979 resultados para Igneous complex of Sines


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Eine 28-jährige Patientin stellte sich mit einer seit Jahren bestehenden progredient eingeschränkten Mundöffnung vor. Die initial klinische Diagnostik zeigte keine pathologischen intraartikulären Befunde. Trotzdem blieb eine konservative Therapie fruchtlos. Erst die weitere bildgebende Diagnostik führte zur Diagnose gleich mehrerer struktureller Veränderungen: einer Hyperplasie der Processus coronoidei und einer hypertrophen Kaumuskulatur mit verdickten Aponeurosen. Zusätzlich fand sich auch eine typische quadratische Unterkieferform, bedingt durch eine Hypertrophie der Kieferwinkel. Beim hier illustrierten Fall zeigen sich alle typischen Zeichen dieser bis anhin noch wenig beschriebenen Kaumuskel-Aponeurosen-Hyperplasie. Eine chirurgische Behandlung mit Coronoidektomie und Aponeurektomie verhalf schliesslich zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Mundöffnung. Wenngleich die eingeschränkte Mundöffnung ein Symptom vieler Erkrankungen des stomatognathen Systems ist, kann eine über längere Zeit bestehende oder auch progrediente eingeschränkte Mundöffnung diagnostisch und therapeutisch eine Herausforderung darstellen. Bei adäquater Diagnostik und Therapie ist die Prognose des oben genannten Symptomenkomplexes günstig und führt zu einer Verbesserung der mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität.


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In the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei, as in other eukaryotes, more than 95% of all mitochondrial proteins are imported from the cytosol. The recently characterized multisubunit ATOM complex, the functional analogue of the TOM complex of yeast, mediates import of essentially all proteins across the outer mitochondrial membrane in T. brucei. Moreover, an additional protein termed pATOM36, which is loosely associated with the ATOM complex, has been implicated in the import of only a subset of mitochondrial proteins. Here we have investigated more precisely which role pATOM36 plays in mitochondrial protein import. RNAi mediated ablation of pATOM36 specifically depletes a subset of outer mitochondrial membrane proteins including ATOM complex subunits and as a consequence results in the collapse of the ATOM complex as shown by Blue native PAGE. In addition, a SILAC-based global proteomic analysis of uninduced and induced pATOM36 RNAi cells together with in vitro import experiments suggest that pATOM36 might be a novel protein import factor acting on a subset of alpha-helically anchored mitochondrial outer membrane proteins. Identification of pATOM36 interaction partners by co-immunoprecipitation together with immunofluorescence analysis shows that unexpectedly a fraction of the protein is associated with the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). This complex is essential for proper inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA in T. brucei. It forms a physical connection between the single unit mitochondrial DNA and the basal body of the flagellum that is stable throughout the cell cycle. Thus, pATOM36 simultaneously mediates ATOM assembly, and thus protein import, as well as mitochondrial DNA inheritance since it is an essential component of the TAC.


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OBJECTIVE The treatment of lupus nephritis is still an unmet medical need requiring new therapeutic approaches. Our group found recently that irinotecan, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I (topo I), reversed proteinuria and prolonged survival in mice with advanced lupus nephritis. While irinotecan is known to stabilize the complex of topo I and DNA, the enzyme tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP-1) functions in an opposing manner by releasing topo I from DNA. Therefore, we undertook this study to test whether the TDP-1 inhibitor furamidine has an additional effect on lupus nephritis when used in combination with irinotecan. METHODS NZB/NZW mice were treated with low-dose irinotecan and furamidine either alone or in combination beginning at age 26 weeks. DNA relaxation was visualized using gel electrophoresis. Binding of anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies to DNA modified by topo I, TDP-1, and the topo I inhibitor camptothecin was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Compared to treatment with either agent alone, simultaneous treatment with low-dose irinotecan and furamidine significantly improved survival of NZB/NZW mice. Similar to what has been previously shown for irinotecan alone, the combination treatment did not change the levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies. In vitro, recombinant TDP-1 increased topo I-mediated DNA relaxation, resulting in enhanced binding of anti-dsDNA antibodies. In combination with topo I and camptothecin, TDP-1 reversed the inhibitory effects of camptothecin on DNA relaxation and anti-dsDNA binding. CONCLUSION Affecting DNA relaxation by the enzymes topo I and TDP-1 and their inhibitors may be a promising approach for the development of new targeted therapies for systemic lupus erythematosus.


