816 resultados para Health care providing
The Irish health care system is based on a complex and costly mix of private, statutory, and voluntary provisions. The majority of health care expenditure comes from the state, with a significant proportion of acute hospital care funded from private insurance, but there are relatively high out-of-pocket costs for most service users. There is free access to acute hospital care, but not for primary care, for all children. About 40% of the population have free access to primary care. Universal preventive public health services, including vaccination and immunization, newborn blood spot screening, and universal neonatal hearing screening are free. Major health challenges include poverty, obesity, drug and alcohol use, and mental health. The health care system has been dominated for the last 5 years by the impact of the current recession, which has led to very sharp cuts in health care expenditure. It is unclear if the necessary substantial reform of the system will happen. Government policy calls for a move toward a patient-centered, primary care-led system, but without very substantial transfers of resources and investment in Information and Communication Technology, this is unlikely to occur. The paper has been published as part of an overall report of Child Health in Europe: Diversity of Child Health Care in Europe: A Study of the European Paediatric Association/Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations http://www.jpeds.com/issue/S0022-3476(16)X0010-8 . (J Pediatr 2016;177S:S87-106).
Problem Statement: Chronic disease entails physical, psychological and social issues with a decrease in the quality of life. The assessment of QoL has been applied as indicator in patients with chronic diseases. Research Questions: What is the quality of life in patients with chronic disease? What are the socio-demographic variables that influence the quality of life in patients? Purpose: To assess the quality of life in patients suffering from chronic disease and identify socio-demographic variables which influence the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic disease. Research Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study using a sample composed of 228 users (134 females) from a Family Health Unit in the municipality of Viseu. Data collection was made by means of a questionnaire, consisting of sociodemographic variables, the SF-12 scale and the existence of chronic disease was assessed through the questions – “Do you currently suffer from any chronic disease?”; “If so, which one(s)?”. Findings: The most common chronic diseases were hypertension (59.9%). Female patients with a chronic disease reported worse physical functioning, role-physical and role-emotional; increased bodily pain and better quality of life regarding general health. Male patients showed worse role-physical, increased bodily pain and vitality. Sociodemographic variables which were associated with quality of life were area of residence, academic qualifications and work situation. Conclusion: Chronic disease affects quality of life negatively. Quality of life in both patients groups was associated with socio-demographic variables. Health-related quality of life is an essential issue and should be considered as a priority in health policies.
Introdução: A satisfação dos doentes constitui um indicador indispensável para a avaliação da qualidade dos cuidados e há evidência da sua correlação com os resultados em saúde. A satisfação com os cuidados de saúde é um conceito multidimensional que considera aspetos como acesso, organização e interação doente - profissional. Consideramos que os cuidados de enfermagem, em particular, são fundamentais no processo saúde/doença. Objetivos: Validar uma escala para avaliar a satisfação dos utentes face aos cuidados de enfermagem, adaptado do instrumento EUROPEP e avaliar a satisfação dos utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários da região centro de Portugal. Material e métodos: Estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 827 utentes adultos (maioria do sexo feminino 64,4%) com uma média de idade de 50,08±18,58 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário, constituído por variáveis sociodemográficas, o instrumento EUROPEP (Ferreira, 1995) para avaliar a satisfação com os cuidados de saúde primários e para avaliar a satisfação especificamente com a equipa de enfermagem elaboramos questões adaptadas do instrumento EUROPEP e agrupadas nas dimensões relação de ajuda, dimensão interpessoal e instrumental. A consistência interna, reprodutibilidade e análise de conteúdo foram avaliados com recurso ao SPSS 23.0; considerando a consistência aceitável para um de Cronbach > 0,70. O coeficiente para cada item é apresentado com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Em todas as dimensões do questionário EUROPEP, a maior percentagem de satisfação com os cuidados situou-se entre “boa” e “muito boa”. As dimensões criadas para avaliar especificamente os cuidados de enfermagem apresentaram um coeficiente de α de Cronbach total de 0,972. Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que as dimensões criadas para avaliar os cuidados de enfermagem serão úteis para a investigação na população Portuguesa. A satisfação do utente é decisiva para a qualidade e eficiência dos cuidados prestados, sendo necessário o compromisso de todos os prestadores na implementação de práticas sistemáticas de gestão que conduzam à satisfação, dando particular atenção à melhoria contínua dos processos organizacionais. Palavras-chave: Satisfação dos Utentes; cuidados de saúde primários, cuidados de enfermagem, adulto, Portugal
This is a redacted version of the the final thesis. Copyright material has been removed to comply with UK Copyright Law.
