904 resultados para National Commercial Bank of Albany (Albany, N.Y.)
Mikael Juselius’ doctoral dissertation covers a range of significant issues in modern macroeconomics by empirically testing a number of important theoretical hypotheses. The first essay presents indirect evidence within the framework of the cointegrated VAR model on the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor by using Finnish manufacturing data. Instead of estimating the elasticity of substitution by using the first order conditions, he develops a new approach that utilizes a CES production function in a model with a 3-stage decision process: investment in the long run, wage bargaining in the medium run and price and employment decisions in the short run. He estimates the elasticity of substitution to be below one. The second essay tests the restrictions implied by the core equations of the New Keynesian Model (NKM) in a vector autoregressive model (VAR) by using both Euro area and U.S. data. Both the new Keynesian Phillips curve and the aggregate demand curve are estimated and tested. The restrictions implied by the core equations of the NKM are rejected on both U.S. and Euro area data. These results are important for further research. The third essay is methodologically similar to essay 2, but it concentrates on Finnish macro data by adopting a theoretical framework of an open economy. Juselius’ results suggests that the open economy NKM framework is too stylized to provide an adequate explanation for Finnish inflation. The final essay provides a macroeconometric model of Finnish inflation and associated explanatory variables and it estimates the relative importance of different inflation theories. His main finding is that Finnish inflation is primarily determined by excess demand in the product market and by changes in the long-term interest rate. This study is part of the research agenda carried out by the Research Unit of Economic Structure and Growth (RUESG). The aim of RUESG it to conduct theoretical and empirical research with respect to important issues in industrial economics, real option theory, game theory, organization theory, theory of financial systems as well as to study problems in labor markets, macroeconomics, natural resources, taxation and time series econometrics. RUESG was established at the beginning of 1995 and is one of the National Centers of Excellence in research selected by the Academy of Finland. It is financed jointly by the Academy of Finland, the University of Helsinki, the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation, Bank of Finland and the Nokia Group. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
For the past two centuries, nationalism has been among the most influential legitimizing principles of political organization. According to its simple definition, nationalism is a principle or a way of thinking and acting which holds that the world is divided into nations, and that national and political units should be congruent. Nationalism can thus be divided into two aspects: internal and external. Internally, the political units, i.e., states, should be made up of only one nation. Externally each nation-state should be sovereign. Transnational national governance of rights of national minorities violates both these principles. This study explores the formation, operation, and effectiveness of the European post-Cold War minorities system. The study identifies two basic approaches to minority rights: security and justice. These approaches have been used to legitimize international minority politics and they also inform the practice of transnational governance. The security approach is based on the recognition that the norm of national self-determination cannot be fulfilled in all relevant cases, and so minority rights are offered as a compensation to the dissatisfied national groups, reducing their aspiration to challenge the status quo. From the justice perspective, minority rights are justified as a compensatory strategy against discrimination caused by majority nation-building. The research concludes that the post-Cold War minorities system was justified on the basis of a particular version of the security approach, according to which only Eastern European minority situations are threatening because of the ethnic variant of nationalism that exists in that region. This security frame was essential in internationalising minority issues and justifying the swift development of norms and institutions to deal with these issues. However, from the justice perspective this approach is problematic, since it justified double standards in European minority politics. Even though majority nation-building is often detrimental to minorities also in Western Europe, Western countries can treat their minorities more or less however they choose. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the detailed investigation of the operation of the post-Cold War minorities system. For the first decade since its creation in the early 1990s, the system operated mainly through its security track, which is based on the field activities of the OSCE that are supported by the EU. The study shows how the effectiveness of this track was based on inter-organizational cooperation in which various transnational actors compensate for each other s weaknesses. After the enlargement of the EU and dissolution of the membership conditionality this track, which was limited to Eastern Europe from the start, has become increasingly ineffective. Since the EU enlargement, the focus minorities system has shifted more and more towards its legal track, which is based on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Council of Europe). The study presents in detail how a network of like-minded representatives of governments, international organizations, and independent experts was able strengthen the framework convention s (originally weak) monitoring system considerably. The development of the legal track allows for a more universal and consistent, justice-based approach to minority rights in contemporary Europe, but the nationalist principle of organization still severely hinders the materialization of this possibility.
