966 resultados para Head and neck neoplasm
Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión y actualización de la literatura sobre la aportación de la planificación quirúrgica y de la navegación en el manejo de la enfermedad oncológica de cabeza y cuello, para valorar y determinar sus aplicaciones actuales. Material y métodos: Se realiza una búsqueda electrónica empleando los términos craniomaxillofacial tumors, head and neck cancer, navigation system, computer-assisted surgery y oral cancer. Resultados: El número de artículos encontrados en la revisión de la literatura ha sido de 16, publicados entre los años 1991 y 2014. Entre ellos no hay ninguna revisión sistemática, hay 5 artículos de revisión, 6 series de casos y 5 casos clínicos. Solo 10 artículos aportan información completa en relación con la enfermedad oncológica manejada con tecnología de navegación quirúrgica. Actualmente las aplicaciones de la navegación en oncología de cabeza y cuello pueden enumerarse en las siguientes áreas: biopsia guiada, resección y reconstrucción de tumores, monitorización del volumen del tumor, control de márgenes de resección quirúrgica basados en TC, RMN o PET y sistema de comunicación interdisciplinar. Conclusiones: Actualmente hay un número escaso de publicaciones sobre las aplicaciones de la navegación quirúrgica en el novedoso ámbito de la oncología de cabeza y cuello. A pesar de la ausencia de revisiones sistemáticas, parece tener un futuro prometedor por la valiosa aportación que hace para el manejo de tumores de cabeza y cuello, como proporcionar precisión anatómica, precisión diagnóstica y seguridad quirúrgica, siendo de gran utilidad en el tratamiento oncológico multidisciplinar.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.
Introduction: Amyloidosis is used to describe a range of disorders deined by extracellular deposition of abnormal protein ibrils. The larynx is the most common site of localized amyloidosis in the head and neck region and constitutes less than 1% of benign laryngeal lesions. Hoarseness is the most common symptom. Objective: Prospective clinical evaluation of patients with localized laryngeal amyloidosis. Clinical cases: Presented are 4 cases of patients with localized laryngeal amyloidosis who were treated at the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department at the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital in Monterrey, Mexico. Three patients underwent phonomicrosurgery by direct microlaryngoscopy with the removal of the amyloid implantation using a cold knife excision with great results. In each patient the major site of involvement was the supraglottis with a small focus on the false vocal cord. A medical work-up, including a complete blood count (CBC), a basic metabolic panel, urinalysis, liver function test, chest X-ray and physical examination were performed to rule out the presence of systemic disease; no amyloidosis or signs of systemic disease were found. Congo red staining conirms the diagnosis of amyloidosis in all surgical specimens. Conclusions: In laryngeal amyloidosis, the treatment should be directed toward the improvement of the voice and the maintenance of the airway.
O cancro é um dos principais causadores de milhões de mortes em todo o mundo e sendo o cancro oral, especificamente, a sexta neoplasia mais frequente a nível mundial. Todos os anos são diagnosticados mais de 500 mil novos casos, sendo que as altas taxas de mortalidade e mortalidade não se têm alterado ao longo dos anos. A maior incidência de cancro oral encontra-se na Ásia e na Europa do Sul. Em Portugal, mais precisamente em 2012, foram diagnosticados cerca de 1924 novos casos de cancro oral, dos quais 967 ocorreram em homens. O carcinoma espinocelular é o tipo histológico mais comum, sendo que 90% dos casos de cancro oral são deste tipo. Sabe-se também que esta variante é mais frequente no sexo masculino entre a 5ª e 6 ª década de vida apesar de, a incidência no sexo feminino, ter vindo a aumentar, devido à contínua exposição ao tabaco, álcool e a outros factores de risco. Como foi dito anteriormente, o cancro oral tem uma alta taxa de mortalidade e de morbilidade e, apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico, no tratamento e no conhecimento de quais os factores de risco desta patologia, a taxa de sobrevivência ainda é inferior a 50% o que revela que, o grande problema, passa pelo diagnóstico do cancro em estádios avançados. Assume-se então que, grande parte dos casos de cancro oral, poderiam ter sido evitados se houvesse maior conhecimento e grau de alerta sobre a doença o que tendencialmente, levaria a diagnósticos mais precoces. Neste sentido, este estudo tem como propósito a avaliação do nível de conhecimento geral e do grau de alerta de uma população do interior do país, mais precisamente do Nordeste Transmontano, bem como, efectuar o registo da percepção dos inquiridos relativamente a esta patologia, passando pelo reconhecimento da doença, pelo conhecimento epidemiológico e etiológico, e pela melhor percepção a nível de sinais e sintomas clínicos próprios desta patologia.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos músculoesqueléticos y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y hábitos de vida en trabajadores de las áreas administrativa y operativa de dos empresas de servicio de la ciudad de Bogotá 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con información secundaria, procedente de bases de datos suministrada por las dos empresas con 696 registros de trabajadores de servicios generales, y 943 registros de trabajadores del área administrativa, para un total de 1639 registros, en los cuales se evaluó la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares clasificados por segmento. Adicionalmente se contaba con información de características sociodemográficas y estilos de vida de estos trabajadores. