948 resultados para Hypoxia-ischaemia
The nuclear Dbf2-related protein kinases 1 and 2 (NDR1/2) are closely-related AGC family kinases that are strongly conserved through evolution. In mammals, they are activated inter alia by phosphorylation of an hydrophobic domain threonine-residue [NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442)] by an extrinsic protein kinase followed by autophosphorylation of a catalytic domain serine-residue [NDR1(Ser-281)/NDR2(Ser-282)]. We examined NDR1/2 expression and regulation in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and in perfused adult rat hearts. In myocytes, transcripts for NDR2, but not NDR1, were induced by the hypertrophic agonist, endothelin-1. NDR1(Thr-444) and NDR2(Thr-442) were rapidly phosphorylated (maximal in 15-30 min) in myocytes exposed to some phosphoprotein Ser-/Thr-phosphatase 1/2 inhibitors (calyculin A, okadaic acid) and, to a lesser extent, by hyperosmotic shock, low concentrations of H(2)O(2), or chelerythrine. In myocytes adenovirally-transduced to express FLAG-NDR2 (which exhibited a mainly-cytoplasmic localisation), the same agents increased FLAG-NDR2 activity as assessed by in vitro protein kinase assays, indicative of FLAG-NDR2(Ser-282/Thr-442) phosphorylation. Calyculin A-induced phosphorylation of NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) and activation of FLAG-NDR2 were inhibited by staurosporine, but not by other protein kinase inhibitors tested. In ex vivo rat hearts, NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) were phosphorylated in response to ischaemia-reperfusion or calyculin A. From a pathological viewpoint, we conclude that activities of NDR1 and NDR2 are responsive to cytotoxic stresses in heart preparations and this may represent a previously-unidentified response to myocardial ischaemia in vivo.
Within a changing climate, Mediterranean ‘Garrigue’ xerophytes are increasingly recommended as suitable urban landscape plants in north-west Europe, based on their capacity to tolerate high temperature and reduced water availability during summer. Such species, however, have a poor reputation for tolerating waterlogged soils; paradoxically a phenomenon that may also increase in north-west Europe due to predictions for both higher volumes of winter precipitation, and short, but intensive periods of summer rainfall. This study investigated flooding tolerance in four landscape ‘Garrigue’ species, Stachys byzantina, Cistus × hybridus, Lavandula angustifolia and Salvia officinalis. Despite evolving in a dry habitat, the four species tested proved remarkably resilient to flooding. All species survived 17 days flooding in winter, with Stachys and Lavandula also surviving equivalent flooding duration during summer. Photosynthesis and biomass production, however, were strongly inhibited by flooding although the most tolerant species, Stachys quickly restored its photosynthetic capacity on termination of flooding. Overall, survival rates were comparable to previous studies on other terrestrial (including wetland) species. Subsequent experiments using Salvia (a species we identified as ‘intermediate’ in tolerance) clearly demonstrated adaptations to waterlogging, e.g. acclimation against anoxia when pre-treated with hypoxia. Despite anecdotal information to the contrary, we found no evidence to suggest that these xerophytic species are particularly intolerant of waterlogging. Other climatic and biotic factors may restrict the viability and distribution of these species within the urban conurbations of north-west Europe, but we believe increased incidence of flooding per se should not preclude their consideration.
Tumor cell survival and proliferation is attributable in part to suppression of apoptotic pathways, yet the mechanisms by which cancer cells resist apoptosis are not fully understood. Many cancer cells constitutively express heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which catabolizes heme to generate biliverdin, Fe(2+), and carbon monoxide (CO). These breakdown products may play a role in the ability of cancer cells to suppress apoptotic signals. K(+) channels also play a crucial role in apoptosis, permitting K(+) efflux which is required to initiate caspase activation. Here, we demonstrate that HO-1 is constitutively expressed in human medulloblastoma tissue, and can be induced in the medulloblastoma cell line DAOY either chemically or by hypoxia. Induction of HO-1 markedly increases the resistance of DAOY cells to oxidant-induced apoptosis. This effect was mimicked by exogenous application of the heme degradation product CO. Furthermore we demonstrate the presence of the pro-apoptotic K(+) channel, Kv2.1, in both human medulloblastoma tissue and DAOY cells. CO inhibited the voltage-gated K(+) currents in DAOY cells, and largely reversed the oxidant-induced increase in K(+) channel activity. p38 MAPK inhibition prevented the oxidant-induced increase of K(+) channel activity in DAOY cells, and enhanced their resistance to apoptosis. Our findings suggest that CO-mediated inhibition of K(+) channels represents an important mechanism by which HO-1 can increase the resistance to apoptosis of medulloblastoma cells, and support the idea that HO-1 inhibition may enhance the effectiveness of current chemo- and radiotherapies.
