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Students of mumming and guising plays – the seasonal verse dramas performed for over 200 years throughout much of England, Scotland, and northern Ireland – have suffered from having too much information to work with. The first part of this poster presentation outlines and illustrates the situation. There are thousands of places where the plays are known to have been performed, and hundreds of texts have been collected. Furthermore, the plays show some tantalising similarities while simultaneously exhibiting the wide range of variation one would expect from orally transmitted dialogue. Until recently, scholars openly admitted to not knowing where to start with such a flood of material, to the extent that some dismissed the texts altogether as unimportant and irrelevant, focussing instead on the "actions". Fortunately, the introduction of computers has managed to break the impasse and is aiding the intellectual process. Part two shows a case study for one of the tools on the Master Mummers website - the Folk Play Scripts Explorer – which is based on a large database of digitised texts and a typology for individual lines. This allows researchers to search for lines, explore textual variants, and map their geographical distribution. This is yielding some interesting surprises. Seemingly trivial variations often turn out to have discrete distribution patterns, while it transpires that certain "ubiquitous" lines have restricted geographical ranges. Thus, the Scripts Explorer is providing novel insights into how the plays evolved and spread.
In many instances of holographic correspondences between a d-dimensional boundary theory and a (. d+. 1)-dimensional bulk, a direct argument in the boundary theory implies that there must exist a simple and precise relation between the Euclidean on-shell action of a (. d-. 1)-brane probing the bulk geometry and the Euclidean gravitational bulk action. This relation is crucial for the consistency of holography, yet it is non-trivial from the bulk perspective. In particular, we show that it relies on a nice isoperimetric inequality that must be satisfied in a large class of Poincaré-Einstein spaces. Remarkably, this inequality follows from theorems by Lee and Wang.
Gap junction coupling is ubiquitous in the brain, particularly between the dendritic trees of inhibitory interneurons. Such direct non-synaptic interaction allows for direct electrical communication between cells. Unlike spike-time driven synaptic neural network models, which are event based, any model with gap junctions must necessarily involve a single neuron model that can represent the shape of an action potential. Indeed, not only do neurons communicating via gaps feel super-threshold spikes, but they also experience, and respond to, sub-threshold voltage signals. In this chapter we show that the so-called absolute integrate-and-fire model is ideally suited to such studies. At the single neuron level voltage traces for the model may be obtained in closed form, and are shown to mimic those of fast-spiking inhibitory neurons. Interestingly in the presence of a slow spike adaptation current the model is shown to support periodic bursting oscillations. For both tonic and bursting modes the phase response curve can be calculated in closed form. At the network level we focus on global gap junction coupling and show how to analyze the asynchronous firing state in large networks. Importantly, we are able to determine the emergence of non-trivial network rhythms due to strong coupling instabilities. To illustrate the use of our theoretical techniques (particularly the phase-density formalism used to determine stability) we focus on a spike adaptation induced transition from asynchronous tonic activity to synchronous bursting in a gap-junction coupled network.
Les petites molécules de type p à bandes interdites étroites sont de plus en plus perçues comme des remplaçantes possibles aux polymères semi-conducteurs actuellement utilisés conjointement avec des dérivés de fullerènes de type n, dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV). Par contre, ces petites molécules tendent à cristalliser facilement lors de leur application en couches minces et forment difficilement des films homogènes appropriés. Des dispositifs OPV de type hétérojonction de masse ont été réalisés en ajoutant différentes espèces de polymères semi-conducteurs ou isolants, agissant comme matrices permettant de rectifier les inhomogénéités des films actifs et d’augmenter les performances des cellules photovoltaïques. Des polymères aux masses molaires spécifiques ont été synthétisés par réaction de Wittig en contrôlant précisément les ratios molaires des monomères et de la base utilisée. L’effet de la variation des masses molaires en fonction des morphologies de films minces obtenus et des performances des diodes organiques électroluminescentes reliées, a également été étudié. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) ou à balayage (MEB) a été employée en complément de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) pour suivre l’évolution de la morphologie des films organiques minces. Une nouvelle méthode rapide de préparation des films pour l’imagerie MET sur substrats de silicium est également présentée et comparée à d’autres méthodes d’extraction. Motivé par le prix élevé et la rareté des métaux utilisés dans les substrats d’oxyde d’indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recyclage eco-responsable des substrats utilisés dans ces études est également présenté.
