839 resultados para Novos meios de comunicação


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar como ocorre a intertextualidade dos escritores T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, Robert Stock, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman e Ezra Pound, na obra de Mário Faustino. De acordo com autores como Bosi (1994) e Benedito Nunes (1985), a poesia de Faustino resulta da soma de poetas que ele leu, em diferentes momentos, tais como: Mallarmé, Yeats, Rilke, cummings, Joyce e Pound, deste último se utilizou do lema “repetir para aprender, criar para renovar”. O lema de Pound remete direta ou indiretamente à presença de outros autores em alguns poemas de Faustino. Mas este fato sempre foi tratado com poucas comprovações práticas. Assim, estabelecemos alguns parâmetros para escolher quais autores seriam analisados: utilizaremos somente autores anglófonos e, dentre eles, apenas autores que Faustino traduziu em suplementos literários e em uma revista. Partindo desse princípio, os autores foram distribuídos em dois momentos que definimos como ciclos: o ciclo-norte, o qual abrangeu o suplemento Arte-Literatura e a revista Norte; e o ciclo-sudeste, o qual abrangeu o suplemento Poesia-Experiência. Em ambos os ciclos, procuramos meios que nos permitissem mostrar que determinados autores estão presentes na obra de Faustino, seja por meio da criação de novos poemas com base em um poema de um autor anglófono ou por meio da incorporação de elementos característicos de determinado escritor também anglófono. Para esta pesquisa utilizamos alguns autores como: Chaves (1986) Kristeva (1974) e Bakhtin (2003; 2006), Santiago (1978), Nunes (1985; 1986; 1997; 2009) e Campos (1977; 1992). Percebemos, de acordo com Compagnon (2007), como ocorre o trabalho de reconstrução da escrita, neste caso na análise entre as traduções realizadas por Mário Faustino e os poemas dele, no qual cada etapa é um liame de uma imensa trama que liga este texto a outros lidos e “recortados”, que é manipulado por um indivíduo, ao mesmo tempo, autor e leitor (Faustino). Assim, o autor/leitor, possuiu como prática a tarefa de citar, ou seja, redizer o que já havia sido dito por outros.


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Esta dissertação objetiva pensar os desdobramentos que as traduções da poesia de Rainer Maria Rilke alcançaram no cenário do Suplemento Literário da Folha do Norte - SL/FN e em outros periódicos das décadas de 1940 e 1950, em que foram publicadas. Consideramos que estas traduções foram um indício de intensificação da abertura universalizante das letras paraenses às novidades modernistas iniciadas na Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922. Tais traduções foram cruciais para a formação do Grupo dos Novos, composto principalmente de nomes como Benedito Nunes, Mário Faustino e Paulo Plinio Abreu, além do antropólogo alemão Peter Paul Hilbert. O suporte teórico-metodológico será a utilização dos conceitos de Weltliteratur (Literatura universal) de Goethe e Reflexionsmedium (Médium-de-reflexão) de Benjamin. Estas matrizes interligarão os campos da história, da filosofia da linguagem e da tradução para refletirmos sobre o impacto dessas traduções na Amazônia brasileira da época. Outro conceito importante nesta dissertação é o de Bildung (formação), pensado a partir da leitura de Antoine Berman quando ele o relaciona à tradução, incluindo vários fenômenos que envolvem as relações tradutórias entre culturas e línguas. Ao final, por meio da reflexão tradutológica de Haroldo de Campos, visamos observar possíveis confluências nas produções poéticas e críticas de Mário Faustino, Manuel Bandeira e Paulo Plínio Abreu, como resultante do processo relacional promovido por estas traduções.


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Analistas do comportamento têm dificuldades em comunicar seus conhecimentos para outras comunidades de cientistas e, principalmente, para as comunidades que poderiam aplicá-los, tais como professores, pais, enfermeiros, engenheiros, etc. Este ensaio apresenta reflexões e fomenta discussões relativas à análise de razões pelas quais ocorrem essas dificuldades e de busca de meios para as superar. A adequada comunicação entre analistas e não-analistas é importante devido ao retorno social que dela resulta.


