935 resultados para Gram-positive bacterium


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Four treatments (roasting, germination, autoclaving and an application of 0.5% EDTA+0.5% sodium hydroxide) were used to reduce the beany flavour of soya beans to produce a soy-based beverage. While germination significantly increased the protein level as compared to the other treatments, the maximum reduction of the beany flavour was achieved by the 0.5% EDTA+0.5% sodium hydroxide application. The soya beans that underwent this treatment were used during the second phase for optimized beverage formulation. During the second phase, a beverage was prepared according to different formulations and analysed for chemical composition and total viable count during a two-month storage period. During storage, the beverage samples exhibited variations in several parameters. The acidity, reducing sugars and total sugars increased, while the ascorbic acid, total soluble solids and pH decreased. Overall, chemical and microbial analyses showed the stability of the product during the storage period.


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Aim: To study the qualitative analysis of phytochemicals and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Bougainvillea spectabilis and Bougainvillea variegata leaves. Methods: Phytochemical constituents were determined qualitatively by the Harborne method, while antimicrobial activities were determined by measuring the zone of inhibition on Mueller Hinton Agar. Results: The maximum inhibitory effects were obtained against the Gram positive microbe Staphylococcus aureus for the methanolic extracts of both B. spectabilis [(28.54 ± 0.18) mm] and B. variegata [(21.97 ± 0.06) mm]. The Gram negative microbes Proteus vulgaris [(16.00 ± 0.15) mm] and Serratia marcescens [(16.00 ± 0.06) mm] gave maximum inhibitory effects for the ethanolic extracts of B. variegata, while Salmonella typhimurium [(17.26 ± 0.12) mm] gave a maximum zone of inhibition for the methanolic extract of B. spectabilis. No inhibitory effects were observed for the extracts of B. spectabilis or B. variegate against Enterococcus faecalis, Vibro cholera or Klebsiella pneumoniae. Conclusion: Both B. spectabilis and B. variegata possess significant antimicrobial activity that, following additional studies, could replace commercially known antibiotics. © 2012 China Pharmaceutical University.


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Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree which has shown to possess high degree of resistance against stressed environmental conditions. Eucalyptus tereticornis is widely cultivated in various parts of the world even in Pakistan. The medicinal properties of this tree reside in its oil. The main aim of our study is to check the antimicrobial activity of this valuable tree and to compare it with commercially available antibiotics. Eucalyptus tereticornis oil was extracted from the fresh leaves and branch tips during flowering season from surrounding areas of Hazara University, Pakistan. Different concentrations of oil were checked against Gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 49452), Gram negative bacteria including Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC 14028) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), and also against yeast Candiada albican (ATCC 2091). The oil was significantly active against all the microbes studied. The activity of E. tereticornis oil was compared with standard antibiotics Ciprofloxacin (CIP-5 μg), Chloramphenicol (C-30 μg), Tetracycline (TE-30 μg) and Ampicillin (AMP 25-μg). The comparison gives the significant results and proves the antimicrobial efficiency of this valuable plant.


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Heterometrus xanthopus (Scorpion) is one of the most venomous and ancient arthropods. Its venom contains anti-microbial peptides like hadrurin, scorpine, Pandinin 1, and Pandinin 2 that are able to effectively kill multidrug-resistant pathogens. The present study was conducted to evaluate the anti-bacterial activity of H. xanthopus venom. Six Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains were tested against 1/100, 1/10, and 1/1 fractions of distilled water diluted and crude venom. 1/100 and 1/10 dilutions were not successful in any of the six bacterial strains studied while the 1/1 dilution was effective on Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 with highest zone of inhibition were obtained on B. subtilis. Crude venom was effective against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 14506, B. subtilis, S. typhimurium, and P. aeruginosa. The most effective results were observed on B. subtilis.


