926 resultados para Intermedia circulation


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La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile.


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In this study, numerical simulation of the Caspian Sea circulation was performed using COHERENS three-dimensional numerical model and field data. The COHERENS three-dimensional model and FVCOM were performed under the effect of the wind driven force, and then the simulation results obtained were compared. Simulation modeling was performed at the Caspian Sea. Its horizontal grid size is approximately equal to 5 Km and 30 sigma levels were considered. The numerical simulation results indicate that the winds' driven-forces and temperature gradient are the most important driving force factors of the Caspian circulation pattern. One of the effects of wind-driven currents was the upwelling phenomenon that was formed in the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea in the summer. The simulation results also indicate that this phenomenon occurred at a depth less than 40 meters, and the vertical velocity in July and August was 10 meters and 7 meters respectively. During the upwelling phenomenon period the temperatures on the east coast compared to the west coast were about 5°C lower. In autumn and winter, the warm waters moved from the south east coast to the north and the cold waters moved from the west coast of the central Caspian toward the south. In the subsurface and deep layers, these movements were much more structured and caused strengthening of the anti-clockwise circulation in the area, especially in the central area of Caspian. The obtained results of the two models COHERENS and FVCOM performed under wind driven-force show a high coordination of the two models, and so the wind current circulation pattern for both models is almost identical.


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The quantitative role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export is evaluated by combining DOC measurements with observed water mass transports. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, both upper and lower limbs of the AMOC transport high-DOC waters. Deep water formation that connects the two limbs of the AMOC results in a high downward export of non-refractory DOC (197 Tg-C center dot yr(-1)). Subsequent remineralization in the lower limb of the AMOC, between subpolar and subtropical latitudes, consumes 72% of the DOC exported by the whole Atlantic Ocean. The contribution of DOC to the carbon sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean (62 Tg-C center dot yr(-1)) is considerable and represents almost a third of the atmospheric CO2 uptake in the region.


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Antecedentes: las células hematopoyéticas de sangre periférica son un recurso para combatir diversas enfermedades que requieren un trasplante alogénico para su curación. El método internacionalmente aceptado para obtener estas células es la administración de 2 a 24 μg/kg de peso de un factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y realizar la aféresis al cuarto, quinto o sexto días de iniciada la estimulación del donador. Objetivo: determinar la dosis adecuada del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y el día óptimo para realizar una sola aféresis. Pacientes y método: se incluyeron 11 donadores que recibieron factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en dosis diarias de 8 μg/kg de peso, durante cuatro días, y se realizaron dos aféresis: una en el cuarto y otra en el quinto día de estimulación. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los procedimientos de recolección de células hematopoyéticas de sangre periférica para trasplante alogénico realizados entre febrero del 2003 y mayo del 2005 en el Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González de la UANL. Resultados: en 63% de los pacientes, la cantidad de células CD34+ recolectada fue significativamente mayor en el quinto día que en el cuarto (3.10 × 106 vs 2.9 × 106), ya que el volumen plasmático promedio procesado por aféresis fue menor en la primera ocasión que en la segunda (8,800 vs 14,080 mL). Conclusión: una dosis de 8 μg/kg de peso del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos es efectiva para favorecer la obtención de células hematopoyéticas periféricas. Una aféresis al quinto día de iniciada la estimulación es suficiente para obtener la cantidad necesaria de células CD34+ que aseguren la recuperación hematológica del paciente trasplantado. Este procedimiento reduce los efectos colaterales del factor y de la aféresis, así como el costo final del trasplante.


