962 resultados para Judgments (Theology)
Esta dissertação trata da construção sociológica do conceito de desenvolvimento, caracterizando-o como imaginário social, temporalidade explícita e auto-atribuída do socialhistórico (nos termos de Cornelius Castoriadis). Este imaginário é um conjunto entrelaçado de significações articuladas cosmologicamente e tributárias de uma teologia, mesmo em suas simbologias e concepções secularizadas. Essa cosmologia se sobrepõe a uma concepção de natureza humana distinta e a uma ontologia ocidental dualista. Neste quadro, o desenvolvimento aparece como conceito central da cosmologia ocidental e da ciência social, que orquestra essas significações no imaginário imprimindo a necessidade de uma ordenação de elementos com vistas a uma finalidade paramétrica ou valorativa, uma versão de teodicéia complementada por uma governamentalidade elementos formados pelo encontro da tradição bíblica com o pensamento grego. O desenvolvimento é a expressão paradigmática do imaginário social ocidental. Ao traçar suas características principais, explorando um pouco de suas origens, o conceito de desenvolvimento é reconstruído como um instrumento analítico para permitir a comparação entre as diversas concepções particulares e específicas de desenvolvimento encontradas no pensamento social e na política contemporânea.
Este trabalho é o resultado das reflexões relativas às leituras que venho realizando desde a minha graduação. A partir do entendimento de que a educação escolar, ao contrário de alguns de seus pressupostos, serviria especialmente à ordem social capitalista; sendo uma das maneiras mais eficientes de domesticar o ser humano. Não se trata de afirmar que toda educação escolar será sempre domesticadora, mas, que grande parte do seu trabalho acaba por contribuir para a diminuição da capacidade criativa do indivíduo. Entendo que a imposição da busca pela verdade e a tentativa de igualar a todos os indivíduos são julgamentos morais. Esses julgamentos representariam a interpretação da vida a partir de um ser enfraquecido, ou seja, teriam como função a preservação do decadente. Esses valores morais acabam por diminuir, também, a energia dos indivíduos que poderiam expandir-se. A escola pode ser um local onde o estudante poderá ter experiências capazes de levá-lo ao crescimento, ou não. Concordamos com Nietzsche, ao entender que há uma oposição entre a vontade de moral e a vontade de potência. O ser vivo quer crescer, ou preservar-se. A criação de novas formas de viver, de desejar uma vida com outra intensidade depende, dos instintos. A moral impõe ao indivíduo uma constante vigilância e coerção contra a expressão desses instintos. A energia que poderia gerar novas formas de viver, agora será utilizada contra o próprio indivíduo, atormentando-o. A escola ainda é uma fonte de experiências. Resta-nos saber como utilizá-la em seus potenciais criadores
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo entendermos os processos históricos e geográficos pelo qual a dimensão espacial da Igreja Católica no atual município de Nova Iguaçu, na Baixada Fluminense, foi estruturada, assim como interpretar as ações desenvolvidas pela Igreja Católica mostrando o seu papel de gestor no desenvolvimento de várias ações sociais e religiosas. Nesta localidade, carente de políticas públicas favoreceu inicialmente nas comunidades eclesiais de base a construção de importantes espaços religiosos, assim como, posteriormente foram desenvolvidos movimentos populares que auxiliaram na sociabilidade e trocas de saberes e fazeres. As ações conduzidas pela Teologia da Libertação e dirigidas pela Diocese de Nova Iguaçu e pelo líder religioso Dom Adriano Hypólito possibilitou a expansão da conscientização da população em relação a seus direitos e deveres expressos principalmente nas inúmeras reivindicações por serviços públicos e sociais. Busca-se então, o entendimento na estruturação social de algumas áreas da Baixada Fluminense assim como desvendar as estratégias utilizadas pela Diocese de Nova Iguaçu durante a fim de promover a organização de seu território religioso, através da disseminação de suas estratégias religiosas. Tais ações auxiliaram no fortalecimento das ações coletivas da localidade, marcando a história do município de Nova Iguaçu e da instituição religiosa católica brasileira.
