973 resultados para Impulse Control Disorders


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Many clinicians in the area of drug addiction believe that emotional problems arise from particular styles of parenting. To investigate this link, 63 young male and female addicts who had sought treatment completed the Parental Bonding Instrument which tapped their perceptions of their relationship with each parent. Addicts reported early parental experiences differing from those of a control group. Drug abusers judged their parents as cold, indifferent, controlling and intrusive. In addition, these perceptions were shared by male and female addicts. These results, together with previous research suggest that these perceptions might well point to a general risk factor for the development of a broad range of psychological and psychiatric disorders. In addition, the issue of family factors in the design and implementation of drug treatment programs needs to be addressed.


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Infection control practitioners (ICPs) work across the full spectrum of health care settings and carry out a broad range of practice activities. Whilst several studies have reported on the role of the ICP, there has been little investigation of the scope of infection control practice. This knowledge is essential to inform the professional, legal, educational and financial implications of this specialist role. One hundred and thirteen ICPs from a range of health care settings across Queensland were surveyed. Respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they were and should be engaging in the range of practices identified by Gardner, Jones & Olesen (1999). Significant differences were evident between what ICPs said was their actual practice versus what they thought they should be doing. Overall, the respondents consistently reported that they should be engaging in more of the range of infection control activities than they were, particularly with regard to management practices. A number of differences were found according to the context in which the practitioners worked, such as the type and size of facility and their employment status. The results of this study indicate that the scope of infection control practice has clearly moved beyond those practices that are confined by the hospital wall and defined by surveillance activities.


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Use of focus groups as a technique of inquiry is gaining attention in the area of health-care research. This paper will report on the technique of focus group interviewing to investigate the role of the infection control practitioner. Infection control is examined as a specialty area of health-care practice that has received little research attention to date. Additionally, it is an area of practice that is expanding in response to social, economic and microbiological forces. The focus group technique in this study helped a group of infection control practitioners from urban, regional and rural areas throughout Queensland identify and categorise their daily work activities. The outcomes of this process were then analysed to identify the growth in breadth and complexity of the role of the infection control practitioner in the contemporary health-care environment. Findings indicate that the role of the infection control practitioner in Australia has undergone changes consistent with and reflecting changing models of health-care delivery.


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The following proposal is submitted by the AICA's credentialling and certification subcommittee for your consideration. It outlines a process and procedure for interim credentialling of infection control practitioners. In submitting this proposal, the subcommittee acknowledges that, while competency-based education is the preferred process for credentialling, there are clinicians who, in the absence of educational opportunities, have developed a specialist level of competency in infection control practice through self education and experience. Committee members also recognise the need for self-regulation of accrediting processes, to maintain standards in practice and support members in their clinical roles. We ask you to review the following proposal and invite your comments and critique, to be received by the last week in January 1998.


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A multicausal model of adolescent homelessness is proposed, based upon the notion that homeless youth suffer from emotional, social, and cultural deprivation. The model was tested in a sample of homeless adolescents (n = 54) and a similar, but not homeless, control group (n = 58). Emotional deprivation was assessed on the Parental Bonding Inventory (Parker, Tupling,&Brown, 1979), whereas social and cultural deprivation were assessed on the Family Environment Scale (Moos&Moos, 1981). The homeless adolescents were found to be significantly more deprived emotionally, socially, and culturally than the controls. The results indicate support for a deprivation model of adolescent homelessness with implications for public policy and intervention planning.


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Over the past decade the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), in combination with improved drug therapies, indoor residual spraying (IRS) and better health infrastructure, has helped reduce malaria in many African countries for the first time in a generation. However, insecticide resistance in the vector is an evolving threat to these gains. We review emerging and historical data on behavioural resistance in response to LLINs and IRS. Overall the current literature suggests behavioural and species changes may be emerging, but the data are sparse and, at times unconvincing. However, preliminary modelling has demonstrated that behavioural resistance could have significant impacts on the effectiveness of malaria control. We propose seven recommendations to improve understanding of resistance in malaria vectors. Determining the public health impact of physiological and behavioural insecticide resistance is an urgent priority if we are to maintain the significant gains made in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality.


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"The World Health Organisation has identified physical inactivity as the fourth leading effective cause of death globally. The burden of physical inactivity will increase as the population ages. In addition to increased risk or mortality, prior research has indicated older adults with chronic musculoskeletal conditions are likely to face increased morbidity and poorer prognoses if they are physically inactive. There is currently a scarcity of empirical research describing the physical activity profile of older adults with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this investigation was to describe the self-reported physical activity profile and body mass index (BMI) profile of a sample of older adults with chronic musculoskeletal disorders accessing outpatient hospital services."--publisher website


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The launch of the Centre of Research Excellence in Reducing Healthcare Associated Infection (CRE-RHAI) took place in Sydney on Friday 12 October 2012. The mission of the CRE-RHAI is to generate new knowledge about strategies to reduce healthcare associated infections and to provide data on the cost-effectiveness of infection control programs. As well as launching the CRE-RHAI, an important part of this event was a stakeholder Consultation Workshop, which brought together several experts in the Australian infection control community. The aims of this workshop were to establish the research and clinical priorities in Australian infection control, assess the importance of various multi-resistant organisms, and to gather information about decision making in infection control. We present here a summary and discussion of the responses we received.


