983 resultados para Jourdain, Éloi
Avtorskaia pesnia muutoksessa. Yhteisöllisyys ja dialogi Neuvostoliiton ja nyky-Venäjän kontekstissa
Pro-gradu -työssäni tutkin venäläistä avtorskaia pesnia -musiikkigenreä, sitä ympäröivää yhteisöä sekä muutosta, jonka genre on kokenut Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen. Avtorskaia pesnia -genren keskiössä on lyyrinen, kitarasäestyksellinen säveltäjän ja sanoittajan itsensä esittämä laulu. Neuvostoliiton kontekstissa avtorskaia pesnian voidaan nähdä olevan yhteiskuntakriittinen genre, joka intonaationsa, muotonsa ja sanomansa välityksellä korosti yksilöllisyyttä ja sananvapauden periaatteita. Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen on vaikuttanut monella tavalla sekä musiikin olemukseen että sitä ympäröivään yhteisöön. Pyrin selvittämään, minkälaisia arvoja avtorskaia pesnian parissa viihtyvä yhteisö vaali sosialismin aikana ja minkälaisia odotushorisontteja yhteisön jäsenet liittävät genreensä nykykontekstissa. Musiikin yhteiskunnallisen merkityksen lisäksi pohdin myös sitä, mitä genre merkitsee sitä luoville yksilöille ja yhteisölle. Tutkimukseni perustuu vuonna 2009 Pietarissa tehtyyn kolmen kuukauden mittaiseen kenttätyöhön. Vierailin säännöllisesti pietarilaisissa lauluklubeissa, kävin konserteissa ja osallistuin muutamaan festivaaliin. Erityisesti klubit edustivat genren yhteisöllisintä puolta. Osallistuin klubien toimintaan, haastattelin useita muusikoita ja muita genren aktiiveja. Tarkastellessani avtorskaia pesniaa Neuvostoliiton kontekstissa, pohdin erityisesti sen merkitystä ja sijoittumista sosialistisen yhteiskunnan todellisuuteen. Usein kirjallisuudessa sosialismi nähdään vastakkaisten kategorioiden kautta. Viimeisten vuosikymmenien sosialistinen todellisuus oli kuitenkin luonteeltaan paradoksaalinen. Tarkastelemalla avtorskaia pesniaa pyrin osoittamaan, millä tavalla sosialistiseen yhteiskuntaan liitettävät vastakkainasettelut ovat ongelmallisia. Analysoin sosialistisen yhteiskunnan ja avtorsakia pesnian välistä suhdetta nojaten James Scottin public ja hidden transcripts -käsitteisiin. Tämän lisäksi käytän Alexei Yurchakin deterritorialisaation käsitettä kuvaamaan sitä, millä tavalla sosialismin viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana avtorskaia pesnia -yhteisö loi sosiaalisia tiloja, joissa yhteisön arvoja ei nähty ristiriitaisina sosialistisen ideologian kanssa. Tasa-arvo, yhteisöllisyys, perhe, ystävyys ja eettisyys voidaan lukea sosialismin ja avtorskaia pesnia -yhteisön yhteisiksi arvoiksi. Neuvostoliiton viimeisinä vuosikymmeninä sosiaalisen todellisuuden ja virallisen diskurssin ristiriitaisuus muodosti tilanteen, joka mahdollisti uusien tulkintojen ja sen myötä uusien sosiaalisten tilojen syntymisen. Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen on asettanut avtorskaia pesnia -genrelle uusia haasteita. Vallitsevan yhteiskunnallisen järjestyksen nopea muuttuminen on aiheuttanut tilanteen, jossa genren edustajat ovat joutuneet arvioimaan suhdettaan ympäröivään todellisuuteen uudesta näkökulmasta. Tärkeiksi muodostuneet arvot jatkavat elämäänsä, mutta niiden tulkinta ja merkitsevyys ovat muuttuneet. Nykyään genreen liitetään erilaisia odotushorisontteja, jotka syntyvät avoimessa, historiallisesti määräytyvässä diskursiivisessa prosessissa. Käsitykset musiikin merkitsevyydestä ja sen paikasta nykykontekstissa rakentuvat myös yhteiselle historialle ja sen merkityksille. Ystävyyden ja vilpittömyyden korostuminen sekä genren näkeminen ennen kaikkea kommunikaation ja taiteen muotona ovat niitä lähtökohtia, joista muusikot pyrkivät musiikkiaan tekemään. Jollekin avtorskaia pesnia edustaa kommunikaatiota ja