954 resultados para POSITION PAPER
PURPOSE: To describe the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to clarify the position and patency of aqueous shunt devices in the anterior chamber of eyes where corneal edema or tube position does not permit a satisfactory view. DESIGN: Noncomparative observational case series. METHODS: Four cases are reported in which aqueous shunt malposition or obstruction was suspected but the shunt could not be seen on clinical examination. The patients underwent AS-OCT to identify the position and patency of the shunt tip. RESULTS: In each case, AS-OCT provided data regarding tube position and/or patency that could not be obtained by slit-lamp examination or by gonioscopy that influenced management. CONCLUSIONS: AS-OCT can be used to visualize anterior chamber tubes in the presence of corneal edema that precludes an adequate view or in cases where the tube is retracted into the cornea. In such cases, AS-OCT is useful in identifying shunt patency and position, which helps guide clinical decision making.
L’aspiració de trobar una eina que pugui ajudar a identifi car els papers atenent les sevescaracterístiques sorgeix a fi nal segle XVIII amb les primeres descripcions de les filigranespapereres i va prenent cos al segle XIX com a ciència auxiliar de la codicologia.Des de les últimes dècades del segle XX, les filigranes han anat adquirint un interès creixententre els restauradors de document gràfi c —com una eina més per a la presa de decisions i pera la valoració del procés de restauració— i entre els documentalistes, historiadors, museòlegsi bibliòfils —per a la datació i autenticació de les obres— i, fins i tot, en investigacionspolicials i jurídiques per aclarir algun fet delictiu. No obstant això, durant aquests 150 anys, l’estudi del paper a través de les filigranes papereres a Espanya no ha experimentat cap avenç significatiu pel que fa als mètodes i procediments seguits per a l’obtenció i gestió deles dades. En l’àmbit europeu, encara que a partir dels anys 90 sorgeixen noves propostesd’estudi, aquestes limiten la investigació a l’anàlisi de la filigrana sense assolir una visió global del plec sortit de la forma.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
Plants forming a rosette during their juvenile growth phase, such as Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., are able to adjust the size, position and orientation of their leaves. These growth responses are under the control of the plants circadian clock and follow a characteristic diurnal rhythm. For instance, increased leaf elongation and hyponasty - defined here as the increase in leaf elevation angle - can be observed when plants are shaded. Shading can either be caused by a decrease in the fluence rate of photosynthetically active radiation (direct shade) or a decrease in the fluence rate of red compared with far-red radiation (neighbour detection). In this paper we report on a phenotyping approach based on laser scanning to measure the diurnal pattern of leaf hyponasty and increase in rosette size. In short days, leaves showed constitutively increased leaf elevation angles compared with long days, but the overall diurnal pattern and the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement was independent of daylength. Shade treatment led to elevated leaf angles during the first day of application, but did not affect the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement in the following day. Using our phenotyping device, individual plants can be non-invasively monitored during several days under different light conditions. Hence, it represents a proper tool to phenotype light- and circadian clock-mediated growth responses in order to better understand the underlying regulatory genetic network.
There has been relatively little change over recent decades in the methods used in research on self-reported delinquency. Face-to-face interviews and selfadministered interviews in the classroom are still the predominant alternatives envisaged. New methods have been brought into the picture by recent computer technology, the Internet, and an increasing availability of computer equipment and Internet access in schools. In the autumn of 2004, a controlled experiment was conducted with 1,203 students in Lausanne (Switzerland), where "paper-and-pencil" questionnaires were compared with computer-assisted interviews through the Internet. The experiment included a test of two different definitions of the (same) reference period. After the introductory question ("Did you ever..."), students were asked how many times they had done it (or experienced it), if ever, "over the last 12 months" or "since the October 2003 vacation". Few significant differences were found between the results obtained by the two methods and for the two definitions of the reference period, in the answers concerning victimisation, self-reported delinquency, drug use, failure to respond (missing data). Students were found to be more motivated to respond through the Internet, take less time for filling out the questionnaire, and were apparently more confident of privacy, while the school principals were less reluctant to allow classes to be interviewed through the Internet. The Internet method also involves considerable cost reductions, which is a critical advantage if self-reported delinquency surveys are to become a routinely applied method of evaluation, particularly so in countries with limited resources. On balance, the Internet may be instrumental in making research on self-reported delinquency far more feasible in situations where limited resources so far have prevented its implementation.
Aquest treball estudia els personatges femenins de la filmografia de Yasujiro Ozu durant el període d'ocupació nord-americana a l'estat japonès (1945-1953).
This leaflet talks about the architecture of library buildings. It provides information on the selection of an architect and how to design flooring and room arrangements in a practical way.