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Polylysogeny is frequently considered to be the result of an adaptive evolutionary process in which prophages confer fitness and/or virulence factors, thus making them important for evolution of both bacterial populations and infectious diseases. The Enterococcus faecalis V583 isolate belongs to the high-risk clonal complex 2 that is particularly well adapted to the hospital environment. Its genome carries 7 prophage-like elements (V583-pp1 to -pp7), one of which is ubiquitous in the species. In this study, we investigated the activity of the V583 prophages and their contribution to E. faecalis biological traits. We systematically analyzed the ability of each prophage to excise from the bacterial chromosome, to replicate and to package its DNA. We also created a set of E. faecalis isogenic strains that lack from one to all six non-ubiquitous prophages by mimicking natural excision. Our work reveals that prophages of E. faecalis V583 excise from the bacterial chromosome in the presence of a fluoroquinolone, and are able to produce active phage progeny. Intricate interactions between V583 prophages were also unveiled: i) pp7, coined EfCIV583 for E. faecalis chromosomal island of V583, hijacks capsids from helper phage 1, leading to the formation of distinct virions, and ii) pp1, pp3 and pp5 inhibit excision of pp4 and pp6. The hijacking exerted by EfCIV583 on helper phage 1 capsids is the first example of molecular piracy in Gram positive bacteria other than staphylococci. Furthermore, prophages encoding platelet-binding-like proteins were found to be involved in adhesion to human platelets, considered as a first step towards the development of infective endocarditis. Our findings reveal not only a role of E. faecalis V583 prophages in pathogenicity, but also provide an explanation for the correlation between antibiotic usage and E. faecalis success as a nosocomial pathogen, as fluoriquinolone may provoke release of prophages and promote gene dissemination among isolates.


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TEM-1 is the dominant β-lactamase of Haemophilus influenzae and can be located on small plasmids. Three distinct plasmids with sizes from 4,304 to 5,646 nucleotides (nt) were characterized: pA1606, pA1209, and pPN223. In addition to TEM-1 and a replication enzyme of the Rep 3 superfamily, pA1606 carries a Tn3 resolvase gene and pA1606 and pA1209 carry an open reading frame (ORF) similar to a plasmid recombination enzyme gene described in Gram-positive bacteria. The plasmids transformed strain Rd to the ampicillin-resistant phenotype.


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Aminoglycosides and beta-lactams are used for the treatment of a wide range of infections due to both Gram-negative and Gram-positive. An emerging aminoglycoside resistance mechanism, methylation of the aminoacyl site of the 16S rRNA, confers high-level resistance to clinically important aminoglycosides such as amikacin, tobramycin and gentamicin. Eight 16S rRNA methyltransferase genes, armA, rmtA, rmtB, rmtC, rmtD, rmtE, rmtF and npmA, have been identified in several species of enterobacteria worldwide (2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14). Resistance to extended spectrum β-lactams remains additionally an important clinical problem. Apart from the large TEM, SHV, and CTX-M families, several other extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) have been identified, including VEB enzymes, which confer high-level resistance to cephalosporins and monobactams. Although 16S rRNA methyltransferases have been frequently identified associated with different ESBLs, there has been no report of association of a 16S rRNA methyltransferase with a VEB enzyme, except for the identification of rmtC with blaVEB-6 (14)


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Spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria responsible for nosocomial and community-acquired infections urges for novel therapeutic or prophylactic targets and for innovative pathogen-specific antibacterial compounds. Major challenges are posed by opportunistic pathogens belonging to the low GC% gram-positive bacteria. Among those, Enterococcus faecalis is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections associated with life-threatening issues and increased hospital costs. To better understand the molecular properties of enterococci that may be required for virulence, and that may explain the emergence of these bacteria in nosocomial infections, we performed the first large-scale functional analysis of E. faecalis V583, the first vancomycin-resistant isolate from a human bloodstream infection. E. faecalis V583 is within the high-risk clonal complex 2 group, which comprises mostly isolates derived from hospital infections worldwide. We conducted broad-range screenings of candidate genes likely involved in host adaptation (e.g., colonization and/or virulence). For this purpose, a library was constructed of targeted insertion mutations in 177 genes encoding putative surface or stress-response factors. Individual mutants were subsequently tested for their i) resistance to oxidative stress, ii) antibiotic resistance, iii) resistance to opsonophagocytosis, iv) adherence to the human colon carcinoma Caco-2 epithelial cells and v) virulence in a surrogate insect model. Our results identified a number of factors that are involved in the interaction between enterococci and their host environments. Their predicted functions highlight the importance of cell envelope glycopolymers in E. faecalis host adaptation. This study provides a valuable genetic database for understanding the steps leading E. faecalis to opportunistic virulence.