dialogia yksilöiden välillä. Toisille genre edustaa taiteen muotoa, kun taas jotkut näkevät musiikin hyödykkeenä. Monelle genre edustaa yhteisöä ja toimii selviytymisstrategiana elämän hankalina hetkinä. Tunne yhteenkuuluvuudesta ja kuulumisesta saman genren piiriin ilmenee hetkissä ja ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa, jolloin he ymmärtävät jakavansa jotakin yhteistä ja näin kuuluvansa johonkin heitä yhdistävään maailmaan. Avtorskaia pesnian parissa viihtyvät näyttäisivät muodostavan kuvitteellisen yhteisön, jota yhdistää yksilön ainutlaatuisuuden kunnioittaminen. Avtorkskaia pesnian ja sen yhteiskunnallisen merkityksen muuttumisen tarkastelu antaa mahdollisuuden kurkistaa Venäjällä tapahtuvien sosiaalisten ja poliittisten muutosten luonteeseen.
This study examines the Sámi people and the construction of the Sámi identity and the role of language in the cross-border Sámi movement within the context of the international indigenous movement and discourse between 1962 and 2008. The Sámi movement began as a reaction to state assimilation policies. This led to the birth of indigenous processes strengthening the Sámi cultures and languages. Activities across borders and the ethnopolitical processes in each of the Nordic countries in question also formed the basis of the internationalization of the Sámi people. The discourse on indigenous peoples has grown into a question of human rights, which is examined in different national and international contexts. The study is based on ethnographic data that has been collected via interviews, questionnaires and participant observation with the researched people in different meetings and events. Archive and newsprint material are also used. The approach of the study is auto-ethnographic. The post-colonial theories used in the study strive to destabilize power relations and the distinctions of otherness produced by colonialism, and to reclaim both one's own culture and language in the context of the indigenous movement. A standard model for this type of approach was created by Edward W. Said in his 1978 work Orientalism. The central concepts of the analysis are decolonization, otherness, ethnicity and identity. The dissertation consists of four published articles and an introduction. The subject matter is analyzed on three levels: global, European and Nordic. On the global level, the results demonstrate that the indigenous movement has constructed a new understanding of indigenousness with new rights. International treaties have facilitated the unification of new concepts and rights, such as the right to self-determination and language, also helping in transforming them into rights of the Sámi people on a national level. On the Nordic level, aligning the Sámi culture with indigenous discourse became significant for the process of developing the Sámi identity in the Sámi movement. In this process, the Sámi movement made use of Sámi languages in order to mobilize groups of people and to construct relatedness between different Sámi groups. The realization that one s own language is significant to one's culture has resulted in recreating the vitality, visibility and the legitimation of language in society more generally. The migration of the Sámi people from their traditional territories to increasingly multi-ethnic urban areas alters one's relationship to one's own community as the relationship to cultural traditions changes. Among the urban Sámi, who form a group of ‘new Sáminess’, linguistic discrimination and assimilation continue because of the lack of legislative and other effective language policy measures to promote the learning and use of the Sámi language.