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A core from a coral colony of Porites lutea was analysed for stable oxygen isotopic composition*. A 200-year proxy record of sea surface temperatures from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands off west Australia was obtained from coral delta18O. At 29°S, the Houtman Abrolhos are the southernmost major reef complex of the Indian Ocean. They are located on the path of the Leeuwin Current, a southward flow of warm, tropical water, which is coupled to Indonesian throughflow. Coral delta18O primarily reflects local oceanographic and climatic variability, which is largely determined by spatial variability of the Leeuwin Current. However, coherence between coral delta18O and the current strength itself is relatively weak. Evolutionary spectral and singular spectrum analyses of coral delta18O demonstrate a high variability in spectral composition through time. Oscillations in the 5-7-y, 14-15-y, and quasi-biennial bands reflect teleconnections of local sea surface temperature (SST) to tropical Pacific climate variability. Deviations between local (coral-based) and regional (instrument) SST contain a cyclic component with a period of 15 y. Coral delta18O suggests a rise in SST by 0.6°C since AD 1944, consistent with available instrumental SST records. A long-term warming by 1.4°C since AD 1795 is inferred from the coral record.


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La Tesis intenta presentar un estado de la cuestión en las temáticas de comprensión lectora y pensamiento crítico, dos dimensiones centrales de la educación media y universitaria. En la primera, se halla implicada toda una gama de operaciones y habilidades cognoscitivas que confluyen para producir un logro intelectual básico, la captación de los significados de un texto escrito, vehículo privilegiado para la adquisición del conocimiento en la educación formal. Pero, puesto que a la compresión ha de seguir el discernimiento, tanto de la validez formal cuanto del contenido de verdad, se ha de procurar también el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias que van más allá de las básicas y que parcialmente son las que la investigación actual aborda bajo el título de pensamiento crítico. Sin embargo, dados algunos límites que a nuestro juicio muestran los enfoques contemporáneos (que hemos sintetizado como formalismo-funcionalismo), en la segunda instancia de la tesis pretendemos, por una parte, mostrar nuestros propios modos e instrumentos para evaluar ambas competencias y, por otra, plasmar una propuesta de intervención pedagógica en la cual se contribuya a promover objetivos integrales de la educación intelectual, tratando de superar las limitaciones anotadas.


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A technique of zooplankton net sampling at night in the Kandalaksha and Dvinskii Bays and during the full tide in the Onezhskii Bay of the White Sea allowed us to obtain "clean" samples without considerable admixtures of terrigenous particulates. Absence of elements-indicators of the terrigenous particulates (Al, Ti, and Zr) in the EDX spectra allows to conclude that ash composition of tested samples is defined by constitutional elements comprising organic matter and integument (chitin, shells) of plankton organisms. A quantitative assessment of accumulation of ca. 40 chemical elements by zooplankton based on a complex of modern physical methods of analysis is presented. Values of the coefficient of the biological accumulation of the elements (Kb) calculated for organic matter and the enrichment factors (EF) relative to Clarke concentrations in shale are in general determined by mobility of the chemical elements in aqueous solution, which is confirmed by calculated chemical speciation of the elements in the inorganic subsystem of surface waters of Onezhskii Bay.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Se exploran las significaciones imaginarias que se materializan en los discursos publicitarios sobre los aparatos lectores de libros electrónicos comúnmente denominados "e-readers". Se parte de la hipótesis de que se cruzan significaciones imaginarias asociadas tanto al imaginario neotecnológico de las tecnologías digitales (Cabrera, 2006, 2011) como a lo que podríamos denominar el imaginario del "orden de los libros" (Chartier, 2000, 2005). Para realizar la exploración se analizan los discursos publicitarios de las páginas Web de tres casos: las marcas Kindle de Amazon, Kobo y Bq de Movistar. Se concluye que los e-readers son aparatos que participan del imaginario neotecnológico y vienen a integrar el complejo de las tecnologías digitales para la vida cotidiana, y que remiten también en gran medida a las significaciones imaginarias que dieron lugar a la hegemonía del papel en la cultura occidental por más de cinco siglos.


