964 resultados para Multistandard scenarios


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Further improvements in demand response programs implementation are needed in order to take full advantage of this resource, namely for the participation in energy and reserve market products, requiring adequate aggregation and remuneration of small size resources. The present paper focuses on SPIDER, a demand response simulation that has been improved in order to simulate demand response, including realistic power system simulation. For illustration of the simulator’s capabilities, the present paper is proposes a methodology focusing on the aggregation of consumers and generators, providing adequate tolls for the demand response program’s adoption by evolved players. The methodology proposed in the present paper focuses on a Virtual Power Player that manages and aggregates the available demand response and distributed generation resources in order to satisfy the required electrical energy demand and reserve. The aggregation of resources is addressed by the use of clustering algorithms, and operation costs for the VPP are minimized. The presented case study is based on a set of 32 consumers and 66 distributed generation units, running on 180 distinct operation scenarios.


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The 6loWPAN (the light version of IPv6) and RPL (routing protocol for low-power and lossy links) protocols have become de facto standards for the Internet of Things (IoT). In this paper, we show that the two native algorithms that handle changes in network topology – the Trickle and Neighbor Discovery algorithms – behave in a reactive fashion and thus are not prepared for the dynamics inherent to nodes mobility. Many emerging and upcoming IoT application scenarios are expected to impose real-time and reliable mobile data collection, which are not compatible with the long message latency, high packet loss and high overhead exhibited by the native RPL/6loWPAN protocols. To solve this problem, we integrate a proactive hand-off mechanism (dubbed smart-HOP) within RPL, which is very simple, effective and backward compatible with the standard protocol. We show that this add-on halves the packet loss and reduces the hand-off delay dramatically to one tenth of a second, upon nodes’ mobility, with a sub-percent overhead. The smart-HOP algorithm has been implemented and integrated in the Contiki 6LoWPAN/RPL stack (source-code available on-line mrpl: smart-hop within rpl, 2014) and validated through extensive simulation and experimentation.


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Health promotion in hospital environments can be improved using the most recent information and communication technologies. The Internet connectivity to small sensor nodes carried by patients allows remote access to their bio-signals. To promote these features the healthcare wireless sensor networks (HWSN) are used. In these networks mobility support is a key issue in order to keep patients under realtime monitoring even when they move around. To keep sensors connected to the network, they should change their access points of attachment when patients move to a new coverage area along an infirmary. This process, called handover, is responsible for continuous network connectivity to the sensors. This paper presents a detailed performance evaluation study considering three handover mechanisms for healthcare scenarios (Hand4MAC, RSSI-based, and Backbone-based). The study was performed by simulation using several scenarios with different number of sensors and different moving velocities of sensor nodes. The results show that Hand4MAC is the best solution to guarantee almost continuous connectivity to sensor nodes with less energy consumption.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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The authors present a review of records of intestinal parasitic helminths from animals in human archaeological remains, reported since the emergence of paleopathological studies. The objective was to relate paleoparasitological findings to geographic, biotic, and abiotic factors from the environment in which the prehistoric populations lived, and understand some aspects related to the process of human dispersion and biological and cultural evolution. Modification of eating habits and the incorporation of new cultural practices are analyzed from the perspective of zoonoses from prehistory to the present day, especially in Brazilian indigenous populations. Three tables identifying the helminths, their natural hosts, dates, and sites of archaeological findings complete this review. In conclusion, various zoonoses known today have occurred since antiquity, and these data, combined with studies on the emergence and reemergence of diseases, could make possible to compose scenarios for the future.


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Cloud data centers have been progressively adopted in different scenarios, as reflected in the execution of heterogeneous applications with diverse workloads and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. Virtual machine (VM) technology eases resource management in physical servers and helps cloud providers achieve goals such as optimization of energy consumption. However, the performance of an application running inside a VM is not guaranteed due to the interference among co-hosted workloads sharing the same physical resources. Moreover, the different types of co-hosted applications with diverse QoS requirements as well as the dynamic behavior of the cloud makes efficient provisioning of resources even more difficult and a challenging problem in cloud data centers. In this paper, we address the problem of resource allocation within a data center that runs different types of application workloads, particularly CPU- and network-intensive applications. To address these challenges, we propose an interference- and power-aware management mechanism that combines a performance deviation estimator and a scheduling algorithm to guide the resource allocation in virtualized environments. We conduct simulations by injecting synthetic workloads whose characteristics follow the last version of the Google Cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our performance-enforcing strategy is able to fulfill contracted SLAs of real-world environments while reducing energy costs by as much as 21%.