The world of mapping has changed. Earlier, only professional experts were responsible for map production, but today ordinary people without any training or experience can become map-makers. The number of online mapping sites, and the number of volunteer mappers has increased significantly. The development of the technology, such as satellite navigation systems, Web 2.0, broadband Internet connections, and smartphones, have had one of the key roles in enabling the rise of volunteered geographic information (VGI). As opening governmental data to public is a current topic in many countries, the opening of high quality geographical data has a central role in this study. The aim of this study is to investigate how is the quality of spatial data produced by volunteers by comparing it with the map data produced by public authorities, to follow what occurs when spatial data are opened for users, and to get acquainted with the user profile of these volunteer mappers. A central part of this study is OpenStreetMap project (OSM), which aim is to create a map of the entire world by volunteers. Anyone can become an OpenStreetMap contributor, and the data created by the volunteers are free to use for anyone without restricting copyrights or license charges. In this study OpenStreetMap is investigated from two viewpoints. In the first part of the study, the aim was to investigate the quality of volunteered geographic information. A pilot project was implemented by following what occurs when a high-resolution aerial imagery is released freely to the OpenStreetMap contributors. The quality of VGI was investigated by comparing the OSM datasets with the map data of The National Land Survey of Finland (NLS). The quality of OpenStreetMap data was investigated by inspecting the positional accuracy and the completeness of the road datasets, as well as the differences in the attribute datasets between the studied datasets. Also the OSM community was under analysis and the development of the map data of OpenStreetMap was investigated by visual analysis. The aim of the second part of the study was to analyse the user profile of OpenStreetMap contributors, and to investigate how the contributors act when collecting data and editing OpenStreetMap. The aim was also to investigate what motivates users to map and how is the quality of volunteered geographic information envisaged. The second part of the study was implemented by conducting a web inquiry to the OpenStreetMap contributors. The results of the study show that the quality of OpenStreetMap data compared with the data of National Land Survey of Finland can be defined as good. OpenStreetMap differs from the map of National Land Survey especially because of the amount of uncertainty, for example because of the completeness and uniformity of the map are not known. The results of the study reveal that opening spatial data increased notably the amount of the data in the study area, and both the positional accuracy and completeness improved significantly. The study confirms the earlier arguments that only few contributors have created the majority of the data in OpenStreetMap. The inquiry made for the OpenStreetMap users revealed that the data are most often collected by foot or by bicycle using GPS device, or by editing the map with the help of aerial imageries. According to the responses, the users take part to the OpenStreetMap project because they want to make maps better, and want to produce maps, which have information that is up-to-date and cannot be found from any other maps. Almost all of the users exploit the maps by themselves, most popular methods being downloading the map into a navigator or into a mobile device. The users regard the quality of OpenStreetMap as good, especially because of the up-to-dateness and the accuracy of the map.
Solar hotspots are the regions characterized by an exceptional solar power potential suitable for decentralized commercial exploitation of energy. Identification of solar hotspots in a vast geographical expanse with dense habitations helps to meet escalating power demand in a decentralized, efficient and sustainable manner. This communication focuses on the assessment of resource potential with variability in India derived from high resolution satellite derived insolation data. Data analysis reveals that nearly 58% of the geographical area potentially represent the solar hotspots in the country with more than 5 kWh/m(2)/day of annual average Global insolation. A techno-economic analysis of the solar power technologies and a prospective minimal utilization of the land available within these solar hotspots demonstrate their immense power generation as well as emission reduction potential. The study evaluates the progress made in solar power generation in the country especially with the inception of an ambitious National Solar Mission (NSM) also termed as `Solar India'. The organizational aspects of solar power generation with focus on existing policy elements are also addressed so as to probe the actual potential of the identified solar hotspots in meeting the NSM targets and beyond. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) applications are principally categorized into safety and commercial applications. Efficient traffic management for routing an emergency vehicle is of paramount importance in safety applications of VANETs. In the first case, a typical example of a high dense urban scenario is considered to demonstrate the role of penetration ratio for achieving reduced travel time between source and destination points. The major requirement for testing these VANET applications is a realistic simulation approach which would justify the results prior to actual deployment. A Traffic Simulator coupled with a Network Simulator using a feedback loop feature is apt for realistic simulation of VANETs. Thus, in this paper, we develop the safety application using traffic control interface (TraCI), which couples SUMO (traffic simulator) and NS2 (network simulator). Likewise, the mean throughput is one of the necessary performance measures for commercial applications of VANETs. In the next case, commercial applications have been considered wherein the data is transferred amongst vehicles (V2V) and between roadside infrastructure and vehicles (I2V), for which the throughput is assessed.
Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.
Resumen: El artículo aborda el tema del estatus jurídico del ser humano en estado embrionario en el proyecto de nuevo Código Civil y Comercial presentado en 2012. Se parte de la cuestión de que el orden jurídico no crea la personalidad, sino que la reconoce en el ser humano por el solo hecho de serlo y se analiza el Código Civil de Vélez Sársfield en sus diversas interpretaciones. Se concluye que a la luz de la Constitución Nacional y el resto del derecho positivo vigente el ser humano en estado embrionario o fetal, desde el momento mismo de su concepción, goza de todos los derechos reconocidos y garantizados por el orden jurídico. En ese marco, se analiza el Artículo 19 del proyecto y se observa que realiza una arbitraria e injusta discriminación al establecer dos momentos para el comienzo de la existencia de la persona. Además, la redacción deja en una indefinición jurídica al ser humano fecundado y concebido extrauterinamente antes de su implantación. También se analiza el tema en relación con la propuesta de articulado referido al cuerpo humano (Art. 17). Se considera el peligro de cosificación y atentado contra la dignidad humana que encierra la propuesta.
Resumen: El artículo considera los derechos y deberes de médicos y pacientes, especialmente luego de la sanción de la ley 26.529, destacando sus temas relevantes, aquellos que habían dado lugar a distintas interpretaciones tanto en la jurisprudencia, como en la doctrina. Se tratan, así, la historia clínica y el consentimiento informado, precisándose sus conceptos, formas, funciones e interpretaciones. Similar atención merecen las directivas anticipadas de salud, el “testamento vital”, las posibilidades del médico y sus posibles objeciones de conciencia. De igual modo la autonomía de la voluntad del paciente, su libertad y responsabilidad. Se considera la eutanasia, precisándose que no es un derecho del paciente. Se estudia el secreto profesional del médico, a la luz de las contradictorias normas legales vigentes y jurisprudencia consecuente, para detenerse en la más reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en su actual composición. Finalmente se precisan los conceptos de las responsabilidades de médicos y órganos sanitarios, con la posibilidad de su aseguramiento y el conflicto de algunas de las coberturas que se otorgan en plaza, como la conocida claims made.
Resumen: El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Argentina, posee una colección de piezas cerámicas provenientes del asentamiento egipcio y de la iglesia de Aksha, y de las tumbas nubias de Serra Oeste, sobre la margen izquierda del Nilo en la Baja Nubia, que pertenecen a las culturas meroítica y del Grupo X. Esta colección es producto del reparto después de las excavaciones realizadas por la Expedición Franco-Argentina en Sudán entre 1961 y 1963, como parte de las campañas de la UNESCO para salvar los monumentos de Nubia.
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):
ENGLISH: In the eastern Pacific Ocean nearly all of the commercial catches of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) are taken by two types of vessels, baitboats, which use pole and line in conjunction with live-bait, and purse-seiners. From its inception until very recently (1959), this fishery was dominated by baitboats. This method of fishing has been described by Godsil (1938) and Shimada and Schaefer (1956). From 1951 through 1958 baitboats caught between 66.4 and 90.8 per cent of the yellowfin and between 87.2 and 95.3 per cent of the skipjack landed by the California-based fleet. These vessels fished for tuna throughout the year and covered virtually all of the area from southern California to northern Chile. The purse-seine fishery for tunas developed out of the round-haul net fisheries for California sardines and other species. Scofield (1951) gives a detailed description of the development of gear and fishing methods. Prior to 1959 many of the seiners engaged in other fisheries during the fall and early winter months and consequently most of the fishing effort for tuna occurred in the period February-August. The vessels were quite small, averaging approximately 120 tons carrying capacity (Broadhead and Marshall, 1960), in comparison to the baitboats, of which the most numerous size-class was 201-300 tons. The seiners were naturally more restricted in range than the baitboats and most of their effort was restricted to the northern grounds. During the period 1959-61 most of the large baitboats were converted for purse-seining and the existing seiner fleet was modernized. These developments increased the range of the seiner fleet and resulted in a wider and more nearly even spatial and temporal distribution of effort. By the early part of 1961, the purse-seine fleet approximated the level of the preconversion baitboat fleet in amount of effort applied and area covered. The changes in the purse-seine fishery and the fishing methods employed in the modernized fleet are described by Orange and Broadhead (1959), Broadhead and Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) and Broadhead (1962). The change in the relative