Our understanding of vascular endothelial cell physiology is based on studies of endothelial cells cultured from various vascular beds of different species for varying periods of time. Systematic analysis of the properties of endothelial cells from different parts of the vasculature is lacking. Here, we compare Ca(2+) homeostasis in primary cultures of endothelial cells from human internal mammary artery and saphenous vein and how this is modified by hypoxia, an inevitable consequence of bypass grafting (2.5% O(2), 24 h). Basal [Ca(2+)]( i ) and store depletion-mediated Ca(2+) entry were significantly different between the two cell types, yet agonist (ATP)-mediated mobilization from endoplasmic reticulum stores was similar. Hypoxia potentiated agonist-evoked responses in arterial, but not venous, cells but augmented store depletion-mediated Ca(2+) entry only in venous cells. Clearly, Ca(2+) signaling and its remodeling by hypoxia are strikingly different in arterial vs. venous endothelial cells. Our data have important implications for the interpretation of data obtained from endothelial cells of varying sources.
The peroxisomal proliferating-activated receptors (PPARs) are lipid-sensing transcription factors that have a role in embryonic development, but are primarily known for modulating energy metabolism, lipid storage, and transport, as well as inflammation and wound healing. Currently, there is no consensus as to the overall combined function of PPARs and why they evolved. We hypothesize that the PPARs had to evolve to integrate lipid storage and burning with the ability to reduce oxidative stress, as energy storage is essential for survival and resistance to injury/infection, but the latter increases oxidative stress and may reduce median survival (functional longevity). In a sense, PPARs may be an evolutionary solution to something we call the 'hypoxia-lipid' conundrum, where the ability to store and burn fat is essential for survival, but is a 'double-edged sword', as fats are potentially highly toxic. Ways in which PPARs may reduce oxidative stress involve modulation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP) expression (thus reducing reactive oxygen species, ROS), optimising forkhead box class O factor (FOXO) activity (by improving whole body insulin sensitivity) and suppressing NFkB (at the transcriptional level). In light of this, we therefore postulate that inflammation-induced PPAR downregulation engenders many of the signs and symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, which shares many features with the acute phase response (APR) and is the opposite of the phenotype associated with calorie restriction and high FOXO activity. In genetically susceptible individuals (displaying the naturally mildly insulin resistant 'thrifty genotype'), suboptimal PPAR activity may follow an exaggerated but natural adipose tissue-related inflammatory signal induced by excessive calories and reduced physical activity, which normally couples energy storage with the ability to mount an immune response. This is further worsened when pancreatic decompensation occurs, resulting in gluco-oxidative stress and lipotoxicity, increased inflammatory insulin resistance and oxidative stress. Reactivating PPARs may restore a metabolic balance and help to adapt the phenotype to a modern lifestyle.
