1000 resultados para Ievleva, Elena
Des de 2004, un equip de professorat de l"àrea de Filologia (literatura) i ara també de Filosofia de la Universitat de Barcelona treballa en una experiència d"innovació docent anomenada Lletra de Dona. Es tracta de potenciar un tipus de tasques ressenya o comentari que faciliten l"avaluació continuada en aquests àmbits. Aquesta eina avaluadora serveix de base també per a una publicació en línia que inicia l"alumnat en el món de la crítica literària i treballa competències ètiques (responsabilitat d"autoria, visibilitat de la producció literària i filosòfica femenina) i professionalitzadores.
The natural formation of the bioactive C17-polyacetylenes (−)-(R)-panaxynol and panaxydol was analyzed by 13C-labeling experiments. For this purpose, plants of Panax ginseng were supplied with 13CO2 under field conditions or, alternatively, sterile root cultures of P. ginseng were supplemented with [U-13C6]glucose. The polyynes were isolated from the labeled roots or hairy root cultures, respectively, and analyzed by quantitative NMR spectroscopy. The same mixtures of eight doubly 13C-labeled isotopologues and one single labeled isotopologue were observed in the C17-polyacetylenes obtained from the two experiments. The polyketide-type labeling pattern is in line with the biosynthetic origin of the compounds via decarboxylation of fatty acids, probably of crepenynic acid. The 13C-study now provides experimental evidence for the biosynthesis of panaxynol and related polyacetylenes in P. ginseng under in planta conditions as well as in root cultures. The data also show that 13CO2 experiments under field conditions are useful to elucidate the biosynthetic pathways of metabolites, including those from roots.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a existência de concordância entre os métodos radioisotópico e radiológico e, em caso positivo, avaliar a utilidade do SPECT ictal na determinação do foco epileptogênico. Foram realizados SPECT ictal, ressonância magnética (RM) e ressonância magnética com espectroscopia de prótons (RME) em seis pacientes com epilepsia de lobo temporal refratária. O SPECT ictal foi realizado após a retirada das drogas antiepilépticas durante monitoramento por vídeo-EEG, utilizando-se o 99mTc-ECD, administrado aos pacientes no início da crise. As imagens de RM foram obtidas em T1, T2 e FLAIR, com cortes de 3 e 5 mm de espessura, e a RME foi realizada com técnica PRESS, com voxel único posicionado no hipocampo, bilateralmente. A análise estatística incluiu os valores de Kappa (k), erro-padrão (ep) e o nível de significância (p) para a lateralização do foco. Os achados foram analisados com base na localização por EEG da descarga ictal, no tempo de duração da crise (109-280 s; média: 152 s) e no tempo de administração do traçador (30-262 s; média: 96 s). Obtivemos dados correlatos em quatro pacientes (67%), com valores de k = 0,67, ep = 0,38 e p = 0,041. Concluímos que existe concordância entre SPECT ictal, RM e RME, e a utilidade do procedimento radioisotópico está relacionada aos casos em que o EEG não é diagnóstico e quando há discordância ou indefinição diagnóstica na análise comparativa entre EEG, RM e RME.
We have investigated the effect of nicotinic receptor ligands in the behavioral sensitization (hyperlocomotion) and rewarding properties (conditioned place preference paradigm, CPP) of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) in mice. Each animal received intraperitoneal pretreatment with either saline, dihydro-β-erythroidine (DHβE, 1 mg/kg) or varenicline (VAR, 0.3 mg/kg), 15 min prior to subcutaneous saline or MDMA (5 mg/kg), for 10 consecutive days. On day 1, both DHβE and VAR inhibited the MDMA-induced hyperlocomotion. After 10 days of treatment, MDMA induced a hyperlocomotion that was not reduced (rather enhanced) in antagonist-pretreated animals. This early hyperlocomotion was accompanied by a significant increase in heteromeric nicotinic receptors in cortex that was not blocked by DHβE or VAR. Behavioral sensitization to MDMA was highest 2 weeks after the discontinuation of MDMA treatment. This additional increase in sensitivity was prevented in animals pretreated with DHβE or VAR. At this time, MDMA-treated mice showed a significant increase in heteromeric receptors in cortex that was prevented by DHβE and VAR. An involvement of α7 nicotinic receptors in this effect is ruled out. MDMA (10 mg/kg) induced positive CPP that was abolished by DHβE (2 mg/kg) and VAR (2 mg/kg). Moreover, chronic nicotine pretreatment (2 mg/kg, ip, b.i.d., for 14 days) caused MDMA, administered at a low dose (3 mg/kg), to induce CPP, which would otherwise not occur. Finally, present results point out that heteromeric nicotinic receptors are involved in locomotor sensitization and addictive potential induced by MDMA. Thus, varenicline might be a useful drug to treat both tobacco and MDMA abuse at once.
