778 resultados para Linguistic Knowledge Base
The concept of human capital is associated mainly with the Nobel Laureate Gary Becker and, in his usage, has a clear conceptual basis as investment in the costs of formal education. By contrast, this paper suggests that ‘intellectual capital’ is a re-branding of knowledge, skills and experience rather than re-conceptualisation of resource based learning. Becker also chose not to include informal knowledge, skills or experience within his concept of human capital, which remains limited by its constrained premises. This paper submits that both human capital and intellectual capital advocates fail to identify or measure the tacit knowledge and implicit learning which increasingly is recognised as a key to the competitive advantage of organisations. It first focuses on the conceptual basis of claims made for human capital and intellectual capital, outlines limits in their methodology, and contrasts these with insights from theories of tacit knowledge and implicit learning and the central role within them of informal or non-formal skill acquisition. It develops and illustrates instances of interfacing tacit and explicit knowledge before introducing a methodology for profiling the acquisition of knowledge, ability and skills. It does so by introducing the concepts of non-formal learningfrom- work (LfW) and informal learning-from-life (LfL), with evidence from a four country EU case study commissioned within the lifelong learning remit of the Lisbon Agenda.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
No desenvolvimento deste Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada, pretende-se responder à questão: Quais os requisitos necessários a implementar numa base de dados relacional de controlos de segurança da informação para Unidades, Estabelecimentos ou Órgãos militares do Exército Português? Deste modo, para se responder a esta questão central, houve necessidade de subdividir esta em quatro questões derivadas, sendo elas: 1. Quais as principais dimensões de segurança da informação ao nível organizacional? 2. Quais as principais categorias de segurança da informação ao nível organizacional? 3. Quais os principais controlos de segurança da informação a implementar numa organização militar? 4. Quais os requisitos funcionais necessários a implementar numa base de dados de controlos de segurança da informação a implementar numa organização militar? Para responder a estas questões de investigação, este trabalho assenta numa investigação aplicada, com o objetivo de desenvolver uma aplicação prática para os conhecimentos adquiridos, materializando-se assim numa base de dados. Ainda, quanto ao objetivo da investigação, este é descritivo, explicativo e exploratório, uma vez que, tem o objetivo de descrever as principais dimensões, categorias e controlos da segurança da informação, assim como o objetivo de explicar quais são os requisitos funcionais necessários a implementar numa base de dados de controlos de segurança da informação. Por último, tem ainda o objetivo de efetuar um estudo exploratório, comprovando a eficácia da base de dados. Esta investigação assenta no método indutivo, partindo de premissas particulares para chegar a conclusões gerais, isto é, a partir de análise de documentos e de inquéritos por entrevista, identificar-se-ão quais são os requisitos funcionais necessários a implementar, generalizando para todas as Unidades, Estabelecimentos ou Órgãos militares do Exército Português. No que corresponde ao método de procedimentos, usar-se-á o método comparativo, com vista a identificar qual é a norma internacional de gestão de segurança de informação mais indicada a registar na base de dados. Por último, como referido anteriormente, no que concerne às técnicas de investigação, será usado o inquérito por entrevista, identificando os requisitos necessários a implementar, e a análise de documentos, identificando as principais dimensões, categoriasou controlos necessários a implementar numa base de dados de controlos de segurança da informação. Posto isto, numa primeira fase da investigação, através da análise de documentos, percecionam-se as principais dimensões, categorias e controlos de segurança da informação necessários a aplicar nas Unidades, Estabelecimentos ou Órgãos militares do Exército Português, por forma a contribuir para o sucesso na gestão da segurança da informação militar. Ainda, através de entrevistas a especialistas da área de segurança da informação e dos Sistemas de Informação nas unidades militares, identificar-se-ão quais os requisitos funcionais necessários a implementar numa base de dados de controlos de segurança da informação a implementar numa organização militar. Por último, numa segunda fase, através do modelo de desenvolvimento de software em cascata revisto, pretende-se desenvolver uma base de dados relacional, em Microsoft Access, de controlos de segurança da Informação a fim de implementar em Unidades, Estabelecimentos ou Órgãos militares do Exército Português. Posteriormente, após o desenvolvimento da base de dados, pretende-se efetuar um estudo exploratório com vista a validar a mesma, de modo a comprovar se esta responde às necessidades para a qual foi desenvolvida.
Es un planteo de base teórica sobre la incorporación efectiva de la conciencia intercultural en los programas de Español como lengua extranjera (ELE) y de la influencia de las personas encargadas de administrar y facilitar su adecuada inclusión. La competencia en una lengua extranjera supone tanto capacidades lingüísticas, como el conocimiento y apropiación del conjunto de valores, creencias y normas culturales que conforman la identidad individual y colectiva de una comunidad académica.This is a theoreticalIy-based proposal conceming the effective incorporation of intercultural awareness in Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) programs and the influence of administering facilitating its adequate inclusion. Proficiency in a foreign language involves not only linguistic skills but also a knowledge and appropriation of the cultural values, beliefs and norms integrated in the individual and collective identity of an academic community.