A presente pesquisa destina-se a estudar os incentivos tributários. Espécie de norma tributária indutora, os incentivos tributários ainda não receberam a atenção devida por parte dos estudiosos do direito tributário. Atento ao volume cada vez maior de recursos envolvendo incentivos tributários, assim como a necessidade de se conferir maior transparência e responsabilidade na gestão do gasto público, esse trabalho dedica-se a estudar essa ainda pouco explorada figura, extremando-a de figuras parecidas, com as quais não raras vezes é confundida. Embora não haja uma conceituação constitucional ou legal expressa, é possível afirmar que os incentivos tributários são hipóteses de desoneração tributária, que importam em derrogações às regras gerais de tributação, com o não ingresso de recursos nos cofres públicos, de forma a estimular condutas dos contribuintes, com a finalidade de se atingir fins e objetivos constitucionais. Em virtude de sua natureza híbrida, os incentivos tributários se sujeitam a limitações constitucionais tributárias e econômicas, assim como às limitações orçamentário-financeiras. O principal instrumento de compatibilização entre os incentivos tributários, capacidade contributiva, isonomia e cânones da ordem econômica é o princípio da proporcionalidade. Poder Legislativo, Tribunal de Contas e Poder Judiciário devem fiscalizar e controlar essa espécie de desoneração tributária. O Controle a cargo Poder Legislativo (no âmbito do Poder Legislativo federal) tem deixado muito a desejar, tanto no que concerne ao controle dos limites orçamentário-financeiros, quanto no que diz respeito ao controle dos limites constitucionais tributários e econômicos. O Controle que cabe ao Tribunal de Contas (foi analisado o Tribunal de Contas da União) tem mostrado alguma evolução. Contudo, a análise de alguns julgados do TCU demonstra que há muito a melhorar, especialmente no que concerne à investigação da legitimidade e economicidade. A LRF ostenta caráter de norma geral no que tange aos requisitos para a concessão de incentivos tributários. Eventual descumprimento desses preceitos por leis locais revela verdadeira inconstitucionalidade, passível de controle pelo Poder Judiciário. A atuação do Poder Judiciário, em especial do STF, no controle dos incentivos tributários tem sido bastante tímida e pouco transparente. Na maior parte dos casos, o STF tem se limitado a reafirmar o caráter discricionário dos atos oriundos do Poder Legislativo e Executivo, negando-se a examiná-los. Os pedidos de extensão de incentivos tributários também não tem obtido sucesso, pois o STF faz aplicação irrestrita da cláusula do legislador negativo. Uma solução conciliadora seria o judiciário se valer da declaração de inconstitucionalidade sem a pronúncia de nulidade, permitindo a extensão dos incentivos tributários àqueles casos em que a ilegalidade não reside no incentivo em si mesmo, mas na sua não aplicação aos contribuintes em mesma situação. Muito embora existam limites bem definidos, é possível afirmar que o controle dos incentivos tributários precisa evoluir muito.
O respectivo trabalho tem como objetivo destacar o desenvolvimento das políticas imigratórias e a sua repercussão no cotidiano do imigrante, entre os anos de 1930 e 1945. Nesse período, salientamos as políticas de Estado e suas respectivas mudanças, alinhadas ao contexto histórico, no tocante a seleção dos imigrantes desejáveis e indesejáveis. A evolução do aparelhamento estatal, com a criação e adaptação de instituições repressivas, jurídicas e burocráticas, é ponto fundamental para compreender a relação do Estado com o imigrante. Além disso, vale destacar que a imagem do estrangeiro como um problema de segurança nacional era constantemente reforçada pela retórica oficial do Estado. Assim, a própria sofisticação das estruturas organizacionais confluíam para certo afastamento das instituições do poder central, resultando em maior autonomia nas decisões e conseqüente descenso no rigor do julgamento sobre os imigrantes. Dessa forma, se faz necessária uma análise crítica sobre o contexto histórico, captando o sistema estatal como algo heterogêneo, a fim de compreender as nuanças nas políticas e ações do Estado, bem como o papel do imigrante nesse processo.
