980 resultados para Memory Development
The influence of temporal association on the representation and recognition of objects was investigated. Observers were shown sequences of novel faces in which the identity of the face changed as the head rotated. As a result, observers showed a tendency to treat the views as if they were of the same person. Additional experiments revealed that this was only true if the training sequences depicted head rotations rather than jumbled views: in other words, the sequence had to be spatially as well as temporally smooth. Results suggest that we are continuously associating views of objects to support later recognition, and that we do so not only on the basis of the physical similarity, but also the correlated appearance in time of the objects.
FAM is a developmentally regulated substrate-specific deubiquitylating enzyme. It binds the cell adhesion and signalling molecules beta -catenin and A-F-6 in vitro, and stabilises both in mammalian cell culture. To determine if FAM is required at the earliest stages of mouse development we examined its expression and function in preimplantation mouse embryos. FAM is expressed at all stages of preimplantation development from ovulation to implantation. Exposure of two-cell embryos to FAM-specific antisense, but not sense, oligodeoxynucleotides resulted in depletion of the FAM protein and failure Of the embryos to develop to blastocysts. Loss of FAM had two physiological effects, namely, a decrease in cleavage rate and an inhibition of cell adhesive events. Depletion of FAM protein was mirrored by a loss of beta -catenin such that very little of either protein remained following 72 h culture. The residual beta -catenin was localised to sites of cell-cell contact suggesting that the cytoplasmic pool of beta -catenin is stabilised by FAM. Although AF-6 levels initially decreased they returned to normal. However, the nascent protein was mislocalised at the apical surface of blastomeres. Therefore FAM is required for preimplantation mouse embryo development and regulates beta -catenin and AF-6 in vivo. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Lid. All rights reserved.
Item noise models of recognition assert that interference at retrieval is generated by the words from the study list. Context noise models of recognition assert that interference at retrieval is generated by the contexts in which the test word has appeared. The authors introduce the bind cue decide model of episodic memory, a Bayesian context noise model, and demonstrate how it can account for data from the item noise and dual-processing approaches to recognition memory. From the item noise perspective, list strength and list length effects, the mirror effect for word frequency and concreteness, and the effects of the similarity of other words in a list are considered. From the dual-processing perspective, process dissociation data on the effects of length. temporal separation of lists, strength, and diagnosticity of context are examined. The authors conclude that the context noise approach to recognition is a viable alternative to existing approaches. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)
A pilot telemedicine network was established in 11 sites using funding provided by the Department of Trade and Industry in the UK. The main purpose of the project was to develop and evaluate clinical and educational links between central and peripheral sites in Scotland, The results were very encouraging, and clinical services were established in accident and emergency medicine, tele-ultrasound and clinical psychology. An undergraduate medical teaching service was also successfully established. All of these services are to be continued after the completion of the project. Many lessons were learned during the establishment of this network which will be useful in future projects. These included the importance of training for telemedicine users, the importance of identifying a telemedicine champion, the pitfall of health economics and the fact that services must be needs driven.
Injection of particulate hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) in mice leads to the induction of a HBsAg-specific class-I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. It is proposed that any protein internal to HBsAg will also be able to elicit a specific CTL response. In this study, several carboxy-terminal truncations of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein were fused to varying lengths of amino-terminal truncated large hepatitis delta antigen (L-HDAg). These constructs were analysed for their ability to be expressed and the particles secreted in the presence of HBsAg after transfection into HuH-7 cells. The secretion efficiency of the various HCV core-HDAg chimeric proteins was generally poor. Constructs containing full length HDAg appeared to be more stable than truncated versions and the length of the inserted protein was restricted to around 40 amino acids. Thus, the use of L-HDAg as a chimera to package foreign proteins is limited. Consequently, a polyepitope (polytope) containing a B-cell epitope from human papillomavirus (HPV 16) and multiple T-cell epitopes from the HCV polyprotein was used to create the construct, L-HDAg-polyB. This chimeric protein was shown to be reliant on the co-expression of HBsAg for secretion into the cell culture fluid and was secreted more efficiently than the previous HCV core-HDAg constructs. These L-HDAg-polyB virus-like particles (VLPs) had a buoyant density of similar to 1.2 g/cm(3) in caesium chloride and similar to 1.15 g/cm(3) in sucrose. The VLPs were also immunoprecipitated using an anti-HBs but not an anti-HD antibody. Thus, these recombinant VLPs have similar biophysical properties to L-HDAg VLPs.