Este trabalho de investigação insere-se no âmbito da sociolinguística e debruça-se sobre a perceção quanto à variação dialetal do Arquipélago da Madeira, que os jovens em escolarização da Região Autónoma da Madeira detêm face a alguns traços particulares do léxico. Neste sentido, o corpus de trabalho baseou-se nos dados recolhidos em inquéritos por questionário sobre o léxico, realizados a uma amostra de 40 alunos naturais do arquipélago, a frequentarem o 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e distribuídos por dez alunos em quatros escolas localizadas: a norte (Santana-São Jorge) e a sul (Funchal e Câmara de Lobos) da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Para podermos, efetivamente, determinar quais as influências extralinguísticas ou quais as variáveis socioculturais responsáveis pelo conhecimento e uso dos dialetos, foi também importante analisar alguns fatores de ordem social, tais como, o meio familiar, a idade, o nível de escolaridade dos alunos, a naturalidade e o contacto destes com os meios urbano vs rural. Com efeito, e com base nos instrumentos de análise recolhidos, este estudo mostra-nos que os jovens madeirenses em escolarização ainda evidenciam um interesse em usar e manter a sua identidade dialetal, numa dinâmica intergeracional, dado que os mesmos consideram importante não deixar desaparecer um legado linguístico que tem sido herdado pelos seus antepassados. Contudo, constatamos que o domínio dos dialetos madeirenses juntos destes jovens começa a estar um pouco ausente nas suas conversas do quotidiano, principalmente quanto contactam com falantes fora do arquipélago, moldando os seus discursos em norma/padrão, por assim entenderem tratar-se de uma forma comunicacional, dotada de mais prestígio social. Em contrapartida, verificámos que o meio familiar e o meio rural contribuem, portanto, para um uso mais frequente da variação dialetal, provando-se esta realidade, sobretudo, nos jovens em escolarização residentes nos concelhos a norte da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Por considerarmos importante novas investigações, sobretudo pela temática que aqui foi abordada, consideramos que seria deveras pertinente surgirem futuros estudos. Assim, estes poderão explicar a origem do extenso léxico dos dialetos madeirenses e no caso particular da variação dialetal na pequena ilha do Porto Santo, considerando-se, para o efeito, também a vertente sociolinguística.
Les applications Web en général ont connu d’importantes évolutions technologiques au cours des deux dernières décennies et avec elles les habitudes et les attentes de la génération de femmes et d’hommes dite numérique. Paradoxalement à ces bouleversements technologiques et comportementaux, les logiciels d’enseignement et d’apprentissage (LEA) n’ont pas tout à fait suivi la même courbe d’évolution technologique. En effet, leur modèle de conception est demeuré si statique que leur utilité pédagogique est remise en cause par les experts en pédagogie selon lesquels les LEA actuels ne tiennent pas suffisamment compte des aspects théoriques pédagogiques. Mais comment améliorer la prise en compte de ces aspects dans le processus de conception des LEA? Plusieurs approches permettent de concevoir des LEA robustes. Cependant, un intérêt particulier existe pour l’utilisation du concept patron dans ce processus de conception tant par les experts en pédagogie que par les experts en génie logiciel. En effet, ce concept permet de capitaliser l’expérience des experts et permet aussi de simplifier de belle manière le processus de conception et de ce fait son coût. Une comparaison des travaux utilisant des patrons pour concevoir des LEA a montré qu’il n’existe pas de cadre de synergie entre les différents acteurs de l’équipe de conception, les experts en pédagogie d’un côté et les experts en génie logiciel de l’autre. De plus, les cycles de vie proposés dans ces travaux ne sont pas complets, ni rigoureusement décrits afin de permettre de développer des LEA efficients. Enfin, les travaux comparés ne montrent pas comment faire coexister les exigences pédagogiques avec les exigences logicielles. Le concept patron peut-il aider à construire des LEA robustes satisfaisant aux exigences pédagogiques ? Comme solution, cette thèse propose une approche de conception basée sur des patrons pour concevoir des LEA adaptés aux technologies du Web. Plus spécifiquement, l’approche méthodique proposée montre quelles doivent être les étapes séquentielles à prévoir pour concevoir un LEA répondant aux exigences pédagogiques. De plus, un répertoire est présenté et contient 110 patrons recensés et organisés en paquetages. Ces patrons peuvent être facilement retrouvés à l’aide du guide de recherche décrit pour être utilisés dans le processus de conception. L’approche de conception a été validée avec deux exemples d’application, permettant de conclure d’une part que l’approche de conception des LEA est réaliste et d’autre part que les patrons sont bien valides et fonctionnels. L’approche de conception de LEA proposée est originale et se démarque de celles que l’on trouve dans la littérature car elle est entièrement basée sur le concept patron. L’approche permet également de prendre en compte les exigences pédagogiques. Elle est générique car indépendante de toute plateforme logicielle ou matérielle. Toutefois, le processus de traduction des exigences pédagogiques n’est pas encore très intuitif, ni très linéaire. D’autres travaux doivent être réalisés pour compléter les résultats obtenus afin de pouvoir traduire en artéfacts exploitables par les ingénieurs logiciels les exigences pédagogiques les plus complexes et les plus abstraites. Pour la suite de cette thèse, une instanciation des patrons proposés serait intéressante ainsi que la définition d’un métamodèle basé sur des patrons qui pourrait permettre la spécification d’un langage de modélisation typique des LEA. L’ajout de patrons permettant d’ajouter une couche sémantique au niveau des LEA pourrait être envisagée. Cette couche sémantique permettra non seulement d’adapter les scénarios pédagogiques, mais aussi d’automatiser le processus d’adaptation au besoin d’un apprenant en particulier. Il peut être aussi envisagé la transformation des patrons proposés en ontologies pouvant permettre de faciliter l’évaluation des connaissances de l’apprenant, de lui communiquer des informations structurées et utiles pour son apprentissage et correspondant à son besoin d’apprentissage.