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The complexity of systems is considered an obstacle to the progress of the IT industry. Autonomic computing is presented as the alternative to cope with the growing complexity. It is a holistic approach, in which the systems are able to configure, heal, optimize, and protect by themselves. Web-based applications are an example of systems where the complexity is high. The number of components, their interoperability, and workload variations are factors that may lead to performance failures or unavailability scenarios. The occurrence of these scenarios affects the revenue and reputation of businesses that rely on these types of applications. In this article, we present a self-healing framework for Web-based applications (SHõWA). SHõWA is composed by several modules, which monitor the application, analyze the data to detect and pinpoint anomalies, and execute recovery actions autonomously. The monitoring is done by a small aspect-oriented programming agent. This agent does not require changes to the application source code and includes adaptive and selective algorithms to regulate the level of monitoring. The anomalies are detected and pinpointed by means of statistical correlation. The data analysis detects changes in the server response time and analyzes if those changes are correlated with the workload or are due to a performance anomaly. In the presence of per- formance anomalies, the data analysis pinpoints the anomaly. Upon the pinpointing of anomalies, SHõWA executes a recovery procedure. We also present a study about the detection and localization of anomalies, the accuracy of the data analysis, and the performance impact induced by SHõWA. Two benchmarking applications, exercised through dynamic workloads, and different types of anomaly were considered in the study. The results reveal that (1) the capacity of SHõWA to detect and pinpoint anomalies while the number of end users affected is low; (2) SHõWA was able to detect anomalies without raising any false alarm; and (3) SHõWA does not induce a significant performance overhead (throughput was affected in less than 1%, and the response time delay was no more than 2 milliseconds).


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Previously we have presented a model for generating human-like arm and hand movements on an unimanual anthropomorphic robot involved in human-robot collaboration tasks. The present paper aims to extend our model in order to address the generation of human-like bimanual movement sequences which are challenged by scenarios cluttered with obstacles. Movement planning involves large scale nonlinear constrained optimization problems which are solved using the IPOPT solver. Simulation studies show that the model generates feasible and realistic hand trajectories for action sequences involving the two hands. The computational costs involved in the planning allow for real-time human robot-interaction. A qualitative analysis reveals that the movements of the robot exhibit basic characteristics of human movements.


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The Azores archipelago is a zone with a vast cultural heritage, presenting a building stock mainly constructed in traditional stone masonry. It is known that this type of construction exhibits poor behaviour under seismic excitations; however it is extensively used in seismic prone areas, such as this case. The 9th of July of 1998 earthquake was the last seismic event in the islands, leaving many traditional stone constructions severely damaged or totally destroyed. This scenario led to an effort by the local government of improving the seismic resistance of these constructions, with the application of several reinforcement techniques. This work aims to study some of the most used reinforcement schemes after the 1998 earthquake, and to assess their effectiveness in the mitigation of the construction’s seismic vulnerability. A brief evaluation of the cost versus benefit of these retrofitting techniques is also made, seeking to identify those that are most suitable for each building typology. Thus, it was sought to analyze the case of real structures with different geometrical and physical characteristics, by establishing a comparison between the seismic performance of reinforced and non-reinforced structures. The first section contains the analysis of a total of six reinforcement scenarios for each building chosen. Using the recorded 1998 earthquake accelerograms, a linear time-history analysis was performed for each reinforcement scenario. A comparison was then established between the maximum displacements, inter-storey drift and maximum stress obtained, in order to evaluate the global seismic response of each reinforced structure. In the second part of the work, the examination of the performance obtained in the previous section, in relation to the cost of implementing each reinforcement technique, allowed to draw conclusions concerning the viability of implementing each reinforcement method, based on the book value of the buildings in study.


