970 resultados para Norwegian newspapers


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock size is rapidly decreasing due to high catches; ICES recommends a closure of the fishery. Herring (Atlanto-Scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): Stock is within save biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a further reduction of biomass. Herring (North Sea): revision of the assessment led to a different perception of the stock: SSB was in 2000 below Blim. Excellent recruitment will lead to an increase of SSB over Blim within this year, but ICES recommends to reduce fishing mortality on adults significantly. Herring (Baltic spring spawner in 22–24, IIIa): Still no increasing tendency is detectable. Herring (VIaNorth): stable. Redfish: generally further decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery visible only for two units. Greenland Halibut: State of the stock not quite clear, but slightly positive tendencies. The present fishing intensity should be reduced. Cod (Kattegat): Weak recruitment, outside safe biological limits. ICES recommends a closure of the fishery. Cod (22–24, Western Baltic): Stock situation unclear due to extensive migrations. F should be reduced by at least 10%.


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Since 1999, the ICES Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak assesses the saithe stock in the North Sea, Skagerrak and west of Scotland as a single stock unit. The sampling, evaluation and role of biological data from the German saithe fishery in the assessment are described. The German data showed similar trends as observed in French and Norwegian series. Based on these estimates, the spawning stock recovered to more than 200 000 t due to reductions in quotas and exploitation rates. Thus, the production of the stock increased also in combination with good recruitment and positive trends in spawning stock size and landings were projected for 2002. The biological data derived from the German saithe fishery dominated the assessment of stock size, structure and exploitation. This fact encourages a continuation of the described analyses based on sampling onboard fishing vessels and fish markets by the Institute for Sea Fisheries. The successful collaboration with the saithe fishing industry is judged as an important contribution to the sustainable management of fish stocks.


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For 10 years the Institute for Fishing Technology, Hamburg (IFH) has been carrying out experiments in the brown shrimp fishery with beam trawls aiming at a reduction of unwanted bycatches. When the tests were transferred to commercial fishery conditions the personnel effort and costs increased markedly. It became e.g. necessary to install a deep-freeze chain to make it possible to evaluate more samples in the laboratory. This again required to increase the number of technicians for measuring the fish and shrimp samples, but also made it necessary to perform this work in the most rational and time-saving way by applying modern electronic aids. Though all samples still have to be sorted by species and have to be weighed and measured the introduction of electronic aids, however, like electronic measuring board and computer-aided image processing system, all weight and length data are immediately and digitally recorded after processing. They are transferred via a network to a server PC which stores them into a purpose-designed database. This article describes the applicationof two electronic systems: the measuring board (FM 100, Fa. SCANTROL), iniated by a project in the Norwegian Institute for Fishing Technology, and a computer-aided image processing system, focussing on measuring shrimps in their naturally flexed shape, also developed in the Institute for Fishing Technology in close collaboration with the University of Duisburg. These electronic recording systems allow the consistent and reproducible record of data independent of the changing day-to-day personal form of the staff operating them. With the help of these systems the number of measurements the laboratory could be maximized to 250 000 per year. This made it possible to evaluate, in 1999, 525 catch samples from 75 commercial hauls taken during 15 days at sea. The time gain in measuring the samples is about one third of the time previously needed (i.e. one hour per sample). An additional advantage is the immediate availability of the digitally stored data which enables rapid analyses of all finished subexperiments. Both systems are applied today in several institutes of the Federal Research Centre. The image processing system is now the standard measuring method in an international research project.


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock is still relatively high, this, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in 22–24 (Baltic): stock is inside save biological limits. F, however, is above the recommendation of the IBSFC. Greenland Halibut: state of the stock not quite clear. The present fishing intensity seems to be sustainable. Herring (Atlanto- scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): stock is within safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a reduction of biomass. Herring: for Baltic spring spawner in 22–24 and IIIa still no increasing tendency detectable. North Sea Herring: further increasing tendency, with 900 000 t over B lim, good recruitment. Herring in VIa: stable. Redfish: generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery, however, visible for some units


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Echo integration is an established method for stock estimation. However, this method is not free of errors like every other measuring method. Especially the variation between day and night behaviour of fish may lead to large measuring errors. A new method is represented detecting such systematic errors, exemplified by investigations during the international hydroacoustic survey on the spring spawning herring in the Norwegian Sea. For this method all measured sA-values are sorted by starting time of the measuring unit distance. In order to reduce random influences a moving average over five time intervals is computed. When displaying these values in a diagram makes it is very easy to detect systematic errors based on the differences in day-night behaviour. For both species, herring and blue whiting, stock estimations are calculated based on the measured sA-values and the results of the analysed trawl catches. The influence of the differnt day and night behaviour of herring on the results of its biomass estimation is rather low. For blue whiting the measured values were about three time higher during day time than during night time. The result of this investigation should initiate a change of the evaluation procedure for stock estimation based on hydroacoustic measurements.