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Spatial disease ecology is emerging as a new field that requires the integration of complementary approaches to address how the distribution and movements of hosts and parasites may condition the dynamics of their interactions. In this context, migration, the seasonal movement of animals to different zones of their distribution, is assumed to play a key role in the broad scale circulation of parasites and pathogens. Nevertheless, migration is not the only type of host movement that can influence the spatial ecology, evolution, and epidemiology of infectious diseases. Dispersal, the movement of individuals between the location where they were born or bred to a location where they breed, has attracted attention as another important type of movement for the spatial dynamics of infectious diseases. Host dispersal has notably been identified as a key factor for the evolution of host-parasite interactions as it implies gene flow among local host populations and thus can alter patterns of coevolution with infectious agents across spatial scales. However, not all movements between host populations lead to dispersal per se. One type of host movement that has been neglected, but that may also play a role in parasite spread is prospecting, i.e., movements targeted at selecting and securing new habitat for future breeding. Prospecting movements, which have been studied in detail in certain social species, could result in the dispersal of infectious agents among different host populations without necessarily involving host dispersal. In this article, we outline how these various types of host movements might influence the circulation of infectious disease agents and discuss methodological approaches that could be used to assess their importance. We specifically focus on examples from work on colonial seabirds, ticks, and tick-borne infectious agents. These are convenient biological models because they are strongly spatially structured and involve relatively simple communities of interacting species. Overall, this review emphasizes that explicit consideration of the behavioral and population ecology of hosts and parasites is required to disentangle the relative roles of different types of movement for the spread of infectious diseases.


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We present a new radiation scheme for the Oxford Planetary Unified Model System for Venus, suitable for the solar and thermal bands. This new and fast radiative parameterization uses a different approach in the two main radiative wavelength bands: solar radiation (0.1-5.5 mu m) and thermal radiation (1.7-260 mu m). The solar radiation calculation is based on the delta-Eddington approximation (two-stream-type) with an adding layer method. For the thermal radiation case, a code based on an absorptivity/emissivity formulation is used. The new radiative transfer formulation implemented is intended to be computationally light, to allow its incorporation in 3D global circulation models, but still allowing for the calculation of the effect of atmospheric conditions on radiative fluxes. This will allow us to investigate the dynamical-radiative-microphysical feedbacks. The model flexibility can be also used to explore the uncertainties in the Venus atmosphere such as the optical properties in the deep atmosphere or cloud amount. The results of radiative cooling and heating rates and the global-mean radiative-convective equilibrium temperature profiles for different atmospheric conditions are presented and discussed. This new scheme works in an atmospheric column and can be easily implemented in 3D Venus global circulation models. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo se ha concebido bajo un carácter didáctico y con la intención de ser difundido y utilizado, dirigido a estudiantes, profesores y aquellos que sientan deseo de incursionar en este campo interesante. El baloncesto es un deporte practicado en edades tempranas, no está enfocado en la competitividad sino encausado a adquirir fundamentos: técnicos, tácticos, individuales y colectivos con una descripción detallada del proceso de aprendizaje y las destrezas básicas; iniciando de lo sencillo a lo complejo, a la iniciación del juego y sus reglas, acompañados de una disciplina deportiva de colaboración, compañerismo, responsabilidad, cooperación, alimentación, de higiene, de buenos hábitos, alejados del alcohol y las drogas, que afectan al normal desarrollo bio-psico-social-afectivo del individuo. Con la transición del minibaloncesto al baloncesto en la selección de la escuela Fiscomisional Sor Teresa Valsé en la categoría intermedia comprendida en las edades de 12 a 14 años realizado en los meses de agosto 2015 a mayo 2016, se pretendió poner al alcance de las niñas todas las ventajas y valores educativos del baloncesto, de tal manera que no se contraríe su naturaleza, posibilidades, intereses, ni exija esfuerzos incompatibles con la edad de las participantes. En consecuencia la transición del minibaloncesto al baloncesto repercute en forma positiva en el normal desarrollo de las niñas de estas edades, tanto en lo físico, técnico-táctico, psicológico y social, así como también este trabajo refleja el desarrollo y adquisición de habilidades, destrezas y el modelo sobre el cual se implementó cada uno de los mismos para alcanzar los resultados esperados de esta investigación.


