932 resultados para MODERATE MYOPIA


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Corticoteroid-induced glaucoma can result from either topical or systemic corticosteroid use. Compared with adults, the corticosteroid response in children is less well known. The case is reported of a child who developed glaucoma after receiving topical corticosteroids following a scleral re-inforcement procedure. The raised intraocular pressure was controlled after cessation of the corticosteroids and with the use of antiglaucoma therapy. As many forms of cortico-steroids are widely used, children on corticosteroids should have regular intraocular pressure measurements as part of their management.


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Direct comparisons between photosynthetic O-2 evolution rate and electron transport rate (ETR) were made in situ over 24 h using the benthic macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta), growing and measured at a depth of 1.8 m, where the midday irradiance rose to 400-600 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1). O-2 exchange was measured with a 5-chamber data-logging apparatus and ETR with a submersible pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer (Diving-PAM). Steady-state quantum yield ((Fm'-Ft)/Fm') decreased from 0.7 during the morning to 0.45 at midday, followed by some recovery in the late afternoon. At low to medium irradiances (0-300 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), there was a significant correlation between O-2 evolution and ETR, but at higher irradiances, ETR continued to increase steadily, while O-2 evolution tended towards an asymptote. However at high irradiance levels (600-1200 mumol photons m-(2) s(-1)) ETR was significantly lowered. Two methods of measuring ETR, based on either diel ambient light levels and fluorescence yields or rapid light curves, gave similar results at low to moderate irradiance levels. Nutrient enrichment (increases in [NO3-], [NH4+] and [HPO42-] of 5- to 15-fold over ambient concentrations) resulted in an increase, within hours, in photosynthetic rates measured by both ETR and O-2 evolution techniques. At low irradiances, approximately 6.5 to 8.2 electrons passed through PS II during the evolution of one molecule of O-2, i.e., up to twice the theoretical minimum number of four. However, in nutrient-enriched treatments this ratio dropped to 5.1. The results indicate that PAM fluorescence can be used as a good indication of the photosynthetic rate only at low to medium irradiances.


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A finite-element method is used to study the elastic properties of random three-dimensional porous materials with highly interconnected pores. We show that Young's modulus, E, is practically independent of Poisson's ratio of the solid phase, nu(s), over the entire solid fraction range, and Poisson's ratio, nu, becomes independent of nu(s) as the percolation threshold is approached. We represent this behaviour of nu in a flow diagram. This interesting but approximate behaviour is very similar to the exactly known behaviour in two-dimensional porous materials. In addition, the behaviour of nu versus nu(s) appears to imply that information in the dilute porosity limit can affect behaviour in the percolation threshold limit. We summarize the finite-element results in terms of simple structure-property relations, instead of tables of data, to make it easier to apply the computational results. Without using accurate numerical computations, one is limited to various effective medium theories and rigorous approximations like bounds and expansions. The accuracy of these equations is unknown for general porous media. To verify a particular theory it is important to check that it predicts both isotropic elastic moduli, i.e. prediction of Young's modulus alone is necessary but not sufficient. The subtleties of Poisson's ratio behaviour actually provide a very effective method for showing differences between the theories and demonstrating their ranges of validity. We find that for moderate- to high-porosity materials, none of the analytical theories is accurate and, at present, numerical techniques must be relied upon.


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Objective: To document the acute characteristics of swallowing impairment in a group of children post moderate/severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) by means of videofluoroscopy. Participants: Eighteen children with moderate/severe TBI. Main Outcome Measure: Videofluoroscopy at an average of 27.7 days post-injury. Results: Subjects demonstrated a range of dysphagia severity levels: mild-moderate (n = 8), moderate (n = 6), moderate-severe (n = 3), and severe (n = 1) and had a combination of oral and pharyngeal phase characteristics. More specifically; observable features or physiological impairments that were identified included reduced lingual control, hesitancy of tongue movement, repetitive tongue pumping, the presence of aspiration (including silent aspiration), delayed swallow reflex trigger, reduced laryngeal elevation and closure, and reduced peristalsis. Conclusions: These data highlight the diversity of swallowing deficits and dysphagia severity levels in children following TBI and suggest that the former are consistent with a pattern of oropharyngeal impairments.


