantifiable biological indicators need to be developed for coral reef ecosystems. The potential bioindicators identified in ENCORE should be tested in future research on coral reef/nutrient interactions. Synergistic and cumulative effects of elevated nutrients and other environmental parameters, comparative studies of intact vs. disturbed reefs, offshore vs, inshore reefs, or the ability of a nutrient-stressed reef to respond to natural disturbances require elucidation. An expanded understanding of coral reef responses to anthropogenic impacts is necessary, particularly regarding the subtle, sub-lethal effects detected in the ENCORE studies. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Scavenging of siliceous grain-boundary phase of 8-mol%-ytterbia-stabilized zirconia without additive
The grain-boundary conductivity (sigma (gb),) of 8-mol%-ytterbiastabilized zirconia increased markedly with heat treatment between 1000 degrees and 1300 degreesC with a slow heating rate (0.1 degreesC/min) before sintering. The extent of the sigma (gb) improvement was the same or larger than that via Al2O3 addition. The heat treatment did not affect the grain-interior conduction when sintered at 1600 degreesC, while Al2O3-derived scavenging significantly did, given the larger increment of total conductivity in the heat-treated sample. The formation of a silicon-containing phase in a discrete form was suggested as a possible route of scavenging the resistive phase from the correlation between average grain size and sigma (gb).
Purpose: To assess the toxicity and the efficacy of preoperative radiotherapy with continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum. Methods and Materials: Eligible patients had newly diagnosed localized adenocarcinoma of the rectum within 12 cm of the anal verge, Stage T3-4, and were suitable for curative resection. Eighty-two patients were treated with radiotherapy-50.4 Gy in 28 fractions in 5.6 weeks, given concurrently with continuous infusion 5-FU, using either 96-h/week infusion at 300 mg/m(2)/day or 7-days/week infusion at 225 mg/m(2)/day. Results: The median age was 59 years (range, 27-87), and 67% of patients were male. Pretreatment stages of the rectal cancer were T3, 89% and resectable T4, 11%, with endorectal ultrasound confirmation in 67% of patients. Grade 3 acute toxicity occurred in 5 of 82 patients (6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2-14%). Types of surgical resection were anterior resection, 61%; abdominoperineal resection, 35%; and other procedures, 4%. There was no operative mortality. Anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection occurred in 3 of 50 patients (6%; 95% CI, 1-17%). The pathologic complete response rate was 16% (95% CI, 9-26%). Pathologic Stages T2 or less occurred in 51%. Conclusion: Preoperative radiotherapy with continuous infusion 5-FU for locally advanced rectal cancer is a safe regimen, with a significant downstaging effect. It does not seem to lead to a significant increase in serious surgical complications. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.
Red cell number and size increase during puberty, particularly in males. The aim of the present study was to determine whether expression of genes affecting red cell indices varied with age and sex. Haemoglobin, red cell count, and mean cellular volume were measured longitudinally on 578 pairs of twins at twelve, fourteen and sixteen years of age. Data were analysed using a structural equation modeling approach, in which a variety of univariate and longitudinal simplex models were fitted to the data. Significant heritability was demonstrated for all variables across all ages. The genes involved did not differ between the sexes, although there was evidence for sex limitation in the case of haemoglobin at age twelve. Longitudinal analyses indicated that new genes affecting red cell indices were expressed at different stages of puberty. Some of these genes affected the different red cell indices pleiotropically, while others had effects specific to one variable only.
Nuclear receptors are a superfamily of metazoan transcription factors that have been shown to be involved in a wide range of developmental and physiological processes. A PCR-based survey of genomic DNA and developmental cDNAs from the ascidian Herdmania identifies eight members of this multigene family. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses reveal that these ascidian nuclear receptors are representative of five of the six previously defined nuclear receptor subfamilies and are apparent homologues of retinoic acid [NR1B], retinoid X [NR2B], peroxisome proliferator-activated [NR1C], estrogen related [NR3B], neuron-derived orphan (NOR) [NR4A3], nuclear orphan [NR4A], TR2 orphan [NR2C1] and COUP orphan [NR2F3] receptors. Phylogenetic analyses that include the ascidian genes produce topologically distinct trees that suggest a redefinition of some nuclear receptor subfamilies. These trees also suggest that extensive gene duplication occurred after the vertebrates split from invertebrate chordates. These ascidian nuclear receptor genes are expressed differentially during embryogenesis and metamorphosis.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Australian residents is 7.5%; however, prevalence rates up to six times higher have been reported for indigenous Australian communities. Epidemiological evidence implicates genetic factors in the susceptibility of indigenous Australians to type 2 diabetes and supports the hypothesis of the thrifty genotype, but, to date, the nature of the genetic predisposition is unknown. We have ascertained clinical details from a community of indigenous Australian descent in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. In this population, the phenotype is characterized by severe insulin resistance. We have conducted a genomewide scan, at an average resolution of 10 cM, for type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes in a large multigeneration pedigree from this community. Parametric linkage analysis undertaken using FASTLINK version 4.1p yielded a maximum two-point LOD score of +2.97 at marker D2S2345. Multipoint analysis yielded a peak LOD score of +3.9
We show that by making conditional measurements on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) squeezed vacuum [T. Opatrny, G. Kurizki, and D.-G. Welsch, Phys. Rev. A 61, 032302 (2000)], one can improve the efficacy of teleportation for both the position-difference, momentum-sum, and number-difference, phase-sum continuous variable teleportation protocols. We investigate the relative abilities of the standard and conditional EPR states, and show that by conditioning we can improve the fidelity of teleportation of coherent states from below to above the (F) over bar =2/3 boundary, thereby achieving unambiguously quantum teleportation.
Each abdominal hemisegment of the Drosophila embryo has two sensory neurons intimately associated with a tracheal branch. During embryogenesis, the axons of these sensory neurons, termed the v'td2 neurons, enter the CNS and grow toward the brain with a distinctive pathway change in the third thoracic neuromere. We show that the axons use guidance cues that are under control of the bithorax gene complex (BX-C). Pathway defects in mutants suggest that a drop in Ultrabithorax expression permits the pathway change in the T3 neuromere, while combined Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A expression represses it in the abdominal neuromeres. We propose that the axons do not respond to a particular segmental identity in forming the pathway change; rather they respond to pathfinding cues that come about as a result of a drop in BX-C expression along the antero-posterior axis of the CNS.
The homeotic genes are instrumental in establishing segment-specific characteristics. In Drosophila embryos there is ample evidence that the homeotic genes are involved in establishing the differences in the pattern of sense organs between segments. The chordotonal organs are compound sense organs made up of several stretch receptive sensilla. A set of serially homologous chordotonal organs, Ich3 in the 1(st) thoracic segment, dch3 in the 2(nd) and 3(rd) thoracic segments and Ich5 in abdominal segments 1 to 7, is composed of different numbers of sensilla with different positions and orientations. Here we examine this set of sense organs and a companion set, vchA/B and vch 1, in the wild type and mutants for Sex combs reduced, Antennapedia, Ultrabithorax, and abdominal-A, using immunostaining. Mutant phenotypes indicate that Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A in particular influence the formation of these sense organs. Differential expression of abdominal-A and Ultrabithorax within compartments of individual parasegments can precisely modulate the types of sense organs that will arise from a segment.