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The question has not yet been completely solved whether or not the mackerel and horse mackerel stocks in the waters from the Bay of Biscay to the Atlantic off the Norwegian coast are independent unit stocks or must be regarded rather as one stock with distinct stock components. The stock definition, however, is the basis for fishery management and is fundamental for the exploitation of the stocks. For this reason the extensive mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey carried out in 1998, is of high importance and significance for the fishery management of the two species. The survey has begun in January in Iberian waters and will eventually end in the autumn north of Scotland. To cope with this task research vessels of eight European nations are participating.


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Biological investigations were carried out onboard the German factory trawlers “Wiesbaden” and “Kiel” off the Norwegian coast and at Bear Island from December 1996 to June 1997. Data will be contributed to the assessments of the ICES “Arctic Fisheries Working Group”. Information on distribution and fishery of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish and Greenland halibut are given. Biological aspects of length- and age distributions, and stomach- and gonad investigations are represented. Some aspects of the function of sorting grids used in the Bear Island fishery are discussed.


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A study by K.R. Patterson of the Marine Lab, Aberdeen, Scottland, presented to the EU comission in June 1997, investigated the distribution of Herring in the North Sea, i. e. the zonal attachment of the stock to EU and Norwegian waters, respectively. Evaluation of data from the ICES International Bottom Trawl Surveys and Herring Acoustic Surveys conducted in the last 10 years showed a wide variation in biomass and zonal attachment, depending on the type of survey used and the season sampled. However, a mean share of 16 % was estimated to be attached to the Norwegian waters . In contrast to earlier analyses based on commercial catches there is little support that this proportion increases with increasing stock size. It is expected that this study will give rise to some discussion on the forthcoming EU-Norwegian consultations on North Sea herring.


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Euskaraz: Gaur egun, munduan ingeles hizkuntzaren garrantzia dela eta, hainbat herrialdeen lehen hezkuntzan, bigarren edo atzerriko hizkuntza bezala, ikasten den ikasgaia da. Hala ere, herrialde guztietako biztanlerian ez da gaitasun berdina lortzen. Hizkuntza ikas estrategien erabilerak, xede-hizkuntzaren gaitasunak lortzeko erabakigarriak izan daitezkeela kontuan izanda, lan honen helburua, ingelesa ikasterakoan, testuinguru ezberdinak duten bi lurraldeen (Norvegia-Bodø eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa) ikas-estrategien erabilera aztertzea izan da, lehen hezkuntzako bi taldeetan, metodo deskriptibo konparatiboa erabiliz. Emaitzek erakutsi zuten, norvegiar taldeko ikasleek euskal taldekoek baino maizago ikas-estrategiak erabiltzen zituztela. Honekin, testuingurua eta ikas estrategiak erabiltzearen arteko korrelazio posible bat iradoki daiteke.


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Colour measurements were performed on smoked Norwegian salmon sides using an objective method based on the CIELab-system. The influence of a freeze/thaw cycle was evaluated. Already after a short frozen storage of 8 hours a signiticant colour difference could be noticed. This was manifested by an increase in lightness as well as in redness and yellowness as result of the freeze/thaw cycle. These colour changes were observable by eyes too.


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Biological investigations were carried out onboard the commercial freezing trawler "KIEL" off the Norwegian coast in February/March and in the Bear Island area in May 1996. Data will be used as German contribution to the assessments of the ICES "Arctie Fisheries Working Group". Informations about the fishery and the concentrations of cod, haddock, saithe and redfish in the areas between Röst-, Nordvest-, Fuglöy-Bank and Bear Island are given. Length - and age distributions as well as preliminary results of stomach- and gonad investigations are represented.