Goals. Specific language impairment (SLI) has a negative impact on child s speech and language development and interaction. Disorder may be associated with a wide range of comorbid problems. In clinical speech therapy it is important to see the child as a whole so that the rehabilitation can be targeted properly. The aim of this study was to describe the linguistic-cognitive and comorbid symptoms of children with SLI at the age of five, as well as to provide an overwiew of the developmental disorders in the families. The study is part of a larger research project, which will examine paths of development and quality of life of children with SLI as young adults. Methods. The data consisted of patient documents of 100 5-year old children, who were examined in Lastenlinna mainly at 1998. Majority of the subjects were boys, and children s primary diagnosis was either F80.1 or F80.2, which was most common, or both. The diagnosis and the information about the linguistic-cognitive status and comorbid symptoms were collected from reports of medical doctors and experts of other fields, as well as mentions related to familiality. Linguistic-cognitive symptoms were divided into subclasses of speech motor functions, prosessing of language, comprehension of language and use of language. Comorbid symptoms were divided into subclasses of interaction, activity and attention, emotional and behavior problems and neurologic problems. Statistical analyses were based mainly on Pearson s Chi Square test. Results and conclusions. Problems in language processing and speech motor functions were most common of the linguistic-cognitive symptoms. Most of the children had symptoms from two or three symptom classes, and it seemed that girls had more symptoms than boys. Usually children did not have any comorbid symptoms, or had them from one or three symptom classes. Of the comorbid symptoms the most prevalent ones were problems in activity and attention and neurological symptoms, which consisted mostly of motoric and visuomotoric symptoms. The most common of the comorbid diagnoses was F82, specific developmental disorder of motor function. According to literature children with SLI may have problems in mental health, but the results of this study did not confirm that. Children with diagnosis F80.2 had more linguistic-cognitive and comorbid symptoms than children with diagnosis F80.1. The cluster analyses based on all the symtoms revealed four subgroups of the subjects. Of the subjects 85 percent had a positive family history of developmental disorders, and the most prevalent problem in the families was delayed speech development. This study outlined the symptom profile of children with SLI and laid a foundation for the future longitudinal study. The results suggested that there are differences between linguistic-cognitive symptoms of boys and girls, which is important to notice especially when assessing and diagnosing children with SLI.
The goal of this dissertation was to study whether it is possible and meaningful to apply Ludwig Wittgenstein s distinction between saying (Sagen) and showing (Zeigen) to ethically oriented literary criticism. The following questions were used as the primary guidelines: 1. Is it possible, in the context of literary criticism, to put in practice Wittgenstein s ethical conceptions, which are quite theoretical and metaphysical by nature? 2. If so, what practical literary devices do authors use if they want to demonstrate their ethical values within the frame of a fictional work? 3. Does philosophy offer useful ethical consepts that open us new and interesting readings in fiction? The philosophical background of Wittgenstein s distinction is clarified in chapter I. This clarification is based on his main works, Tractatus logico-philosophicus and Philosophishe Untersuchungen, the published correspondence between Wittgenstein and Paul Engelmann, and selected Wittgenstein research and papers. Analyzing ethics and it s expression in Georg Trakl s poetry further elucidates Wittgenstein s concept of showing. The concept that a literary work is an act of an author was used as a starting point. The presumption was that analyzing this act of an author will reveal how ethical values can be demonstrated in literature. Categorizing an author s act at different levels of literary expression provides the structure of this study. In chapters IV - XIII literary devices useful for demonstrating ethics are examined and explained using examples from the works of Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, Nikolay Leskov, Ludwig Uhland, Eino Leino, Pentti Haanpää and Maria Jotuni. The concepts and views of researchers and writers such as Mihail Bahtin, Peter Juhl, E. D. Hirsch, Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen are used. The concepts outlined in previous chapters are then applied in three case studies: Aeschylus s Oresteia trilogy, J-L. Runeberg s poem Sven Dufva and Sofi Oksanen s novel Puhdistus (Purge). On the whole, Wittgenstein s idea that ethical values can be demonstrated (shown) by means of literature is revealed as a fruitful point of departure for a more exact ethical reading, offering a new perspective on literary works.
