854 resultados para Health of ethnic minority women and Gender-Based Violence.
Esta tese de doutoramento tem como objectivo geral compreender as experiências de autonomia individual na actual geração de adultos mais velhos, enquadrados pelas construções identitárias de género e assumindo como plataforma de observação as vivências quotidianas de saúde. Para tanto, justifica-se a centralidade do valor da autonomia individual na contemporaneidade, para depois se problematizar o conceito a partir de uma perspectiva feminista, com base na conceptualização proposta por este corpo teórico. O feminismo propõe a adopção do conceito de autonomia relacional, que ao reconhecer a natureza social do self e das identidades, é capaz de proporcionar uma leitura crítica e contextualizada da autonomia de cada sujeito, por integrar não só as especificidades, estímulos, oportunidades e contingências de um tempo e de um espaço social, como também o poder resolutivo, transformador e de resistência da agência individual. A vivência da velhice constitui, cada vez mais, um exercício de individualidade. No envelhecer, a vivência da saúde ganha especiais contornos. Não só porque o cuidar de si se tornou um aspecto biográfico de progressiva acentuação, como também por ser este um tempo da vida em que os dilemas, inquietações e exigências com o corpo se acentuam. A individualização dos trajectos biográficos que nas sociedades contemporâneas surge com cada vez maior expressão sugere a importância do estudo das diferentes ecologias sociais, com base na precisão e no detalhe. A tese adoptou uma estratégia metodológica de estudos de casos, concretizada num estudo de caso múltiplo, de tipo qualitativo. Os sentidos conferidos às experiências da autonomia individual pela actual geração de adultos mais velhos, nos seus quotidianos de saúde, mobilizam e matizam diferentes modelos culturais, iluminando a ideia de uma transição sociocultural que abandona parcialmente certos aspectos, mas que mantém tantos outros. No envelhecer, a vivência da autonomia individual é mediatizada por diferentes performatividades femininas e masculinas, tendo sido três os espaços principais de expressão social da autonomia, resultantes do seu cruzamento com o género, enquanto dimensão de análise principal. Tem-se que estas diferenças entre espaços factoriais vêm demonstrar o hibridismo dos posicionamentos resultante da crescente individualidade das trajectórias de vida. Face à saúde, a capacidade de adaptação e de auto-gestão mais positivos relacionam-se, face às mulheres, com a expressão singular de uma maior individualidade e, face aos homens, com o valor social conferido a diferentes masculinidades.
The main feature of the so called multiproblem families is the persistence along time of a set of problems in various areas of the individual’s functioning in several family members.This research study aims: a) To identify and characterise the major health problems faced by the members of these families; b) To explore the perceived relevance of these problems; c) To explore the perceived effectiveness of health care interventions received by respondents; d) To explore the level of control perceived over these problems.
OBJECTIVE: Brazil is the country with the largest community of Japanese descendants in the world, from a migration movement that started in 1908. However, more recently (1988), a movement in the opposite direction began. Many of these descendants went to Japan for work purposes and suffered mental distress. Some of them sought treatment in Japan, while others returned to Brazil to seek treatment. The aim of the present study was to compare the sociodemographic profile and diagnoses of Japanese Brazilian psychiatric outpatients in Japan (remaining group) and in Brazil (returning group). METHOD: All consecutive Japanese Brazilian outpatients who received care from the psychiatric units in Japan and Brazil from April 1997 to April 2000 were compared. The diagnoses were based on ICD-10 and were made by psychiatrists. Sociodemographic data and diagnoses in Brazil and Japan were compared by means of the Chi-Squared Test. RESULTS: The individuals who returned to Brazil were mostly male and unmarried, had lived alone in Japan, had stayed there for short periods and were classified in the schizophrenia group. The individuals who remained in Japan were mostly female and married, were living with family or friends, had stayed there for long periods and were classified in the anxiety group. Logistic regression showed that the most significant factors associated with the returning group were that they had lived alone and stayed for short periods (OR = 0.93 and 40.21, respectively). CONCLUSION: We conclude that living with a family and having a network of friends is very important for mental health in the context evaluated.
