783 resultados para Moisture film
Le rôle du traducteur est de permettre le dialogue entre deux « mondes autres », de connaître les éléments qui les différencient et de transmettre le message le plus fidèlement possible. Tout dans un texte peut résister à la traduction (vocabulaire, syntaxe, culture). Le but de la traduction est de recréer l’original, tout en sachant que la traduction a ses limites. Quelles sont les limites de la traduction ? Est-il suffisant de bien maîtriser une langue pour pouvoir la traduire ? Est-ce que tous nos mots ont une équivalence dans les autres langues ? Pouvons-nous faire rire l'autre avec les mêmes traits d’humour ? Une traduction, peut-elle transmettre au lecteur ou au spectateur cible toutes les nuances présentes dans le texte ou le film de départ ? Le film français Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon Dieu ?3 sera l'objet de notre analyse. Tout comme le film de Dany Boon, il a eu beaucoup de succès en France et il a également été doublé en italien. Il s'agit ici aussi d'un film humoristique qui joue sur les stéréotypes que nous avons sur l'autre, d'où le choix de commenter le doublage et d'imaginer une piste de transposition italienne. Ce mémoire se propose de répondre aux questions posées ci-dessus, tout en proposant des commentaires de traduction et des pistes de transposition. Nous allons développer trois parties : tout d'abord, nous allons voir comment notre vision du monde influence notre langue et, vice versa, comment notre langue crée un ordre dans le monde. Ensuite, nous allons nous concentrer sur l'intraduisible verbal et non verbal, sur la traduction et l'adaptation de l'humour. Enfin, la troisième et dernière partie sera consacrée au thème de la transposition et, plus particulièrement, à la piste transposition du film Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon Dieu ?.
The present research study focuses on intercultural communication and how its dynamics are portrayed in the Italian version of the movie L’appartamento spagnolo (original title: L’auberge espagnol) by Cédric Klapisch. The first chapter introduces the movie in all its main features, such as plot, setting, characters, languages, main themes, and sequels. The second chapter focuses on the dynamics of intercultural communication through the analysis of the most representative scenes of the movie. It is worth noting that the notion of intercultural communication comprises a lot of different kinds of communication, meaning not only communication among people coming from different countries and speaking a different language, but also among different generations, people with different social backgrounds, with a different social status, etc. However, language is indeed crucial to mutual understanding and it plays a fundamental role in communication. For this reason, the third chapter focuses on the multilingual dimension of the movie, since the issue of intercultural communication is also conveyed through a variety of languages. The aim is to analyze the different strategies used in the Italian dubbed version in order to manage the presence of different languages and to examine how such strategies affect the overall consistency of the dialogues and the effect achieved on the audience.
This dissertation aims to examine the field of film festival subtitling by means of the analysis of two subtitling experiences. These experiences will be approached both on a methodological and on a practical level in order to analyse how subtitlers put theory into practice. This approach will also help underline the existing differences in work methodology as far as different work experiences are concerned. The subtitling experiences examined in this dissertation are part of my internships as a subtitler in two Italian film festivals, namely “Umbria Film Festival” and “900 Fest”. In this dissertation, I chose to focus on the subtitling of two of the audiovisual products I translated. These products are a German documentary titled Befreier und Befreite and a Danish fiction film titled Stille Hjerte. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 describes audiovisual translation at its most theoretical level, focusing on subtitling criteria and strategies. Chapter 2 examines the concept of film translation, focusing on the distinctive features of documentary translation as a specific genre. This chapter also presents the concept of film festival and provides information concerning the translation policies of festivals. Chapter 3 presents the festivals I worked for and details my internship experiences. Chapter 4 focuses on the German documentary and proposes a number of solutions to its main translation problems. Chapter 5 focuses on the Danish film and offers solutions to its translation problems. At the end of the dissertation, I will provide some comments on my internship experiences as well as on the practice of film festival subtitling.
La ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modifiche indotte dalla diffusione di acqua e umidità nelle pavimentazioni stradali con riferimento ai materiali bituminosi. Lo scopo è stato quello di analizzare le implicazioni che si sviluppano a livello chimico e reologico in vari bitumi. In questo progetto oltre alla fase sperimentale, è stato utilizzato un software per la simulazione agli elementi finiti. Per quanto concerne la fase di laboratorio, è stato sviluppato un nuovo protocollo di condizionamento. Tre diversi bitumi sono stati soggetti alla diffusione di acqua in forma liquida o vapore, a determinate condizioni ambientali e per svariati intervalli temporali. Grazie a l’utilizzo di due camere climatiche il condizionamento è stato realizzato in modo uniforme a precisi valori temperatura e umidità mantenuti stabili. I materiali analizzati: un bitume soft, uno hard, ed infine uno modificato con l’aggiunta di polimeri. Il dispositivo FTIR-ATR è stato utilizzato per la caratterizzazione chimica, mentre il comportamento reologico è stato analizzato tramite test eseguiti con il DSR. Le avanzate tecnologie presenti nel laboratorio della TU Delft hanno consentito di ottenere notevoli risultati. L’analisi è stata condotta con l’obiettivo di evidenziare i diversi cambiamenti indotti dalla diffusione di acqua liquida o vapore e per analizzare l’influenza della temperatura, del tipo del bitume e dell’incremento del tempo di condizionamento. Una analisi analoga è stata condotta parallelamente, con lo scopo di investigare la correlazione tra il processo di invecchiamento e la diffusione di umidità. Infine, la simulazione agli elementi finiti è stata sviluppata tramite il software CAPA-3D per analizzare il comportamento del bitume in periodi più estesi di diffusione di umidità. Inoltre, il comportamento dei bitumi è stato studiato anche in presenza di particelle di riempitivo. Particelle granitiche e calcaree sono state aggiunte ai bitumi in differenti percentuali.
We investigate experimentally the transmission properties of single sub-wavelength coaxial apertures in thin metal films (t = 110 nm). Enhanced transmission through a single sub-wavelength coaxial aperture illuminated with a strongly focused radially polarized light beam is reported. In our experiments we achieved up to four times enhanced transmission through a single coaxial aperture as compared to a (hollow) circular aperture with the same outer diameter.We attribute this enhancement of transmission to the excitation of a TEM-mode for illumination with radially polarized light inside the single coaxial aperture. A strong polarization contrast is observed between the transmission for radially and azimuthally polarized illumination. Furthermore, the observed transmission through a single coaxial aperture can be strongly reduced if surface plasmons are excited. The experimental results are in good agreement with finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations.
A new 2-D hydrophone array for ultrasound therapy monitoring is presented, along with a novel algorithm for passive acoustic mapping using a sparse weighted aperture. The array is constructed using existing polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrasound sensor technology, and is utilized for its broadband characteristics and its high receive sensitivity. For most 2-D arrays, high-resolution imagery is desired, which requires a large aperture at the cost of a large number of elements. The proposed array's geometry is sparse, with elements only on the boundary of the rectangular aperture. The missing information from the interior is filled in using linear imaging techniques. After receiving acoustic emissions during ultrasound therapy, this algorithm applies an apodization to the sparse aperture to limit side lobes and then reconstructs acoustic activity with high spatiotemporal resolution. Experiments show verification of the theoretical point spread function, and cavitation maps in agar phantoms correspond closely to predicted areas, showing the validity of the array and methodology.
The purpose of this research project is to continue exploring the Montandon Long-Term Hydrologic Research Site(LTHR) by using multiple geophysical methods to obtain more accurate and precise information regarding subsurface hydrologic properties of a local gravel ridge,which are important to both the health of surrounding ecosystems and local agriculture. Through using non-invasive geophysical methods such as seismic refraction, Direct Current resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) instead of invasive methods such as boreholedrilling which displace sediment and may alter water flow, data collection is less likely to bias the data itself. In addition to imaging the gravel ridge subsurface, another important researchpurpose is to observe how both water table elevation and the moisture gradient (moisture content of the unsaturated zone) change over a seasonal time period and directly after storm events. The combination of three types of data collection allows the strengths of each method combine together and provide a relatively strongly supported conclusions compared to previous research. Precipitation and geophysical data suggest that an overall increase in precipitation during the summer months causes a sharp decrease in subsurface resistivity within the unsaturated zone. GPR velocity data indicate significant immediate increase in moisture content within the shallow vadose zone (< 1m), suggesting that rain water was infiltrating into the shallow subsurface. Furthermore, the combination of resistivity and GPR results suggest that the decreased resistivity within the shallow layers is due to increased ion content within groundwater. This is unexpected as rainwater is assumed to have a DC resistivity value of 3.33*105 ohm-m. These results may suggest that ions within the sediment must beincorporated into the infiltrating water.