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Acute stress did not alter sucrose and salt preference. A dietary pattern low in sodium and high in potassium and magnesium improved overall mood. Modest weight loss did not alter the daily secretion of cortisol, but did reduce the blood pressure response to stress which may improve cardiovascular risk.


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Objective: To investigate lay peoples’ knowledge of health risks of overweight, accuracy of self-perception of body weight and perceived benefits of weight loss. Method: A nine item questionnaire was administered to a cross sectional survey of adults in metropolitan shopping centres, height and weight were measured. Results: Two hundred and nine (57% female) adults completed the survey. Thirty eight percent had a healthy BMI (18.5-24.9), 38% were overweight (BMI 25-29.9) and a further 22% were obese (BMI>30). However only 46% perceived themselves ‘overweight’, 50% considered themselves ‘just about right’ and 4% considered themselves ‘underweight’. Of those with a BMI of 25 or greater 28% considered their weight ‘just about right’. Over 80% thought ‘being overweight’ was ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and stroke; however 20% of overweight or obese individuals did not think their health would improve if they lost weight. Conclusion: A significant proportion of overweight or obese individuals do not accurately perceive their body weight and do not recognise the health advantages of weight loss despite recognising excess body weight as a risk factor for chronic diseases. Implications: Increasing the awareness of an individual’s BMI and promoting the benefits of modest weight loss maybe two underutilized strategies for population level weight control.


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According to dielectric spectroscopy measurements, ionic liquids (ILs) have rather modest dielectric constants that reflect contributions from distortion and electronic polarization caused by the molecular polarizability as well as the orientation polarization caused by the permanent dipole moment of the ions. To understand the relative importance of these various contributions, the electronic polarizabilities of 27 routinely used ionic liquid ions of different symmetry and size were calculated using ab initio-based methods such as HF and MP2. Using the Clausius–Mossotti equation, these polarizabilities were then used to obtain the electronic polarization contribution (εop) to the dielectric constants of six ionic liquids, [C2mim][BF4], [C2mpyr][N(CN)2], [C2mim][CF3SO3], [EtNH3][NO3], [C2mim][NTf2] and [C2mim][EtSO4]. Theoretical εop values were compared to experimental refractive indices of these ionic liquids as well as to those of traditional molecular solvents such as water, tetrahydrofuran (THF), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and formamide. The dipole moments of the ions were also calculated, and from these it is shown that the molecular reorientation component of the dielectric constants of the ionic liquids consisting of ions with small or negligible dipole moments is quite small. Thus it is concluded that a contribution from a form of “ionic polarization” must be present.


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Very few discrimination complaints reach the courts each year. As with other civil litigation, the reasons for this include the cost of pursuing litigation and, particularly for complainants, the risk of losing or receiving less than the complainant could have negotiated prior.

Drawing on interviews with lawyers and non-legal advocates in Victoria and an analysis of successful cases in three jurisdictions, this article examines the remedy the court is likely to award in a successful discrimination complaint and considers the effect of this on the eradication of discrimination in society. A comprehensive examination of the remedies awarded in successful discrimination complaints in Victoria over a three year period shows that courts are most likely to order compensation at modest amounts and complainants are not regularly awarded their costs. A comparison with Queensland and the federal system reveals a similar experience. Even in those jurisdictions where wider remedies are available, courts rarely take the opportunity to make broad orders which could affect other similarly situated individuals or deter would-be respondents.

While it is necessary to remedy the complainant’s experience, it is also necessary to address broader, systemic discrimination and a compensation award cannot do this. Remedying discrimination with compensation is primarily a problem because it is reactive. Compensation does not address other instances of discrimination in society or achieve systemic change nor does it encourage compliance because the respondent is not required to take anticipatory action to prevent another complaint.

Based on the interpretive principles and extensive remedies provided in South Africa’s recent anti-discrimination and a study of remedies ordered by the South African Equality Courts and the Irish Equality Tribunal, the article proposes reforms to Australia’s anti-discrimination legislation to enable courts to make wider orders which target other instances of discrimination in addition to remedying the complainant’s experience.