Background—A major problem in procurement of donor hearts is the limited time a donor heart remains viable. After cardiectomy, ischemic hypoxia is the main cause of donor heart degradation. The global myocardial ischemia causes a cascade of oxygen radical formation that cumulates in an elevation in hydrogen ions (decrease in pH), irreversible cellular injury, and potential microvascular changes in perfusion. Objective—To determine the changes of prolonged storage times on donor heart microvasculature and the effects of intermittent antegrade perfusion. Materials and Methods—Using porcine hearts flushed with a Ribosol-based cardioplegic solution, we examined how storage time affects microvascular myocardial perfusion by using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging at a mean (SD) of 6.1 (0.6) hours (n=13) or 15.6 (0.6) hours (n=11) after cardiectomy. Finally, to determine if administration of cardioplegic solution affects pH and microvascular perfusion, isolated hearts (group 1, n=9) given a single antegrade dose, were compared with hearts (group 2, n=8) given intermittent antegrade cardioplegia (150 mL, every 30 min, 150 mL/min) by a heart preservation device. Khuri pH probes in left and right ventricular tissue continuously measured hydrogen ion levels, and perfusion intensity on magnetic resonance images was plotted against time. Results—Myocardial perfusion measured via magnetic resonance imaging at 6.1 hours was significantly greater than at 15.6 hours (67% vs 30%, P= .00008). In group 1 hearts, the mean (SD) for pH at the end of 6 hours decreased to 6.2 (0.2). In group 2, hearts that received intermittent antegrade cardioplegia, pH at the end of 6 hours was higher at 6.7 (0.3) (P=.0005). Magnetic resonance imaging showed no significant differences between the 2 groups in contrast enhancement (group 1, 62%; group 2, 40%) or in the wet/dry weight ratio. Conclusion—Intermittent perfusion maintains a significantly higher myocardial pH than does a conventional single antegrade dose. This difference may translate into an improved quality of donor hearts procured for transplantation, allowing longer distance procurement, tissue matching, improved outcomes for transplant recipients, and ideally a decrease in transplant-related costs.
Factor Inhibiting HIF (FIH) is an oxygen-dependent asparaginyl hydroxylase that regulates the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Several proteins containing ankyrin repeat domains have been characterised as substrates of FIH, although there is little evidence for a functional consequence of hydroxylation on these substrates. This study demonstrates that the transient receptor potential vanilloid 3 (TRPV3) channel is hydroxylated by FIH on asparagine 242 within the cytoplasmic ankyrin repeat domain. Hypoxia, FIH inhibitors and mutation of asparagine 242 all potentiated TRPV3-mediated current, without altering TRPV3 protein levels, indicating that oxygen-dependent hydroxylation inhibits TRPV3 activity. This novel mechanism of channel regulation by oxygendependent asparaginyl hydroxylation is likely to extend to other ion channels.
Background Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) are neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction, alongside unusually repetitive behaviours and narrow interests. Asperger Syndrome (AS) is one subgroup of ASC and differs from classic autism in that in AS there is no language or general cognitive delay. Genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors are implicated in ASC and genes involved in neural connectivity and neurodevelopment are good candidates for studying the susceptibility to ASC. The aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) gene encodes a transcription factor involved in neurodevelopmental processes, neuronal connectivity and cellular responses to hypoxia. A mutation in this gene has been identified in individuals with ASC and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been nominally associated with AS and autistic traits in previous studies. Methods In this study, we tested 34 SNPs in ARNT2 for association with AS in 118 cases and 412 controls of Caucasian origin. P values were adjusted for multiple comparisons, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) among the SNPs analysed was calculated in our sample. Finally, SNP annotation allowed functional and structural analyses of the genetic variants in ARNT2. We tested the replicability of our result using the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) database of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC). Results We report statistically significant association of rs17225178 with AS. This SNP modifies transcription factor binding sites and regions that regulate the chromatin state in neural cell lines. It is also included in a LD block in our sample, alongside other genetic variants that alter chromatin regulatory regions in neural cells. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that rs17225178 in the ARNT2 gene is associated with AS and support previous studies that pointed out an involvement of this gene in the predisposition to ASC.