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Knowledge of particle emission characteristics associated with forest fires and in general, biomass burning, is becoming increasingly important due to the impact of these emissions on human health. Of particular importance is developing a better understanding of the size distribution of particles generated from forest combustion under different environmental conditions, as well as provision of emission factors for different particle size ranges. This study was aimed at quantifying particle emission factors from four types of wood found in South East Queensland forests: Spotted Gum (Corymbia citriodora), Red Gum (Eucalypt tereticornis), Blood Gum (Eucalypt intermedia), and Iron bark (Eucalypt decorticans); under controlled laboratory conditions. The experimental set up included a modified commercial stove connected to a dilution system designed for the conditions of the study. Measurements of particle number size distribution and concentration resulting from the burning of woods with a relatively homogenous moisture content (in the range of 15 to 26 %) and for different rates of burning were performed using a TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) in the size range from 10 to 600 nm and a TSI Dust Trak for PM2.5. The results of the study in terms of the relationship between particle number size distribution and different condition of burning for different species show that particle number emission factors and PM2.5 mass emission factors depend on the type of wood and the burning rate; fast burning or slow burning. The average particle number emission factors for fast burning conditions are in the range of 3.3 x 1015 to 5.7 x 1015 particles/kg, and for PM2.5 are in the range of 139 to 217 mg/kg.


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I argue that a divergence between popular culture as “object” and “subject” of journalism emerged during the nineteenth century in Britain. It accounts not only for different practices of journalism, but also for differences in the study of journalism, as manifested in journalism studies and cultural studies respectively. The chapter offers an historical account to show that popular culture was the source of the first mass circulation journalism, via the pauper press, but that it was later incorporated into the mechanisms of modern government for a very different purpose, the theorist of which was Walter Bagehot. Journalism’s polarity was reversed – it turned from “subjective” to “objective.” The paper concludes with a discussion of YouTube and the resurgence of self-made representation, using the resources of popular culture, in current election campaigns. Are we witnessing a further reversal of polarity, where popular culture and self-representation once again becomes the “subject” of journalism?


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For the last two decades heart disease has been the highest single cause of death for the human population. With an alarming number of patients requiring heart transplant, and donations not able to satisfy the demand, treatment looks to mechanical alternatives. Rotary Ventricular Assist Devices, VADs, are miniature pumps which can be implanted alongside the heart to assist its pumping function. These constant flow devices are smaller, more efficient and promise a longer operational life than more traditional pulsatile VADs. The development of rotary VADs has focused on single pumps assisting the left ventricle only to supply blood for the body. In many patients however, failure of both ventricles demands that an additional pulsatile device be used to support the failing right ventricle. This condition renders them hospital bound while they wait for an unlikely heart donation. Reported attempts to use two rotary pumps to support both ventricles concurrently have warned of inherent haemodynamic instability. Poor balancing of the pumps’ flow rates quickly leads to vascular congestion increasing the risk of oedema and ventricular ‘suckdown’ occluding the inlet to the pump. This thesis introduces a novel Bi-Ventricular Assist Device (BiVAD) configuration where the pump outputs are passively balanced by vascular pressure. The BiVAD consists of two rotary pumps straddling the mechanical passive controller. Fluctuations in vascular pressure induce small deflections within both pumps adjusting their outputs allowing them to maintain arterial pressure. To optimise the passive controller’s interaction with the circulation, the controller’s dynamic response is optimised with a spring, mass, damper arrangement. This two part study presents a comprehensive assessment of the prototype’s ‘viability’ as a support device. Its ‘viability’ was considered based on its sensitivity to pathogenic haemodynamics and the ability of the passive response to maintain healthy circulation. The first part of the study is an experimental investigation where a prototype device was designed and built, and then tested in a pulsatile mock circulation loop. The BiVAD was subjected to a range of haemodynamic imbalances as well as a dynamic analysis to assess the functionality of the mechanical damper. The second part introduces the development of a numerical program to simulate human circulation supported by the passively controlled BiVAD. Both investigations showed that the prototype was able to mimic the native baroreceptor response. Simulating hypertension, poor flow balancing and subsequent ventricular failure during BiVAD support allowed the passive controller’s response to be assessed. Triggered by the resulting pressure imbalance, the controller responded by passively adjusting the VAD outputs in order to maintain healthy arterial pressures. This baroreceptor-like response demonstrated the inherent stability of the auto regulating BiVAD prototype. Simulating pulmonary hypertension in the more observable numerical model, however, revealed a serious issue with the passive response. The subsequent decrease in venous return into the left heart went unnoticed by the passive controller. Meanwhile the coupled nature of the passive response not only decreased RVAD output to reduce pulmonary arterial pressure, but it also increased LVAD output. Consequently, the LVAD increased fluid evacuation from the left ventricle, LV, and so actually accelerated the onset of LV collapse. It was concluded that despite the inherently stable baroreceptor-like response of the passive controller, its lack of sensitivity to venous return made it unviable in its present configuration. The study revealed a number of other important findings. Perhaps the most significant was that the reduced pulse experienced during constant flow support unbalanced the ratio of effective resistances of both vascular circuits. Even during steady rotary support therefore, the resulting ventricle volume imbalance increased the likelihood of suckdown. Additionally, mechanical damping of the passive controller’s response successfully filtered out pressure fluctuations from residual ventricular function. Finally, the importance of recognising inertial contributions to blood flow in the atria and ventricles in a numerical simulation were highlighted. This thesis documents the first attempt to create a fully auto regulated rotary cardiac assist device. Initial results encourage development of an inlet configuration sensitive to low flow such as collapsible inlet cannulae. Combining this with the existing baroreceptor-like response of the passive controller will render a highly stable passively controlled BiVAD configuration. The prototype controller’s passive interaction with the vasculature is a significant step towards a highly stable new generation of artificial heart.