Background: Physician-rating websites have become a popular tool to create more transparency about the quality of health care providers. So far, it remains unknown whether online-based rating websites have the potential to contribute to a better standard of care. Objective: Our goal was to examine which health care providers use online rating websites and for what purposes, and whether health care providers use online patient ratings to improve patient care. Methods: We conducted an online-based cross-sectional study by surveying 2360 physicians and other health care providers (September 2015). In addition to descriptive statistics, we performed multilevel logistic regression models to ascertain the effects of providers' demographics as well as report card-related variables on the likelihood that providers implement measures to improve patient care. Results: Overall, more than half of the responding providers surveyed (54.66%, 1290/2360) used online ratings to derive measures to improve patient care (implemented measures: mean 3.06, SD 2.29). Ophthalmologists (68%, 40/59) and gynecologists (65.4%, 123/188) were most likely to implement any measures. The most widely implemented quality measures were related to communication with patients (28.77%, 679/2360), the appointment scheduling process (23.60%, 557/2360), and office workflow (21.23%, 501/2360). Scaled-survey results had a greater impact on deriving measures than narrative comments. Multilevel logistic regression models revealed medical specialty, the frequency of report card use, and the appraisal of the trustworthiness of scaled-survey ratings to be significantly associated predictors for implementing measures to improve patient care because of online ratings. Conclusions: Our results suggest that online ratings displayed on physician-rating websites have an impact on patient care. Despite the limitations of our study and unintended consequences of physician-rating websites, they still may have the potential to improve patient care.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.
RESUMO - Portugal atravessa um contexto socioeconómico conturbado onde se têm imposto várias reformas, nomeadamente ao nível da Saúde. Atualmente, o financiamento do internamento hospitalar é feito por grupos de diagnóstico homogéneo com base num sistema prospetivo, reunindo os episódios em grupos clinicamente coerentes e homogéneos, de acordo com o consumo de recursos necessário para o seu tratamento, tendo em conta as suas características clínicas. Apesar do objetivo deste sistema de classificação de doentes, é aceite que existe variabilidade no consumo de recursos entre episódios semelhantes, sendo que a mesma variabilidade pode representar uma diferença significativa nos custos de tratamento. Os Traumatismos Cranio-encefálicos são considerados um problema de saúde pública, pelo que os episódios selecionados para este estudo tiveram por base os diagnósticos mais comuns relacionados com esta problemática. Procurou-se estudar a relação entre o consumo esperado e o observado bem como, a forma em que esta relação é influenciada por diferentes variáveis. Para verificar a existência de variabilidade no consumo de recursos, bem como as variáveis mais influentes, foi utilizada a regressão linear e constatou-se que variáveis como a idade, o destino pós-alta e o distrito têm poder explicativo sobre esta relação. Verificou-se igualmente que na sua generalidade as instituições hospitalares são eficientes na prestação de cuidados. Compreender a variabilidade do consumo de recursos e as suas implicações no financiamento poderá suscitar a dúvida se a utilização de GDH será o mais adequado à realidade portuguesa, de forma a ajustar as políticas de saúde, mantendo a eficiência e a qualidade dos cuidados.
