991 resultados para Intergroup threat theory


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The article presents a discussion of foundational issues in the field of management science, focusing on advances in management theory and research. The metaphor of explanatory lenses is used as a rubric to illustrate the theoretical challenges involved in elucidating the interrelationships of various factors in organizational behavior. The importance of clarifying such interrelationships is emphasized, from the standpoint of editing scholarly papers on such topics for publication. Topics discussed include communication and psychology in management, economics, and behavioral finance.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan vaikuttavien tekijöiden identifiointi ja analysointi. Nämä tekijät käytiin yhteisesti läpi skenaarioiden avulla. Aluksi kuvattiin teollisuuden ala ja esiteltiin tärkeimmät alaa kuvaavat mittarit. Analyysi tehtiin Porterin kilpailuteorian tekijöiden pohjalta. Työssä listattiin yksittäiset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan. Näistä tekijöistä valittiin tärkeimmät ja niiden pohjalta rakennettiin skenaarioita. Skenaariot kuvaavat erilaisia mahdollisia tulevaisuuksia.Kysyntä kuten myös tarjonta on jakautunut epätasaisesti maailmassa. Alueelliset erot ovat hyvinkin merkittäviä. Tästä johtuu laajamittainen kaupankäynti eri alueiden välillä. Käynnissä oleva paperiteollisuuden konsolidoitumisprosessi auttaa vähentämään sanomalehtipaperin hinnan ja tarjonnan heilahtelua. Tämä puolestaan johtuu alan keskittymisestä ja järkevästä kapasiteetin hallinnasta.Diplomityö korostaa sanomalehtipaperin tuottajien vastuuta tarjonnan lisäämisessä. E-median uhkaa tai mahdollisuutta on myös spekuloitu ja kysynnän alueellisen kysynnän kehitystä on analysoitu. Diplomityö antaa ehdotuksia erilaisiksi tulevaisuuden kehitysvaihtoehdoiksi. Sanomalehtipaperin kysyntä tulee kasvamaan maailmanlaajuisesti, tuotanto tulee siirtymään lähemmäksi markkinoita, kaupankäynti Aasiaan tulee kasvamaan ja yrityksen tulevat keskittymään viisaaseen kapasiteetin hallintaan.


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We present computer simulations of a simple bead-spring model for polymer melts with intramolecular barriers. By systematically tuning the strength of the barriers, we investigate their role on the glass transition. Dynamic observables are analyzed within the framework of the mode coupling theory (MCT). Critical nonergodicity parameters, critical temperatures, and dynamic exponents are obtained from consistent fits of simulation data to MCT asymptotic laws. The so-obtained MCT λ-exponent increases from standard values for fully flexible chains to values close to the upper limit for stiff chains. In analogy with systems exhibiting higher-order MCT transitions, we suggest that the observed large λ-values arise form the interplay between two distinct mechanisms for dynamic arrest: general packing effects and polymer-specific intramolecular barriers. We compare simulation results with numerical solutions of the MCT equations for polymer systems, within the polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM) for static correlations. We verify that the approximations introduced by the PRISM are fulfilled by simulations, with the same quality for all the range of investigated barrier strength. The numerical solutions reproduce the qualitative trends of simulations for the dependence of the nonergodicity parameters and critical temperatures on the barrier strength. In particular, the increase in the barrier strength at fixed density increases the localization length and the critical temperature. However the qualitative agreement between theory and simulation breaks in the limit of stiff chains. We discuss the possible origin of this feature.


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Formation of nanosized droplets/bubbles from a metastable bulk phase is connected to many unresolved scientific questions. We analyze the properties and stability of multicomponent droplets and bubbles in the canonical ensemble, and compare with single-component systems. The bubbles/droplets are described on the mesoscopic level by square gradient theory. Furthermore, we compare the results to a capillary model which gives a macroscopic description. Remarkably, the solutions of the square gradient model, representing bubbles and droplets, are accurately reproduced by the capillary model except in the vicinity of the spinodals. The solutions of the square gradient model form closed loops, which shows the inherent symmetry and connected nature of bubbles and droplets. A thermodynamic stability analysis is carried out, where the second variation of the square gradient description is compared to the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix in the capillary description. The analysis shows that it is impossible to stabilize arbitrarily small bubbles or droplets in closed systems and gives insight into metastable regions close to the minimum bubble/droplet radii. Despite the large difference in complexity, the square gradient and the capillary model predict the same finite threshold sizes and very similar stability limits for bubbles and droplets, both for single-component and two-component systems.