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Nationalism is not a naturally occurring sentiment, but rather needs to be carefully nurtured and sustained in the social imaginary through the production and circulation of unifying narratives that invoke the nation’s imagined community. The school curriculum is crucial in this process, legitimating and disseminating selected narratives while de-legitimating and marginalising other accounts and their voices. Certain watershed events in nations’ histories have always posed political problems in history curricula (Cajani & Ross, 2007) –however the pressures and concerns of current times now suggest political solutions in history curricula. This paper briefly examines recent political debates in Australia to argue that the school history curriculum has become a site of increasing interest for the exercise of official forms of nationalism and the production of a nostalgic, celebratory national biography. The public debates around school history curriculum are theorised as nostalgic re-nationalising efforts in response to the march of cultural globalisation and its attendant uncertainties.


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BACKGROUND: Although we know much about the molecular makeup of the sinus node (SN) in small mammals, little is known about it in humans. The aims of the present study were to investigate the expression of ion channels in the human SN and to use the data to predict electrical activity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridization, and immunofluorescence were used to analyze 6 human tissue samples. Messenger RNA (mRNA) for 120 ion channels (and some related proteins) was measured in the SN, a novel paranodal area, and the right atrium (RA). The results showed, for example, that in the SN compared with the RA, there was a lower expression of Na(v)1.5, K(v)4.3, K(v)1.5, ERG, K(ir)2.1, K(ir)6.2, RyR2, SERCA2a, Cx40, and Cx43 mRNAs but a higher expression of Ca(v)1.3, Ca(v)3.1, HCN1, and HCN4 mRNAs. The expression pattern of many ion channels in the paranodal area was intermediate between that of the SN and RA; however, compared with the SN and RA, the paranodal area showed greater expression of K(v)4.2, K(ir)6.1, TASK1, SK2, and MiRP2. Expression of ion channel proteins was in agreement with expression of the corresponding mRNAs. The levels of mRNA in the SN, as a percentage of those in the RA, were used to estimate conductances of key ionic currents as a percentage of those in a mathematical model of human atrial action potential. The resulting SN model successfully produced pacemaking. CONCLUSIONS: Ion channels show a complex and heterogeneous pattern of expression in the SN, paranodal area, and RA in humans, and the expression pattern is appropriate to explain pacemaking.