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas, y las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas. Para establecer la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos con las variables dependientes se utilizó la prueba chi2 de asociación. Resultados: La prevalencia de molestia o dolor en los diferentes segmentos corporales fue de 21.5 % (n = 203) en cuello para la población administrativa y de 17.5% (n = 148) en mano y muñeca derecha para la población de servicios generales. Vale la pena aclarar que el diagnóstico médico más frecuente referido por la población en estudio fue traumas en musculo, bursa tendón y/o ligamento con 10.5% en la población administrativa y con el 12.4% en la población de servicios generales. De las asociaciones significativas entre diagnósticos presentes y hábitos de vida y sueño se encontró que sueño no reparador se asoció significativamente con enfermedad general de músculos y huesos (p = 0.001), enfermedad o trauma activo de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y antecedente o enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). De manera similar, el consumo de medicamentos para conciliar el sueño se asoció con enfermedad de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). El consumo de café (p = 0.001) y el sedentarismo (p = 0.031) están asociados con la enfermedad general de músculos y huesos. Conclusiones: Los TME son un factor de alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora de Colombia, y como se demostró en este estudio, afectan a la población de las empresas de servicio. Se evidencia cada vez más que los segmentos corporales más afectados en la población administrativa, son cabeza y cuello, debido a las posturas mantenidas por largos periodos de tiempo, y en la población de servicios se encontró molestia y dolor en muñecas y manos debido a los movimientos repetitivos que deben de realizar durante la jornada laboral. Se hace necesario profundizar más en la asociación significativa de los trastornos del sueño y la presencia de los TME, ya que se encontró una relación importante entre estos dos.
Introducción: El Síndrome de Apnea Hipopnea Obstructiva del Sueño es un trastorno respiratorio del sueño mayor ampliamente conocido, con importantes implicaciones para los pacientes y cuya incidencia ha venido en aumento durante los últimos años; comprende diversas manifestaciones clínicas que varían desde el ronquido hasta consecuencias cardiovasculares importantes. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más utilizados para el tratamiento de pacientes con Trastornos Respiratorios del Sueño en la Clínica Rivas. Diseño: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Métodos: Revisión de 366 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y Polisomnográfico de SAHOS intervenidos quirúrgicamente debido al Trastorno Respiratorio del Sueño por rechazo de terapia de presión positiva en 3 años de observación. Resultados: Se evaluaron diferencias en medianas de los cambios del IAH, índice de Saturación de oxigeno basal y mínima, y el índice de microdespertares nocturnos tanto prequirúrgica como postquirúrgicamente. Como medida de evaluación secundaria se evaluaron las complicaciones quirúrgicas. Conclusión: En nuestra institución, como centro de referencia en apnea del sueño, la cirugía ha demostrado que disminuye de forma significativa gravedad del SAHOS y disminuye el riesgo de los pacientes con trastornos respiratorios del sueño que han rechazado el dispositivo de presión positiva.
Background: Cervicocephalic kinesthetic deficiencies have been demonstrated in patients with chronic neck pain (NP). On the other hand, authors emphasized the use of different motion speeds for assessing functional impairment of the cervical spine. Purpose: The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the head repositioning accuracy in NP patients and control subjects and (2) to assess the influence of target distance, motion speed, motion direction and pain. Materials and methods: Seventy-one subjects (36 healthy subjects and 35 NP patients; age 30–55 years) performed the head repositioning test (HRT) at two different speeds for horizontal and vertical movements and at two different distances. For each condition, six consecutive trials were sampled. Results: The study showed the validity and reproducibility of the HRT, confirming a dysfunctional threshold of 4.5°. Normative values of head repositioning error up to 3.6° and 7.1° were identified for healthy and NP subjects, respectively. A distance of 180 cm from the target and a natural motion speed increased HRT accuracy. Repositioning after extension movement showed a significantly larger error in both groups. Intensity, duration of pain as well as pain level did not significantly alter head repositioning error. Conclusions: The assessment of proprioceptive performance in healthy and NP subjects allowed the validation of the HRT. The HRT is a simple, not expensive and fast test, easily implementable in daily practice to assess and monitor treatment and evolution of proprioceptive cervical deficits.