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Relapse prevention (RP) plays a significant role in current treatments and post-treatment approaches to substance abuse problems. It is also widely used in a number of other problem areas, including other addictive behaviours and sexual offending. The widespread use of RP in various fields is due to both its clearly articulated theoretical basis, which has significant face validity, and its transferability into clinical practice. Also, there is a growing (though arguably still modest) body of empirical evidence that demonstrates its efficacy in a range of therapeutic contexts. However, arguably, in terms of both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical application of RP there is room for improvement. This article hypothesises that one of the key weaknesses of RP is that it takes a generally unconstructive approach to the therapeutic process through the use of negative concepts and avoidance goals. It is suggested that a 'good lives' framework of psychological wellbeing can provide a means of remedying these weaknesses of the traditional RP model. It is argued that a good lives framework can lead to a more optimistic approach to the prevention of relapse among individuals with substance use problems.


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As-received hot-rolled 5.6 mm thick IF steel sheet was symmetrically/ asymmetrically cold rolled at room temperature down to 1.9 mm. The asymmetric rolling was carried out in monotonic (an idle roll is always on the same side of the sheet) and reversal (the sheet was turned 180° around the rolling direction between passes) modes. Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties were analysed. The observed differences in structure and mechanical properties were modest, and therefore further investigation of the effects of other kinds of asymmetry is suggested.


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For many years the Diabetes Associations of several countries have recommended the dietary elimination of added sucrose. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that modest use of added sucrose is detrimental to diabetic control. In this study of 17 non-insulin dependent diabetics, the medium-term metabolic effects of the daily supplementation of a subject's usual diet with either 28 g of sucrose or with saccharin and starch of equivalent sweetener and energy value, were compared over six-week periods. Neither dietary period had any significant effect on fasting concentrations of blood glucose, plasma insulin, GIP or serum triglyceride. The metabolic responses to two different test meals, consisting of a standard breakfast supplemented with either sucrose or saccharin plus starch, did not differ significantly either between test meals or between dietary periods. Similarly neither dietary period had any significant effect on urinary excretion of glucose. Na+ or K+. There was no significant difference in mean blood pressure between dietary periods.

The results of this medium-term study indicate that there are no metabolic contraindications to including a moderate amount of sucrose (up to 28 g e 7 teaspoons) in the diets of patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.


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Preliminary findings from a 2005 survey of Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) project leaders are presented. The results provide initial insights into the nature and outcomes of commercially-focused CRC projects. Such projects are modest in size and budget, are focused on producing new technologies, and are seen by the partners to be risky. Project teams tend to have the necessary project management capabilities and effective communication processes. The projects are experienced in positive terms by the partners, and positive collaboration experience is associated with positive project outcomes. The preliminary investigation of an initial sample is the first step in a more detailed analysis aimed at testing a theoretical model explaining the factors determining collaboration experience.


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Rationale Psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and their treatments have consequences in terms of lifestyle, diet and weight.

Aims and objectives
‘Mind and Body’ is a 10-week programme of weekly sessions aimed to improve the health status of people treated with second generation antipsychotic medications.

Methods The programme focuses on a range of lifestyle strategies including diet and exercise and was conducted at a Community Health Centre by professionally qualified staff. Between 2002 and 2006, 50 participants enrolled in, and 30 completed the programme. Measures of body weight, health status (Short Form-36) and blood markets (plasma glucose, haemoglobin A1c and lipid profile) were collected at commencement and completion of the programme.

Results A modest improvement was demonstrated in mean values for the majority of measures collected.

Conclusions A lifestyle program for people treated with antipsychotic medications is achievable and may be worthwhile although gains may be modest.