Atualmente a melhoria da qualidade nos cuidados de saúde implica a passagem de uma prática baseada na experiência para uma baseada na evidência científica; na melhoria tendo por premissa não só o desempenho profissional, mas também os cidadãos como parceiros; de uma qualidade mono-disciplinar, para cuidados partilhados; de uma educação profissional contínua e avaliações de qualidade, para uma gestão da saúde, num contexto de melhoria contínua da qualidade. À Ordem dos Enfermeiros é imputada a defesa da qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem à população. Cabe a cada enfermeiro, individualmente e em coletivo no contexto do seu exercício, refletir, analisar e prosseguir diariamente na procura da excelência do exercício. A gestão da qualidade parte do empenhamento dos profissionais que funcionando como um todo dentro de um núcleo específico com o objetivo de atingirem o mesmo fim, estabelecem estratégias que visem alcançar esse fim. Neste contexto surge a elaboração do Manual / Instruções de Trabalho para a integração e prestação de cuidados dos enfermeiros e alunos de enfermagem no Programa de Saúde Infantil e Juvenil na Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados da Baixa da Banheira. Visando a melhoria da articulação, comunicação, continuidade de cuidados, entre a equipa de Enfermagem, pois só em conjunto se poderá desenvolver ações que visem a aquisição dessa qualidade e que contribuam para o desenvolvimento / harmonioso da criança / jovem e sua família.
Abstract Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women worldwide and, therefore, deserves the highest attention and assistance from medical services. Considering patients’ satisfaction as an indication of healthcare quality, women who have undergone a mastectomy will assess the medical care received. This assessment will be based on what is expected from that medical care and on the expected improvement of her health condition. . Objective: To determine the level of satisfaction of women who have undergone a mastectomy with the medical care provided by nurses, doctors and by the way hospital services are organized. Design: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, developed in Portugal. Participants: A non-probabilistic sample formed by 153 women who underwent a mastectomy with an average age of 55, married (67.3%), unemployed (56.2%), living in a rural area (71.2%) and living on minimum wage (54.9%). Measurement instrument: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) IN-PATSAT32 questionnaire. Results: 113 (73.85%) of the 153 women are satisied with the medical care provided and 40 (26.14%) of them show their lack of satisfaction. A highly signiicant percentage of women (49.01%) feel fairly satisied with the medical care provided by nurses and with the way services are organized (37.9). On the other hand (37.9%) show their dissatisfaction towards doctors. The family network proved to be a predictor of the satisfaction with doctors (β = 0.163; P = .044) and the period of hospitalization predicts the satisfaction with the organization (β = 0.171; P = .011). Both predictors will be useful to explain the 3% variability in patients’ satisfaction. Conclusions: Monitoring the satisfaction with the medical care received is a fundamental strategy to promote the well-being of women who underwent a mastectomy.
Introduction: Family members including children are all impacted by a family member’s mental illness. Although mental health services are increasingly encouraged to engage in family-focused practice, this is not a well-understood concept or practice in mental health care. Methods: An integrative review using systematic methods was conducted with international literature, with the aim of identifying concepts and practices of family-focused practice in child and youth and adult mental health services. Results: Findings from 40 peer-reviewed literature identified a range of understandings and applications of family-focused practice, including who comprises the ‘family’, whether the focus is family of origin or family of procreation or choice, and whether the context of practice is child and youth or adult. ‘Family’ as defined by its members forms the foundation for practice that aims to provide a whole-of-family approach to care. Six core practices comprise a family focus to care: assessment; psychoeducation; family care planning and goal-setting; liaison between families and services; instrumental, emotional and social support; and a coordinated system of care between families and services. Conclusion: By incorporating key principles and the core family-focused practices into their care delivery, clinicians can facilitate a whole-of-family approach to care and strengthen family members’ wellbeing and resilience, and their individual and collective health outcomes.
Objective: To identify and analyze the production of knowledge about the strategies that health care institutions have implemented to humanize care of hospitalized children. Method: This is a systematic review conducted in the Virtual Health Library - Nursing and SciELO, using the seven steps proposed by the Cochrane Handbook. Results: 15 studies were selected, and strategies that involved relationship exchanges were used between the health professional, the hospitalized child and their families, which may be mediated by leisure activities, music and by reading fairy tales. We also include the use of the architecture itself as a way of providing welfare to the child and his/her family, as well as facilitating the development of the work process of health professionals. Conclusion: Investments in research and publications about the topic are necessary, so that, the National Humanization Policy does not disappear and that the identified strategies in this study do not configure as isolated and disjointed actions of health policy.
