871 resultados para Olho de lombo


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Visual-motor integration is a skill that involves visual perception and eye-hand coordination. Deficit in perceptual ability and motor organization capacity may reflect in reading, writing and arithmetic learning difficulties. This study aimed to verify the relationship between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance, as well, whether visual perception ability was correlated with reading performance and whether motor coordination ability was correlated with writing performance. Participants were 77 students in the 2nd. year of elementary education at a public school. To data collect were applied the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Academic Performance Test. The results showed a significant correlation between visual-motor integration ability and academic skills of reading (r = 0.230, p = 0.044), writing (r = 0.244, p = 0.033) and arithmetic (r = 0.277, p = 0.015). In addition, was also identified significant correlation between visual perception and reading performance (r = 0.407, p = 0) and between the motor coordination and cursive writing (p = 0.039). The results of this study are consistent with the literature, concerning the verification of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination abilities influence on the students performance in school activities.


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Para a recuperação da estética facial,há necessidade de reposição do volume orbitário perdido em decorrência de eviscerações ou enucleações. Este estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar comparativamente a biocompatibilidade e a manutenção do volume orbitário com o uso de esferas de hidroxiapatita sintética e de polietileno poroso, na reconstrução de cavidades evisceradas de coelhos. Métodos: Para isso foram utilizados 56 coelhos albinos, submetidos à evisceração do olho direito, com colocação de esferas de hidroxiapatita sintética (G1 – 28 animais) ou polietileno poroso (G2 – 28 animais).Quatro coelhos de cada grupo foram sacrificados em 7 momentos experimentais: 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 180 dias após a evisceração. Após o sacrifício, o conteúdo da cavidade orbitária direita foi removido e seccionado na porção central em duas hemi-metades,uma das quais foi preparada para exame histopatológico; exame ultra-estrutural em microscópio eletrônico de varredura foi feito em dois animais de 7, 60 e 180 dias, de ambos os grupos experimentais. Resumo 118 Resultados: Observou-se aos 7 dias, tecido conjuntivo frouxo, constituído de células inflamatórias e hemáceas, em meio à rede de fibrina, principalmente na periferia da esfera de hidroxiapatita e chegando até ao centro da esfera de polietileno; a reação tecidual tornou-se mais densa com o passar do tempo. Decorridos 60 dias, observou-se em G1, início de metaplasia óssea que se acentuou ao longo do experimento. Em todos os momentos experimentais, a inflamação,predominantemente macrofágica, foi muito mais acentuada em G1.O volume da cavidade esclero-corneana foi melhor mantido em G2. Conclusão: a esfera de hidroxiapatita sintética provoca mais inflamação que a de polietileno poroso e é menos eficiente na manutenção do volume orbitário... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Optics consists in the study of interaction of light with physical systems. The human vision is a product of the interaction of light with the eye (a very peculiar physical system). Here we present a basic study of the relationship between the optics and human vision, including: - The fundaments and physicals properties who characterize the light and the colors and the characteristics of the incidence mediums. - The basics laws of geometrical optics, based in the rectilinear propagation of light in the form of a light ray, in the independence of light rays and in the principle of reversibility of the light beams. This principle is present in the process of image formations in lenses and mirrors and applied in the study of image formation in the human eye. - The refraction and reflection laws and types of lenses, who permits the construction of optics devices for the study of physical universe, and the appliances to correct vision diseases. - Presents the human vision process as consisting in the reception of light (electromagnetic radiation in the zone of wavelength visible to us) through the eye and the sending of information obtained by the retina to the brain where it is interpreted. The vision involves a biophysical relation between the light and the biological structure of the eye who is constituted by cornea, iris, crystalline and retina. Analyzes is made of how some parts of the eye performs a function in the reception and sending of information of the images to the brain