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Background: Despite the large volume of research dedicated to understanding chronic low back pain (CLBP), patient outcomes remain modest while healthcare costs continue to rise, creating a major public health burden. Health literacy - the ability to seek, understand and utilise health information - has been identified as an important factor in the course of other chronic conditions and may be important in the aetiology of CLBP. Many of the currently available health literacy measurement tools are limited since they measure narrow aspects of health literacy. The Health Literacy Measurement Scale (HeLMS) was developed recently to measure broader elements of health literacy. The aim of this study was to measure broad elements of health literacy among individuals with CLBP and without LBP using the HeLMS.
Methods: Thirty-six community-dwelling adults with CLBP and 44 with no history of LBP responded to the HeLMS. Individuals were recruited as part of a larger community-based spinal health study in Western Australia. Scores for the eight domains of the HeLMS as well as individual item responses were compared between the groups.
Results: HeLMS scores were similar between individuals with and without CLBP for seven of the eight health literacy domains (p > 0.05). However, compared to individuals with no history of LBP, those with CLBP had a significantly lower score in the domain ‘Patient attitudes towards their health’ (mean difference [95% CI]: 0.46 [0.11- 0.82]) and significantly lower scores for each of the individual items within this domain (p < 0.05). Moderate effect sizes ranged from d = 0.47-0.65.
Conclusions: Although no differences were identified in HeLMS scores between the groups for seven of the health literacy domains, adults with CLBP reported greater difficulty in engaging in general positive health behaviours. This aspect of health literacy suggests that self-management support initiatives may benefit individuals with CLBP.


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The previous decade has been well known in Australia for the methodological wars. This culminated in a modest increase in interpretivist research. However, critical theory and postmodernist methodologies have not been taken up with any great enthusiasm both here in Australia or elsewhere. This paper attempts to outline the practical and historical reasons and the theoretical difficulties for the failure of these paradigms in contemporary IS. Secondly, it attempts to identify why IS must embrace these paradigms for the future, and the emerging postmodernist approaches in particular, in the light of the rise of ubiquitous information systems. The paper proposes a new set of research questions for the discipline.


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Objectives To determine what interventions are effective in promoting cycling, the size of the effects of interventions, and evidence of any associated benefits on overall physical activity or anthropometric measures.

Design Systematic review.

Data sources Published and unpublished reports in any language identified by searching 13 electronic databases, websites, reference lists, and existing systematic reviews, and papers identified by experts in the field.

Review methods Controlled “before and after” experimental or observational studies of the effect of any type of intervention on cycling behaviour measured at either individual or population level.

Results Twenty five studies (of which two were randomised controlled trials) from seven countries were included. Six studies examined interventions aimed specifically at promoting cycling, of which four (an intensive individual intervention in obese women, high quality improvements to a cycle route network, and two multifaceted cycle promotion initiatives at town or city level) were found to be associated with increases in cycling. Those studies that evaluated interventions at population level reported net increases of up to 3.4 percentage points in the population prevalence of cycling or the proportion of trips made by bicycle. Sixteen studies assessing individualised marketing of “environmentally friendly” modes of transport to interested households reported modest but consistent net effects equating to an average of eight additional cycling trips per person per year in the local population. Other interventions that targeted travel behaviour in general were not associated with a clear increase in cycling. Only two studies assessed effects of interventions on physical activity; one reported a positive shift in the population distribution of overall physical activity during the intervention.

Conclusions Community-wide promotional activities and improving infrastructure for cycling have the potential to increase cycling by modest amounts, but further controlled evaluative studies incorporating more precise measures are required, particularly in areas without an established cycling culture. Studies of individualised marketing report consistent positive effects of interventions on cycling behaviour, but these findings should be confirmed using more robust study designs. Future research should also examine how best to promote cycling in children and adolescents and through workplaces. Whether interventions to promote cycling result in an increase in overall physical activity or changes in anthropometric measures is unclear.


