929 resultados para Pen drawing.
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The currently available clinical imaging methods do not provide highly detailed information about location and severity of axonal injury or the expected recovery time of patients with traumatic brain injury [1]. High-Definition Fiber Tractography (HDFT) is a novel imaging modality that allows visualizing and quantifying, directly, the degree of axons damage, predicting functional deficits due to traumatic axonal injury and loss of cortical projections. This imaging modality is based on diffusion technology [2]. The inexistence of a phantom able to mimic properly the human brain hinders the possibility of testing, calibrating and validating these medical imaging techniques. Most research done in this area fails in key points, such as the size limit reproduced of the brain fibers and the quick and easy reproducibility of phantoms [3]. For that reason, it is necessary to develop similar structures matching the micron scale of axon tubes. Flexible textiles can play an important role since they allow producing controlled packing densities and crossing structures that match closely the human crossing patterns of the brain. To build a brain phantom, several parameters must be taken into account in what concerns to the materials selection, like hydrophobicity, density and fiber diameter, since these factors influence directly the values of fractional anisotropy. Fiber cross-section shape is other important parameter. Earlier studies showed that synthetic fibrous materials are a good choice for building a brain phantom [4]. The present work is integrated in a broader project that aims to develop a brain phantom made by fibrous materials to validate and calibrate HDFT. Due to the similarity between thousands of hollow multifilaments in a fibrous arrangement, like a yarn, and the axons, low twist polypropylene multifilament yarns were selected for this development. In this sense, extruded hollow filaments were analysed in scanning electron microscope to characterize their main dimensions and shape. In order to approximate the dimensional scale to human axons, five types of polypropylene yarns with different linear density (denier) were used, aiming to understand the effect of linear density on the filament inner and outer areas. Moreover, in order to achieve the required dimensions, the polypropylene filaments cross-section was diminished in a drawing stage of a filament extrusion line. Subsequently, tensile tests were performed to characterize the mechanical behaviour of hollow filaments and to evaluate the differences between stretched and non-stretched filaments. In general, an increase of the linear density causes the increase in the size of the filament cross section. With the increase of structure orientation of filaments, induced by stretching, breaking tenacity increases and elongation at break decreases. The production of hollow fibers, with the required characteristics, is one of the key steps to create a brain phantom that properly mimics the human brain that may be used for the validation and calibration of HDFT, an imaging approach that is expected to contribute significantly to the areas of brain related research.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitetónica)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)
Partindo de dois referenciais teóricos da inteligência, psicométrico e cognitivo, esta tese centra-se no conceito de modificabilidade cognitiva e nos programas de estimulação (treino) cognitiva. Em particular é feita uma descrição detalhada do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental-PEI (Feuerstein et al., 1980), nomeadamente alguns conceitos centrais à sua fundamentação e implementação, por exemplo a experiência de aprendizagem mediada, o mapa cognitivo e a modificação cognitiva estrutural, pois que foi o programa considerado no nosso estudo empírico. Em termos empíricos procedemos à aplicação do PEI (tarefa de organização de pontos) junto de um grupo de crianças de 10 a 13 anos, do 4º ano do ensino fundamental, provenientes de um meio sociocultural desfavorecido. Este grupo representava a globalidade de uma turma da escola escolhida (25 crianças), havendo uma outra turma similar da mesma escola que serviu de grupo de comparação (26 crianças). O plano experimental inclui uma avaliação de pré-teste e pósteste com provas cognitivas e de leitura. Igualmente foi considerado o rendimento escolar das crianças, acrescentando-se no grupo experimental uma avaliação mais qualitativa assente nas funções cognitivas, atitudes e comportamentos das crianças ao longo da realização das atividades propostas no programa de estimulação cognitiva. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um efeito benéfico do programa quando comparamos as crianças do grupo experimental e de controlo no pós-teste em termos das habilidades cognitivas e numa das provas de leitura. Igualmente se observam melhorias nas suas funções cognitivas, atitudes e comportamentos de implicação na realização das tarefas ao longo do programa, registando-se uma melhoria do pré-teste para o pós-teste no rendimento académico, contudo esta melhoria ocorre igualmente no grupo de controlo. Estes resultados são discutidos à luz da investigação sobre os programas de treino cognitivo, e em particular do PEI, retirando-se ilações para a prática educativa e para a continuidade da investigação nesta área.
Objective: To evaluate body image dissatisfaction and its relationship with physical activity and body mass index in a Brazilian sample of adolescents. Methods: A total of 275 adolescents (139 boys and 136 girls) between the ages of 14 and 18 years completed measures of body image dissatisfaction through the Contour Drawing Scale and current physical activity by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Weight and height were also measured for subsequent calculation of body mass index. Results: Boys and girls differed significantly regarding body image dissatisfaction, with girls reporting higher levels of dissatisfaction. Underweight and eutrophic boys preferred to be heavier, while those overweight preferred be thinner and, in contrast, girls desired to be thinner even when they are of normal weight. Conclusion: Body image dissatisfaction was strictly related to body mass index, but not to physical activity.