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Neste texto apontamos a importância dos estudos terminológicos para identificação, construção, leitura e interpretação de novos indicadores de ciência e tecnologia, pertinentes às novas demandas sociais. Diante do objetivo de discutir os desafios da utilização de indicadores para análise e formulação de políticas e para orientar o debate público, identificamos elos entre nossos estudos que resultaram em um Ensaio de Terminologia de Administração Escolar. Temos a convicção de que não há comunicação especializada sem terminologia igualmente especializada e seu uso adequado é fator decisivo para a divulgação precisa e objetiva da ciência e, no que aqui nos ocupa, para a leitura e interpretação de indicadores nacionais e internacionais. Entendemos que um estudo terminológico numa área de conhecimento como a educação pode conduzir à construção de novas ferramentas para leitura e interpretação de indicadores, favorecendo o debate público e a percepção social da ciência.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O volume, organizado pelo professor Danilo Rothberg, reúne artigos de docentes e pesquisadores de pós-graduação das áreas de ciências humanas e sociais que buscam esclarecer ações que envolvem a comunicação desenvolvida por atores sociais a fim de ampliar os espaços democráticos. A maior parte dos artigos são de autoria de docentes da Unesp e tratam de temas relacionados à comunicação via Internet e de sua aplicação em iniciativas políticas e de interação de instâncias de poder com o público. Mas o livro ainda discute outros meios, como rádio e televisão, além da comunicação organizacional. A obra procura aplicar o conhecimento científico no campo da comunicação desenvolvido nas universidades à realidade do Brasil de hoje. Diante do quadro de constante inovação das formas de se comunicar observado nos últimos anos, os autores contribuem para superar um cenário de aparente falta de informações sobre as realizações políticas e de gestão do setor.


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Introduction: Innovation and its processes, especially in the field of technology, are a focus of Information Science as a science of Human, as they determine the establishment of new habits, relevant socio-cultural indicators to understanding the history of cultures. Objective: This article reflects on the problematic: whether and how Information and Communication Technologies have impacted the lives of digital natives, whether the average individual is prepared to conscientiously experience the technological environment, how the current system can prepare future generations of professionals, and how the adults who grew up in the twentieth century, in an analogue society can prepare young people for a twenty-first century digital reality, widely different from theirs. Methodology: This paper was based on Literature Review. Results: As the sophistication of technology advances, society has to continually review the way it appropriates information to adjust to these changes. Conclusions: As for relevance of the methodologies that lead to innovative disruptive actions in hybrid realities such as the Brazilian one, with niches of poverty and prosperity, it is believed that it is in poor countries or countries with significant social differences such as Brazil where the need for a change of socio technocultural paradigm and innovative action urge to take place.


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Discusses some aspects of newspaper hypertextual article in order to find their ideological marks. Assumes that the choice of the element of contact with other texts (links), when producing an article reveals the author's ideology and the institution he represents. Intends to offer the less experienced reader of news, conditions to the development of more fruitful reading. Argues that reading is a process of interaction between reader and text and that requires the presence of an active reader, able to construct new meanings. Establishes as a general objective to identify the ideological marks presents in hypertext and its relation to the critical reading of the media. This theme is treated with special attention to its educational aspects, aiming at understanding the reality that educators must become familiar with, in order to turn more effective the processes of education for the media.


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Media, as contemporary information and communication phenomena, are rarely studied in the field of Information Science field (IS). This article aims to present a reflection on the Media role as information environments that provoke changes in the ecosystem of message creation, information and socially shared knowledge. It points out that the contextualization of informational situations in the media environments facilitates access to information and to knowledge creation, strategically aimed to more efficient mediation possibilities - purpose to be reached by the society and by an entrepreneurial Information Science. IS counts on proper strategies and methodologies for the creation of transversal meta fields of new knowledge for the solution of problems caused by the intersections and social frictions among science, technologies and knowledge, which means an effective contribution of IS to the enhance utilization of media potential.