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Alteration in a submarine remnant volcanic arc should leave an important record of (1) the mineralogy of sea water-volcanic arc rock interaction; (2) the chemistry of solid reaction products; (3) the isotopic characteristics of such reactions (Muehlenbachs and Clayton, 1972; Spooner, Beckinsale, et al , 1977; Spooner, Chapman, et al., 1977); (4) the metallogenesis within such a sequence (Mitchell and Bell, 1973); and (5) the geothermal gradient during the alteration. The volcaniclastic breccias, tuffs, and igneous units of Sites 448 (993 m) and 451 (930.5 m) on the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, respectively, are particularly suited for such studies because the thick sequences have remained submarine throughout their history, seemingly unaffected by magmatic or hydrothermal events after cessation of volcanic activity. Also, shipboard observations indicated a change in alteration products with depth. At both sites the igneous units and volcaniclastic rocks were altered to brownish clays and zeolites near the top of the volcanic sequence; to bright blue green clays and zeolites at moderate depths; and to very dark, nearly opaque, forest green clays and zeolites at still greater depths. Native copper occurs both as disseminated pockets in the volcaniclastic breccias and vesicular basalts and as veins in the breccias; native copper is restricted to stratigraphic levels characterized by the absence of sulfides or oxides of copper and iron. Although some native copper is found in vesicles of basalts and may be orthomagmatic, most of it is clearly secondary. Near dikes and sills, higher sulfur fugacity conditions caused the precipitation of iron and copper sulfides with an absence of native copper (Garrels and Christ, 1965). The occurrence of native copper may be an initial stage of Cu metallogenesis that forms porphyry coppers in island arcs (Mitchell and Bell, 1973). This study will address primarily the possibility that hydrothermal sea water interaction with volcanic arc rocks has created the mineralogical and isotopic zonation in Leg 59 cores. Hydrothermal activity can be expected in a rapidly growing island arc and is probably the result of a high geothermal gradient prevalent during arc magmatic activity. The chemical character of the alteration is further discussed by Hajash (1981).


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Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl content varies from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. Bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, varies from 0.17 to 0.60% in ocean and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in bone phosphate. Na content in most samples is higher relative to Na of NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples indicating partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. Behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean floor is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.


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In 2008, the City Council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Spain) decided to promote the construction of “Rivasecopolis”, a complex of sustainable buildings in which a new prototype of a zero-energy house would become the office of the Energy Agency. According to the initiative of the City Council, it was decided to recreate the dwelling prototype “Magic-box” which entered the 2005 Solar Decathlon Competition. The original project has been adapted to a new necessities programme, by adding the necessary spaces that allows it to work as an office. A team from university has designed and carried out the direction of the construction site. The new Solar House is conceived as a “testing building”. It is going to become the space for attending citizens in all questions about saving energy, energy efficiency and sustainable construction, having a permanent small exhibition space additional to the working places for the information purpose. At the same time, the building includes the use of experimental passive architecture systems and a monitoring and control system. Collected data will be sent to University to allow developing research work about the experimental strategies included in the building. This paper will describe and analyze the experience of transforming a prototype into a real durable building and the benefits for both university and citizens in learning about sustainability with the building