991 resultados para História das Relações Internacionais
O estudo analisa a inserção do crime organizado transnacional na agenda de segurança dos Estados Unidos e sua qualificação como uma das principais ameaças contemporâneas à ordem internacional pós Guerra Fria. Os resultados apontam a importância dos dois mandatos de Clinton (1993-2001) neste processo, cuja maior expressão é a Presidential Decision Directive 42, ao viabilizar, inclusive, a reorganização das estruturas policiais, militares e de Inteligência do país para combater esta ameaça. Conclui-se que a década de 1990 é o momento determinante da identificação norte-americana desta criminalidade como uma ameaça inédita, estrangeira e de grandes proporções.
The article is intended to debate two questions regarding the involvement of the Commission in the Troika's action: firstly, considering the nature of financial assistance programs, it aims to discuss the effect of the Commission's participation in Troika negotiations on the balance of power of the EU institutions; and secondly, the article raises the issue of the Commission's liability for the results achieved by the financial assistance program, taking into account the extent of the conditions imposed, as well as the intensity of scrutiny by the Troika.
Ensaio de caráter histórico sobre as grandes mudanças ocorridas na economia mundial, da belle époque a Bretton Woods, enfatizando elementos de continuidade e de ruptura, tanto no plano do comércio, como no das finanças internacionais, bem como aspectos institucionais. Dentre os primeiros elementos se situam a permanência de um mesmo grupo de nações de economia avançada no pelotão das potências dominantes que formulam e determinam a agenda política internacional, bem como a importância do poderio tecnológico e industrial para apoiar a projeção estratégica e militar dessas potências; dentre as rupturas podem ser citadas a derrota dos emergentes, em especial Japão e Alemanha, que desafiaram a ordem política e econômica mundial mediante tentativas de projeção imperial que destoavam dos esforços de interdependência global que estavam sendo construídos pelas principais economias de mercado, todas de orientação política liberal democrática. A outra potência emergente no período, a União Soviética, foi relativamente marginal economicamente no período e só projetaria poder, verdadeiramente, no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Por que o Brasil tem tradicionalmente adotado postura defensiva em negociações multilaterais sobre o comércio de serviços? São três as principais categorias explicativas comumente usadas para entender os determinantes domésticos da diplomacia econômica: interesses, instituições e ideias. Neste estudo, avalio o papel dessas variáveis na determinação da posição brasileira nas negociações de serviços da Rodada Uruguai. O estudo de caso apresentado se vale de fontes primárias e entrevistas para reconstituir a posição negociadora do país ao longo da rodada, identificar as preferências dos atores governamentais e não governamentais relevantes e apontar os mecanismos e instâncias de interação entre governo e setor privado.
This text focuses on the major drivers of Brazilian agricultural cooperation in Africa as conceived and pursued from 2004 to 2014, with emphasis on the impacts of political and economic international changes that took place in that period, and particularly the impacts of the 2008 economic crisis, in framing Brazil's foreign policy and development assistance initiatives. It addresses current international forces and developments at the systemic level, but also analyses recent economic domestic developments, in particular those directly related to Brazilian agriculture and those related to the policy framework of its evolving internationalization. Special attention is paid to the dual dimensions of Brazilian agricultural policy and to its projection in agricultural cooperation as pursed in Africa.
Is it possible to talk about the rise of a new global (dis)order founded on the challenges posed by environmental issues? Through the review of the state of the art on the subject, this article analyzes the growing importance of the environment, and natural resources in particular, in international relations; and aims to raise awareness among International Relations scholars to the potential positive impact of the development of the discipline in integration with global environmental change studies.
This article addresses three questions: why there was a surge in regional cooperation projects in Latin America in the last decade; how to characterize the current multi-faceted scenario; and how to make this complexity work. After a review of six theoretical perspectives, an original conceptual approach is proposed: "modular regionalism." This credibly answers the three questions and offers policy recommendations.
The United States has gone further than any country in the "privatization of security". Other countries may find the economic or financial logic in the use of contractors persuasive. The US experience with contracting out security, particularly in Iraq, was problematic, and can serve as a cautionary tale in order that other countries might learn how to avoid the pitfalls.
Abstract This article presents the increasing demands over the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty) for opening its doors to other actors. This discussion will be followed by relevant theoretical and methodological analysis. We will defend the need to overcome problems related to: 1) conceptual vagueness about what the concept of participation means; 2) lack of clarity in the baseline to which comparisons are made; 3) fragile empirical basis; 4) limitations on the use of sources; and 5) how to understand the impact exerted by systemic forces.
Abstract This paper uses the framework of the Copenhagen School to understand the process of securitization of cyberspace, exploring how something in such sphere becomes a threat. Seeking to contribute to the debate, this study analyses the securitization discourses of Brazil and of the United States from Hansen and Nissenbaum's (2009) theorization about the existence of a specific sector for cybersecurity. To comprehend the securitization of cyberspace in these terms allows not only to identify distinct levels of securitization, but also to capture the dynamics of cyber threats, distinguishing them from those existent in other sectors, as well as to trace distinctions between tendencies of securitization and militarization.
Abstract The European Union (EU) is one of the world´s leading donors in official development assistance (ODA) to give a strong weight in the relationship with recipient partner countries, in particular with those that are more dependent on it. Besides the material weight of its funding, the EU has retained historical ties and influence in diplomatic, political and economic terms in many of its ODA recipient partner countries (particular in Sub-Saharan Africa). Since the 2000s, the EU development policy has not only undergone major structural changes in its institutional framework but also has started to face a new international aid scenario. This paper explores why a normative-based EU development policy is being challenged by reformed EU institutions and a new global order, and how the EU is attempting to respond to this context in face of the deepest recession since the end of the Second World War.
Abstract This article addresses the role of Pope Francis in the interfaith and inter-civilization dialogue of the Holy See. Specifically, it analyses the main aspects of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Russia, China, Islamic countries and Israel, and provides perspectives on the inter-civilization diplomacy of the Holy See during the current pontificate.
Abstract In 1975, Brazil voted in favor of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 3379 (XXX), equating Zionism with a form of racism. Focusing on the decision-making process of president Ernesto Geisel's (1974-1979) foreign policy, "responsible pragmatism", this article discusses how the ultimate decision to vote in favor of resolution was taken taking into account mainly US-Brazil relationship.
Abstract This paper analyses public opinion during the João Goulart government in Brazil (1961-1964), focusing on public perceptions on domestic and foreign policies. We employ a recently declassified public opinion survey conducted on behalf of United States Information Agency (USIA) in urban areas. We found that the Brazilian public opinion was somewhat coherent, supporting redistributive reforms domestically and a neutralist approach in foreign affairs.
Abstract This study will exam the relative importance of values and interests in Obama's foreign policy, focusing on crucial cases: the military actions related to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Non-Syria, Al-Qaeda and ISIL. We will argue that his "leading from behind" strategy is not very distant from the foreign and defense strategies of his post-Cold War predecessors, by which democracy is seen as an assurance to security. According to Obama's strategy, Americans will only provide support for the building of democracy in the target countries, while this task should be performed by the locals themselves. Americans will provide military training to the new governments as well so they can be responsible for their own security, including preventing regrouping of terrorists in their soil. If Obama opposes the imposing of democracy by the use of force, empirical data shows that his administration is "not prepared to accept" any option that threats US security or American liberal-democratic values, bringing in this way values and interests very close to each other.