A new series of multielement flame-retardant plasticizers containing polyethylene stibinite phosphate esters have been prepared by bulk polymerization from ethylene glycol with various antimony (III) aryloxydichlorides and arylphosphorodichloridates possessing various combinations of substituent [Cl,Br,NO2]. All the polymers are pink-coloured viscous fluids. They were characterized by inherent viscosity, density, IR, H-1, C-13 and P-31 NMR spectroscopy. The thermal behaviour of the polymers was compared by thermogravimetric analysis and correlated with their structures. The flammability studies were carried out by the limiting oxygen index test. The polymers containing P, Sb, N and Pr elements in their backbone show superior thermal-and flame-retardant characteristics than the other polymers. A comparative study was carried out with one of the synthesized polymers as a polymeric flame-retardant additive to plasticized PVC. The results showed improved LOI and mechanical properties to that of the conventional flame-retardant additive composition. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Dispersion of the liquid in a porous media is of great importance in many areas of engineering and has been studied by several researchers so far. A new experimental method has been developed to measure the dispersion coefficient. X-ray absorption technique provides a better understanding of dispersion that characterizes the mixing phenomenon in the packed beds. This is because the method is non-invasive and also it gives tracer concentration data at every point within the bed. The axial dispersion in a cylindrical bed of non-porous and non-wetting spherical particles has been measured for the flow of water. Aqueous barium chloride solution has been used a as tracer. X-ray images, recorded on a videocassette, have been analyzed using an image processing software to extract the local interstitial velocity and concentration data in the bed. Local dispersion coefficient has been determined with the help of aforementioned data. By using these data, the overall dispersion coefficient in a packed bed can also be estimated.
Let K be a field and let m(0),...,m(e-1) be a sequence of positive integers. Let W be a monomial curve in the affine e-space A(K)(e), defined parametrically by X-0 = T-m0,...,Xe-1 = Tme-1 and let p be the defining ideal of W. In this article, we assume that some e-1 terms of m(0), m(e-1) form an arithmetic sequence and produce a Grobner basis for p.
Full-length and truncated linear plug nozzle flowfields have been analyzed, using both experimental and computational tools, for pressure ratios ranging from 5 to 72, which include the transition of an open base wake to a closed base wake. A good agreement has been found between computational and experimental results on the plug surface. Considering the deficiencies of the computational tools in predicting base flows associated with truncated plug nozzles, an engineering model to predict the wake structure transition in such flows is proposed. The utility of this model in conjunction with empirical tools for the closed-wake base pressure prediction is established. The model is validated against the experimental results available in open literature.
Here we report chromium isotope compositions, expressed as delta Cr-53/ 52 in per mil (&) relative to NIST 979, measured in selected Cr-rich minerals and rocks formed by the primary magmatic as well as the secondary metamorphic and weathering processes. The main objectives of this study were: (i) to further constrain the isotope composition of the Earth's mantle Cr inventory and its possible variation during geological history, based on the analysis of globally distributed and stratigraphically constrained mantle-derived chromites; and (ii) to investigate the magnitude and systematics of Cr isotope fractionation during oxidative weathering and secondary alteration (i. e., hydration, serpentinization) of the magmatic Cr sources. Specifically, we analyzed delta Cr-53/ 52 in a set of globally distributed mantle-derived chromites (FeMgCr2O4, n = 30) collected from various locations in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, and our results confirm that a chromite-hosted Earth's mantle Cr inventory is uniform at - 0.079 +/- 0.129& (2SD), which we named here as a ` canonical' mantle d 53/ 52 Cr signature. Furthermore our dataset of stratigraphically constrained chromites, whose crystallization ages cover most of the Earth's geological history, indicate that the bulk Cr isotope composition of the chromite-hosted mantle inventory has remained uniform, within about +/- 0.100&, since at least the Early Archean times (similar to 3500 million years ago, Ma). To investigate the systematics of Cr isotope fractionation associated with alteration processes we analyzed a number of secondary Cr-rich minerals and variably altered ultramafic rocks (i. e., serpentinized harzburgites, lherzolites) that revealed large positive delta Cr-53/ 52 anomalies that are systematically shifted to higher values with an increasing degree of alteration and serpentinization. The degree of aqueous alteration and