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We analyze the results for infinite nuclear and neutron matter using the standard relativistic mean field model and its recent effective field theory motivated generalization. For the first time, we show quantitatively that the inclusion in the effective theory of vector meson self-interactions and scalar-vector cross-interactions explains naturally the recent experimental observations of the softness of the nuclear equation of state, without losing the advantages of the standard relativistic model for finite nuclei.


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BACKGROUND: Theory of mind (ToM), the capacity to infer the intention, beliefs and emotional states of others, is frequently impaired in behavioural variant fronto-temporal dementia patients (bv-FTDp); however, its impact on caregiver burden is unexplored. SETTING: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. SUBJECTS: bv-FTDp (n = 28), a subgroup of their caregivers (n = 20) and healthy controls (n = 32). METHODS: we applied a faux-pas (FP) task as a ToM measure in bv-FTDp and healthy controls and the Zarit Burden Interview as a measure of burden in patients' caregivers. Patients underwent structural MRI; we used voxel-based morphometry to examine relationships between regional atrophy and ToM impairment and caregiver burden. RESULTS: FP task performance was impaired in bv-FTDp and negatively associated with caregiver burden. Atrophy was found in areas involved in ToM. Caregiver burden increased with greater atrophy in left lateral premotor cortex, a region associated in animal models with the presence of mirror neurons, possibly involved in empathy. CONCLUSION: ToM impairment in bv-FTDp is associated with increased caregiver burden.


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La constante évolution des biotechnologies de la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) introduit des nouveautés qui perturbent les représentations de la famille et du « naturel » de la procréation notamment. Ces nouveautés engendrent des préoccupations aussi bien sociales qu'individuelles sur la légitimité et les conditions du recours à la PMA. Partant d'une approche dialogique de la communication, du langage et de la cognition ainsi que de la théorie des représentations sociales, nous faisons l'hypothèse que ces perturbations sont traitées différemment selon l'activité communicative dans laquelle les individus sont engagés. Nous avons alors travaillé à partir de deux corpus de données relevant d'un type d'activité communicative différent : un corpus de presse, de l'ordre d'un discours générique, portant sur la grossesse dite « tardive » (post-ménopause) et un corpus d'entretiens de recherche, de l'ordre d'un discours singulier, avec des couples qui ont recouru à la PMA, et portant sur la cryoconservation des zygotes. Nous appuyant sur les méthodes de l'analyse thématique et de l'analyse de discours, nous centrons notre examen sur les représentations sociales de la maternité (corpus de presse) et du « naturel » (corpus d'entretiens). Nous analysons ce que ces discours permettent d'accomplir socialement, étudions le rapport qu'ils établissent à l'ordre social et symbolique et interrogeons leurs fonctions en termes de processus de « naturalisation » de la PMA. Nos résultats montrent que les nouveautés de la PMA forcent les individus à se (re)positionner dans le champ des valeurs et des normes, lis montrent aussi que, dans ce contexte, les représentations sociales existantes sont mobilisées de différentes manières en fonction des visées argumentatives poursuivies. Ceci impliquant, par ailleurs, si ce n'est une transformation, du moins un renouvellement des représentations. Ils indiquent en outre que, bien que le discours de presse et celui des entretiens ne servent pas exactement les mêmes objectifs, leurs effets de « naturalisation » de la PMA sont comparables en termes de (re)construction de la norme. D'un point de vue dialogique, ils permettent aussi d'avancer que les polémiques sociales et individuelles sont non seulement articulées mais se co-constituent. Ils témoignent aussi du fait que la référence au « naturel » renvoie, plus qu'à un problème de perturbation de la « nature », à l'idée d'une menace de l'ordre social et symbolique. De ce point de vue, les réflexions sur les pratiques de PMA méritent d'être menées par la psychologie sociale et les sciences humaines et sociales plus largement. -- The constant evolution of biotechnologies of medically assisted procreation (MAP) introduces novelties that disturb representations of the family and, notably, of what is considered « natural » in procreation. These novelties give rise to social and individual questions about the legitimacy and the conditions of the use of MAP. Drawing upon a dialogical approach to communication, language and cognition, as well as social representations theory, a hypothesis is advanced that these disturbances are handled differently, depending on the communicative activity individuals are engaged in. Two corpuses of data, representing different communicative activity types, were used: a press corpus, reflecting a generic discourse on "late" pregnancy (post-menopause), and a research interviews corpus, reflecting particular discourses developed by couples who used MAP and have cryopreserved zygotes. Using methods of thematic and discourse analysis, the study focuses on social representations of pregnancy (press corpus) and of the "natural" (interviews corpus). The analysis questions what these discourses enable to achieve socially, how they relate to the social and symbolic order, as well as their function in "naturalising" MAP. The results show that MAP novelties force individuals to (re)position themselves in the field of values and norms. They also show that, in this context, existing social representations are mobilised in different ways depending on the argumentative aims that are being pursued. This implies, if not a transformation, at minimum a renewal of representations. Additionally the results indicate that, although press and interviews discourses might not serve the same aims, their effects on "naturalising" MAP are comparable in terms of (re)constructing the norm. From a dialogical perspective, the findings also allow us to argue that social and individual polemics are not only articulated with one another but are effectively co-constituted. They also evidence the fact that the reference to the "natural" brings forth, more than a problem of disturbing "nature", a threat to the social and symbolic order. From this perspective, reflections on MAP practices deserve further attention within social psychology and social and human sciences at large.