A utilização correta da jurisprudência conduzirá a sociedade brasileira a uma maior estabilidade jurisprudencial, com respeito ao princípio da isonomia, não somente diante da norma legislada como também perante a norma judicada. Deve-se afastar a discrepância de decisões judiciais relativas ao mesmo tema, que tratam desigualmente os iguais, evitando assim o longo percurso das vias recursais para se obter um julgamento isonômico em situações idênticas. O princípio da isonomia visa garantir que todos recebam tratamento igualitário da lei e, de outro lado, oferece a certeza de que todos os juízes devem decidir de modo análogo quando se depararem diante de situações semelhantes. A jurisprudência, uma vez que traduz a interpretação da norma, deve ser estável e previsível, com o fito de pautar as condutas dos jurisdicionados em virtude de se conhecer o entendimento da Corte máxima a respeito de uma determinada matéria. Um direito instável e imprevisível não gera a segurança jurídica, nem a pacificação social que razoavelmente se espera. A aplicação da jurisprudência no tempo, através da modulação, ganha novos contornos em virtude de sua previsão legal no projeto do Código de Processo Civil. A mudança de entendimento sedimentado observará a necessidade de fundamentação adequada e específica, considerando o imperativo de estabilidade das relações jurídicas (art. 847, 1 do projeto concluído no Senado Federal). Privilegia-se, além do princípio da segurança jurídica, o princípio da confiança que deve ter como uma das suas consequências que a expectativa legítima do jurisdicionado seja respeitada mediante a aplicação da jurisprudência dominante antiga e mais benéfica para o jurisdicionado. Neste contexto, em se pensando em uma reforma processual efetiva, deve-se ter como objetivo a ser seguido, além da celeridade processual e eficiência dos atos jurisdicionais, a uniformização da jurisprudência, eis que a necessidade de formação de uma só pauta de conduta para o jurisdicionado deve ser o objetivo almejado. E este objetivo só será alcançado quando houver uma uniformização e aplicação da jurisprudência dominante. Os instrumentos processuais inseridos no Código de Processo Civil devem ser reavaliados e novos elaborados, já que até agora serviram para dirimir conflitos intersubjetivos e não mais respondem satisfatoriamente às novas situações, que são as necessidades e valores de uma sociedade globalizada, massificada.
Human locomotion is known to be influenced by observation of another person's gait. For example, athletes often synchronize their step in long distance races. However, how interaction with a virtual runner affects the gait of a real runner has not been studied. We investigated this by creating an illusion of running behind a virtual model (VM) using a treadmill and large screen virtual environment showing a video of a VM. We looked at step synchronization between the real and virtual runner and at the role of the step frequency (SF) in the real runner's perception of VM speed. We found that subjects match VM SF when asked to match VM speed with their own (Figure 1). This indicates step synchronization may be a strategy of speed matching or speed perception. Subjects chose higher speeds when VMSF was higher (though VM was 12km/h in all videos). This effect was more pronounced when the speed estimate was rated verbally while standing still. (Figure 2). This may due to correlated physical activity affecting the perception of VM speed [Jacobs et al. 2005]; or step synchronization altering the subjects' perception of self speed [Durgin et al. 2007]. Our findings indicate that third person activity in a collaborative virtual locomotive environment can have a pronounced effect on an observer's gait activity and their perceptual judgments of the activity of others: the SF of others (virtual or real) can potentially influence one's perception of self speed and lead to changes in speed and SF. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms would support the design of more compelling virtual trainers and may be instructive for competitive athletics in the real world. © 2009 ACM.
Predictions about sensory input exert a dominant effect on what we perceive, and this is particularly true for the experience of pain. However, it remains unclear what component of prediction, from an information-theoretic perspective, controls this effect. We used a vicarious pain observation paradigm to study how the underlying statistics of predictive information modulate experience. Subjects observed judgments that a group of people made to a painful thermal stimulus, before receiving the same stimulus themselves. We show that the mean observed rating exerted a strong assimilative effect on subjective pain. In addition, we show that observed uncertainty had a specific and potent hyperalgesic effect. Using computational functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that this effect correlated with activity in the periaqueductal gray. Our results provide evidence for a novel form of cognitive hyperalgesia relating to perceptual uncertainty, induced here by vicarious observation, with control mediated by the brainstem pain modulatory system.