serpentinization was quantified by the abundances of fluid-mobile (Rb, K) elements, and by the Loss On Ignition (LOI) parameter, which determines the amount of structurally bound water (OH/ H2O) present in secondary hydrated minerals like serpentine. Overall, we observed that altered ultramafic rocks that yielded the highest LOI values, and the lowest amounts of fluid mobile elements, also yielded the heaviest delta Cr-53/ 52 signatures. Therefore, we conclude that secondary alteration (i.e., hydration, serpentinization) of ultramafic rocks in near-surface oxidative environments tend to shift the bulk Cr isotope composition of the weathered products to isotopically heavier values, pointing to a dynamic redox cycling of Cr in the Earth's crustal and near-surface environments. Hence, if validated by future
Forma parte del dossier "Penser les banquets grec et romain, Entre représentations et pratiques". Actes de la table ronde Le banquet dans l'Antiquité 6 janvier 2007, Institut national d'histoire de l'art - Paris. Coordinado por Robin Nadeau
XXXII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU
XXXIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU
[ES]Esta obra recoge las comunicaciones seleccionadas para el 6º Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura, organizado por el grupo de investigación Calidad de Vida en Arquitectura de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. El congreso, que se celebra en el marco de los XXXIV Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU, aborda en esta cuarta edición el tema “Ciudades en riesgo: resiliencia y redundancia”. Alrededor de este tema general se desarrollan cinco ponencias magistrales, a cargo de Margaretha Breil (Centro Euro-Mediterráneo para el Cambio Climático), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Ajuntament de Barcelona). Además, 24 comunicaciones seleccionadas por el comité científico presentarán trabajos de investigaciones actuales en las sesiones orales y póster. Es objetivo paralelo del congreso es fortalecer las líneas de investigación en eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad de los grupos de investigación y formación de la UPV/ EHU comprometidos con esta propuesta, con objeto de colaborar en el reforzamiento de la I D i en su ámbito de conocimiento y apoyar la apuesta específica de los Gobiernos Central y Vasco, así como de otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales respecto a las actividades de I D i en las materias relacionadas con el cambio climático, la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad ambiental [ENG] This work contains the selected abstracts of the 6th European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning, organized by the research group Quality of life in Architecture of the University of the Basque Country. The conference is part of the XXXIV Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU and deals, in its fourth edition, with the topic “Cities at risk: resilience and redundancy”. Around this general theme there are five invited speakers: Margaretha Breil (Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Barcelona City Council). 24 abstracts additional have been selected by the scientific committee that offer actual research works in presentations and posters. The purpose of the conferences is to strengthen the investigation lines in energy efficiency and sustainability of the research and education groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) involved, with the purpose of collaborating in the reinforcement of the I D i in its field of knowledge, and support the specific projects of the Central and Basque Governments, as well as other national and international institutions related to the I Di activities in similar fields of climate change, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
No âmbito da discussão filosófica sobre a moral, é possível perceber, nas últimas três décadas, um novo interesse pela denominada ética das virtudes. A ética das virtudes diz respeito a uma longa tradição de investigação moral que tem no conceito de virtudes, por oposição aos conceitos de leis, princípios, ou direitos, uma de suas ideias mais fundamentais. O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é elucidar de que forma o pensamento político e moral de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ainda no contexto do Iluminismo, preserva os argumentos centrais da tradição da ética das virtudes. Embora Alasdair MacIntyre tenha contribuído bastante para o ressurgimento do interesse filosófico pela ética das virtudes, mostro nesta dissertação que as críticas que ele dirige de maneira generalizada ao Iluminismo não se aplicam de modo inteiramente adequado à posição que Rousseau efetivamente defende em seus escritos filosóficos. A obra de Rousseau é bastante vasta e, ao considerarmos alguns textos isoladamente, os argumentos que Rousseau apresenta parecem pouco sistemáticos. No entanto, como mostro na presente dissertação, ao analisarmos a obra de Rousseau como todo, fica bastante claro o quão a filosofia moral de Rousseau permanece fundamentalmente uma investigação sobre virtudes.