765 resultados para LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONALS


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Атанаска Георгиева, Стела Глухчева, Снежана Христова - Изследвана е устойчивостта на нелинейни диференциални уравнения с “максимуми” по отношение на две мерки. Приложени са две различни мерки за началните условия и за решението. Използван е методът на Разумихин, а също така и методът на сравнението на обикновени скаларни диференциални уравнения. Приложението на получените резултати и достатъчни условия за устойчивост е илюстрирано с пример.


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An iterative Monte Carlo algorithm for evaluating linear functionals of the solution of integral equations with polynomial non-linearity is proposed and studied. The method uses a simulation of branching stochastic processes. It is proved that the mathematical expectation of the introduced random variable is equal to a linear functional of the solution. The algorithm uses the so-called almost optimal density function. Numerical examples are considered. Parallel implementation of the algorithm is also realized using the package ATHAPASCAN as an environment for parallel realization.The computational results demonstrate high parallel efficiency of the presented algorithm and give a good solution when almost optimal density function is used as a transition density.


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2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35S05, 47G30, 58J42.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35R60, 60H15, 74H35.


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MSC 2010: 54C35, 54C60.


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MSC 2010: 34A08, 34A37, 49N70


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Dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be used to track the distribution of injected radio-labelled molecules over time in vivo. This is a powerful technique, which provides researchers and clinicians the opportunity to study the status of healthy and pathological tissue by examining how it processes substances of interest. Widely used tracers include 18F-uorodeoxyglucose, an analog of glucose, which is used as the radiotracer in over ninety percent of PET scans. This radiotracer provides a way of quantifying the distribution of glucose utilisation in vivo. The interpretation of PET time-course data is complicated because the measured signal is a combination of vascular delivery and tissue retention effects. If the arterial time-course is known, the tissue time-course can typically be expressed in terms of a linear convolution between the arterial time-course and the tissue residue function. As the residue represents the amount of tracer remaining in the tissue, this can be thought of as a survival function; these functions been examined in great detail by the statistics community. Kinetic analysis of PET data is concerned with estimation of the residue and associated functionals such as ow, ux and volume of distribution. This thesis presents a Markov chain formulation of blood tissue exchange and explores how this relates to established compartmental forms. A nonparametric approach to the estimation of the residue is examined and the improvement in this model relative to compartmental model is evaluated using simulations and cross-validation techniques. The reference distribution of the test statistics, generated in comparing the models, is also studied. We explore these models further with simulated studies and an FDG-PET dataset from subjects with gliomas, which has previously been analysed with compartmental modelling. We also consider the performance of a recently proposed mixture modelling technique in this study.


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Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is currently a promising technology that makes solar energy efficient and cost-effective to harness. In DSSC, metal free dyes, such indoline-containing D149 and D205, are proved to be potential alternatives for traditional metal organic dyes. In this work, a DFT/TDDFT characterization for D149 and D205 were carried out using different functionals, including B3LYP, MPW1K, CAM-B3LYP and PBE0. Three different conformers for D149 and four different conformers for D205 were identified and calculated in vacuum. The performance of different functionals on calculating the maximum absorbance of the dyes in vacuum and five common solvents (acetonitrile, chloroform, ethanol, methanol, and THF) were examined and compared to determine the suitable computational setting for predicting properties of these two dyes. Furthermore, deprotonated D149 and D205 in solvents were also considered, and the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were calculated, which elucidates the substitution effect on the rhodanine ring of D149 and D205 dyes on their efficiency. Finally, D149 and D205 molecules were confirmed to be firmly anchored on ZnO surface by periodic DFT calculations. These results would shed light on the design of new highly efficiency metal-free dyes.


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In this article we consider the application of the generalization of the symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method to the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier--Stokes equations. In particular, we consider the a posteriori error analysis and adaptive mesh design for the underlying discretization method. Indeed, by employing a duality argument (weighted) Type I a posteriori bounds are derived for the estimation of the error measured in terms of general target functionals of the solution; these error estimates involve the product of the finite element residuals with local weighting terms involving the solution of a certain dual problem that must be numerically approximated. This general approach leads to the design of economical finite element meshes specifically tailored to the computation of the target functional of interest, as well as providing efficient error estimation. Numerical experiments demonstrating the performance of the proposed approach will be presented.


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In this paper we consider the a posteriori and a priori error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin interior penalty methods for second-order partial differential equations with nonnegative characteristic form on anisotropically refined computational meshes. In particular, we discuss the question of error estimation for linear target functionals, such as the outflow flux and the local average of the solution. Based on our a posteriori error bound we design and implement the corresponding adaptive algorithm to ensure reliable and efficient control of the error in the prescribed functional to within a given tolerance. This involves exploiting both local isotropic and anisotropic mesh refinement. The theoretical results are illustrated by a series of numerical experiments.


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We consider the a priori error analysis of hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order partial differential equations with nonnegative characteristic form under weak assumptions on the mesh design and the local finite element spaces employed. In particular, we prove a priori hp-error bounds for linear target functionals of the solution, on (possibly) anisotropic computational meshes with anisotropic tensor-product polynomial basis functions. The theoretical results are illustrated by a numerical experiment.


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We consider the a posteriori error analysis and hp-adaptation strategies for hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order partial differential equations with nonnegative characteristic form on anisotropically refined computational meshes with anisotropically enriched elemental polynomial degrees. In particular, we exploit duality based hp-error estimates for linear target functionals of the solution and design and implement the corresponding adaptive algorithms to ensure reliable and efficient control of the error in the prescribed functional to within a given tolerance. This involves exploiting both local isotropic and anisotropic mesh refinement and isotropic and anisotropic polynomial degree enrichment. The superiority of the proposed algorithm in comparison with standard hp-isotropic mesh refinement algorithms and an h-anisotropic/p-isotropic adaptive procedure is illustrated by a series of numerical experiments.


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This work is concerned with the design and analysis of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element methods for boundary-value problems involving the biharmonic operator. The first part extends the unified approach of Arnold, Brezzi, Cockburn & Marini (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39, 5 (2001/02), 1749-1779) developed for the Poisson problem, to the design of DG methods via an appropriate choice of numerical flux functions for fourth order problems; as an example we retrieve the interior penalty DG method developed by Suli & Mozolevski (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 196, 13-16 (2007), 1851-1863). The second part of this work is concerned with a new a-priori error analysis of the hp-version interior penalty DG method, when the error is measured in terms of both the energy-norm and L2-norm, as well certain linear functionals of the solution, for elemental polynomial degrees $p\ge 2$. Also, provided that the solution is piecewise analytic in an open neighbourhood of each element, exponential convergence is also proven for the p-version of the DG method. The sharpness of the theoretical developments is illustrated by numerical experiments.


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In this article we propose a new symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Here, particular emphasis is devoted to the construction of an optimal numerical method for the evaluation of certain target functionals of practical interest, such as the lift and drag coefficients of a body immersed in a viscous fluid. With this in mind, the key ingredients in the construction of the method include: (i) An adjoint consistent imposition of the boundary conditions; (ii) An adjoint consistent reformulation of the underlying target functional of practical interest; (iii) Design of appropriate interior-penalty stabilization terms. Numerical experiments presented within this article clearly indicate the optimality of the proposed method when the error is measured in terms of both the L_2-norm, as well as for certain target functionals. Computational comparisons with other discontinuous Galerkin schemes proposed in the literature, including the second scheme of Bassi & Rebay, cf. [11], the standard SIPG method outlined in [25], and an NIPG variant of the new scheme will be undertaken.