Ensuring the security of computers is a non-trivial task, with many techniques used by malicious users to compromise these systems. In recent years a new threat has emerged in the form of networks of hijacked zombie machines used to perform complex distributed attacks such as denial of service and to obtain sensitive data such as password information. These zombie machines are said to be infected with a dasiahotpsila - a malicious piece of software which is installed on a host machine and is controlled by a remote attacker, termed the dasiabotmaster of a botnetpsila. In this work, we use the biologically inspired dendritic cell algorithm (DCA) to detect the existence of a single hot on a compromised host machine. The DCA is an immune-inspired algorithm based on an abstract model of the behaviour of the dendritic cells of the human body. The basis of anomaly detection performed by the DCA is facilitated using the correlation of behavioural attributes such as keylogging and packet flooding behaviour. The results of the application of the DCA to the detection of a single hot show that the algorithm is a successful technique for the detection of such malicious software without responding to normally running programs.
We extend previous papers in the literature concerning the homogenization of Robin type boundary conditions for quasilinear equations, in the case of microscopic obstacles of critical size: here we consider nonlinear boundary conditions involving some maximal monotone graphs which may correspond to discontinuous or non-Lipschitz functions arising in some catalysis problems.
El principal objetivo de Internet of Things (IoT) es integrar las tecnologías informáticas en el quehacer cotidiano de las personas, facilitando su interacción con un entorno de dispositivos interconectados, pero el estado actual del arte hace que dicha interacción esté aún lejos de resultar trivial, precisando de continua intervención del usuario. Como alternativa a esta situación, iniciativas emergentes como la de Internet of People (IoP) pretenden integrar de forma más efectiva el IoT en la vida de las personas. En línea con este propósito, el modelo People as a Service (PeaaS) facilita estas tareas por medio del uso del teléfono móvil como interfaz del usuario con el IoT y haciendo uso del contexto del usuario del mismo. PeaaS permite elaborar un perfil sociológico del usuario, que puede ser explotado por el mismo y servido a terceros de forma segura y controlada. En este trabajo presentamos una aplicación móvil para la supervisión de personas afectadas de alzhéimer mediante el aprendizaje y monitorización de sus rutinas como prueba de concepto del modelo PeaaS, teniendo como resultado una funcionalidad que va mucho más allá de la ofrecida por otros productos similares en este campo, y una tecnología que es base para infinidad de aplicaciones que provoquen el avance hacia IoP.
Partial funding for open access provided by the UMD Libraries' Open Access Publishing Fund.
Doutoramento em Gestão
La Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) ha tenido un impacto reducido en la población colombiana sobre todo debido a la falta de educación financiera y a múltiples casos de corrupción que han opacado su rol en la sociedad -- En general, los colombianos ven con incertidumbre, desconfianza y escepticismo las ventajas de invertir en la bolsa tales como obtener rendimientos superiores que las de las inversiones tradicionales, seguridad en las transacciones y disponibilidad del dinero cuando se requiera, lo que desencadena inversiones en métodos más tradicionales, como los CDT (certificado de depósito a término), con muy bajas tasas de rendimiento, o en negocios que representan altos riesgos -- Dicho comportamiento ha generado que muchas de las inversiones que realiza una persona promedio en Colombia no vayan más allá de productos financieros conocidos, negocios familiares o tradicionales, pirámides o multiniveles que entorpecen el sistema financiero -- Una de las principales barreras encontradas al momento de invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia son creencias populares tales como: a) es obligatorio tener grandes capitales de dinero, o b) es necesario un conocimiento financiero especializado para invertir -- También resulta incierto para muchos usuarios en cuáles acciones convendría invertir una vez desmitificadas las anteriores creencias -- Para mitigar algunos de dichos inconvenientes, el estudio de portafolios de inversión propone como estrategia principal la diversificación de la inversión y la limitación del riesgo con el fin de crear portafolios altamente eficientes en términos financieros -- Si bien existen múltiples técnicas para la creación y la optimización de portafolios de inversión (por ejemplo: growth optimal portfolio), su uso en Colombia es limitado debido en lo primordial a que es una metodología reciente y a que su implementación no suele ser trivial, puesto que requiere el uso de múltiples herramientas computacionales para ser puesto en práctica -- El presente trabajo de grado presenta la implementación de un algoritmo de optimización robusto, en el sentido de las distribuciones de probabilidad requeridas, llamado portafolio óptimo de crecimiento robusto (robust growth optimal portfolio o RGOP) para acciones de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia -- Se escogieron varios portafolios al tener en cuenta tres criterios de inclusión para las acciones y se simularon tres escenarios y