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Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic pathogen. With the lack of an effective vaccine, antibiotics remain the main tool to fight infections caused by this pathogen. We have previously observed a reserpine-sensitive fluoroquinolone (FQ) efflux phenotype in this species. Here, SatAB and SmrA, two pumps belonging to the ATP binding cassette (ABC) and the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), respectively, have been analyzed in the fluoroquinolone-resistant clinical isolate BB1013. Genes encoding these pumps were overexpressed either constitutively or in the presence of ciprofloxacin in this strain. These genes could not be cloned in plasmids in Escherichia coli despite strong expression repression. Finally, site-directed insertion of smrA and satAB in the amy locus of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome using ligated PCR amplicons allowed for the functional expression and study of both pumps. Results showed that SatAB is a narrow-spectrum fluoroquinolone exporter (norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin), susceptible to reserpine, whereas SmrA was not involved in fluoroquinolone resistance. Chromosomal integration in Bacillus is a novel method for studying efflux pumps from Gram-positive bacteria, which enabled us to demonstrate the possible role of SatAB, and not SmrA, in fluoroquinolone efflux in S. suis.


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The tail tape measure protein (TMP) of tailed bacteriophages (also called phages) dictates the tail length and facilitates DNA transit to the cell cytoplasm during infection. Here, a thorough mutational analysis of the TMP from lactococcal phage TP901-1 (TMPTP901-1) was undertaken. We generated 56 mutants aimed at defining TMPTP901-1 domains that are essential for tail assembly and successful infection. Through analysis of the derived mutants, we determined that TP901-1 infectivity requires the N-terminal 154 aa residues, the C-terminal 60 residues and the first predicted hydrophobic region of TMPTP901-1 as a minimum. Furthermore, the role of TMPTP901-1 in tail length determination was visualized by electron microscopic imaging of TMP-deletion mutants. The inverse linear correlation between the extent of TMPTP901-1-encoding gene deletions and tail length of the corresponding virion provides an estimate of TMPTP901-1 regions interacting with the connector or involved in initiator complex formation. This study represents the most thorough characterisation of a TMP from a Gram-positive host-infecting phage and provides essential advances to understanding its role in virion assembly, morphology and infection.


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Introducción: La rápida detección e identificación bacteriana es fundamental para el manejo de los pacientes críticos que presentan una patología infecciosa, esto requiere de métodos rápidos para el inicio de un correcto tratamiento. En Colombia se usan pruebas microbiología convencional. No hay estudios de espectrofotometría de masas en análisis de muestras de pacientes críticos en Colombia. Objetivo general: Describir la experiencia del análisis microbiológico mediante la tecnología MALDI-TOF MS en muestras tomadas en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Entre junio y julio de 2013, se analizaron 147 aislamientos bacterianos de muestras clínicas, las cuales fueron procesadas previamente por medio del sistema VITEK II. Los aislamientos correspondieron a 88 hemocultivos (60%), 28 urocultivos (19%), y otros cultivos 31 (21%). Resultados: Se obtuvieron 147 aislamientos con identificación adecuada a nivel de género y/o especie así: en el 88.4% (130 muestras) a nivel de género y especie, con una concordancia del 100% comparado con el sistema VITEK II. El porcentaje de identificación fue de 66% en el grupo de bacilos gram negativos no fermentadores, 96% en enterobacterias, 100% en gérmenes fastidiosos, 92% en cocos gram positivos, 100% bacilos gram negativos móviles y 100% en levaduras. No se encontró ninguna concordancia en bacilos gram positivos y gérmenes del genero Aggregatibacter. Conclusiones: El MALDI-TOF es una prueba rápida para la identificación microbiológica de género y especie que concuerda con los resultados obtenidos de manera convencional. Faltan estudios para hacer del MALDI-TOF MS la prueba oro en identificación de gérmenes.