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The international hydroacoustic herring survey in the North Sea is carried out since the early eighties with Dutch, Scottish, Danish und Norwegian contribution. Since 1994 Germany also participates in this survey on a regular basis and has taken over a sector in the easter part between the Dogger Bank and the Danish coast. This area is known for the abundance of chiefly juvenile herring and sprat. During the 1995 cruise some 420000 t of herring were found here, most of them being juveniles of age group I. Analyses of plankton hauls showed that planktonic echos were not caused by juvenile herring, instead the echos were apparently produced by small pelagic gastropodes of the genus Spiratella.


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On October 24, 1871, a massacre of eighteen Chinese in Los Angeles brought the small southern California settlement into the national spotlight. Within a few days, news of this “night of horrors” was reported in newspapers across the country. This massacre has been cited in Asian American narratives as the first documented outbreak of ethnic violence against a Chinese community in the United States. This is ironic because Los Angeles’ small population has generally placed it on the periphery in historical studies of the California anti-Chinese movement. Because the massacre predated Los Angeles’ organized Chinese exclusion movements of the late 1870s, it has often been erroneously dismissed as an aberration in the history of the city.

The violence of 1871 was an outburst highlighting existing community tensions that would become part of public debate by decade’s close. The purpose of this study is to insert the massacre into a broader context of anti-Chinese sentiments, legal discrimination, and dehumanization in nineteenth century Los Angeles. While a second incident of widespread anti-Chinese violence never occurred, brutal attacks directed at Chinese small businessmen and others highlighted continued community conflict. Similarly, economic rivalries and concerns over Chinese prostitution that underlay the 1871 massacre were manifest in later campaigns of economic discrimination and vice suppression that sought to minimize Chinese influence within municipal limits. An analysis of the massacre in terms of anti-Chinese legal, social and economic strategies in nineteenth-century Los Angeles will elucidate these important continuities.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto o Programa Bolsa Família, buscando captar, junto aos usuários, as suas impressões acerca deste, que é o carro-chefe dos programas sociais do atual governo federal. Com base nos pressupostos de que o Bolsa Família tem forte apelo popular; é legitimado em larga escala por diferentes segmentos sociais e tem centralidade no campo da Assistência Social, a hipótese é de que os usuários, enquanto beneficiários diretos do Programa tendem à sua defesa, apesar de dificuldades e problemas que possam apontar. Muitos estudos têm debatido o Bolsa Família, mas ressentem-se de uma abordagem que coloque em cena os usuários. Para a realização deste estudo, que tem como referência o materialismo histórico-dialético, foram investigados diversos autores acerca do tema Política Social e diversos documentos de fontes primárias, como jornais, legislação e material institucional, bem como, pesquisa junto aos usuários do Bolsa Família que utilizam o Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CREAS) Arlindo Rodrigues, na Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, como local para aquisição e manutenção do benefício do Programa. A pesquisa, entre outros elementos, aponta para uma aceitação deste, ainda que haja alguns questionamentos e objeções por parte dos usuários. A procura ao CREAS é constante e intensa configurando o centro de referência como espaço central de atendimento ao Bolsa Família.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as marcas linguísticas que compõem as relações de sentido no que diz respeito ao humor da crônica de Aldir Blanc. A partir da percepção da estrutura da Língua Portuguesa, verificar quais as ações na produção textual da crônica sejam estas morfológicas, gramaticais, lexicais, sintáticas, fonéticas, estilísticas ou semânticas que, ao aliar-se à práxis cotidiana (contexto) oferecida pelos jornais, propiciam o discurso humorístico do autor. Os pressupostos teóricos que corroboram as respectivas demarcações linguísticas terão ênfase no tocante aos aspectos semânticos, com Stephen Ullman, Pierre Guiraud e Edward Lopes. Os traços característicos da crônica, o humor e a ironia como recursos discursivos, a seleção lexical, as inferências, o jogo lúdico da grafia das palavras, as formas textuais serão inferidos dialogicamente em grande parte pelos estudos estilísticos de Marcel Cressot, Pierre Guiraud, Mattoso Câmara, Nilce SantAnna Martins e José Lemos Monteiro. Desse modo, apontamos para um estudo da língua sob uma ótica semântico-discursiva, levando em conta sua expressividade estilística. Dessa forma, à valorização do manuseamento linguístico, quer pela escritura, quer pela leitura, acrescenta-se o dado crítico da língua através do discurso presente no humor, tendo em vista o gênero textual que é a crônica e sua grande penetração social pelos jornais de grande circulação