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Image : To assess the potential for sucralfate administered rectally to reduce the risk of late rectal morbidity in patients undergoing nonconformal radiotherapy (RT) for carcinoma of the prostate and to study the variables potentially contributing to late rectal morbidity and particularly to explore the relationship between acute and late toxicity. Image : Eighty-six patients with localized prostate carcinoma were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to a daily enema of 3 g of sucralfate in a 15-mL suspension or the same suspension without sucralfate. The enema began the first day of RT and was continued for 2 weeks after treatment completion. The primary end point of the study was acute Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) toxicity; however, the patients were followed for an additional 5 years on a 6-month basis. The evaluation included late RTOG/EORTC toxicity and a patient self-assessment questionnaire. Image : With a median follow-up of 5 years, the Kaplan-Meier probability of late Grade 2 RTOG/EORTC toxicity was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2–22%) for placebo and 5% (95% CI 0–12%) for sucralfate (p = 0.26). The probability of late rectal bleeding was 59% (95% CI 45–73%) for placebo and 54% (95% CI 40–68%) for sucralfate. No statistically significant difference was found between the treatment arms for the peak incidence of any of the other patient self-assessment variables. Cox proportional hazards modeling indicated acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity of Grade 2 or greater was associated with a hazard ratio of 2.74 (95% CI 1.31–5.73) for the development of late toxicity of Grade 1 or greater. Substituting the patient self-assessment variables for acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity revealed that rectal pain of a moderate or severe grade during RT was the best predictor of the subsequent development of late toxicity, with a hazard ratio of 3.44 (95% CI 1.68–7). Image : The results of this study do not support the use of sucralfate administered rectally as a method for reducing the late toxicity of nonconformal RT for prostate cancer. There appears to be an association between the development of acute and subsequent late toxicity, although the nature of this association remains to be determined


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This case study presents four and a half years of audiological observations, testing and aural habilitation of a female child with a partial agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC). The ACC was diagnosed by MRI scan performed at 6 months of age to eliminate neurological causes for the developmental delay. This child was also born with a cleft palate and was diagnosed with Robinow Syndrome at 3 years and 3 months of age. The audiological results showed an improvement in hearing thresholds over the 4-year period. The child’s ophthalmologist also reported an improvement in visual skills over time. The most interesting aspect of the child’s hearing was the discrepancy between the monaural and the binaural results. That is, when assessed binaurally she often presented with a mild to moderate mixed loss and, when assessed monaurally, she showed a moderate to severe mixed loss for the right ear and a severe mixed loss for the left ear. Over time, the discrepancy between the monaural and binaural results changed. When assessed binaurally, the loss decreased to normal low frequency hearing sloping to a mild high frequency loss. When assessed monaurally, the most recent results showed a mild loss for the right ear and a moderate loss for the left ear. This discrepancy between binaural and monaural results was evident for both aided and unaided tests. For the most recent thresholds, the binaural results were consistent with the right monaural thresholds for the first time over the four and a half years. Parental reports of the child’s hearing were consistent with the binaural clinical results. This case indicates the need for audiologists to (1) carefully monitor the hearing of children with ACC, (2) obtain monaural and binaural hearing and aided thresholds results, and (3) compare these children’s functional abilities with the objective test results obtained. This case does question whether hearing aids are appropriate for children with ACC. If hearing aids are deemed to be appropriate, then hearing aids with compression characteristics should be considered.