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The present study was carried out to evaluate the chemical and pharmacological properties of essential oil (EO) of Lavandula stoechas L. subsp. luisieri that is a spontaneous shrub widespread in Alentejo (Portugal). Oxygenated monoterpenes, as 1,8-cineole, lavandulol and necrodane derivatives are the main components of essential oil. It revealed important antioxidant activity with high ability to inhibit the lipid peroxidation and showed an outstanding effect against a wide spectrum of microorganisms, such as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and pathogenic yeasts. The analgesic effect studied in rats was dose dependent, reaching a maximum of 67 % at 60 min. with the dose of 200 mg/kg and the anti-inflammatory activity with this dose caused an inhibition in carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema (83 %) that is higher than dexamethasone 1 mg/Kg (69 %). Besides, animals exhibited a normal behaviour after EO administration revealing low toxicity. Essential oil of L. luisieri from Alentejo that presents important pharmacological properties and low toxicity is a promised candidate to be used as food supplement or in pharmaceutical applications.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the chemical composition and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of EOs of C. nepeta collected in two different seasons, spring (leaves) and autumn (leaves and flowers) and to understand the relationship between seasonality composition and these biological activities. EOs were extracted by hydrodistillation of aerial parts of the plants wild grown in Évora (Alentejo) and their chemical composition was evaluated by GC-FID and GC-MS. Antioxidant activity was determined by β -carotene/linoleic acid system, total reducing power assay and DPPH radical methods [1]. Antimicrobial activity was assessed against Gram-negative and Gram-positive clinical isolates and food spoilage fungi [2,3].


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Twenty coagulase-negative Staphylococcus strains displaying alpha-haemolysis (delta-haemolysin) on sheep-blood agar were isolated from the noses of different pigs in Switzerland. The strains were Gram-stain-positive, non-motile cocci, catalase-positive and coagulase-negative. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, sodA, rpoB, dnaJ and hsp60 and phylogenetic characteristics revealed that the strains showed the closest relatedness to Staphylococcus microti CCM 4903(T) and Staphylococcus muscae DSM 7068(T). The strains can be differentiated from S. microti by the absence of mannose fermentation and arginine arylamidase and from S. muscae by the absence of beta-glucuronidase activity and production of alkaline phosphatase. The chosen type strain ARI 262(T) shared 20.1 and 31.9 % DNA relatedness with S. microti DSM 22147(T) and S. muscae CCM 4903(T), respectively, by DNA-DNA hybridization. iso-C(15 : 0), anteiso-C(15 : 0) and iso-C(17 : 0) were the most common fatty acids. Cell-wall structure analysis revealed the peptidoglycan type A3alpha l-Lys-Gly(2)-l-Ser-Gly (type A11.3). The presence of teichoic acid was determined by sequencing the N-acetyl-beta-d-mannosaminyltransferase gene tarA, which is involved in biosynthesis of ribitol teichoic acid. Menaquinone 7 (MK-7) was the predominant respiratory quinone. The G+C content of ARI 262(T) was 38.8 mol%. The isolated strains represent a novel species of the genus Staphylococcus, for which we propose the name Staphylococcus rostri sp. nov. The type strain is ARI 262(T) (=DSM 21968(T) =CCUG 57266(T)) and strain ARI 602 (=DSM 21969 =CCUG 57267) is a reference strain.


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A novel, anaerobic, chemo-organotrophic bacterium, designated strain Ra1766HT, was isolated from sediments of the Guaymas basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) taken from a depth of 2002 m. Cells were thin, motile, Gram-stain-positive, flexible rods forming terminal endospores. Strain Ra1766H(T) grew at temperatures of 25-45 degrees C (optimum 30 degrees C), pH 6.7-8.1 (optimum 7.5) and in a salinity of 5-60 g l(-1) NaCl (optimum 30 g l(-1)). It was an obligate heterotrophic bacterium fermenting carbohydrates (glucose and mannose) and organic acids (pyruvate and succinate). Casamino acids and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate and glycine) were also fermented. The main end products from glucose fermentation were acetate, butyrate, ethanol, H-2 and CO2. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, fumarate, nitrate, nitrite and Fe(III) were not used as terminal electron acceptors. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C-14 : 0, C-16:1 omega 7, C-16:1 omega 7 DMA and C-16:0. The main polar lipids consisted of phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipids. The G +C content of the genomic DNA was 33.7 molo/o. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain Ra1766H(T) was affiliated to cluster XI of the order Clostridia les, phylum Firmicutes. The closest phylogenetic relative of Ra1766H(T) was Geosporobacter subterraneus (94.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). On the basis of phylogenetic inference and phenotypic properties, strain Ra1766H(T) (=DSM 27501(T)=JCM 19377(T)) is proposed to be the type strain of a novel species of a novel genus, named Crassaminicella pro funda.