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Com os preços do barril de petróleo a atingir níveis nunca antes atingidos, cada vez mais há uma maior sensibilização para a importância das fontes renováveis de energia, não só pelo seu baixo custo de exploração, mas também pela ausência de poluição ambiental. A integração de sistemas fotovoltaicos nas edificações, começa a ter uma expressão significativa especialmente por ser uma forma de produção renovável. Pelo seu carácter renovável, vai ao encontro de objetivos ambientais, e é também desejável pelo seu carácter distribuído, produção próxima do consumo, evitando perdas de transporte e utilizando o recurso disponível no consumidor. No presente projeto é feita uma breve descrição do atual sistema elétrico angolano, nomeadamente o seu potencial, capacidade instalada, e perspetivas futuras de desenvolvimento do mesmo. Com uma perspetiva introdutória são abordadas as energias renováveis especialmente a energia fotovoltaica, terminando com as diferentes formas de produção e tecnologias existentes. São apresentados diferentes equipamentos, que, com as inúmeras combinações poderão vir a constituir um sistema técnico e financeiramente viável. Devido aos vários cenários possíveis (combinações entre equipamentos), foram usadas como instrumentos de apoio ferramentas informáticas que permitem o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos, análise de compatibilidades, e simulação do seu funcionamento. Foram dimensionadas quatro opções de sistemas fotovoltaicos, a instalar nas naves industriais da Zona Económica Especial Luanda-Bengo, para uma mesma área de cobertura, seguido de um estudo económico, onde é feito uma comparação custo/benefício dos vários sistemas.


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Desde o primeiro momento, este projeto procurou libertar-se dos cenários tradicionais em que a aprendizagem era encarada como uma atividade solitária e individual; ao longo do processo, cada aluno encontrava-se sozinho perante a tarefa, sob olhar atento do professor (tais posturas eram próprias de uma cultura autoritária e pouco solidária na apropriação do saber). Decorrente dessa vontade de alterar formas de atuação, este projeto assentou os seus pressupostos teóricos na teoria em espiral de Bruner e na teoria das inteligências múltiplas de Gardner. Assim, o aluno é sempre encarado como um ser em desenvolvimento, razão pela qual urge ter uma visão holística e integrada desse desenvolvimento. Como tal, associada a estas teorias aparece a aprendizagem cooperativa e, consequentemente, o conceito de Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal de Vygotsky e a integração curricular diretamente ligada à metodologia de projeto defendida por autores como Dewey e Kilpatrik, pontos basilares de todo este estudo. Tal como o próprio nome do projeto indica Possibilidades de desenvolvimento integrado pela Expressão Musical: Uma experiência no 1.º CEB, o objetivo principal é investigar as possibilidades de desenvolvimento global do aluno, com a interligação dos vários saberes que lhe permitam construir o seu conhecimento de uma forma integrada, tendo como ponto de partida a expressão musical. Desde a elaboração das planificações, passando pelas atividades desenvolvidas ao longo das aulas, houve sempre a preocupação em promover a participação ativa dos alunos e, como é evidente pelos mapas de conceitos, privilegiar a integração curricular bem como o desenvolvimento global dos alunos. Os dados obtidos através da entrevista efetuada aos alunos e do inquérito final demonstram o reconhecimento, por parte dos alunos, da expressão musical como uma mais3 valia para a sua aprendizagem nas diversas disciplinas, bem como a sua preferência pelo trabalho cooperativo.


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The research presented in this paper proposes a novel quantitative model for decomposing and assessing the Value for the Customer. The proposed approach builds on the different dimensions of the Value Network analysis proposed by Verna Allee having as background the concept of Value for the Customer proposed by Woodall. In this context, the Value for the Customer is modelled as a relationship established between the exchanged deliverables and a combination of tangible and intangible assets projected into their endogenous or exogenous dimensions. The Value Network Analysis of the deliverables exchange enables an in-depth understanding of this frontier and the implicit modelling of co-creation scenarios. The proposed Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer combines several concepts: from the marketing area we have the concept of Value for the Customer; from the area of intellectual capital the concept of Value Network Analysis; from the collaborative networks area we have the perspective of the enterprise life cycle and the endogenous and exogenous perspectives; at last, the proposed model is supported by a mathematical formal description that stems from the area of Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The whole concept is illustrated in the context of a case study of an enterprise in the footwear industry (Pontechem). The merits of this approach seem evident from the contact with Pontechem as it provides a structured approach for the enterprises to assess the adequacy of their value proposition to the client/customer needs and how these relate to their endogenous and/or exogenous tangible or intangible assets. The proposed model, as a tool, may therefore be a useful instrument in supporting the commercialisation of new products and/or services.