Background Vascular hyperproliferative disorders are characterized by excessive smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation leading to vessel remodeling and occlusion. In pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), SMC phenotype switching from a terminally differentiated contractile to synthetic state is gaining traction as our understanding of the disease progression improves. While maintenance of SMC contractile phenotype is reportedly orchestrated by a MEF2C-myocardin (MYOCD) interplay, little is known regarding molecular control at this nexus. Moreover, the burgeoning interest in microRNAs (miRs) provides the basis for exploring their modulation of MEF2C-MYOCD signaling, and in turn, a pro-proliferative, synthetic SMC phenotype. We hypothesized that suppression of SMC contractile phenotype in pulmonary hypertension is mediated by miR-214 via repression of the MEF2C-MYOCD-leiomodin1 (LMOD1) signaling axis. Methods and Results In SMCs isolated from a PAH patient cohort and commercially obtained hPASMCs exposed to hypoxia, miR-214 expression was monitored by qRT-PCR. miR-214 was upregulated in PAH- vs. control subject hPASMCs as well as in commercially obtained hPASMCs exposed to hypoxia. These increases in miR-214 were paralleled by MEF2C, MYOCD and SMC contractile protein downregulation. Of these, LMOD1 and MEF2C were directly targeted by the miR. Mir-214 overexpression mimicked the PAH profile, downregulating MEF2C and LMOD1. AntagomiR-214 abrogated hypoxia-induced suppression of the contractile phenotype and its attendant proliferation. Anti-miR-214 also restored PAH-PASMCs to a contractile phenotype seen during vascular homeostasis. Conclusions Our findings illustrate a key role for miR-214 in modulation of MEF2C-MYOCD-LMOD1 signaling and suggest that an antagonist of miR-214 could mitigate SMC phenotype changes and proliferation in vascular hyperproliferative disorders including PAH.
In mussels, stress signals such as heat, osmotic shock and hypoxia lead to the activation of the phosphorylated p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (pp38-MAPK). This stress activated protein has been efficiently used as a biomarker to several natural and anthropogenic stresses. However, what has not been tested is whether differences in gender or size can affect the response of this biomarker. The present study tested whether there was variation in the expression of pp38-MAPK in mussels Perna perna of different gender and size classes when exposed to natural stress conditions, such as air exposure. The results show that gender does not affect the expression of pp38-MAPK. However, size does have an effect, where mussels smaller than 6.5 cm displayed significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of pp38-MAPK when compared to those larger than 7 cm. Mussels are one of the most used bioindicator species and the use of biomarkers to determine the health status of an ecosystem has been greatly increasing over the years. The present study highlights the importance of using mussels of similar size classes when performing experiments using stress-related biomarkers.
In this study we investigated energy metabolism in the mdx mouse brain. To this end, prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, striatum, and cortex were analyzed. There was a decrease in Complex I but not in Complex 11 activity in all structures. There was an increase in Complex III activity in striatum and a decrease in Complex IV activity in prefrontal cortex and striatum. Mitochondrial creatine kinase activity was increased in hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, cortex, and striatum. Our results indicate that there is energy metabolism dysfunction in the mdx mouse brain. Muscle Nerve 41: 257-260, 2010
Neonatal anoxia is a worldwide clinical problem that has serious and lasting consequences. The diversity of models does not allow complete reproducibility, so a standardized model is needed. In this study, we developed a rat model of neonatal anoxia that utilizes a semi-hermetic system suitable for oxygen deprivation. The validity of this model was confirmed using pulse oximetry, arterial gasometry, observation of skin color and behavior and analysis of Fos immunoreactivity in brain regions that function in respiratory control. For these experiments, 87 male albino neonate rats (Rattus norvegicus, lineage Wistar) aged approximate 30 postnatal hours were divided into anoxia and control groups. The pups were kept in an euthanasia polycarbonate chamber at 36 +/- 1 degrees C, with continuous 100% nitrogen gas flow at 3 L/min and 101.7 kPa for 25 min. The peripheral arterial oxygen saturation of the anoxia group decreased 75% from its initial value. Decreased pH and partial pressure of oxygen and increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide were observed in this group, indicating metabolic acidosis, hypoxia and hypercapnia. respectively. Analysis of neuronal activation showed Fos immunoreactivity in the solitary tract nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus and the area postrema, confirming that those conditions activated areas related to respiratory control in the nervous system. Therefore, the proposed model of neonatal anoxia allows standardization and precise control of the anoxic condition, which should be of great value in indentifying both the mechanisms underlying neonatal anoxia and novel therapeutic strategies to combat or prevent this widespread public health problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The caudal pressor area (CPA) is a brainstem area located close to the spinal cord. The activation of the CPA increases sympathetic activity and mean arterial pressure (MAP) by mechanisms dependent on the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract (commNTS) and rostroventrolateral medulla, however, the signals that activate the CPA to produce these responses are still unknown. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the activity of glutamatergic and GABAergic mechanisms from the CPA and commNTS in rats exposed to hypoxia and the effects of the inhibition of CPA neurons on cardiorespiratory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor activation with i.v. sodium cyanide (NaCN). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-280 g, n=5-8/group) were used. In conscious rats, most of the commNTS neurons (66 +/- 11%) and part of the CPA neurons (36 +/- 7%) activated by hypoxia (8% O2) were glutamatergic (contained VGLUT2mRNA). Small part of the neurons activated during hypoxia was GABAergic (contained GAD-67mRNA) in the commNTS (9 +/- 4%) or the CPA (6 +/- 2%). In urethane anesthetized rats, the inhibition of CPA neurons with bilateral injections of muscimol (GABA-A agonist, 2 mM) reduced baseline MAP, splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND). Muscimol into the CPA also reduced by around 50% the pressor and sympathoexcitatory responses and the increase in PND to peripheral chemoreceptor activation with NaCN (50 mu g/kg i.v.), without changing sympathetic baroreflex responses. These data suggest that CPA mechanisms facilitate cardiorespiratory responses to peripheral chemoreflex activation. Immunohistochemistry results also suggest that at least part of the CPA mechanisms activated by hypoxia is glutamatergic. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A rise in arterial PCO(2) stimulates breathing and sympathetic activity to the heart and blood vessels. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) and glutamatergic mechanisms in the Botzinger/C1 region (Botz/C1) in these responses. Splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (sSND) and phrenic nerve discharge (PND) were recorded in urethane-anesthetized, sino-aortic-denervated, vagotomized, and artificially ventilated rats subjected to hypercapnia (end-expiratory CO(2) from 5% to 10%). Phrenic activity was absent at end-expiratory CO(2) of 4%, and strongly increased when end-expiratory CO(2) reached 10%. Hypercapnia also increased sSND by 103 +/- 7%. Bilateral injections of the GABA-A agonist muscimol (2 mM) into the RTN eliminated the PND and blunted the sSND activation (Delta = +56 +8%) elicited by hypercapnia. Injections of NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 (100 mM), non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX; 100 mM) or metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist (+/-)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG; 100 mM) bilaterally into the Botz/C1 reduced PND (Delta = +43 +/- 7%, +52 +/- 6% or +56 +/- 11%, respectively). MCPG also reduced sSND (Delta = +41 +/- 7%), whereas AP-5 and DNQX had no effect. In conclusion, the increase in sSND caused by hypercapnia depends on increased activity of the RTN and on metabotropic receptors in the Botz/C1, whereas PND depends on increased RTN activity and both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors in the Botz/C1.
Redox processes associated with controlled generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by NADPH oxidase (Nox) add an essential level of regulation to signaling pathways underlying physiological processes. We evaluated the ROS generation in the main visual relays of the mammalian brain, namely the superior colliculus (SC) and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG), after ocular enucleation in adult rats. Dihydroethidium (DHE) oxidation revealed increased ROS generation in SC and DLG between 1 and 30 days postlesion. ROS generation was decreased by the Nox inhibitors diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) and apocynin. Real-time PCR results revealed that Nox 2 was upregulated in both retinorecipient structures after deafferentation, whereas Nox 1 and Nox 4 were upregulated only in the SC. To evaluate the role of ROS in structural remodeling after the lesions, apocynin was given to enucleated rats and immunohistochemistry was conducted for markers of neuronal remodeling into SC and DLG. Immunohistochemical data showed that ocular enucleation produces an increase of neurofilament and microtubule-associated protein-2 immunostaining in both SC and DLG, which was markedly attenuated by apocynin treatment. Taken together, the findings of the present study suggest a novel role for Nox-induced ROS signaling in mediating neuronal remodeling in visual areas after ocular enucleation. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.