806 resultados para New Product Development


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The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here


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A modularidade pode ser entendida como um conjunto de conceitos que leva a novas possibilidades de arquitetura de produto, bem como novas maneiras de organização da produção, possibilitando a transferência de atividades ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos automotiva. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o emprego da modularidade no projeto de produto e na produção, considerando uma situação de relação específica entre uma montadora de veículos comerciais e fornecedores de motores, no âmbito do consórcio modular. É também analisada a relação entre a modularidade no projeto de produto e na produção. Para a consecução desses objetivos é adotada a abordagem metodológica de estudo de caso. Os resultados apresentam algumas influências que ocorrem entre o projeto do produto e a produção e vice-versa, uma parte delas esperadas, reforçando o caráter confirmatório dos dados coletados. Constata-se que o conceito de modularidade pode ser aplicado ao processo produtivo sem necessariamente que o produto tenha sido concebido em módulos, ou seja, a partir de um produto existente é possível montar seus componentes formando subconjuntos em uma lógica modular. Os dados confirmam ainda que a estrutura do produto de um veículo comercial favorece a sua divisão em módulos. Adicionalmente, a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos na montadora é simplificada em comparação ao sistema de produção convencional, pois parte das responsabilidades da montadora é transferida para os fornecedores.


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Diversos estudos têm sido realizados no intuito de analisar os impactos da inovação tecnológica no desempenho comercial das empresas. Com isso, este estudo visa analisar os fatores de influência sobre o percentual do faturamento com a venda de novos produtos na indústria do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com características descritivas e explicativas, cuja abordagem é quantitativa, utilizando dados secundários provindos da Pesquisa de Atividade Econômica Paulista (PAEP), realizada pela Fundação SEADE. Os resultados mostram que os fatores de influência sobre o faturamento provindo de novos produtos são: a origem do capital controlador; a empresa pertencer a um grupo empresarial; o total de pessoal em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; o pessoal alocado diretamente na produção; as fontes de informação para atividades inovativas; e o apoio governamental para a inovação tecnológica.


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A large percentage of the industrial SMEs has an organizational structure for product development too far from the adequate practices and models, elaborated by renowned authors with expertise in the theme of product development. On the other hand, the authors state that SMEs obtain considerable advantages by adopting a model of product development process (PDP) management. Healt is one of the most innovative sectors in the world, and countries like Brazil and Colombia are transitioning from a system that cares for contagious infecttions diseases where the drug product is the main form of treatment - to a system that cares for chronic degenerative conditions - where the equipment, including hospital furniture, has more relevance to the treatment. This change is offering better opportunities of specialized markets to hospital furniture SMEs that adopt an adquate PDF model. The present study proposes a first outline of a model of PDP management for industrial metal-mechanical SMEs that develop and manufacture hospital furniture, from a review of models proposed for great mechanical area.


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[ES] Este proyecto de fin de carrera aborda la actualización y refactorización de la aplicación Hecaton. Esta aplicación permite la monitorización y actuación en instalaciones industriales de manera remota a través de un interfaz web. Para ello hace uso de sensores y actuadores que, conectados a través de un equipo de adquisición de datos a un sistema informático servidor, permiten obtener, manipular y almacenar los datos y eventos recibidos. Hecaton ha sido desarrollado enteramente utilizando software libre. Además, el sistema permite ser personalizado, lo que posibilita su uso en todo tipo de escenarios, siendo el usuario quién define las reglas de funcionamiento. Este trabajo se trata del cuarto ciclo de desarrollo, pues la aplicación ha sido crea y ampliada en otros tres proyectos. En este último desarrollo se han actualizado las tecnologías y herramientas que forman parte de la aplicación. Se ha puesto especial énfasis en el rediseño de la interfaz web, adoptando el uso de las últimas tecnologías web que permiten un funcionamiento dinámico de la misma. Por otro lado se han corregido algunos errores de diseño e introducido el uso de nuevas herramientas para la gestión del proyecto software. Se trata por lo tanto de un ejercicio de refactorización software donde se ha puesto especial atención en conseguir un proyecto actualizado y que utilice metodologías de desarrollo actuales y que posibilite que sea actualizado en un futuro.


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The doctoral research project "Audiovisuals and Social Networks: Text and Experiences 2007-2010" is mainly based on the analysis of the international audiovisuals landscape and of the promotional strategies of these products in Social Networks environment. The aim is to understand what kind of changes we can find about the concept of "text", users and marketing. The thesis is focused not just on Social Network marketing but also on new media development, such as Social TV and mobile.