Generic or own brand products were initially only lesser expensive copies of the branded label alternative, but nowadays, pricing alone is not enough in order to survive in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)markets. With this in mind manufacturers of generic brands have adapted to this rapidlygrowing niche by investing in design and marketing during the initial phase in order to be perceived as having a quality product comparable to that of the branded products. In addition, they have gone further ahead with a second phase and resorted to innovativeproduct differentiation strategies and even pure innovation in many cases. These strategies have granted generic brands constantly increasing market shares and a position of equals relative to national brands.Using previous analyses and case studies, this paper will provide conceptual and empirical evidence to explain the surprisingly fast growth and penetration of generic supermarket brands, which in their relatively short lifespan, have grown to rival the historical market leaders, the branded products. According to this analysis, the main conclusion is that the growth in generic brands can be explained not only by price competition, but also by the use of innovative product differentiation strategies.
Aquest treball analitza l’enregistrament audiovisual d’una activitat de guiatge duta a terme per una professora practicant en el rol d’investigadora en l’acció en una classe de català de 1r d’ESO per valorar el grau d’efectivitat de la seva parla. Al llarg de la recerca, es confronten els resultats de l’anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa recollits a partir del discurs enregistrat de la docent amb mostres del treball fet pels alumnes per donar resposta a les preguntes de la investigació i extreure conclusions que permetin configurar una guia de propostes de millora per a la futura tasca docent de la investigadora
Com a conseqüència de la celebració, l'any 1989, del 15O aniversari de la American Statistical Association (ASA) s'han publicat nombrosos treballs que analitzen I'evolució de la estadística al llarg d'aquest període i en el futur. D'altra banda, l'lnternational Statistical Institute (lSI) ha debatut a la sessió celebrada el passat mes d'agost a Florència l'informe Moriguti (1992) juntament amb al tres ponències sobre el present i futur de la professió d'estadístic, Bradley (1993), així mateíx, la Royal Statistical Society ha ampliat el seu caràcter i com a conseqüéncia ha canviat els seus estatuts a principi de 1993 .
BACKGROUND: Surveillance of multiple congenital anomalies is considered to be more sensitive for the detection of new teratogens than surveillance of all or isolated congenital anomalies. Current literature proposes the manual review of all cases for classification into isolated or multiple congenital anomalies. METHODS: Multiple anomalies were defined as two or more major congenital anomalies, excluding sequences and syndromes. A computer algorithm for classification of major congenital anomaly cases in the EUROCAT database according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD)v10 codes was programmed, further developed, and implemented for 1 year's data (2004) from 25 registries. The group of cases classified with potential multiple congenital anomalies were manually reviewed by three geneticists to reach a final agreement of classification as "multiple congenital anomaly" cases. RESULTS: A total of 17,733 cases with major congenital anomalies were reported giving an overall prevalence of major congenital anomalies at 2.17%. The computer algorithm classified 10.5% of all cases as "potentially multiple congenital anomalies". After manual review of these cases, 7% were agreed to have true multiple congenital anomalies. Furthermore, the algorithm classified 15% of all cases as having chromosomal anomalies, 2% as monogenic syndromes, and 76% as isolated congenital anomalies. The proportion of multiple anomalies varies by congenital anomaly subgroup with up to 35% of cases with bilateral renal agenesis. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of the EUROCAT computer algorithm is a feasible, efficient, and transparent way to improve classification of congenital anomalies for surveillance and research.
Primer análisis general del tema que ocupa la atención de un Seminario de Investigación "ad hoc" (Facultad de Economía y Empresa, vinculada al "Observatori de aprenentatge i investigació sobre el canvi i el conflicte socials", PID-UB aprobado en junio de 2010, investigadora principal: María Trinidad Bretones) sobre los intentos de cambio de régimen y de democratización de 2009 en Irán y de enero a mayo de 2011 en los países árabes del norte de África. Es la versión inicial y provisional que será ampliada y mejorada sucesivamente por medio de otros working paper.
Jugar no és només un sinònim de diversió, sinó que darrera d’aquesta acció s’amaguen molts elements que són imprescindible per al desenvolupament infantil, ja que l’afavoreix en tots els àmbits de la seva vida. Un nen amb Necessitats Educatives Especial té el mateix dret de gaudir d’una estona de joc, i desenvolupar-‐se com a persona. De fet, el joc és considerat una eina d’aprenentatge a l’edat infantil. Per això, el present treball de grau té com objectiu principal analitzar la importància del joc com a eina educativa amb infants amb un Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista. S’utilitza una metodologia qualitativa, i a través de l’observació, s’analitza com el joc ajuda a un infant amb Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista a adquirir determinades habilitats i capacitats que li permeten tenir certa autonomia. Els resultats obtinguts, permeten afirmar que la Unitat de Suport a l’Educació Especial utilitza el joc com un recurs didàctic per a treballar amb infants amb Autisme. Per això, es planteja una proposta d’intervenció dins d’aquesta unitat.