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We reviewed the effect of behavioural telehealth interventions on glycaemic control and diabetes self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. The databases CINAHL, Medline and psychINFO were searched in August 2012. Journal articles were selected that had been published in English with a randomized controlled trial design using a usual care comparison group, and in which the primary intervention component was delivered by telehealth. Relevant outcome measures were glycaemic control and one or more of the following diabetes self-care areas: diet, physical activity, blood glucose self-monitoring (BGSM) or medication adherence. Interventions were excluded if they were primarily based on telemonitoring. The search retrieved 1027 articles, from which 49 were selected based on their title and abstract. Fourteen articles (reporting 13 studies) met the eligibility criteria for inclusion. Four studies reported significant improvements in glycaemic control. Five of eight studies on dietary adherence reported significant treatment effects, as did five of eight on physical activity, four of nine on blood glucose self-monitoring, and three of eight on medication adherence. Overall, behavioural telehealth interventions show promise in improving the diabetes self-care and glycaemic control of people with type 2 diabetes.


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Background: Comorbidity of mental disorders and substance use continues to be a major problem. To inform the development of more effective interventions for these co-existing disorders, this paper aimed to determine if there are clear variations in the reasons for tobacco, alcohol or cannabis use across people with different mental disorders. Methods: Data from five randomized controlled trials on co-existing disorders that measured reasons for tobacco, alcohol or cannabis use using the Drug Use Motives Questionnaire, Reasons for Smoking Questionnaire or via free response are reported and combined. Two studies involved participants with depression, two involved participants with a psychotic disorder and one involved participants with a range of mental disorders. A series of logistic regressions were conducted to examine differences in reasons for tobacco, alcohol or cannabis use and to compare these reasons between people with psychotic disorders or depression. Results: Participants had a mean age of 38 (SD=12) and just over half (60%) were male. Forty-six percent of participants had a psychotic disorder and 54% experienced depression. Data from 976 participants across the five studies were included in the analyses. Tobacco and alcohol were primarily used to cope, while cannabis was primarily used for pleasure. People with psychotic disorders were more likely than people with depression to use tobacco for coping, pleasure and illness motives. People with depression, in contrast, were more likely to use alcohol for these reasons and social reasons. Conclusions: It may be important to tailor interventions for co-existing mental disorders and substance use by substance type and type of mental disorder. For example, interventions might be improved by including alternative coping strategies to tobacco and/or alcohol use, by addressing the social role of alcohol and by helping people with mental disorders using cannabis to gain pleasure from their lives in other ways.


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Craving has long been associated with addictive disorders. It has received much attention over the last two decades, partly through the advent of pharmacotherapies that attempt to address it (Jonson, 2008; Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi & See, 2009). More recently, craving for substances has attained increased prominence, with the inclusion of “Craving or a strong desire or urge” in the draft of DSM-5 (APA, 2012). Studies generally support craving as occurring on a single diagnostic dimension alongside existing dependence criteria (Hasin, et al., 2012; Keyes, et al., 2011). Some (e.g. Keyes, et al., 2011) demonstrate that the addition of craving to DSM-IV alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence criteria contributes novel variance in predicting severity, and improves discrimination above that offered by existing DSM-IV criteria. Within the current volume, the paper by Agrawal et al. confirms that craving strongly loads on a single dimension that also incorporates DSM-IV alcohol dependence criteria. Craving was a relatively severe symptom: It was least often endorsed, and did not exceed 50% endorsement until 6 of the remaining 7 criteria were present...


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There is growing and converging evidence that cannabis may be a major risk factor in people with psychotic disorders and prodromal psychotic symptoms. The lack of available pharmacological treatments for cannabis use indicates that psychological interventions should be a high priority, especially among people with psychotic disorders. However, there have been few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of psychological interventions among this group. In the present study we critically overview RCTs of psychological and pharmacologic interventions among people with psychotic disorders, giving particular attention to those studies which report cannabis use outcomes. We then review data regarding treatment preferences among this group. RCTs of interventions within "real world" mental health systems among adults with severe mental disorders suggest that cannabis use is amenable to treatment in real world settings among people with psychotic disorders. RCTs of manual guided interventions among cannabis users indicate that while brief interventions are associated with reductions in cannabis use, longer interventions may be more effective. Additionally, RCTs reviewed suggest treatment with antipsychotic medication is not associated with a worsening of cannabis cravings or use and may be beneficial. The development of cannabinoid agonist medication may be an effective strategy for cannabis dependence and suitable for people with psychotic disorders. The development of cannabis use interventions for people with psychotic disorders should also consider patients' treatment preferences. Initial results indicate face-to-face interventions focussed on cannabis use may be preferred. Further research investigating the treatment preferences of people with psychotic disorders using cannabis is needed.


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Control of biospecimen quality that is linked to processing is one of the goals of biospecimen science. Consensus is lacking, however, regarding optimal sample quality-control (QC) tools (ie, markers and assays). The aim of this review was to identify QC tools, both for fluid and solid-tissue samples, based on a comprehensive and critical literature review. The most readily applicable tools are those with a known threshold for the preanalytical variation and a known reference range for the QC analyte. Only a few meaningful markers were identified that meet these criteria, such as CD40L for assessing serum exposure at high temperatures and VEGF for assessing serum freeze-thawing. To fully assess biospecimen quality, multiple QC markers are needed. Here we present the most promising biospecimen QC tools that were identified.