International audience
The specific status of the head and body lice of humans has been debated for more than 200 yr. To clarify the specific status of head and body lice, we sequenced 524 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of 28 head and 28 body lice from nine countries. Ten haplotypes that differed by 1-5 bp at II nucleotide positions were identified. A phylogeny of these sequences indicates that these head and body lice are not from reciprocally monophyletic lineages. Indeed, head and body lice share three of the 10 haplotypes we found. F-ST values and exact tests of haplotype frequencies showed significant differences between head and body lice. However, the same tests also showed significant differences among lice from different countries. Indeed, more of the variation in haplotype frequencies was explained by differences among lice from different countries than by differences between head and body lice. Our results indicate the following: (1) bead and body lice do not represent reciprocally monophyletic lineages and are conspecific; (2) gene flow among populations of lice from different countries is limited; and (3) frequencies of COI haplotypes can be used to study maternal gene flow among populations of head and body lice and thus transmission of lice among their human hosts.
The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm is a rare and aggressive hematodermic neoplasia with frequent cutaneous involvement and leukemic dissemination. We report the case of a 76-year-old man with a 2 month history of violaceous nodules and a tumor with stony consistency, located on the head, and mandibular, cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathies. Multiple thoracic and abdominal adenopathies were identified on computerized tomography. Flow cytometry analysis of the skin, lymph node and bone marrow biopsies demonstrated the presence of plasmocytoid dendritic cell neoplastic precursor cells (CD4+, CD45+, CD56+ and CD123+ phenotype). After initial clinical and laboratorial complete remission with chemotherapy, the patient died due to relapse of the disease associated with the appearance of a cervical mass with medullary compromise.
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imaging method which enables a volume conductivity map of a subject to be produced from multiple impedance measurements. It has the potential to become a portable non-invasive imaging technique of particular use in imaging brain function. Accurate numerical forward models may be used to improve image reconstruction but, until now, have employed an assumption of isotropic tissue conductivity. This may be expected to introduce inaccuracy, as body tissues, especially those such as white matter and the skull in head imaging, are highly anisotropic. The purpose of this study was, for the first time, to develop a method for incorporating anisotropy in a forward numerical model for EIT of the head and assess the resulting improvement in image quality in the case of linear reconstruction of one example of the human head. A realistic Finite Element Model (FEM) of an adult human head with segments for the scalp, skull, CSF, and brain was produced from a structural MRI. Anisotropy of the brain was estimated from a diffusion tensor-MRI of the same subject and anisotropy of the skull was approximated from the structural information. A method for incorporation of anisotropy in the forward model and its use in image reconstruction was produced. The improvement in reconstructed image quality was assessed in computer simulation by producing forward data, and then linear reconstruction using a sensitivity matrix approach. The mean boundary data difference between anisotropic and isotropic forward models for a reference conductivity was 50%. Use of the correct anisotropic FEM in image reconstruction, as opposed to an isotropic one, corrected an error of 24 mm in imaging a 10% conductivity decrease located in the hippocampus, improved localisation for conductivity changes deep in the brain and due to epilepsy by 4-17 mm, and, overall, led to a substantial improvement on image quality. This suggests that incorporation of anisotropy in numerical models used for image reconstruction is likely to improve EIT image quality.