Jembrana disease virus (JDV) is a newly isolated and characterised bovine lentivirus. It causes an acute disease in Ball cattle (Bos javanicus). which can be readily transmitted to susceptible cattle with 17% mortality. There is as yet no treatment or preventive vaccine. We have developed a gene transfer vector system based on JDV that has three components. The first of the components is a bicistronic transfer vector plasmid that was constructed to contain cis-sequences from the JDV genome, including 5 '- and 3 ' -long terminal repeats (LTRs), 0.4 kb of truncated gag and 1.1 kb of 3 ' -env, a multiple cloning site to accommodate the gene(s) of interest for transfer, and an internal ribosome entry site plus the neomycin phosphotransferase (Neo) gene cassette for antibiotic selection. The second element is a packaging plasmid that contains trans-sequences. including gag, pol. vif, tar and rev: but without the env and packaging signals. The third is a plasmid encoding the G glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G) to supply the vector an envelope for pseudotyping. Cotransfection of 293T cells with these three plasmid components produced VSV-G pseudotyped. disabled, replication defective, bicistronic JDV vectors encoding the green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and the Neo resistance selection maker simultaneously with a titre range of (0.4-1.2) x 10(6) CFU/ml. Transduction of several replicating primary and transformed cells from cattle, primate and human sources and importantly growth-arrested cells with the JDV vectors showed high efficiency of EGFP gene transfer at 35-75%, which was stable and the expression of EGFP was long term. Furthermore, these JDV vectors were designed to suit the inclusion and expression of genes corresponding to JDV specific proteins, such as gag or env, for the development of vaccines for Jembrana disease. This strategy should also be applicable to other bovine diseases as wall. The design and construction of the JDV vector system should facilitate the study of the lentivirology and pathogenesis of the diseases associated with JDV or other bovine virus infections. To our knowledge, this is the first such vector system developed from a cattle virus. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
During a naming task, time pressure and a manipulation of the proportion of related prime-target pairs were used to induce subjects to generate an expectation to the prime. On some trials, the presented target was orthographically and generally phonologically similar to the expected tal-get. The expectancy manipulation was barely detectable in the priming data but was clearly evident on a final recognition test. In addition, the recognition data showed that the nearly simultaneous activation of an expectation and sensory information derived from the orthographically and phonologically similar target produced a false memory. It is argued that this represents a blend memory.
Our interest lies in applying the principles of critical systems thinking to human activity systems in developing countries in situations where issues of natural resource sustainability constrain the feasible set of long-term strategies. The concept of sustainable development provides an expanded domain for critical systems thinking. The fundamental values underpinning sustainable development are that both intragenerational and intergenerational equity are important. As a consequence, key stakeholders are often excluded from power-sharing within current social systems. Addressing these issues requires renewed focus on emancipatory commitment and methodologies. To date, Ulrich's critical systems heuristics is the only critical systems methodology that offers practicable tools for emancipation. A case study analysis in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, provides insights in relation to the application of critical system heuristics to issues of sustainable development and highlights the need to extend the use of critical systems heuristics beyond the design and monitoring of structured interventions.
Objective: The aims of this study were to examine working memory in the acute-subacute phase of schizophrenia and mania and to examine correlations between working memory and specific symptom domains. Method: Visuospatial working memory and symptom profiles were assessed in three groups (schizophrenia group, n=19; mania, n=12; controls, n=19) on two occasions separated by 4 weeks. Results: Both patient groups had significant deficits on working memory compared to the well controls and the schizophrenia and mania groups were equally impaired. All groups showed equivalent improvement over time. In the patient groups, impaired working memory was significantly correlated with the presence of both negative symptoms and positive thought disorder. Conclusion: Impaired wet-king memory is found in both schizophrenia and mania during the acute-subacute phases. Further research is required in order to clarify the neurocognitive mechanisms linking impaired working memory with both negative symptoms and positive thought disorder.
Pasminco Century Mine has developed a geophysical logging system to provide new data for ore mining/grade control and the generation of Short Term Models for mine planning. Previous work indicated the applicability of petrophysical logging for lithology prediction, however, the automation of the method was not considered reliable enough for the development of a mining model. A test survey was undertaken using two diamond drilled control holes and eight percussion holes. All holes were logged with natural gamma, magnetic susceptibility and density. Calibration of the LogTrans auto-interpretation software using only natural gamma and magnetic susceptibility indicated that both lithology and stratigraphy could be predicted. Development of a capability to enforce stratigraphic order within LogTrans increased the reliability and accuracy of interpretations. After the completion of a feasibility program, Century Mine has invested in a dedicated logging vehicle to log blast holes as well as for use in in-fill drilling programs. Future refinement of the system may lead to the development of GPS controlled excavators for mining ore.