IMPORTANCE: Forward models predict the sensory consequences of planned actions and permit discrimination of self- and non-self-elicited sensation; their impairment in schizophrenia is implied by an abnormality in behavioral force-matching and the flawed agency judgments characteristic of positive symptoms, including auditory hallucinations and delusions of control. OBJECTIVE: To assess attenuation of sensory processing by self-action in individuals with schizophrenia and its relation to current symptom severity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while medicated individuals with schizophrenia (n = 19) and matched controls (n = 19) performed a factorially designed sensorimotor task in which the occurrence and relative timing of action and sensation were manipulated. The study took place at the neuroimaging research unit at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, and the Maudsley Hospital. RESULTS: In controls, a region of secondary somatosensory cortex exhibited attenuated activation when sensation and action were synchronous compared with when the former occurred after an unexpected delay or alone. By contrast, reduced attenuation was observed in the schizophrenia group, suggesting that these individuals were unable to predict the sensory consequences of their own actions. Furthermore, failure to attenuate secondary somatosensory cortex processing was predicted by current hallucinatory severity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Although comparably reduced attenuation has been reported in the verbal domain, this work implies that a more general physiologic deficit underlies positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
Humans develop rich mental representations that guide their behavior in a variety of everyday tasks. However, it is unknown whether these representations, often formalized as priors in Bayesian inference, are specific for each task or subserve multiple tasks. Current approaches cannot distinguish between these two possibilities because they cannot extract comparable representations across different tasks [1-10]. Here, we develop a novel method, termed cognitive tomography, that can extract complex, multidimensional priors across tasks. We apply this method to human judgments in two qualitatively different tasks, "familiarity" and "odd one out," involving an ecologically relevant set of stimuli, human faces. We show that priors over faces are structurally complex and vary dramatically across subjects, but are invariant across the tasks within each subject. The priors we extract from each task allow us to predict with high precision the behavior of subjects for novel stimuli both in the same task as well as in the other task. Our results provide the first evidence for a single high-dimensional structured representation of a naturalistic stimulus set that guides behavior in multiple tasks. Moreover, the representations estimated by cognitive tomography can provide independent, behavior-based regressors for elucidating the neural correlates of complex naturalistic priors. © 2013 The Authors.
Objective: Psychosocial crisis and psychiatric disorders are two stressors for suicide action. This study will explore the differences on demographic characteristics, severity of depression, and suicidality of middle-aged and elder crisis line callers under the influences of psychosocial crisis or psychiatric disorders or two simultaneously-mixed stressors, in order to develop effective intervention strategies for crisis line. Methods: Analysis data of 1,092 cases selected from national crisis line callers aged 45 and over who were assessed with “Suicide risk assessment” during the period from December, 2002 to December, 2008. The sample were divided into three groups of psychosocial crisis, mental health problems, and mixed-stressors of three types of general callers (48.2%, 32.3%, 19.5%), callers with current suicide ideation (43.7%, 33.0%, 23.3%) and callers attempted suicide 2 weeks prior to the call (33.6%, 42.3%, 24.1%) respectively according to the operators’ judgments of the callers’ claimed difficult situations and classification system of crisis line database. X2 test and Tukey-type and Multinomial Logistic Regression multiple comparison methods are applied to analysis the differences of the three groups. Results: In agreement with previous studies, more females (71.3%, X2=13.45, P<0.001), especially females influenced by relationship stressors (76.8%, X2=25.12, P<0.001) made the call for crisis. Among general callers, the check-out rates of Major Depression Episode of mixed-stressor callers (78.5%, P<0.001) and problem callers (68.7%, P<0.05) were significantly higher than that of crisis callers (57.1%). The check-out rates of suicide ideation of mixed-stressor callers (71.4%) were significantly higher than that in crisis callers (53.8%, P<0.001) and problem callers (60.9%, P<0.05). The check-out rates of prior suicide attempts of mixed-stressor (16.6%, P<0.05) and problem callers (18.5%, P<0.01) were significantly higher than that of crisis callers (9.8%). More than half of the mixed-stressor callers (51.8%) reported over 50% degree of hopelessness, which was significantly higher than that of crisis callers (35.6%, P<0.01) and problem callers (38.2%, P<0.05). Fewer crisis callers sought medical help than problem and mixed-stressor callers among three types of callers (X2=241.35, 146.56, 50.87; P<0.001). Compare to non-compound crisis callers, the proportion of minor, severe depression and prior depression diagnosis (14.0% vs. 17.4%; 54.9% vs. 65.2%; 0 vs. 2.2%; X2=14.35,P<0.01), suicide ideation (51.1% vs. 64.0%, P<0.05) and prior suicide attempts (8.4% vs. 15.0%, P<0.05) in compound crisis callers were significantly higher. There were more compound crisis callers with over 50% hopelessness (51.9% vs. 31.0%,X2=11.96,P<0.01). Conclusion: As predicted, among middle-aged and elderly participants, mixed-stressor and compound crisis callers were higher in degree of severity of depression and suicidality. Intervention strategies should be developed addressing to specific stressor or stressors. The promotions of crisis callers’ medical help seeking behavior need to be emphasized.
Metacognitive illusions or metacognitive bias is a concept that is a homologous with metacognitve monitor accuracy. In the dissertation, metacognitive illusions mainly refers to the absolute differences between judgment of learning (JOL) and recall because individuals are misguided by some invalid cues or information. JOL is one kind of metacognitive judgments, which is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials. Its mechanism and accuracy are the key issues in the study of JOL. Cue-utilization framework proposed by Koriat (1997) summarized the previous findings and provided a significant advance in understanding how people make JOL. However, the model is not able to explain individual differences in the accuracy of JOL. From the perspective of people’s cognitive bound, our study use posterior associative word pairs easy to produce metacognitive bias to explore the deeper psychological mechanism of metacontive bias. Moreover, we plan to investigate the cause to result in higher metacognitive illusions of children with LD. Based on these, the study tries to look for the method of mending metacognitive illusions. At the same time, we will summarize the findings of this study and previous literatures, and propose a revesied theory for explaining children’s with LD cue selection and utilization according to Koriat’s cue-utilization model. The results of the present study indicated that: (1) Children showed stable metacognitive illusions for the weak associative and posterior associative word pairs, it was not true for strong associative word pairs. It was higher metacognitive illusions for children with LD than normal children. And it was significant grade differences for metacognitive illusions. A priori associative strength exerted a weaker effect on JOL than it did on recall. (2) Children with LD mainly utilized retrieval fluency to make JOL across immediate and delay conditions. However, for normal children, it showed some distinction between encoding fluency and retrieval fluency as potential cues for JOL across immediate and delay conditions. Obviously, children with LD lacked certain flexibility for cue selection and utilization. (3)When word pairs were new list, it showed higher metacognitve transfer effects for analytic inferential group than heuristic inferential group for normal children in the second block. And metacognitive relative accuracy got increased for both children with and without LD across the experimental conditions. However, it was significantly improved only for normal children in analytic inferential group.