Stroke stands for one of the most frequent causes of death, without distinguishing age or genders. Despite representing an expressive mortality fig-ure, the disease also causes long-term disabilities with a huge recovery time, which goes in parallel with costs. However, stroke and health diseases may also be prevented considering illness evidence. Therefore, the present work will start with the development of a decision support system to assess stroke risk, centered on a formal framework based on Logic Programming for knowledge rep-resentation and reasoning, complemented with a Case Based Reasoning (CBR) approach to computing. Indeed, and in order to target practically the CBR cycle, a normalization and an optimization phases were introduced, and clustering methods were used, then reducing the search space and enhancing the cases re-trieval one. On the other hand, and aiming at an improvement of the CBR theo-retical basis, the predicates` attributes were normalized to the interval 0…1, and the extensions of the predicates that match the universe of discourse were re-written, and set not only in terms of an evaluation of its Quality-of-Information (QoI), but also in terms of an assessment of a Degree-of-Confidence (DoC), a measure of one`s confidence that they fit into a given interval, taking into account their domains, i.e., each predicate attribute will be given in terms of a pair (QoI, DoC), a simple and elegant way to represent data or knowledge of the type incomplete, self-contradictory, or even unknown.
As a matter of fact, an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stands for a hospital facility where patients require close observation and monitoring. Indeed, predicting Length-of-Stay (LoS) at ICUs is essential not only to provide them with improved Quality-of-Care, but also to help the hospital management to cope with hospital resources. Therefore, in this work one`s aim is to present an Artificial Intelligence based Decision Support System to assist on the prediction of LoS at ICUs, which will be centered on a formal framework based on a Logic Programming acquaintance for knowledge representation and reasoning, complemented with a Case Based approach to computing, and able to handle unknown, incomplete, or even contradictory data, information or knowledge.
It is well known that human resources play a valuable role in a sustainable organizational development. Indeed, this work will focus on the development of a decision support system to assess workers’ satisfaction based on factors related to human resources management practices. The framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, complemented with a Case Based approach to computing. The proposed solution is unique in itself, once it caters for the explicit treatment of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information, either in terms of a qualitative or quantitative setting. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data or knowledge in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process.
A problemática relacionada com a modelação da qualidade da água de albufeiras pode ser abordada de diversos pontos de vista. Neste trabalho recorre-se a metodologias de resolução de problemas que emanam da Área Cientifica da Inteligência Artificial, assim como a ferramentas utilizadas na procura de soluções como as Árvores de Decisão, as Redes Neuronais Artificiais e a Aproximação de Vizinhanças. Actualmente os métodos de avaliação da qualidade da água são muito restritivos já que não permitem aferir a qualidade da água em tempo real. O desenvolvimento de modelos de previsão baseados em técnicas de Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados, mostrou ser uma alternativa tendo em vista um comportamento pró-activo que pode contribuir decisivamente para diagnosticar, preservar e requalificar as albufeiras. No decurso do trabalho, foi utilizada a aprendizagem não-supervisionada tendo em vista estudar a dinâmica das albufeiras sendo descritos dois comportamentos distintos, relacionados com a época do ano. ABSTRACT: The problems related to the modelling of water quality in reservoirs can be approached from different viewpoints. This work resorts to methods of resolving problems emanating from the Scientific Area of Artificial lntelligence as well as to tools used in the search for solutions such as Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks and Nearest-Neighbour Method. Currently, the methods for assessing water quality are very restrictive because they do not indicate the water quality in real time. The development of forecasting models, based on techniques of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, shows to be an alternative in view of a pro-active behavior that may contribute to diagnose, maintain and requalify the water bodies. ln this work. unsupervised learning was used to study the dynamics of reservoirs, being described two distinct behaviors, related to the time of year.