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Atopic dermatitis in humans and dogs is a chronic relapsing allergic skin disease. Dogs show a spontaneous disease similar to the human counterpart and represent a model to improve our understanding of the immunological mechanisms, the pathogenesis of the disease, and new therapy development. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency and phenotype of dendritic cells (DC) in the epidermis and dermis of healthy, canine atopic dermatitis lesional, and non-allergic inflammatory skin to further validate the model and to obtain insights into the contribution of DC to the pathogenesis of skin diseases in dogs. We first characterized canine skin DC using flow-cytometric analysis of isolated skin DC combined with an immunohistochemical approach. A major population of canine skin dendritic cells was identified as CD1c(+)CD11c(+)CD14(-)CD80(+)MHCII(+)MAC387(-) cells, with dermal DC but not Langerhans cells expressing CD11b. In the epidermis of lesional canine atopic dermatitis and non-allergic inflammatory skin, we found significantly more dendritic cells compared with nonlesional and control skin. Only in canine atopic dermatitis skin did we find a subset of dendritic cells positive for IgE, in the epidermis and the dermis. Under all inflammatory conditions, dermal dendritic cells expressed more CD14 and CD206. MAC387(+) putative macrophages were absent in healthy but present in inflamed skin, in particular during non-allergic diseases. This study permits a phenotypic identification and differentiation of canine skin dendritic cells and has identified markers and changes in dendritic cells and macrophage populations related to allergic and non-allergic inflammatory conditions. Our data suggest the participation of dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis similar to human atopic dermatitis and further validate the only non-murine spontaneous animal model for this disease.


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The blending of common polymers allows for the rapid and facile synthesis of new materials with highly tunable properties at a fraction of the costs of new monomer development and synthesis. Most blends of polymers, however, are completely immiscible and separate into distinct phases with minimal phase interaction, severelydegrading the performance of the material. Cross-phase interactions and property enhancement can be achieved with these blends through reactive processing or compatibilizer addition. A new class of blend compatibilization relies on the mechanochemical reactions between polymer chains via solid-state, high energy processing. Two contrasting mechanochemical processing techniques are explored in this thesis: cryogenic milling and solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP). Cryogenic milling is a batch process where a milling rod rapidly impacts the blend sample while submerged within a bath of liquid nitrogen. In contrast, SSSP is a continuous process where blend components are subjected to high shear and compressive forces while progressing down a chilled twin-screw barrel. In the cryogenic milling study, through the application of a synthesized labeledpolymer, in situ formation of copolymers was observed for the first time. The microstructures of polystyrene/high-density polyethylene (PS/HDPE) blends fabricated via cryomilling followed by intimate melt-state mixing and static annealing were found to be morphologically stable over time. PS/HDPE blends fabricated via SSSP also showed compatibilization by way of ideal blend morphology through growth mechanisms with slightly different behavior compared to the cryomilled blends. The new Bucknell University SSSP instrument was carefully analyzed and optimized to produce compatibilized polymer blends through a full-factorial experiment. Finally, blends of varying levels of compatibilization were subjected to common material tests to determine alternative means of measuring and quantifying compatibilization,


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Stetig steigende Funktionalitäten, intelligente Materialien, eine möglichst geringe Leistungsaufnahme verbunden mit kleinem Volumen und geringem Gewicht sind die zentralen Anforderungen u.a. der Medizintechnik und der Telekommunikation. Um diesen Bedarf mit industriellen Fertigungsverfahren abzudecken, startete das Unternehmen nach seiner Gründung in Rumeln bereits 1996 mit dem Aufbau der RMPD® Technologiefamilie. Heute sichern diese Technologien, mit denen die direkte Serienproduktion auf Basis der CAD Kontruktionsdaten für Mikrosysteme und –komponenten werkzeuglos erfolgt, einem internationalen Kundenkreis Markterfolge mit dem Einsatz patentierter Fertigungssysteme. microTEC ist an zwei Standorten als Auftragsproduzent für Unternehmen u.a. aus den Bereichen Sensorik, Telekommunikation, Medizintechnik und Biotechnologie tätig. Mit den RMPD® Technologien profitieren die Kunden auch durch die schnelle Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich ändernde Marktbedingungen und Verbraucherwünsche. Über 300 Kunststoffe mit den unterschiedlichsten Eigenschaften stehen für mikroelektronische Packaging-Dienstleistungen und Auftragsfertigung von Mikrosystemen zur Verfügung, zu den Produkten gehören z.B. Mikrogetriebe mit selbstschmierenden Zahnrädern und Lab-on-a-Chipsysteme, die mit dem Einsatz hydrophiler Kunststoffe die Kapillarwirkung auch in 3D nutzen. Die beiden Geschäftsführer Dipl. Ing. Reiner Götzen und Andrea Reinhardt, sowie der Prokurist Dr. Ing. Helge Bohlmann stehen für eine konzernunabhängige, kundenorientierte Strategie und verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung als mittelständische Unternehmer. Dies bildet zusammen mit der internationalen Marktorientierung, dem branchenübergreifenden Technologie Know-how und den inhouse verfügbaren Produktionsanlagen die Basis für den weiteren Standortausbau im 8. Jahr des Unternehmens.