importance of the two gears is illustrated by the decline in the proportion of the total logged tonnage landed by California-based baitboats, in comparison to the proportion landed by seiners. In 1959 baitboats landed 49.5 per cent of the yellowfin and 87.8 per cent of the skipjack. In 1960 these percentages were 22.9 and 74.7 respectively and in 1961 the decline continued to 12.6 per cent of the yellowfin and 30.0 per cent of the skipjack (Schaefer, 1962). In previous Bulletins of this Commission (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) the baitboat catch and effort statistics were used to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and the fluctuations of these indices were analyzed in some detail. Due to the change in the relative importance of the two gears it is appropriate to extend this investigation to include the purse-seine data. The objectives of this paper are to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and to examine the fluctuations in these indices before and after the changes in the fishery. A further objective is to compare the purse-seine indices with those of the baitboats for the same time periods. SPANISH: En el Océano Pacífico Oriental casi todas las capturas comerciales del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) son efectuadas por dos tipos de barcos, los barcos de carnada que emplean la caña y el anzuelo en conjunto con la carnada viva, y los barcos rederos. Desde su comienzo hasta hace poco tiempo (1959), esta pesquería estaba dominada por los barcos de carnada. El método de pesca usado por estos barcos ha sido descrito por Godsil (1938) y por Shimada y Schaefer (1956). De 1951 a 1958, los barcos de carnada pescaron entre el 66.4 y el 90.8 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y entre el 87.2 y el 95.3 por ciento del barrilete descargados por la flota que tiene su base en California. Estos barcos pescaron atún durante todo el año y cubrieron virtualmente toda el área de California meridional hasta la parte norte de Chile. La pesquería del atún con redes de cerco se originó en las pesquerías de las sardinas de California y otras especies, con redes que se remolcaban circularmente. Scofield (1951) dá una descripción detallada del desarrollo de los métodos y del equipo de pesca. Antes de 1959 muchos de los rederos se dedicaban a otras pesquerías durante los meses del otoño y a principios del invierno y consecuentemente, la mayor parte del esfuerzo depesca para la producción del atún ocurría en el período febrero-agosto. Las embarcaciones eran bastante pequeñas, con un promedio de aproximadamente 120 toneladas de capacidad para el transporte (Broadhead y Marshall, 1960) en comparación con los barcos de carnada, de los cuales la clase de tamaño más numerosa era de 201 a 300 toneladas. Los rederos estaban naturalmente más restringidos en su radio de acción que los barcos de carnada y la mayor parte de su esfuerzo se limitaba a las localidades del norte. Durante el período 1959-61, la mayoría de los grandes barcos de carnada fueron convertidos al sistema de pesca con redes de cerco, y se modernizó la flota existente de los rederos. Estos cambios aumentaron el alcance de la flota de los barcos rederos dando como resultado una distribución más amplia y casi más uniforme del esfuerzo espaciado y temporal. En la primera parte del año 1961, la flota de rederos se aproximó al nivel de la preconversión de la flota de clipers, en la cantidad de esfuerzo aplicado y al área comprendida. Los cambios en la pesquería con red y los métodos de pesca empleados en la flota modernizada, han sido descritos por Orange y Broadhead (1959), Broadl1ead y Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) y Broadhead (1962). El cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca está ilustrado por la declinación en la proporción del tonelaje total registrado, como descargado por los barcos de carnada que tienen su base en California, comparado con la proporción desembarcada por los barcos rederos. En 1959 los clipers descargaron el 49.5 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 87.8 por ciento del barrilete. En 1960 estos porcentajes fueron del 22.9 y 74.7 respectivamente, y en 1961 continuó la reducción hasta el 12.6 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 30.0 por ciento del barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). En Boletines anteriores de la Comisión (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) las estadísticas de la pesca y el esfuerzo de los clipers se utilizaron para computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y se analizaron algo detalladamente las fluctuaciones de estos índices. Debido al cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca, es conveniente extender esta investigación para incluir los datos correspondientes a los barcos rederos. Los objetivos del presente estudio son de computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y examinar las fluctuaciones en estos índices, antes y después de los cambios en la pesquería. Otro objetivo es de comparar los índices de los barcos rederos, con aquellos de los clipers en los mismos períodos de tiempo.