una suposición con el fin de demostrar la eficacia del algoritmo para minimizar el riesgo de inversión y maximizar la tasa de crecimiento en unos horizontes de tiempo predefinidos -- En último lugar se compararon las rentabilidades de los diferentes portafolios propuestos con las tasas de captación de CDT y CDA (certificados de depósito de ahorro) de bancos populares en Colombia -- La implementación del algoritmo se realizó en la plataforma Matlab y se acudió a varias bibliotecas de modelamiento matemático -- Sin tener en cuentas los costos de transacciones por compra y venta de acciones, los resultados muestran que mientras el sector financiero ofrecía a través de los CDT inferiores de 180 días un promedio de 4.80% de rentabilidad, en un período similar el RGOP arrojaba en promedio 11.83% en los portafolios de inversión de los tres escenarios, es decir, la metodología propuesta ofreció rendimientos superiores a las ofertas de los bancos en 147% para los períodos simulados -- En conclusión, todos los escenarios analizados presentaron mejores rendimientos en la simulación que los rendimientos ofrecidos por los bancos durante el mismo período; se les dio mayor ponderación a las acciones que presentaron tasas de crecimiento mayores de tal forma que se minimizaran los riesgos implícitos de invertir en bolsa -- El RGOP mostró ser una técnica robusta para su uso con acciones de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia porque ofreció una sólida combinación entre retorno y riesgo para futuros inversionistas
This thesis presents studies of the role of disorder in non-equilibrium quantum systems. The quantum states relevant to dynamics in these systems are very different from the ground state of the Hamiltonian. Two distinct systems are studied, (i) periodically driven Hamiltonians in two dimensions, and (ii) electrons in a one-dimensional lattice with power-law decaying hopping amplitudes. In the first system, the novel phases that are induced from the interplay of periodic driving, topology and disorder are studied. In the second system, the Anderson transition in all the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are studied, as a function of the power-law exponent of the hopping amplitude.
In periodically driven systems the study focuses on the effect of disorder in the nature of the topology of the steady states. First, we investigate the robustness to disorder of Floquet topological insulators (FTIs) occurring in semiconductor quantum wells. Such FTIs are generated by resonantly driving a transition between the valence and conduction band. We show that when disorder is added, the topological nature of such FTIs persists as long as there is a gap at the resonant quasienergy. For strong enough disorder, this gap closes and all the states become localized as the system undergoes a transition to a trivial insulator.
Interestingly, the effects of disorder are not necessarily adverse, disorder can also induce a transition from a trivial to a topological system, thereby establishing a Floquet Topological Anderson Insulator (FTAI). Such a state would be a dynamical realization of the topological Anderson insulator. We identify the conditions on the driving field necessary for observing such a transition. We realize such a disorder induced topological Floquet spectrum in the driven honeycomb lattice and quantum well models.
Finally, we show that two-dimensional periodically driven quantum systems with spatial disorder admit a unique topological phase, which we call the anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulator (AFAI). The AFAI is characterized by a quasienergy spectrum featuring chiral edge modes coexisting with a fully localized bulk. Such a spectrum is impossible for a time-independent, local Hamiltonian. These unique characteristics of the AFAI give rise to a new topologically protected nonequilibrium transport phenomenon: quantized, yet nonadiabatic, charge pumping. We identify the topological invariants that distinguish the AFAI from a trivial, fully localized phase, and show that the two phases are separated by a phase transition.
The thesis also present the study of disordered systems using Wegner's Flow equations. The Flow Equation Method was proposed as a technique for studying excited states in an interacting system in one dimension. We apply this method to a one-dimensional tight binding problem with power-law decaying hoppings. This model presents a transition as a function of the exponent of the decay. It is shown that the the entire phase diagram, i.e. the delocalized, critical and localized phases in these systems can be studied using this technique. Based on this technique, we develop a strong-bond renormalization group that procedure where we solve the Flow Equations iteratively. This renormalization group approach provides a new framework to study the transition in this system.
For each quasi-metric space X we consider the convex lattice SLip(1)(X) of all semi-Lipschitz functions on X with semi-Lipschitz constant not greater than 1. If X and Y are two complete quasi-metric spaces, we prove that every convex lattice isomorphism T from SLip(1)(Y) onto SLip(1)(X) can be written in the form Tf = c . (f o tau) + phi, where tau is an isometry, c > 0 and phi is an element of SLip(1)(X). As a consequence, we obtain that two complete quasi-metric spaces are almost isometric if, and only if, there exists an almost-unital convex lattice isomorphism between SLip(1)(X) and SLip(1) (Y).