The mission of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is “Promoting and Protecting the Health of Iowans.” In addition to its larger role in population health preparedness, surveillance, and response, IDPH has historically funded a broad array of health-related services to a “covered population” of approximately 1,000,000 Iowa residents through a varied network of local community-based “safety-net” provider contractors. Those health-related services range from funding direct healthcare services like immunizations and vision screening to providing or funding facilitative services like transportation and care coordination. While all Iowans may be eligible for some IDPH-funded direct healthcare service, such as smoking cessation, the individuals most often eligible for these services have traditionally been the uninsured and under-insured. As uninsured Iowans become enrolled in health plan options available through the Iowa Health and Wellness Plan (IHAWP) and the Marketplace, IDPH anticipates that many direct healthcare services funded by IDPH will become covered benefits or services under new plans, changing the demand for IDPH-funded services.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of residents residing in 2 long-term care facilities and determine if dental hygiene education was required in order to improve their current oral health. The oral health status of 6 independent and 4 dependent individuals residing in 2 long-term care facilities was evaluated. In addition, the current oral health and disease prevention practices employed by 4 caregivers who were responsible for providing oral care to dependent residents in the long-term care facilities were evaluated. Furthermore, an evaluation of the oral care practices of independent residents who were responsible for providing their own care was conducted. Finally, the challenges that caregivers and independent residents faced when performing oral care were determined, and methodological changes were proposed. Using a generic qualitative research methodology, data collection was comprised of semi structured interviews, field observations, and documentation. The oral health status of the residents was reevaluated 3 months later. The findings of this study demonstrated an increase in plaque accumulation, gingival inflammation, and unhealthy gingival tissue colour changes among the residents over the 3-month period. The study revealed that poor oral health among the residents was a result of inadequate oral hygiene care techniques, difficulties accessing oral health care, financial limitations, insufficient care staff, insufficient time for personal care duties, lack of professional development, minimal interprofessional collaboration of health disciplines, and lack of perseverance on the part of the caregivers and residents. Overall, oral health is essential, and maintaining optimal oral health requires increased collaboration and communication between health care providers.
OBJETIVE: This study aimed to assess the practices of pharmacists in Hospital Care. Method - we interviewed 20 pharmacists from the Pharmacy Division by applying a structured instrument, in September 2005. This instrument addressed aspects related to the main activities at the Hospital Pharmacy, which were assessed according to indicators organized into five areas: sector management, hospital pharmacotechniques, committee activities, information and pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, as well as teaching and research activities.RESULTS: the Pharmacy Division considered all structural aspects under analysis as essential for the good development and application of its services. We found that some essential services, such as the Medication Information Service and Pharmacotherapeutic Follow-up, were absent. Pharmacist professionals were dissatisfied about human resource and physical structure dimensioning, and they presented as not very active in terms of Pharmaceutical Care.CONCLUSION: Results indicate that care is still centered on the drug, with few clinical activities. We suggest reformulations in service management, particularly in the management of pharmacists.
A questionnaire was mailed to 148 publicly and privately supported academic health sciences libraries affiliated with Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)–accredited medical schools in the United States and Canada to determine level of access and services provided to the general public. For purposes of this study, “general public” was defined as nonaffiliated students or health care professionals, attorneys and other nonhealth-related professionals, patients from affiliated or other hospitals or clinics, and general consumers. One hundred five (71%) libraries responded. Results showed 98% of publicly supported libraries and 88% of privately supported libraries provided access to some or all of the general public. Publicly supported libraries saw greater numbers of public patrons, often provided more services, and were more likely to circulate materials from their collections than were privately supported libraries. A significant number of academic health sciences libraries housed a collection of consumer-oriented materials and many provided some level of document delivery service, usually for a fee. Most allowed the public to use some or all library computers. Results of this study indicated that academic health sciences libraries played a significant role in serving the information-seeking public and suggested a need to develop written policies or guidelines covering the services that will be provided to minimize the impact of this service on primary clientele.