Objetivo La mayoría de enfermos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se controla en atención primaria de salud (APS). La atención y educación proporcionadas por enfermería son clave para controlar la glucemia y prevenir las complicaciones macro y microangiopáticas de la DM. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la proporción de carga asistencial atribuible a la DM en consultas de enfermería de APS. Material y método Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. Durante 2 semanas consecutivas se registraron datos de todos los enfermos que acudieron a 15 consultas de enfermería de APS ubicadas en 14 Áreas Básicas de Salud (ABS) de la provincia de Barcelona. Las variables de estudio fueron: edad, sexo, situación laboral, motivo de consulta, duración de la visita, presencia de DM y, en los enfermos diabéticos, el tipo de tratamiento. La recogida de datos se realizó en 2 períodos. El primero entre noviembre del año 2003 y enero del 2004 y el segundo en abril de 2005. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de estas variables con un intervalo de confianza del 95% y la asociación entre variables mediante el programa SPSS v.11.1. Resultados Tenía DM el 29% de los pacientes. La DM es el primer motivo de consulta (29,1%), aumenta con la edad y llega al 40% en mayores de 65 años. La duración media de una visita por DM es de 14,59 min, un 30,8% más elevada que la duración media del resto de los problemas de salud. Globalmente, las mujeres consultan más que los varones (56,6%) excepto en DM, curas y hábito tabáquico. Conclusiones La DM es el problema de salud que genera más demanda y consume más tiempo de enfermería en la APS. Esta realidad y el futuro que se prevé con relación al incremento de la prevalencia de DM exigen considerar nuevas estrategias organizativas y formativas, y establecer criterios para mejorar la gestión de recursos y promover estrategias educativas más efectivas.
Opinnäytetyö tutkii improvisaatioteatterin yritysmyyntipalveluiden tuotteistamista. Erityisesti työssä kohdennetaan huomio improvisaatioteattereiden yritysmyyntipalveluihin ja tarkastellaan improvisaatioteatterin tuotteistamiseen liittyviä käytänteitä. Työn alussa kartoitetaan tuotteistamiseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Työn aineistona käytetään improvisaatioteattereiden omia kotisivuja. Valmiin aineiston lisäksi työssä on haastateltu kahta improvisaatioteatterin asiantuntijaa. Aineiston analyysitapana on käytetty sisällön erittelyä. Työn empiirisen osan alussa kartoitetaan suomalaisen improvisaatioteatterikentän jäsentymistä. Erityisesti ollaan kiinnostuneita siitä, kuinka paljon improvisaatioryhmiä on tällä hetkellä ja mihin ne ovat sijoittuneet. Lisäksi työssä kartoitetaan improvisaatioteattereiden yritysmyyntipalveluiden tuotteistamisen tapoja improvisaatioteattereiden kotisivujen tarkastelun ja esimerkkitapauksen avulla. Esimerkkinä työssä toimii Improvisaatioteatteri Ars Peukinen. Improvisaatioteatterit yllättivät määrällään: Suomessa on ryhmiä jo yli viisikymmentä. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena esitetään, että palveluiden tuotteistamista ei alalla kovin aktiivisesti harjoiteta, eikä tuotteistamiseen liittyviä termejä ole totuttu käyttämään. Työn lopussa ehdotetaan kehittämisehdotuksia tehokkaamman tuotteistamisen saavuttamiseksi.
Objetivo La mayoría de enfermos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se controla en atención primaria de salud (APS). La atención y educación proporcionadas por enfermería son clave para controlar la glucemia y prevenir las complicaciones macro y microangiopáticas de la DM. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la proporción de carga asistencial atribuible a la DM en consultas de enfermería de APS. Material y método Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. Durante 2 semanas consecutivas se registraron datos de todos los enfermos que acudieron a 15 consultas de enfermería de APS ubicadas en 14 Áreas Básicas de Salud (ABS) de la provincia de Barcelona. Las variables de estudio fueron: edad, sexo, situación laboral, motivo de consulta, duración de la visita, presencia de DM y, en los enfermos diabéticos, el tipo de tratamiento. La recogida de datos se realizó en 2 períodos. El primero entre noviembre del año 2003 y enero del 2004 y el segundo en abril de 2005. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de estas variables con un intervalo de confianza del 95% y la asociación entre variables mediante el programa SPSS v.11.1. Resultados Tenía DM el 29% de los pacientes. La DM es el primer motivo de consulta (29,1%), aumenta con la edad y llega al 40% en mayores de 65 años. La duración media de una visita por DM es de 14,59 min, un 30,8% más elevada que la duración media del resto de los problemas de salud. Globalmente, las mujeres consultan más que los varones (56,6%) excepto en DM, curas y hábito tabáquico. Conclusiones La DM es el problema de salud que genera más demanda y consume más tiempo de enfermería en la APS. Esta realidad y el futuro que se prevé con relación al incremento de la prevalencia de DM exigen considerar nuevas estrategias organizativas y formativas, y establecer criterios para mejorar la gestión de recursos y promover estrategias educativas más efectivas.