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BACKGROUND: The structure and organisation of ecological interactions within an ecosystem is modified by the evolution and coevolution of the individual species it contains. Understanding how historical conditions have shaped this architecture is vital for understanding system responses to change at scales from the microbial upwards. However, in the absence of a group selection process, the collective behaviours and ecosystem functions exhibited by the whole community cannot be organised or adapted in a Darwinian sense. A long-standing open question thus persists: Are there alternative organising principles that enable us to understand and predict how the coevolution of the component species creates and maintains complex collective behaviours exhibited by the ecosystem as a whole? RESULTS: Here we answer this question by incorporating principles from connectionist learning, a previously unrelated discipline already using well-developed theories on how emergent behaviours arise in simple networks. Specifically, we show conditions where natural selection on ecological interactions is functionally equivalent to a simple type of connectionist learning, 'unsupervised learning', well-known in neural-network models of cognitive systems to produce many non-trivial collective behaviours. Accordingly, we find that a community can self-organise in a well-defined and non-trivial sense without selection at the community level; its organisation can be conditioned by past experience in the same sense as connectionist learning models habituate to stimuli. This conditioning drives the community to form a distributed ecological memory of multiple past states, causing the community to: a) converge to these states from any random initial composition; b) accurately restore historical compositions from small fragments; c) recover a state composition following disturbance; and d) to correctly classify ambiguous initial compositions according to their similarity to learned compositions. We examine how the formation of alternative stable states alters the community's response to changing environmental forcing, and we identify conditions under which the ecosystem exhibits hysteresis with potential for catastrophic regime shifts. CONCLUSIONS: This work highlights the potential of connectionist theory to expand our understanding of evo-eco dynamics and collective ecological behaviours. Within this framework we find that, despite not being a Darwinian unit, ecological communities can behave like connectionist learning systems, creating internal conditions that habituate to past environmental conditions and actively recalling those conditions. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Prof. Ricard V Solé, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and Prof. Rob Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder.


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Our lives and careers are becoming ever more unpredictable. The "life-design paradigm" described in detail in this ground-breaking handbook helps counselors and others meet people's increasing need to develop and manage their own lives and careers. Life-design interventions, suited to a wide variety of cultural settings, help individuals become actors in their own lives and careers by activating, stimulating, and developing their personal resources. This handbook first addresses life-design theory, then shows how to apply life designing to different age groups and with more at-risk people, and looks at how to train life-design counselors


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Unified Threat Management or UTM-devices have created a new way to implement security solutions for different customer needs and segments. Customer and business traffic is more and more Web and application based when security is needed to that level as well. Thesis focuses to explore what opportunities UTM-devices provides for operator acting as a managed security service provider and how to succeed better in the markets. Markets are explored both in the customer interface what customers are expecting form the managed service provides and from technology provider interface what kind of products and services they have for different implementations. Theoretical background is taken from product strategy, networking and product development. These are taken into account when developed and explored opportunities an operator has in managed security business with UTM-devices. In the thesis four main recognized technology vendors and their product and services are compared against operator managed security services needs. Based on the explorations of theory, customer needs and technology a product strategy is proposed for operator acting as a managed security provider.


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Ease of worldwide travel provides increased opportunities for organisms not only to colonize new environments but also to encounter related but diverged populations. Such events of reconnection and secondary contact of previously isolated populations are widely observed at different time scales. For example, during the quaternary glaciation, sea water level fluctuations caused temporal isolation of populations, often to be followed by secondary contact. At shorter time scales, population isolation and reconnection of viruses are commonly observed, and such events are often associated with epidemics and pandemics. Here, using coalescent theory and simulations, we describe the temporal impact of population reconnection after isolation on nucleotide differences and the site frequency spectrum, as well as common summary statistics of DNA variation. We identify robust genomic signatures of population reconnection after isolation. We utilize our development to infer the recent evolutionary history of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in Asia and South America, successfully retrieving the successive HIV subtype colonization events in these regions. Our analysis reveals that divergent HIV-1 subtype populations are currently admixing in these regions, suggesting that HIV-1 may be undergoing a process of homogenization, contrary to popular belief.