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Numa era global marcada por avanços tecnológicos e pela diversidade cultural e linguística, é necessária uma nova linha de pensamento educativo e didático que conduza à formação de falantes cada vez mais pluriculturais e plurilingues, capazes de compreender, respeitar e interagir com outros povos e culturas. O desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas em, pelo menos, dois idiomas do espaço europeu é uma das medidas promovidas pelas politicas linguísticas europeias, que visam preparar os cidadãos para um diálogo intercultural, que fomente o respeito e a abertura face a essas diferenças, e pela construção de uma identidade intercultural e plurilingue nos próprios cidadãos exercendo, assim, a sua cidadania. Este paradigma tem implicações quer na aula de Língua Estrangeira, como ferramenta que permite ao aluno a ampliar a sua visão do mundo, quer no papel do professor, que nela intervém, enquanto, responsável pela construção social e formativa dos seus aprendentes. Estrutura-se, assim, um modelo educativo que abraça todas as culturas e reportórios linguísticos presentes dentro e fora do âmbito escolar. Neste relatório de estágio, resultante da prática pedagógica centrada no ensino do Inglês e do Espanhol, teci uma reflexão crítica sobre os diferentes cenários pedagógicos construídos durante três semestres académicos, com alunos portugueses do Ensino Básico. O fio condutor de toda a prática desenvolvida centrou-se no paradigma da abordagem intercultural e, com base nessa linha de pensamento, propus-me aferir os contributos que as minhas opções metodológicas tiveram quer no processo de aprendizagem dos meus alunos, quer na sua construção pessoal e social.


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Irrigation schemes and dams have posed a great concern on public health systems of several countries, mainly in the tropics. The focus of the present review is to elucidate the different ways how these human interventions may have an effect on population dynamics of anopheline mosquitoes and hence, how local malaria transmission patterns may be changed. We discuss different studies within the three main tropical and sub-tropical regions (namely Africa, Asia and the Pacific and the Americas). Factors such as pre-human impact malaria epidemiological patterns, control measures, demographic movements, human behaviour and local Anopheles bionomics would determine if the implementation of an irrigation scheme or a dam will have negative effects on human health. Some examples of successful implementation of control measures in such settings are presented. The use of Geographic Information System as a powerful tool to assist on the study and control of malaria in these scenarios is also highlighted.


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Temos vindo a assistir nos últimos anos a uma evolução no que respeita à avaliação do risco de crédito. As constantes alterações de regulamentação bancária, que resultam dos Acordos de Basileia, têm vindo a impor novas normas que condicionam a quantidade e a qualidade do risco de crédito que as Instituições de Crédito podem assumir nos seus balanços. É de grande importância as Instituições de Crédito avaliarem o risco de crédito, as garantias e o custo de capital, pois têm um impacto direto na sua gestão nomeadamente quanto à afetação de recursos e proteção contra perdas. Desta forma, pretende-se com o presente trabalho elaborar e estruturar um modelo de rating interno através de técnicas estatísticas, assim como identificar as variáveis estatisticamente relevantes no modelo considerado. Foi delineada uma metodologia de investigação mista, considerando na primeira parte do trabalho uma pesquisa qualitativa e na segunda parte uma abordagem quantitativa. Através da análise documental, fez-se uma abordagem dos conceitos teóricos e da regulamentação que serve de base ao presente trabalho. No estudo de caso, o modelo de rating interno foi desenvolvido utilizando a técnica estatística designada de regressão linear múltipla. A amostra considerada foi obtida através da base de dados SABI e é constituída por cem empresas solventes, situadas na zona de Paredes, num horizonte temporal de 2011-2013. A nossa análise baseou-se em três cenários, correspondendo cada cenário aos dados de cada ano (2011, 2012 e 2013). Para validar os pressupostos do modelo foram efetuados testes estatísticos de Durbin Watson e o teste de significância - F (ANOVA). Por fim, para obtermos a classificação de rating de cada variável foi aplicada a técnica dos percentis. Pela análise dos três cenários considerados, verificou-se que o cenário dois foi o que obteve maior coeficiente de determinação. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis independentes, rácio de liquidez geral, grau de cobertura do ativo total pelo fundo de maneio e rácio de endividamento global são estatisticamente relevantes.