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This article reviews the empirical and theoretical bases for recommendations regarding lifting technique. Lifting from postures involving extreme lumbar vertebral flexion, (approximately 60degrees of lumbar flexion, characterised by absence of electromyographical activity in erector spinae) has the potential to contribute to damage to ligaments and intervertebral discs, especially if combined with lateral flexion or rotation. The only appropriate recommendation regarding posture of the lumbar spine during lifting is to avoid postures involving extreme lumbar vertebral flexion (and rotation and lateral flexion). There is no empirical basis for avoiding postures involving moderate lumbar vertebral flexion, and no justification for advocating lifting from a full squat posture. Further, lifting from semi-squat postures, involving a moderate range of flexion at both knees and trunk, allows a pattern of interjoint coordination which appears to be functional in reducing muscular effort. Lifting training is generally ineffective, and there is unlikely to be a single best technique which is appropriate in all situations. Consequently, it may be preferable to provide education in general lifting guidelines and assist lifters to discover individually appropriate postures and patterns of movement. The article concludes by presenting recommendations for lifting technique which are justified by current knowledge.


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Accurate habitat mapping is critical to landscape ecological studies such as required for developing and testing Montreal Process indicator 1.1e, fragmentation of forest types. This task poses a major challenge to remote sensing, especially in mixedspecies, variable-age forests such as dry eucalypt forests of subtropical eastern Australia. In this paper, we apply an innovative approach that uses a small section of one-metre resolution airborne data to calibrate a moderate spatial resolution model (30 m resolution; scale 1:50 000) based on Landsat Thematic Mapper data to estimate canopy structural properties in St Marys State Forest, near Maryborough, south-eastern Queensland. The approach applies an image-processing model that assumes each image pixel is significantly larger than individual tree crowns and gaps to estimate crown-cover percentage, stem density and mean crown diameter. These parameters were classified into three discrete habitat classes to match the ecology of four exudivorous arboreal species (yellowbellied glider Petaurus australis, sugar glider P. breviceps, squirrel glider P. norfolcensis , and feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus), and one folivorous arboreal marsupial, the greater glider Petauroides volans. These species were targeted due to the known ecological preference for old trees with hollows, and differences in their home range requirements. The overall mapping accuracy, visually assessed against transects (n = 93) interpreted from a digital orthophoto and validated in the field, was 79% (KHAT statistic = 0.72). The KHAT statistic serves as an indicator of the extent that the percentage correct values of the error matrix are due to ‘true’ agreement verses ‘chance’ agreement. This means that we are able to reliably report on the effect of habitat loss on target species, especially those with a large home range size (e.g. yellow-bellied glider). However, the classified habitat map failed to accurately capture the spatial patterning (e.g. patch size and shape) of stands with a trace or sub-dominance of senescent trees. This outcome makes the reporting of the effects of habitat fragmentation more problematic, especially for species with a small home range size (e.g. feathertail glider). With further model refinement and validation, however, this moderateresolution approach offers an important, cost eff e c t i v e advancement in mapping the age of dry eucalypt forests in the region.


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The majority of the world's population now resides in urban environments and information on the internal composition and dynamics of these environments is essential to enable preservation of certain standards of living. Remotely sensed data, especially the global coverage of moderate spatial resolution satellites such as Landsat, Indian Resource Satellite and Systeme Pour I'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), offer a highly useful data source for mapping the composition of these cities and examining their changes over time. The utility and range of applications for remotely sensed data in urban environments could be improved with a more appropriate conceptual model relating urban environments to the sampling resolutions of imaging sensors and processing routines. Hence, the aim of this work was to take the Vegetation-Impervious surface-Soil (VIS) model of urban composition and match it with the most appropriate image processing methodology to deliver information on VIS composition for urban environments. Several approaches were evaluated for mapping the urban composition of Brisbane city (south-cast Queensland, Australia) using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data and 1:5000 aerial photographs. The methods evaluated were: image classification; interpretation of aerial photographs; and constrained linear mixture analysis. Over 900 reference sample points on four transects were extracted from the aerial photographs and used as a basis to check output of the classification and mixture analysis. Distinctive zonations of VIS related to urban composition were found in the per-pixel classification and aggregated air-photo interpretation; however, significant spectral confusion also resulted between classes. In contrast, the VIS fraction images produced from the mixture analysis enabled distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and residential zones within the city to be clearly defined, based on their relative amount of vegetation cover. The soil fraction image served as an index for areas being (re)developed. The logical match of a low (L)-resolution, spectral mixture analysis approach with the moderate spatial resolution image data, ensured the processing model matched the spectrally heterogeneous nature of the urban environments at the scale of Landsat Thematic Mapper data.