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica
This study aimed to investigate both anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum, comparing women and men and first and second-time parents. Methods: A sample of 260 Portuguese couples (N=520), first or second-time parents, recruited in an Obstetrics Out-patients Unit, filled in the State-Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) and the Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pregnancy trimesters, childbirth, and 3-months postpartum. Results: A decrease in anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum was found in both women and men, as well as in first and second-time parents. Men presented less anxiety and depression symptoms than women, but the same pattern of symptoms over time. Second-time parents showed more anxiety and depression symptoms than first-time parents and a different pattern of symptoms over time: an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms from the 3rd trimester to childbirth was observed in first-time parents versus a decrease in second-time parents. Limitations: The voluntary nature of the participation may have lead to a selection bias; women and men who agreed to participate could be those who presented fewer anxiety and depression symptoms. Moreover, the use of self-report symptom measures does not give us the level of possible disorder in participants. Conclusions: Anxiety and depression symptoms diminish from pregnancy to the postpartum period in all parents. Patterns of anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum are similar in women and men, but somewhat different in first and second time parents. Second-time parents should also be considered while studying and intervening during pregnancy and the postpartum.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac arrhythmias during and after pregnancy in women with Chagas' disease without apparent heart disease using dynamic electrocardiography. METHODS: Twenty pregnant women with Chagas' disease without apparent heart disease aged 19 to 42 years (26.96 ± 3.6) and a control group of 20 non-chagasic pregnant patients aged 16 to 34 years (22.5 ± 4.8). The patients were submitted to passive hemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence for the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi evaluation, and electrocardiography, echocardiography and 24-h dynamic electrocardiography. RESULTS: Supraventricular premature depolarizations were observed in 18 (90%) patients and ventricular premature depolarization in 11 (55%) patients of both groups during pregnancy. After delivery, supraventricular premature depolarizations were present in 13 (60%) chagasic patients and in 16 (89.4%) control patients (P<=0.05). Ventricular premature depolarization were observed in 9 (45%) chagasic patients and 11 (57.8%) control patients. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of ventricular premature depolarization was similar for the chagasic and control groups during and after pregnancy. The incidence of supraventricular premature depolarizations was similar in the two groups during pregnancy, while after delivery a predominance was observed in the control group compared to the chagasic group.
Se propone desarrollar e integrar estudios sobre Modelado y Resolución de Problemas en Física que asumen como factores explicativos: características de la situación planteada, conocimiento de la persona que resuelve y proceso puesto en juego durante la resolución. Interesa comprender cómo los estudiantes acceden al conocimiento previo, qué procedimientos usan para recuperar algunos conocimientos y desechar otros, cuáles son los criterios que dan coherencia a sus decisiones, cómo se relacionan estas decisiones con algunas características de la tarea, entre otras. Todo ello con miras a estudiar relaciones causales entre las dificultades encontradas y el retraso o abandono en las carreras.Se propone organizar el trabajo en tres ejes, los dos primeros de construcción teórica y un tercero de implementación y transferencia. Se pretende.1.-Estudiar los procesos de construcción de las representaciones mentales en resolución de problemas de física, tanto en expertos como en estudiantes de diferentes niveles académicos.2.-Analizar y clasificar las inferencias que se producen durante las tareas de comprensión en resolución de problemas de física. Asociar dichas inferencias con procesos de transición entre representaciones mentales de diferente naturaleza.3.-Desarrollar materiales y diseños instruccionales en la enseñanza de la Física, fundamentado en un conocimiento de los requerimientos psicológicos de los estudiantes en diversas tareas de aprendizaje.En términos generales se plantea un enfoque interpretativo a la luz de marcos de la psicología cognitiva y de los desarrollos propios del grupo. Se trabajará con muestras intencionales de alumnos y profesores de física. Se utilizarán protocolos verbales y registros escritos producidos durante la ejecución de las tareas con el fin de identificar indicadores de comprensión, inferencias, y diferentes niveles de representación. Se prevé analizar material escrito de circulación corriente sea comercial o preparado por los docentes de las carreras involucradas.Las características del objeto de estudio y el distinto nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran los diferentes ojetivos específicos llevan a que el abordaje contemple -según consideracion de Juni y Urbano (2006)- tanto la lógica cualitativa como la cuantitativa.
Identificación y caracterización del problema: El problema que guía este proyecto, pretende dar respuesta a interrogantes tales como: ¿De qué modo el tipo de actividades que se diseñan, se constituyen en dispositivos posibilitadores de la comprensión de los temas propios de cada asignatura, por parte de los alumnos? A partir de esta pregunta, surge la siguiente: Al momento de resolver las actividades, ¿qué estrategias cognitivas ponen en juego los estudiantes? y ¿cuáles de ellas favorecen procesos de construcción del conocimiento? Hipótesis: - Las asignaturas cuyas actividades están elaboradas bajo la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y Estudio de Casos, propician aprendizajes significativos por parte de los estudiantes. - Las actividades elaboradas bajo la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Estudio de Casos requieren de procesos cognitivos más complejos que los que se implementan en las de tipo tradicional. Objetivo: - Identificar el impacto que tienen las actividades de aprendizaje de tipo tradicional y las elaboradas bajo la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y Estudio de Casos, en el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Materiales y Métodos: a) Análisis de las actividades de aprendizaje del primero y segundo año de la carrera de Abogacía, bajo lamodalidad a Distancia. b) Entrevistas tanto a docentes contenidistas como así también a los tutores. c) Encuestas y entrevistas a los alumnos. Resultados esperados: Se pretende confirmar que las actividades de aprendizaje, diseñadas bajo la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Estudio de Casos, promueven aprendizajes significativos en los alumnos. Importancia del proyecto y pertinencia: La relevancia del presente proyecto se podría identificar a través de dos grandes variables vinculadas entre sí: la relacionada con el dispositivo didáctico (estrategias implementadas por los alumnos) y la referida a lo institucional (carácter innovador de la propuesta de enseñanza y posibilidad de extenderla a otras cátedras). El presente proyecto pretende implementar mejoras en el diseño de las actividades de aprendizaje, a fin de promover en los alumnos la generación de ideas y soluciones responsables y el desarrollo de su capacidad analítica y reflexiva.
