870 resultados para Paasto, Päivi: Omistuksen juuret
Malissa vuonna 2014 meneillään olevan kriisin tarkastelu luo kuvan tyypillisestä 2000 - luvun afrikkalaisesti konfliktista, jonka juuret ovat syvällä alueen historiallisissa epäkohdissa sekä etnisissä ja alueellisissa ongelmissa. Konfliktin monitahoinen vaikutus nykymaailmassa ulottuu laajalle, jopa globaalille, tasolle. Malin kriisin ratkaisuyritykset muodostavat poikkeavan kaavan kansainvälisen yhteisön aikaisemmin harjoittamasta tavasta ja voivat olla esimerkki uudesta turvallisuusyhteistyöstä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää vuonna 2012 eskaloituneen Malin kriisin ratkaisemiseksi tehtyjä pyrkimyksiä sekä niiden taustalla vaikuttavia toimijoita ja turvallisuusyhteistyötä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lisäksi Länsi-Afrikan ja Sahelin alueella vaikuttavien valtioiden ja yhteisöjen toimintaa sekä analysoidaan niiden intressejä aluetta kohtaan ja mahdollista vaikutusta Malin sisäiseen konfliktiin. Malissa nykyiseen kriisiin liittyy monia ulottuvuuksia. Historiallinen tausta vuosikymmeniä kestäneessä konfliktissa, keskushallinnon heikkous ja useiden Länsi-Afrikan valtioiden suvereniteetin puuttuminen omalla alueellaan ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä kriisin syntymisessä ja jatkumisessa. Yhteiskunnalliset epäkohdat ja humanitääriset ongelmat ruokkivat vähemmistöjen kapinointia ja luovat pohjan järjestäytyneelle rikollisuudelle, terrorismille ja uskonnollisille ääriliikkeille, joiden voima on kasvanut niin suureksi, että ne pystyvät haastamaan alueen heikot valtiot. Kriisi on samalla Malin keskushallinnon taistelua maan sisäisiä separatistisia pyrkimyksiä vastaan ja terrorismin vastaista sotaa, johon kansainvälinen yhteisö laajalla rintamalla omien intressiensä mukaisesti osallistuu. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen konfliktin tutkimus, joka perustuu vertailevaan asiakirjatutkimukseen ja aineiston sisällönanalyysiin. Tutkimuksen näkökulmaa on laajennettu premissien kautta konstruktiivisen ja jälkikoloniaalisen teorian avulla.
Teema: Sukupuolihistoria.
This study looks at negotiation of belonging and understandings of home among a generation of young Kurdish adults who were born in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey and who reached adulthood in Finland. The young Kurds taking part in the study belong to the generation of migrants who moved to Finland in their childhood and early teenage years from the region of Kurdistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, then grew to adulthood in Finland. In theoretical terms, the study draws broadly from three approaches: transnationalism, intersectionality, and narrativity. Transnationalism refers to individuals’ cross-border ties and interaction extending beyond nationstates’ borders. Young people of migrant background, it has been suggested, are raised in a transnational space that entails cross-border contacts, ties, and visits to the societies of departure. How identities and feelings of belonging become formed in relation to the transnational space is approached with an intersectional frame, for examination of individuals’ positionings in terms of their intersecting attributes of gender, age/generation, and ethnicity, among others. Focus on the narrative approach allows untangling how individuals make sense of their place in the social world and how they narrate their belonging in terms of various mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion, including institutional arrangements and discursive categorisation schemes. The empirical data for this qualitative study come from 25 semi-structured thematic interviews that were conducted with 23 young Kurdish adults living in Turku and Helsinki between 2009 and 2011. The interviewees were aged between 19 and 28 years at the time of interviewing. Interview themes involved topics such as school and working life, family relations and language-learning, political activism and citizenship, transnational ties and attachments, belonging and identification, and plans for the future and aspirations. Furthermore, data were collected from observations during political demonstrations and meetings, along with cultural get-togethers. The data were analysed via thematic analysis. The findings from the study suggest that young Kurds express a strong sense of ‘Kurdishness’ that is based partially on knowing the Kurdish language and is informed by a sense of cultural continuity in the diaspora setting. Collective Kurdish identity narratives, particularly related to the consciousness of being a marginalised ‘other’ in the context of the Middle East, are resonant in young interviewees’ narrations of ‘Kurdishness’. Thus, a sense of ‘Kurdishness’ is drawn from lived experiences indexed to a particular politico-historical context of the Kurdish diaspora movements but also from the current situation of Kurdish minorities in the Middle East. On the other hand, young Kurds construct a sense of belonging in terms of the discursive constructions of ‘Finnishness’ and ‘otherness’ in the Finnish context. The racialised boundaries of ‘Finnishness’ are echoed in young Kurds’ narrations and position them as the ‘other’ – namely, the ‘immigrant’, ‘refugee’, or ‘foreigner’ – on the basis of embodied signifiers (specifically, their darker complexions). This study also indicates that young Kurds navigate between gendered expectations and norms at home and outside the home environment. They negotiate their positionings through linguistic repertoires – for instance, through mastery of the Finnish language – and by adjusting their behaviour in light of the context. This suggests that young Kurds adopt various forms of agency to display and enact their belonging in a transnational diaspora space. Young Kurds’ narrations display both territorially-bounded and non-territorially-bounded elements with regard to the relationship between identity and locality. ‘Home’ is located in Finland, and the future and aspirations are planned in relation to it. In contrast, the region of Kurdistan is viewed as ‘homeland’ and as the place of origins and roots, where temporary stays and visits are a possibility. The emotional attachments are forged in relation to the country (Finland) and not so much relative to ‘Finnishness’, which the interviewees considered an exclusionary identity category. Furthermore, identification with one’s immediate place of residence (city) or, in some cases, with a religious identity as ‘Muslim’ provides a more flexible venue for identification than does identifying oneself with the (Finnish) nation.