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Thiazolidinediones are a new class of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and act by improving insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, liver and skeletal muscle. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are registered for use in monotherapy, and in combination with sulfonylureas and metformin. Pioglitazone is also licensed for use in combination with insulin. There is level II evidence that in patients with inadequate glycaemic control both drugs reduce the level of HbA(1c) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) when used as monotherapy and in combination with sulfonylurea or metformin or insulin; and both drugs increase levels of HDL and LDL and lower free fatty acid levels, but only pioglitazone significantly lowers triglyceride levels. Both drugs lower fasting insulin and C-peptide levels. In monotherapy, they may be slightly less potent at reducing the level of HbA(1c) than sulfonylureas or metformin. The maximal effect of these agents may not be seen for 6-14 weeks after commencement. Both drugs are well tolerated but liver function must be checked at baseline every second month for the first year, and periodically thereafter. The drugs are currently contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe liver dysfunction and alanine aminotransferase levels more than 2.5 times normal, New York Heart Association III-IV cardiac status, pregnancy, lactation and in children. The main side effects include weight gain, oedema, and mild dilutional anaemia.


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Patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) are catabolic and GH-resistant. The effects of supraphysiological recombinant human GH (rhGH; 0.2 IU.kg(-1).d(-1)) treatment in adults with CLD were assessed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial (4-wk dietary run-in, 4-wk treatment, and 2-wk wash-out phases). Nine adults with mild- to moderate-severity CLD participated (median age, 49 yr; three males and six females; Child's classification A in six and B in three). Biopsy-proven etiologies were: alcohol (four patients), primary biliary cirrhosis (three patients), non-A, non-B, non-C hepatitis (one patient), and cryptogenic (one patient). Treatment with rhGH increased serum IGF-I (median increase over placebo, +93 mug.liter(-1); P = 0.004), IGF-binding protein-3 (+0.9 mg.liter(-1): P = 0.004), and acid labile subunit (+10.7 nM; P = 0.004). Total body potassium (+8.0 g; P = 0.023), body weight (+1.6 kg; P = 0.008), and total body water (by bioelectrical impedance; +4.9 kg; P = 0.004) increased. Resting metabolic rate (+313 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); P = 0.004) and lipid oxidation (+1072.0 kcal.d(-1); P = 0.032) increased. Metabolic changes included increased fasting plasma glucose (+1.2 mm; P = 0.008), insulin (+33.8 mU.liter(-1); P = 0.004), C-peptide (+0.7 nM; P = 0.004), and free-fatty acids (+0.1 mEq.liter(-1); P = 0.04). Clinical side effects included worsening edema and ascites. Hepatocellular function did not change. Therefore, rbGH treatment in CLD: 1) overcame hepatic GH resistance; 2) may have improved whole-body protein catabolism; 3) increased lipolysis and lipid oxidation; 4) increased insulin resistance; and 5) had potent antinatriuretic effects. Long-term safety and efficacy require further assessment.