Children’s understanding of deontic rules and theory of mind (ToM) were the two research domains for children’s social cognition. It was significant for understanding children’s social cognition to combine the researches in the two domains. Children at 3, 5 and 7years were required to answer three questions according to the stories which happened in children’s familiar context. The three questions were designed to address the three problems:⑴Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s understanding about how the deontic rules were enacted or changed.⑵ Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s understanding about that the deontic rules and the actor’s mental states could impact on his behaviors.⑶ Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s capacity to integrate the deontic rules and mental state to evaluate the actor’s behavior. The results showed that: ① The 3-7-Year-old children had known that deontic rules were established by the authority’s speech act. But there were still some irrelevant factors which influenced the children’s judgments, such as the authority’s desire. ② The children gradually recognized the relationship between actors should do something and they will do the same thing. 3-year-old children could recognize such relationship in a way, but their predictions were usually influenced by some irrelevant factors. The children at 5 and 7 years old understood this relationship more steady. ③ In deontic context, more and more children predicted the actors’ behaviors according to the actors’ mental states as they grown up. The ratio that the 3-7-Year-old children predicted the actors’ behavior according to their false belief about the deontic rules was smaller in deontic context compared with the children’s performance in traditional false belief task. This maybe indicated that the deontic context influenced the children’s inference stronger than the physical context. ④ When they could get the actors’ desires and the deontic rules, all the children could predict the actors’ behaviors according to their desires, but not the deontic rules. It meant that all the children could understand that the actors’ desire mediated between the deontic rules and their behaviors. But when the actors wanted to transgress the deontic rules, all the children’s predications became less accurate. ⑤ When they assigned criticism, more and more children could discriminate different behaviors as a result of diverse mental states although they all transgressed the deontic rules. But the most part of children overweighed the deontic rules but overlooked the actors’ mental state about the deontic rules; their criticism to behaviors which transgressed the deontic rules just differ in quantity according to diverse mental states, that is: if the actors known the rules or want to transgress the rules, then punished more, and if the actors didn’t know the rules or transgress the rules accidentally, then punished a little.
Previous studies showed that preferred directions in pointing judgments (e.g. imagine you are standing at X, facing Y, please point to Z) were consistent with the sequence participants used to learn locations of objects suggesting that the learning sequence may determine the intrinsic frames of reference in spatial memory. Numerous studies pay excessive attention to the selection of intrinsic frames of reference in spatial memory acquired from viewing an entire layout simultaneously. This research focused on the relationship between the learning sequence and the spatial reference direction in sequentially learning a layout based on the theory of intrinsic reference system. The results indicated that: 1. The intrinsic frame of reference used to specify objects’ locations in memory could not be determined by learning sequence. The learning sequence reflected the encoding of interobject spatial relations aligned with the intrinsic reference directions . 2. when the objects presented sequentially in a random order and the layout geometry structure was either all along or briefly, the preferred heading was determined by the symmetric axis. when the objects presented sequentially in a random order and the layout geometry structure was either not indicated or briefly presented after study, the preferred heading was determined by learning viewpoint. 3. When the objects were presented sequentially along a certain direction, whether the layout geometry structure displayed or not, the effect of the learning viewpoint on selection of intrinsic axis was observed. 4. When participants learned a layout during locomotion, whether the layout geometry structure displayed or not, the initial study perspective was used as a reference direction in memory. 5. Spatial reference direction was determined at the very beginning of learning objects’ locations. Spatial reference direction could not be changed once it had been choosed. These results not only contribute to specify in greater detail the nature of these spatial representations but also extend the intrinsic model of spatial memory.
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether people can establish two oblique spatial reference directions to represent objects’ locations in memory. Participants learned a layout of objects from two oblique viewpoints (0º and 225º) and made judgments of relative direction (“Imagine you are standing at X, facing Y, please point to Z”). Experiments 1 to 3 showed that performance in pointing were better at either one of the familiar imagined headings (0º and 225º) in most of the participants even when they were instructed to learn the layout along their actual heading at both learning directions, and when their actual headings at the test were the same as the imagined headings. Experiments 4 to 6 showed performance in pointing could be equivalent at the two familiar imagined headings for significant number of the participants when participants learned two different set of objects occupied at the same locations from the two learning viewpoints, and when participants learned the same layout of objects together with two different layouts from the two learning viewpoints. These results suggest that the orientation dependent performance in Experiments 1 to 3 cannot be attributed to the possibility that participants had formed two oblique spatial reference directions during learning but only used one of them during testing. Experiments 7 and 8 further showed that the performance of pointing at the two familiar viewpoints were significantly different when participants experienced one viewpoint by learning the actual layout and the other viewpoint by learning the map of the same layout, and when participants experienced two viewpoints alternatively over the ten times of learning sessions. All these results strongly suggest that people establish only one spatial reference system to represent locations of objects when they learn the same layout in the same background from two oblique viewpoints.