Recopilació bibliogràfica de Lluís Esteva i Cruañas
Dual diagnosis (DD) is the co-occurrence, in the same person, of a mental disorder (MD) and a substance use disorder (SUD). Nowadays, the study of the personality with DD is realized mainly from a categorical view, focusing on the detection of personality disorders and not on the traits associated to DD and the possible differential profile compared to those patients with only MD or SUD. Studies analyzing personality traits of patients with DD and their possible differential profile are very limited. However, existing data indicates that DD patients show higher levels of Sensation Seeking, Impulsivity, Harm Avoidance and Neuroticism; and lower levels of Persistence, Self-Direction, Self-Transcendence and Cooperation. Therefore, DD is associated to personality characteristics that suggest more disruptive behaviors, fewer resources for recovering and keeping abstinent and worse prognosis compared to those with only one disorder. Progress in the characterization of personality traits in DD, taking into consideration the methodological aspects to be improved could allow better adaptation of the integrated treatment of these patients in the future.
En la realitat quotidiana, el que veiem, el que sentim i el que compartim és emmarcat cada vegada més en un entorn més ampli, en un espai geogràfic i de contactes i relacions humanes extenses a nivell mundial.
We presented a bird-monitoring database inMediterranean landscapes (Catalonia, NE Spain) affected by wildfires and we evaluated: 1) the spatial and temporal variability in the bird community composition and 2) the influence of pre-fire habitat configuration in the composition of bird communities. The DINDIS database results fromthemonitoring of bird communities occupying all areas affected by large wildfires in Catalonia since 2000.We used bird surveys conducted from 2006 to 2009 and performed a principal components analysis to describe two main gradients of variation in the composition of bird communities, which were used as descriptors of bird communities in subsequent analyses. We then analysed the relationships of these community descriptors with bioclimatic regions within Catalonia, time since fire and pre-fire vegetation (forest or shrubland).We have conducted 1,918 bird surveys in 567 transects distributed in 56 burnt areas. Eight out of the twenty most common detected species have an unfavourable conservation status, most of them being associated to open-habitats. Both bird communities’ descriptors had a strong regional component and were related to pre-fire vegetation, and to a lesser extent to the time since fire.We came to the conclusion that the responses of bird communities to wildfires are heterogeneous, complex and context dependent. Large-scale monitoring datasets, such as DINDIS, might allow identifying factors acting at different spatial and temporal scales that affect the dynamics of species and communities, giving additional information on the causes under general trends observed using other monitoring systems
Rationale Methylone, a new drug of abuse sold as"bath salts' has similar effects to ecstasy or cocaine. Objective We have investigated changes in dopaminergic and serotoninergic markers, indicative of neuronal damage, induced by methylone in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum of mice and according two different treatment schedules. Methods Methylone was given subcutaneously to male Swiss CD1 mice and at an ambient temperature of 26ºC. Treatment A: three doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3.5 h interval between doses for two consecutive days. Treatment B: four doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3 h interval in one day. Results Repeated methylone administration induced hyperthermia and a significant loss in body weight. Following treatment A, methylone induced transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotoninergic (hippocampus) impairment. Following treatment B, transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotonergic (frontal cortex and hippocampus) changes 7 days after treatment were found. We found evidence of astrogliosis in the CA1 and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus following treatment B. The animals also showed an increase in immobility time in the forced swim test, pointing to a depressive-like behavior. In cultured cortical neurons, methylone (for 24 and 48 h) did not induce a remarkable cytotoxic effect. Conclusions The neural effects of methylone differ depending upon the treatment schedule. Neurochemical changes elicited by methylone are apparent when administered at an elevated ambient temperature, four times per day at 3 h intervals, which is in accordance with its short half-life.