Introduction The concept of this thesis was driven by stagnation within the Irish healthcare system. Multiple reports from pharmacy organisations had outlined possible future directions for the profession but progress was minimal, especially in comparison with other countries. The author’s directive was to evaluate the economic impact of a series of clinical pharmacy services (CPS) in hospital and community settings. Methods A systematic review of economic evaluations of clinical pharmacy services in hospital patients was undertaken to gain insight into recent research in the field. Eligible studies were evaluated using the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS), to establish the quality, consistency and transparency of relevant research. A retrospective analysis of an internal hospital pharmacy interventions database was conducted. A method first described by Nesbit et al. was implemented to estimate the level of cost avoidance achieved. A cost-effectiveness analysis based on data from a randomised controlled trial of a pharmacist-supervised patient self-testing (PST) of warfarin therapy is presented. Outcome measure was the incremental cost associated with six months of intervention management. A similar cost-effectiveness analysis based on previously published RCT data was used to evaluate a novel structured pharmacist review of medication in older hospitalised patients. Cost-effectiveness analysis was presented in the form of an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). An ICER is an additional cost per unit effect, in the case of this study, the cost of preventing an additional non-trivial ADR in hospital. A method described by Preaud et al. was adapted to estimate the clinical and economic benefit gained from vaccination of patients by a community pharmacist in Ireland in 2013/14. Sample demographic data was obtained from a national chain of community pharmacies and applied to overall national vaccination data. Results Systematic review identified twenty studies which were eligible for inclusion. Overall, pharmacist interventions had a positive impact on hospital budgets. Only three studies (15%) were deemed to be “good-quality” studies. No ‘novel’ clinical pharmacist intervention was identified during the course of this review. Analysis of internal hospital database identified 4,257 interventions documented on 2,147 individual patients over a 12 month period. Substantial cost avoidance of €710,000 was generated over a 1 year period from the perspective of the health care provider. Mean cost avoidance of €166 per intervention was generated. The cost of providing these interventions was €82,000. Substantial net cost-benefits of €626,279 and a cost-benefit ratio of 8.64 : 1 were generated based on this evaluation of pharmacist interventions. Results from an evaluation of a novel pharmacist-led form of warfarin management indicated indicated that on a per patient basis, PST was slightly more expensive than established anticoagulant management. On a per patient basis over a six month period, PST resulted in an incremental cost of €59.08 in comparison with routine care. Overall cost of managing a patient through pharmacist-supervised PST for a six month period is €226.45. However, for this increase in cost a clinically significant improvement in care was provided. Patients achieved a significantly higher time in therapeutic range during the PST arm in comparison with routine care, (72 ± 19.7% vs 59 ± 13.5%). Difference in overall cost was minimal and PST was the dominant strategy in some scenarios examined during sensitivity analysis. Structured pharmacist review of medication was determined to be dominant in comparison to usual pharmaceutical care. Even if the healthcare payer was unwilling to pay any money for the prevention of an ADR, the intervention strategy is still likely to be cost-effective (probability of being determined cost-effective = 0.707). Implementation of pharmacist-led influenza vaccination has resulted in substantial clinical and economic benefits to the healthcare system. The majority of patients (64.9%) who availed of this service had identifiable influenza-related risk factors. Of patients with influenza-related risk factors, age ≥65 year was the most commonly cited risk factor. Pharmacist vaccination services averted a total of 848 influenza cases across all age groups during the 2013/2014 influenza season. Due to receipt of vaccination in a pharmacy setting, 444 influenza-related GP visits were prevented. In terms of more serious influenza-associated events, 11 hospitalisations and five influenza-related deaths were averted. Costs averted were approximately €305,000. These were principally wider societal-related costs associated with lost productivity. Conclusion Overall, clinical pharmacy services are adding value to the Irish healthcare system in both hospital and community settings, but provision of additional funding for new services would enable them to offer a great deal more.
We studied the electrical transport properties of Au-seeded germanium nanowires with radii ranging from 11 to 80 nm at ambient conditions. We found a non-trivial dependence of the electrical conductivity, mobility and carrier density on the radius size. In particular, two regimes were identified for large (lightly doped) and small (stronger doped) nanowires in which the charge-carrier drift is dominated by electron-phonon and ionized-impurity scattering, respectively. This goes in hand with the finding that the electrostatic properties for radii below ca. 37 nm have quasi one-dimensional character as reflected by the extracted screening lengths.
This paper analyzes the impact of a geographical social grouping (neighborhood) and its relative perceived size in the spontaneous group’s identiication level and place satisfaction, as well as the intensity of and motives for discrimination against inhabitants of other places. Two studies are presented: an experimental one using the minimal group categorization paradigm and an onsite investigation of a city neighborhood. Consistent with the predictions, the results showed that smaller neighborhoods reported higher identiication and satisfaction with the place of residence, as well as higher discrimination of other neighborhoods. In line with the optimal distinctiveness theory (ODT), the indings showed that the motivation for discrimination varies as a function of the in-group size. Thus, the members of larger groups discriminate by increasing the diferentiation between the in-group and the out-group, whereas the members of smaller groups increased the value of the in-group. Furthermore, the results were consistent with a social identity theory and ODT explanation of diverse research that shows the non-trivial nature of geographical bounded social grouping and its importance in a diverse set of contexts and its impact in inter-neighborhood relationships.