Muscular function of the neck region may be of importance for the etiology of headache, especially of tension-type headache. However, very few data exist on the association of neck muscle function with different types of headache in adolescents. The main aim of the study was to examine the association of neck muscle function with adolescent headache. The associations between leisure time activities, endurance strength of the upper extremities (UE endurance) and mobility of the neck-shoulder region and adolescent headache were studied. In addition, the associations of force production, EMG/force ratio, co-activation and fatigue characteristics, and cross-sectional area (CSA) of neck muscles with adolescent headache were studied. The study is part of a population-based cohort study of 12-year-old children with and without headache. The study had five phases (years 1998-2003). At the age of 13 years, a sample of 183 adolescents (183/311) participated in endurance strength and mobility measurements of the neck-shoulder region. In addition, the type and level of physical and other leisure activity were elicited with open and structured questions. At the age of 17 years, a random sample of 89 adolescents (89/202) participated in force and EMG measurements of the neck-shoulder muscles. In addition, at the age of 17 years, a sample of 65 adolescents (65/89) participated in CSA measurements of the neck muscles. At the age of 13 years, intensive participation in overall sports activity was associated with migraine. Frequent computer use was associated both with migraine and tension-type headache. The type of sports or other leisure activity classified them on the basis of body loading was not associated with headache type. In girls, low UE endurance of both sides, and low cervical rotation of the dominant side, were associated with tension-type headache, and low UE endurance of non-dominant side with migraine. In boys, no associations occurred between UE endurance and mobility variables and headache types. At the age of 17 years, in girls, high EMG/force ratios between the EMG of the left agonist sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and maximal neck flexion and neck rotation force to the right side as well as high co-activation of right antagonist cervical erector spinae (CES) muscles during maximal neck flexion force were associated with migraine-type headache. In girls, neck force production was not associated with headache types but low left shoulder flexion force was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, no associations were found between EMG and force variables and headache. Increased SCM muscles fatigue of both sides was associated with tension-type headache. In boys, the small CSA of the right SCM muscle and, in girls, of combined right SCM and scalenus muscles was associated with tension-type headache. Similarly, in boys, the large CSA of the right SCM muscle, of the combined right SCM and scalenus muscles, of the left semispinalis capitis muscle, of the combined left semispinalis and splenius muscles was associated with migraine. No other differences in the CSA of neck flexion or extension muscles were found. Differences in the neuromucular function of the neck-shoulder muscles were associated with adolescent headache, especially in girls. Differences in the cross-sectional area of unilateral neck muscles were associated with headache, especially in boys. Differences in the neuromuscular function and in the cross-sectional area of the neck muscles also occurred between different types of headache. It remains to be established whether the findings are primary or secondary to adolescent migraine and tension headache. Keywords: adolescent, cross-sectional area, electromyography, endurance strength, fatigue, force, headache, leisure time activity, migraine, mobility, neck muscles, tension-type headache
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to assess 4th year radiology residents' perception of the optimal imaging modality to investigate neoplasm and trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-seven 4th year radiology residents from four residency programs were surveyed. They were asked about the best imaging modality to evaluate the brain and spine, lungs, abdomen, and the musculoskeletal system. Imaging modalities available were MRI, CT, ultrasound, PET, and X-ray. All findings were compared to the ACR appropriateness criteria. RESULTS: MRI was chosen as the best imaging modality to evaluate brain, spine, abdominal, and musculoskeletal neoplasm in 96.3%, 100%, 70.4%, and 63% of residents, respectively. CT was chosen by 88.9% to evaluate neoplasm of the lung. Optimal imaging modality to evaluate trauma was CT for brain injuries (100%), spine (92.6%), lung (96.3%), abdomen (92.6%), and major musculoskeletal trauma (74.1%); MRI was chosen for sports injury (96.3%). There was agreement with ACR appropriateness criteria. CONCLUSION: Residents' perception of the best imaging modalities for neoplasm and trauma concurred with the appropriateness criteria by the ACR.
Birefringence or double refraction is the decomposition of a ray of light into two rays when it passes through an anisotropic material such as quartz. Sperm cells have been demonstrated to be optically anisotropic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the pattern of human sperm head birefringence (SHBF) and DNA damage. A total of 26 patients with normal semen were included. DNA damage (fragmentation and denaturation) was evaluated in the sperm head in the context of birefringence, both total (SHBF-T) and partial (SHBF-P), by terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUDP nick-end labelling assay and acridine orange fluorescence, respectively. Positive DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa with SHBF-T (205/1053; 19.5%) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than in spermatozoa that presented SHBF-P (60/820; 7.3%). However, the percentage of denatured DNA in spermatozoa with SHBF-T (824/1256; 65.6%) was not significantly different from the ones with SHBF-P (666/1009; 66.0%). In conclusion, the data support a positive relationship between spermatozoa with total SHBF in their head and increased DNA fragmentation. (C) 2011, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.