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Aim: The pseudo-Pelger-Huet (PH) anomaly has been associated with a variety of primary haematological disorders, infections and drugs. Recently, the development of dysgranulopoiesis characterised by a pseudo-PH anomaly has been reported in two patients with the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in the setting of heart and/or lung transplantation. We present a further five cases of MMF-related dysgranulopoiesis characterised by a pseudo-PH anomaly occurring after renal transplantation. Methods: All patients were receiving standard immunosuppression protocols for renal transplantation, including a combination of MMF, steroids and either cyclosporin or tacrolimus. Oral ganciclovir was also used for cytomegalovirus prophylaxis in each case. Results: Development of dysplastic granulopoiesis occurred a median of 96 days (range 66-196 days) after transplantation. Moderate or severe neutropaenia (


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This review considers the current literature on the macro-mineral nutrition of the soon-to-calve, or transition, dairy cow. Calcium is the main focus, since milk fever (clinical hypocalcaemia) appears to be the most common mineral-related problem faced by the transition cow Australia-wide. The importance of minimising calcium intake and optimising the balance of the key dietary electrolytes, sodium, potassium, sulfate, and chloride, in the weeks before calving is highlighted. Excess dietary potassium can, in some situations, induce milk fever, perhaps even more effectively than excess calcium. Excess sodium remains under suspicion. In contrast, excess dietary chlorine and, to a lesser extent, sulfur can improve the ability of the cow to maintain calcium homeostasis. Diets that promote either a hypomagnesaemia or hyperphosphataemia have also the potential to precipitate milk fever at calving. Current prevention strategies focus on the use of forages with moderate to low levels of calcium, potassium, and sodium, and also rely on or utilise addition of chloride and sulfate in the form of 'anionic' feeds. Anionic salts are one example of an anionic feed. However, legitimate questions remain as to the effectiveness of anionic salts in pasture-feeding systems. The causes and prevention of milk fever are considered from the perspective of the variety of Australian feedbases. Impediments to the use of anionic feeds in Australia feeding systems are outlined. The potential for improving maternal reserves of calcium around calving to reduce the risk of milk fever is also discussed.


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Neutrophils constitute 50-60% of all circulating leukocytes; they present the first line of microbicidal defense and are involved in inflammatory responses. To examine immunocompetence in athletes, numerous studies have investigated the effects of exercise on the number of circulating neutrophils and their response to stimulation by chemotactic stimuli and activating factors. Exercise causes a biphasic increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, arising from increases in catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Moderate intensity exercise may enhance neutrophil respiratory burst activity, possibly through increases in the concentrations of growth hormone and the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In contrast, intense or long duration exercise may suppress neutrophil degranulation and the production of reactive oxidants via elevated circulating concentrations of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. There is evidence of neutrophil degranulation and activation of the respiratory burst following exercise-induced muscle damage. In principle, improved responsiveness of neutrophils to stimulation following exercise of moderate intensity could mean that individuals participating in moderate exercise may have improved resistance to infection. Conversely, competitive athletes undertaking regular intense exercise may be at greater risk of contracting illness. However there are limited data to support this concept. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the neutrophil responses to exercise, researchers have examined changes in the expression of cell membrane receptors, the production and release of reactive oxidants and more recently, calcium signaling. The investigation of possible modifications of other signal transduction events following exercise has not been possible because of current methodological limitations. At present, variation in exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil function appears to be due to differences in exercise protocols, training status, sampling points and laboratory assay techniques.


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This study utilized recently developed microbead technology to remove natural killer (NK) cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations to determine the effect of acute exercise on T-lymphocyte function, independent of changes in lymphocyte subpopulations. Twelve well-trained male runners completed a 60-min exercise trial at 95% ventilatory threshold and a no-exercise control trial. Six blood samples were taken at each session: before exercise, midexercise, immediately after exercise, and 30, 60, and 90 min after exercise. Isolated PBMC and NK cell-depleted PBMC were stimulated with the mitogen phytohemagglutinin. Cellular proliferation was assessed by using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide dye uptake. In the PBMC cultures, there was a significantly lower mitogen response to phytohemagglutinin in exercise compared with the control condition immediately postexercise. There were no significant differences between the control and exercise conditions in NK cell-depleted PBMC cultures or in the responses adjusted for the percentage of CD3 cells. The present findings do not support the view that T-lymphocyte function is reduced after exercise.