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This monograph deals with the participation of public relations professionals as a subject acting role in organizational communication in the face of new communication and informational technologies that have emerged in recent years and characterize the digital era. The present study begins with the cultural, economic and social changes that were triggered by the new communicational reality e how these changes affected the ways of acting and thinking of society. In this context, we look at how modern organizations are adapting to this new demand and how the public relations may participate in the development and management of communications strategies to relate to the new publics arising through the consolidation of digital media


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This project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in contemporary organizations, considering current factors such as globalization, new technologies and market competition that make companies be always updated. The choice of the theme is due to the necessity to know that it is important to have an integrated communication between the employees and the customers, so that the established functions in the organizations occur positively. In this context, we present the concept of management, communication and organizational culture, focusing on the integration of business communication. The importance of the employee was also a focus of the study, involving the positioning of organizations. In this context, the case study is placed, considering that companies are characterized by carefully reading the feedback and reformulating the communication, making it effective as “Grendene” has done. Opposing to those ideas is “Terra” company. Thus, the project defends the importance to work on the communication, so that it becomes effective. During the project ways and means to manage communication are shown, so that it recognizes this need and become efficient, benefiting organizations and their audiences


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This study is the result of theoretical reflections and analyses about the role of public relations professional in existing management of cultural diversity in organizations, arising from globalisation and glocalisation. This way, we analyze new perspectives for organizational communication, considering the cultural aspects of different audiences in an organization. Thus, the goal of this work is to show another look for this activity, in which prime respect and integration amid interculturality and enable new paths for public relations, acting as ' cultural Integrator ' in this scenario. For understanding these new interfaces, the study takes as its starting point an overview of roots that gave rise to this context, starting from the analysis of various aspects of globalisation and your reflexes and impacts on organizations, plus a contextualization of the organizational communication trajectory. Then the global and local culture is discussed, as well as the glocalisation and repercussions in organizations, which gave rise to a scenary of cultural diversity and possible conflicts of that context. From the particular analysis of work, are given the implications of this encounter of multiple cultures in organizations, in addition to being presented theories of intercultural communication in trying to manage and provide the dialogue and understanding between different cultures. Finally, this study deals with the possibilities of public relations practice in interculturality, showing paths to the mediation of various interests between organizations and their audiences in the sphere of glocalization, showing the activity of International/Global public relations. It also presents the possible involvement of public relations in the management of a communication on cultural diversity scenary, showing perspectives for this activity on the theory of excellence, in order to seek understanding and understanding even in the midst of diversity


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This monograph ha as objective to study the process of integrating new employees in organizations. As the individual becomes inserted into a new professional reality, he is subject to some adjustment variables that can directly affect your income. Identifying this, companies started to worry about how to get these new members, since the way it is conducted is directly related to the success of your performance and productivity in the organization. The central focus of this study is to identify the characteristics of an integration program, as well as the grounds on which it is based. Thus, it is developed a literature review into three parts: the first discusses the importance of people in an organizational context, people management, organizational culture and socialization; the second part discusses organizational communication, and how it is an essential factor for the integrating process is finalized; the third part is allocated to programs of integration and report author's experience in organization Colégio Interativo. The integration process also brings benefits for new employees, once they start to feel like part of the team, is also advantageous for the organization, because the employee who knows what the company hopes it has more possibilities to meet the their needs


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In a supplier of building products were identified difficulties in communication between the Product Development area and other areas of the company that could spoil projects and processes. The process of product development is important in placing the company in the market, and through research and planning, design new products and seek to comply with the costumer in relation to deadlines, quality and cost-effective. The development of a product involves many areas in the company and communication is essential in this process. The goal of this study was to identify possible communication problems permeated by organizational culture and structure of project management working in the company. A survey was applied using a Likert scale in three different areas of the company, with questions including the topics: communication, culture and organizational structure of project management and subsequently conducted the median test and the Spearman test to analysis of responses. With the understanding and analysis of the survey it was confirmed the difficulties of communication between people and the areas of the company, besides there is an influence of the type of culture acting in the company and the current management structure of the project in a good performance of internal communication