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Nos peixes, durante a vida reprodutiva o desenvolvimento gonadal é cíclico e anual. As gônadas passam por alterações de forma, de tamanho, de cor e de textura que são utilizadas como parâmetros para a sua classificação macroscópica. Porém, o desenvolvimento das células germinativas, nem sempre é consoante com essa classificação e, machos e fêmeas nem sempre parecem concatenados. Novas propostas de classificação vêm surgindo na tentativa de compatibilizar as informações macroscópicas e histológicas, considerando a atividade do epitélio germinativo de machos e fêmeas. Ocorre, no entanto, que essas propostas vêm sendo desenvolvidas em estudos com Perciformes marinhos. Aqui, tomando-se como modelo o Characiformes, Schizodon nasutus e o Perciformes, Plagioscion squamosissimus analisou-se comparativamente o ciclo reprodutivo de ambas as espécies, frente às classificações tradicionais e às novas propostas de classificação adicionadas das características histológicas das gônadas, e pode-se perceber que a análise macroscópica das gônadas, muitas vezes, não corresponde a sua verdadeira fase do ciclo reprodutivo, analisado microscopicamente. Isso se dá porque muitas das características cruciais para distinção das fases não são visíveis a olho nu, como folículos atrésicos, maturação do oócito ou anastomose de túbulos ou lóbulos testiculares. Assim, para determinação das fases reprodutivas, deve-se sempre contar com a análise microscópica e, no presente estudo, foi considerado que a melhor classificação para tal é a proposta de Brown-Peterson e colaboradores (2009), que divide o ciclo reprodutivo em seis fases reprodutivas, bastante detalhadas. A partir da descrição do ciclo reprodutivo feminino e masculino em S. nasutus e P. squamosissimus, os dados foram correlacionados com o índice gonadossomático, determinando, assim, que o período... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is an area in the Brazilian Contemporary Literature which is articulated according to the first person narrator who presents the problematic of the own creational action, the expression of a conflictual subjectivity divided between the vertiginous dive into itself – what would imply in a renounce of the world and the reality, where the authors’ work are their only matter – and the social participation - not as an awareness, but as the recognition of the limits and impasses which the real representation imposes on the creative writing. Therefore, this article proposes a reading on the novel O Azul do Filho Morto (2002) by Marcelo Mirisola, to try to situate him into the recent Brazilian literary production, as well as to reflect on his narrative the complex notion of authorship which is called into question on his novels, since they produce an intrincate imbrication between the fictional subject and the empirical image of the writer himself, breaking and confusing the limits between the fictional discourse and the extralinguistic reality which is evoked, manipulated, distorted and made unstable on his representational process.


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This article analyses some of Machado de Assis’ newspaper chronicles written in 1878 for O Cruzeiro. We intend to show that behind their extremely free literary composition, those texts show the author’s deepest critical point of views. Respecting the narrator fictional status, we are trying to see, as carefully as this subject demands on us, the man behind the journalist.


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In Frederico Barbosa’s poem “Memoria se”, the memory experience is marked in the body, which means that the memory is not only recorded on the lyrical person unconsciousness, but it is also something that, as an insignia, presents itself and becomes dense as permanence in this lyrical person body. The poet is heir of what may be called “tradition of rigour,” consequently, a discussion of his poetics aspects must consider the inventiveness and the dialogue with other texts, not only those from the canon but also those from the popular repertory that Frederico Barbosa assimilates and recreates.


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In the mid-nineteenth century, in his fruitful years of the perhaps best-known shortest literary career, Álvares de Azevedo wrote this verse “As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar” (“The waves are angels who sleep in the sea”). In the presentation of João Gilberto Noll’s young adult novel Anjo das ondas (Angel of the waves) in 2010, Ivan Marques states that the character in the novel, Gustavo, “with his adolescent passion, and torn spirit with overflowing lyrics, could even be compared to our tropical Byron”. João Gilberto Noll establishes a connection between him and Álvares de Azevedo that invites the reader to go beyond a first reading level of his work, seeking evidence of dialogue ratification between two apparently distant writers. The subtle intertextuality exceeds the initial clue and can be detected on Noll’s theme development from the history of Gustavo, a troubled teenager in search of his identity. Noll’s affinity to Álvares de Azevedo can still be captured in his narrative texture, in voices coming from his text; however, they also reveal to be unique and original features of his literary production. An apparent exercise in style shows that each author fulfills his mission by expressing, in his own way, the feeling of his time. In addition, it shows that through aesthetic emotion, literature allows us to transcend time and space.


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A reflection on Machado de Assis established relationship with the North American writer Edgar Allan Poe short stories is proposed here. A comparison between the short stories The Man of the Crowd and Só! [Lonely] is made in order to set the contrast between characters and theme treatment, fictionally elaborated by the two writers, considering the concept of influence within the framework of Comparative Literature.


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In this article, we undertake the reading of three fantasy short stories of the Spanish writer José María Merino by means of the theoretical propositions of Michel Lord and Juan Herrero Cecilia. These propositions attempt to elucidate the composition of the fantasy narrative delimiting a set of phases. This model applied to fantasy narrative arises from the perspective of Jean-Michel Adam on the composition of narrative texts in general.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)