Objective To investigate the relation between gait parameters and cognitive impairments in subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) during the performance of dual tasks. Methods This was a cross-sectional study involving 126 subjects divided into three groups: Parkinson group (n = 43), Alzheimer group (n = 38), and control group (n = 45). The subjects were evaluated using the Timed Up and Go test administered with motor and cognitive distracters. Gait analyses consisted of cadence and speed measurements, with cognitive functions being assessed by the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery and the Clock Drawing Test. Statistical procedures included mixed-design analyses of variance to observe the gait patterns between groups and tasks and the linear regression model to investigate the influence of cognitive functions in this process. A 5% significant level was adopted. Results Regarding the subjects’ speed, the data show a significant difference between group vs task interaction (p = 0.009), with worse performance of subjects with PD in motor dual task and of subjects with AD in cognitive dual task. With respect to cadence, no statistical differences was seen between group vs task interaction (p = 0.105), showing low interference of the clinical conditions on such parameter. The linear regression model showed that up to 45.79%, of the variance in gait can be explained by the interference of cognitive processes. Conclusion Dual task activities affect gait pattern in subjects with PD and AD. Differences between groups reflect peculiarities of each disease and show a direct interference of cognitive processes on complex tasks.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial
Dissertação de mestrado em Ecologia
The study of the domestic architecture evolution in Late Antiquity performs a fairly recent research subject within Hispanic historiography and represents one of the most significant results emerging from urban archaeology that has uncovered a relevant and innovative group of data related with the occupation of cities with Roman foundation between the fourth and eight centuries. In Braga the excavations conducted since 1976 identified remains of several domus that have been the object of systematic research studies in the past decade.2 In reality, the vast majority of the city Late Antiquity occupation continued to privilege areas where the previous domus of High Empire foundation were located. They were object of important reforms between the late third/early fourth centuries in a time when Bracara Augusta was elevated to capital of the new Callaecia province and endured an important urban renovation.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização de Cultura Arquitectónica)
El plomo (Pb) es un neurotóxico del desarrollo con capacidad para alterar el balance redox del organismo y la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes, incluyendo catalasa (CAT). El etanol es una droga adictiva cuyos efectos motivacionales serían mediados por el acetaldehído, proceso catalizado por la enzima CAT cerebral. En base a estas consideraciones y a experimentos previos que demuestran un mayor consumo voluntario de etanol en ratas perinatalmente expuestas al Pb, se postula que esta enzima sería un sitio de acción común entre Pb (que induciría su activación a partir de la mayor producción de especies oxigenadas reactivas) y etanol (debido a la potenciación de la actividad de CAT producto de altas concentraciones de etanol en cerebro). En el presente proyecto se propone medir, en animales que han adquirido un patrón estable de consumo de etanol, la expresión cerebral de CAT por técnicas de Western blot y su actividad por técnicas espectrofotométricas en respuesta a: a) aminotriazol: AT (inhibidor de CAT; ver antecedentes), b) ácido 3-nitropropiónico: 3-NPA (activador de CAT), c) PEN, penicilamina (agente secuestrador de acetaldehído) y d) cianamida CIAN, inhibidor del metabolismo de acetaldehído). Se espera que la actividad y la abundancia de CAT estén influenciadas por la exposición a Pb y etanol y que respondan a las manipulaciones farmacológicas. Estos resultados serán complementados por mediciones de los niveles de etanol y acetaldehído en sangre. Se evaluará además la adquisición y reinstalación de las propiedades reforzantes tanto de etanol como de acetaldehído en la prueba de condicionamiento pavloviano asociado a un contexto. De observarse adquisición y/o reinstalación, se intentará bloquearla con AT o PEN, o por el contrario, restablecerla/potenciarla con 3-NPA o con CIAN. Se esperaría que el mayor consumo voluntario de etanol condicione una mayor conducta de búsqueda de la droga en el paradigma de preferencia a un sitio y que estas conductas puedan ser moduladas farmacológicamente por los agentes arriba descriptos. Estos resultados aportarán evidencias para el estudio de los mecanismos de acción de cada tóxico en particular, y para una nueva área de la Toxicología, la toxicidad de mezclas.
All organisations make some contribution to the degradation of the environment through their use of resources and production of waste. Environmental management systems (EMS) standards can provide a tool for companies to systematically reduce their environmental impacts. ISO 14001 was published in 1996. This fitted in with plans of the case study company to take proactive action in this area, even though there was no legislative requirement for them to do so. As EMS implementation was a new area at the time, appropriate methodologies were developed to address different aspects of the implementation, and ISO 14001 was successfully implemented in the company. The results of the primary research included: ♦ Drawing up a methodology for identifying and interpreting the environmental legislation that may have an impact on the organisation and compiling a register of such regulations. ♦ Developing a robust methodology for assessing significant environmental aspects and impacts and applying this to the software company. ♦ Establishing objectives and targets for those aspects identified as significant and implementing environmental management programmes to meet these. ♦ Developing an internal environmental audit procedure based on auditing against the significant aspects. ♦ Integrating areas of the EMS with the existing quality management system in order to avoid duplication of effort. ♦ Undergoing an external assessment process in order to achieve certification of the system. The thesis concludes that the systematic approach defined in ISO 14001 provided a mechanism that the organisation was able to adopt to bring about improvement in its environmental performance. The system was based on a thorough evaluation of the organisation's significant environmental aspects in order to bring about a reduction in its negative impacts. The ISO 14001 requirement for continual improvement is the key driver of the system, and this is what differentiates it from ISO 9000.
ქანების ელექტროწინაღობის ტემპერატურაზე დამოკიდებულების P(T) ექსპერიმენტალურ მონაცემებზე დაყრდნობით აგებული „ლაბორატორიული“ გეოელექტრული ჭრილი საქართველოს ტერიტორიის დედამიწის ქერქისათვის მიგვანიშნებს, რომ წინაღობის სიღრმეზე დამოკიდებულების სვლაში გადამწყვეტი როლი მიეკუთვნება ტემპერატურას და არა ქანების ნივთიერ შემადგენლობას, ნაშრომში მოყვანილი სიღრმეებისათვის.