This study discusses the aspects related to linguistics variation from the perspective of Educational Sociolinguistics. It has as main purpose to comprehend the relation between elements resulting from Sociolinguistic and the education of Native Language, as well as to motivate a reflection about the process of teaching-learning to make a profound study of the discussion of questions related to linguistic variation in the scholar context, looking for an improvement of teaching methodology. This study makes use of a methodological approach of qualitative and bibliographic character, since it aims to develop theoretical knowledge about Educational Sociolinguistics articulating these aspects with practical elements of teaching languages. For so, it was tried to develop an education intervention proposal, in order to motivate the teachers to develop their educational practices, based on language use, communicative situations, for the purpose of improving the students communicative competence. It refers to a proposal that has not been applied yet and that should be adapted according to the extra linguistic context, in which learning community is inserted, becoming then a real intervention. For now the aim is to encourage thoughts about its viability.
This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.
Regarding the process of translation, the analysis of intra and extratextual factors allows the translator to identify which aspects of the source text will have to be, or will not have to be, adapted at the translation to the culture of the target text (NORD, 2012). This fact allows a connection between Sociolinguistics and Translation Studies, which has already been pointed out by Mayoral (1998), Bolaños-Cuéllar (2000), among others. Therefore, this paper seeks to elaborate an activity project making use of translation, in a functional and pedagogical perspective, with the purpose of raising awareness and the teaching of extralinguistical factors in the usage of the Argentinian voseo and brazilian learners of Spanish at high school. To do so, starting from a theoretical discussion regarding the use of translation in foreign language classes and the connection between translating activity and the knowledge of linguistic variation, we elaborate a didactic sequence involving the translation of Argentinian comic strips to Brazilian Portuguese. In this didactic sequence, we elaborate an analysis script for the comic strips based on a pre-translation model proposed by Nord (2012), which may contribute with the design of didactic proposals in this theoretical path.
This article focuses on one of the aspects treated in the project Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB Project) – the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese language. Therefore, this paper investigates how individuals’ language presents specific linguistic marks that construct, maintain and project the diversity in the questionnaire of the ALiB Project, based on the use of the linguistic variation. Thereby, it deals with the importance of linguistic atlas for the education process, highlighting the publication of some Brazilian regional atlas and the linguistic atlas of Brazil. Thus, it discusses the relevant contribution of these works to the knowledge of the linguistic reality in Brazil, as the atlas can optimize and motivate classroom activities and they can also be explored by other subjects of school curriculum. The methodology used was based on the performance of the following stages: 1) reading of the theoretical texts related to the proposed theme; 2) choice and formation of the corpus, made up of inquests of the ALiB Project in different capitals; 3) analysis of the corpus in order to verify linguistic marks that transmit the construction, projection and maintenance of the linguistic variation. The analyses of the selected inquiries try to study variation and its relationship to education by the informers from different age-groups in the different capitals of the country. The analysis of the corpus enabled the realization of register and documentation of lexical diversity of Portuguese language spoken in Brazil, according to the principles of the modern Pluridimensional Geolinguistics, in which the register follows specific parameters.
This paper examines the perception of the characteristics of a set of Textual Genres based on Linguistic Analysis, drawing on a Textual Linguistics investigation and offering Semantics considerations as support. This is an attempt to show how relevant semantic investigations are to extend a perception on the characteristics of Textual Genres, without excluding pragmatic and discourse elements. The texts analyzed in this study were taken from a questionnaire designed to assess freshman and senior university students from courses of Bachelor of Arts in Language, in terms of knowledge about different Textual Genres and their characteristics. The analyses focus on the semantic elements that act in respect of question and answer in the questionnaire, and which include: A Semantics-Pragmatics interface, the considerations of the propositional calculus, the theories of tense and aspect of verbal and semantic primitives. On these terms, it is set a relationship between the cognitive mechanisms that operate in the production and reception of texts and a look at the functions that organize semantic text processing. The main analysis in this paper will concern the interface of Textual Linguistics, from authors as Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) and Adam (2011), with Semantic investigations in terms of meaning processing.