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As the Arab Revolutions swept across the Middle East and North Africa in late 2010 and into 2011, Iraqis were confronted with the failures of their own democracy to deliver on the many promises made to them since 2003. This led to weeks of scattered protests across Iraq, culminating in the “Day of Rage” (February 25, 2011) in which thousands of protestors took to the streets in at least 17 separate demonstrations across the country following Friday prayers. On the surface, these protests shared much in common with others across the region: the use of Facebook and other social media to promote the protests, and the focus on corruption, unemployment and poor public infrastructure. Also similar was the reaction of key Iraqi political figures such as Maliki and Barzani who met Iraqi protests with a mixture of brutal suppression and modest political and economic concessions. However, as this paper will demonstrate, upon closer inspection the Iraqi protests are in fact very different to others across the MENA and are therefore among the most significant for the future of democracy in the region. The Iraqi people were not protesting against an autocratic regime or an entrenched monarchy that had held power for decades, but a relatively new – and supposedly ‘democratic’ - political elite who had been brought to power in the wake of the US invasion. Indeed, while protestors across the region called for more democracy in the form of a written constitution, free and fair elections, a robust media sphere and the rule of law, Iraqis were protesting against the failures of the Iraqi government to democratise such mechanisms of governance (all of which they more or less have). They felt routinely disenfranchised by a state that has manipulated the very institutions and discourses of democracy to retain, rather than diffuse, power.


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Introduction : Osteoporosis is associated with increased risk for fracture. However, most postmenopausal women have bone mineral density (BMD) within the normal or osteopenic range. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of the population burden of fragility fractures arising from women at modest risk for fracture.

Methods : We measured baseline BMD in a population-based random sample of 616 postmenopausal women aged 60–94 years and followed these individuals for a median of 5.6 years (IQR 3.9–6.5) to determine the incidence of fractures according to age, BMD and the presence of a prior fracture.

Results : Based on WHO criteria, 37.6% of the women had normal total hip BMD, 48.0% had osteopenia and 14.5% had osteoporosis. The incidence of fracture during follow-up was highest in women with osteoporosis, but only 26.9% of all fractures arose from this group; 73.1% occurred in women without osteoporosis (56.5% in women with osteopenia, 16.6% in women with normal BMD). Decreasing BMD, increasing age and prior fracture contributed independently to increased fracture risk; in a multivariate model, the relative risk for fracture increased 65% for each SD decrease in BMD (RR=1.65, 95%CI 1.32–2.05), increased 3% for every year of age (RR=1.03, 95%CI 1.01–1.06) and doubled with prevalent fracture (RR=2.01, 95% CI 1.40–2.88). A prevalent fracture increased the risk for fractures such that women with osteopenia and prevalent fracture had the same, if not greater, risk as women with osteoporosis alone.


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This study characterizes BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3−δ (BCFN) perovskite oxide and evaluates it as a potential cathode material for proton-conducting SOFCs with a BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2O3-δ (BZCY) electrolyte. A four-probe DC conductivity measurement demonstrated that BCFN has a modest electrical conductivity of 2–15 S cm−1 in air with p-type semiconducting behavior. An electrical conductivity relaxation test showed that BCFN has higher Dchem and Kchem than the well-known Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ oxide. In addition, it has relatively low thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) with values of 18.2 × 10−6 K−1 and 14.4 × 10−6 K−1 at temperature ranges of 30–900 °C and 30–500 °C, respectively. The phase reaction between BCFN and BZCY was investigated using powder and pellet reactions. EDX and XRD characterizations demonstrated that BCFN had lower reactivity with the BZCY electrolyte than strontium-containing perovskite oxides such as SrCo0.9Nb0.1O3-δ and Ba0.6Sr0.4Co0.9Nb0.1O3−δ. The impedance of BCFN was oxygen partial pressure dependent. Introducing water into the cathode atmosphere reduced the size of both the high-frequency and low-frequency arcs of the impedance spectra due to facilitated proton hopping. The cathode polarization resistance and overpotential at a current density of 100 mA cm−2 were 0.85 Ω cm−2 and 110 mV in dry air, which decreased to 0.43 Ω cm−2 and 52 mV, respectively, in wet air (∼3% H2O) at 650 °C. A decrease in impedance was also observed with polarization time; this was possibly caused by polarization-induced microstructure optimization. A promising peak power density of ∼585 mW cm−2 was demonstrated by an anode-supported cell with a BCFN cathode at 700 °C.