Se estudiarán los mecanismos de reacción electroquímica de las micotoxinas (metabolitos tóxicos generados por hongos) citrinina (CIT), patulina (PAT) y moniliformina (MON), de los antioxidantes naturales alfa, beta, gama y delta tocoferoles, de los flavonoides fisetina (FIS), morina (MOR), luteolina (LUT), rutina (RUT), buteina (BUT), naringenina (NAR) y miricetina (MIR) y de las hormonas esteroides estradiol (EDIOL), estrona (EONA) y estriol (ETRIOL). Por otra parte, se implementarán técnicas electroanalíticas para la detección y cuantificación de estos sustratos en muestras de matrices naturales que los contengan. Se realizará el diseño y caracterización de biosensores enzimáticos a partir de peroxidasas y/o fosfatasa alcalina para la determinación de la micotoxina CIT y de los flavonoides y, por otro, de inmunosensores para las micotoxinas ocratoxina A (OTA) y PAT y hormonas. Para el anclaje de enzimas y/o anticuerpos, se estudiarán las propiedades de electrodos modificados por monocapas autoensambladas, nanotubos de carbono y partículas magnéticas. Se usarán las técnicas de voltamperometría cíclica, de onda cuadrada y de redisolución con acumulación adsortiva, espectroscopías de impedancia electroquímica, electrólisis a potencial controlado, uv-vis e IR, microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo y microscopías de alta resolución (SEM, TEM, AFM). La importancia de este proyecto apunta a la obtención de nuevos datos electroquímicos de los sustratos indicados y conocimientos relacionados con la aplicación de electrodos modificados en la preparación de biosensores y en el desarrollo de técnicas alternativas para la determinación de los analitos mencionados precedentemente. Electrochemical reaction mechanisms of mycotoxins (toxic metabolites generated by fungi) citrinin (CIT), Patulin (PAT) and moniliformin (MON), natural antioxidants alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols, flavonoids fisetin (FIS), morin (MOR), luteolin (LUT), rutin (RUT), butein (BUT), naringenin (NAR), miricetin (MIR) and steroid hormones estradiol (EDIOL), estrone (EONA) and estriole (ETRIOL) will be explored. On the other hand, electroanalytical techniques for the detection and quantification of these substrates in samples of natural matrices will be implemented. The design and characterization of enzymatic biosensors from peroxidases and/or from alkaline phosphatase for the determination of CIT and flavonoids, and also of inmunosensors for ochratoxin A (OTA) and PAT and hormones will be performed. For the anchor of enzymes and/or antibody, properties of electrodes modified by self assembled monolayers, carbon nanotubes and magnetic particles will be explored. Cyclic, square wave and adsorptive stripping voltammetries, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, controlled potential electrolysis, uv-vis and IR, quartz crystal microbalance and high-resolution microcopies (SEM, TEM, AFM) will be used. The importance of this project is aimed at obtaining new electrochemical data for the indicated substrates and knowledge on the application of modified electrodes in preparation of biosensors and in the development of alternative techniques for the determination of the above-mentioned analytes.
This research uses the textile/text axis concept as a conceptual tool to investigate the role of textile and text in contemporary women’s art practice and theorizing, investigating textile as a largely hitherto unacknowledged element in women’s art practice of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Textile and text share a common etymological root, from the Latin textere to weave, textus a fabric. The thesis illuminates the pathways whereby textile and text played an important role in women reclaiming a speaking voice as creators of culture and signification during a revolutionary period of renewal in women’s cultural contribution and positioning. The methodological approach used in the research consisted of a comprehensive literature review, the compilation of an inventory of relevant women artists, developing a classificatory system differentiating types of approaches, concerns and concepts underpinning women’s art practice vis a vis the textile/text axis and a series of three in-depth case studies of artists Tracey Emin, Louise Bourgeois and Faith Ringgold. The thesis points to the fact that contemporary women artists and theorists have rounded their art practice and aesthetic discourse in textile as prime visual metaphor and signifier, turning towards the ancient language of textile not merely to reclaim a speaking voice but to occupy a ground breaking locus of signification and representation in contemporary culture. The textile/text axis facilitated women artists in powerfully countering a culturally inscribed status of Lacanian ‘no-woman’ (a position of abjection, absence and lack in the phallocentric symbolic). Turning towards a language of aeons, textile as fertile wellspring, the thesis identifies the methodologies and strategies whereby women artists have inserted their webs of subjectivities and deepest concerns into the records and discourses of contemporary culture. Presenting an anatomy of the textile/text axis, the thesis identifies nine component elements manifesting in contemporary women’s aesthetic practice and discourse. In this cultural renaissance, the textile/text axis, the thesis suggests, served as a complex lexicon, a system of labyrinthine references and signification, a site of layered meanings and ambiguities, a body proxy and a corporeal cartography, facilitating a revolution in women’s aesthetic praxis.
Direct methanol fuel cell, DMFC, model, mass transport, Maxwell-Stefan, Flory-Huggins, crossover, polymer electrolyte membrane, Nafion
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Humanwiss., Diss., 2012