Enantiopure intermediates are of high value in drug synthesis. Biocatalysis alone or combined with chemical synthesis provides powerful tools to access enantiopure compounds. In biocatalysis, chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivity of enzymes are combined with their inherent environmentally benign nature. Enzymes can be applied in versatile chemical reactions with non-natural substrates under synthesis conditions. Immobilization of an enzyme is a crucial part of an efficient biocatalytic synthesis method. Successful immobilization enhances the catalytic performance of an enzyme and enables its reuse in successive reactions. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of biocatalysis in the preparation of enantiopure secondary alcohols and primary amines. Viability and synthetic usability of the studied biocatalytic methods have been addressed throughout this thesis. Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) catalyzed enantioselective O-acylation of racemic secondary alcohols was successfully incorporated with in situ racemization in the dynamic kinetic resolution, affording the (R)-esters in high yields and enantiopurities. Side reactions causing decrease in yield and enantiopurity were suppressed. CAL-B was also utilized in the solvent-free kinetic resolution of racemic primary amines. This method produced the enantiomers as (R)-amides and (S)-amines under ambient conditions. An in-house sol-gel entrapment increased the reusability of CAL-B. Arthrobacter sp. omega-transaminase was entrapped in sol-gel matrices to obtain a reusable catalyst for the preparation enantiopure primary amines in an aqueous medium. The obtained heterogeneous omega-transaminase catalyst enabled the enantiomeric enrichment of the racemic amines to their (S)-enantiomers. The synthetic usability of the sol-gel catalyst was demonstrated in five successive preparative kinetic resolutions.
Johanna Pentikäinen: Kirjallisuudenopetuksen kalpeat kasvot? (Kaisa Ahvenjärvi & Leena Kirstinä: Kirjallisuuden opetuksen käsikirja). – Nora Hämäläinen: Filosofian ja kirjallisuuden rajapintoja tutkimassa (Jukka Mikkonen & Antti Salmi-nen (toim.): Kirjallisuus ja filosofia – Rinnakkaisuuksia, risteyksiä, ristiriitoja). – Sari Salin: Satiiria on Suomessakin (Sari Kivistö & H.K. Riikonen: Satiiri Suomessa). – Mia Österlund: Upplagsrika analyser av finländsk samtidslitteratur (Leena Kirstinä (red.): Nodes of Contemporary Finnish Literature). – Päivi Koivisto: Suomalainen tekijäpeli ranskalaisin säännöin (Kaisa Kurikka: Algot Untola ja kirjoittava kone). – Pertti Lassila: Kiven kirjeet hyvin toimitettuina (Aleksis Kivi: Kirjeet. Kriittinen editio. Toimittaneet Juhani Niemi (päätoimittaja), Sakari Katajamäki, Ossi Kokko, Petri Lauerma, Jyrki Nummi. Ruotsinkieliset kirjeet suomentanut Juhani Lindholm). – Tiina Käkelä-Puumala: Nykyaikaa etsimässä (Pekka Vartiainen: Postmoderni kirjallisuus. Länsimai-sen kirjallisuuden historia 1945–2000).
Esitys Kansalliskirjaston Finto-palvelun ja arkistosektorin KDK-yhteistyöverkoston järjestämässä seminaarissa: Linkity! Kohti yhteentoimivaa metatietoa 3.9.2014.