The eastern Bering Sea is a major marine ecosystem containing some of the largest populations of groundfish, crabs, birds, and marine mammals in the world. Commercial catches of groundfish in this region have averaged about 1.6 million tons (t) annually in 1970-86. This report describes the species and relative importance of species in the eastern Bering Sea groundfish complex, the environment in which they live, and the history of the fisheries and management during the years 1954 - 1985. Historical changes in abundance and the condition of the principal species at the end of this first 30 years of exploitation are also examined. Results suggest that the biomass of the groundfish complex is characterized by variability rather than stability. The most reliable data (1979 to 1985) suggests that the biomass of the complex fluctuated between 11.8 and 15.7 million t. Even greater variability is suggested by the less reliable data from earlier years. Because of its dominance in the complex and wide fluctuations in abundance, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is primarily responsible for the major variations in abundance of the complex. After 30 years of exploitation, the complex was generally in excellent condition. (PDF file contains 100 pages.)
Information on the biology and fisheries of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, is compiled and reviewed in the FAD species synopsis style. Topics include taxonomy, morphology, distribution, reproduction, pre-adult and adult stages, food, growth, migration, population characteristics, and various aspects of exploitation. Data and information were obtained from unpublished as well as published sources. Cobia, the only species in the family Rachycentridae, is a migratory pelagic fish that occurs in tropical and subtropical seas of the world, except in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. In the western Atlantic Ocean, spawning occurs during the warm months. Eggs and larvae are planktonic. Females grow faster than males: at 1 year, females are 36 cm FL and 0.4 kg; at 4 years, 99 cm and 11 kg; and at 8 years, 137 cm and 31 kg. Comparable data for males are: at 1 year, 31 cm and 0.3 kg; 4 years, 82 cm and 6 kg; and 8 years, 108 cm and 15 kg. Sexual maturity is attained by males at about 52 cm FL in their second year and by females at about 70 cm in their third year. Fecundity for females 100-125 cm FL varies from 1.9 to 5.4 million eggs. Cobia favor crustaceans for food, but will feed on other invertebrates and fishes as well. They attain a maximum size of over 60 kg. Cobia are fished both commercially and recreationally. Commercially, they are usually caught incidentally in both hook-and-Iine and net fISheries. In the United States, which ranks behind Pakistan, Mexico, and the Philippines in commercial production of cobia, recreational landings exceed commercial landings by more than ten-fold. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)
The trawl fishery for pelagic annorhead, Pseuaopentaceros wheeleri(fonnerly referred to as Pentaceros richardsoni), and alfonsin, Beryx splendens, over the central North Pacific seamounts has a relatively short history. Before 1967, fishery scientists were generally unaware of the resources on seamounts; however, the discovery of commercial concentrations of pelagic armorhead on seamounts in the southern Emperor Seamounts by a Russian commercial trawler in November 1967 led to almost immediate exploitation of the species by the Soviets. Unconfinned reports indicated that the schools of pelagic annorhead on the seamounts averaged 30 m thick and catches averaged from 3 to 50 metric tons on 10-20 min hauls (Sakiura 1972). Japanese trawlers entered the fishery in 1969. To assist in the development of this tishery, Japanese research vessels conducted extensive surveys in 1972 on the distribution and potential for development ofthe pelagic armorhead and alfonsin resources. The results of their surveys to the central North Pacific and mid-Pacific seamounts showed that many had summits that were too deep for trawling. Those found suitable were concentrated in the southern Emperor-northern Hawaiian Ridge. (PDF file contains 113 pages.)
The commercial development of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) operations will involve some environmental perturbations for which there is no precedent experience. The pumping of very large volumes of warm surface water and cold deep water and its subsequent discharge will result in the impingement, entrainment, and redistribution of biota. Additional stresses to biota will be caused by biocide usage and temperature depressions. However, the artificial upwelling of nutrients associated with the pumping of cold deep water, and the artificial reef created by an OTEC plant may have positive effects on the local environment. Although more detailed information is needed to assess the net effect of an OTEC operation on fisheries, certain assumptions and calculations are made supporting the conclusion that the potential risk to fisheries is not significant enough to deter the early development of IDEe. It will be necessary to monitor a commercial-scale plant in order to remove many of the remaining uncertainties. (PDF file contains 39 pages.)