935 resultados para Grain -- Diseases and pests -- Control


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The Great Belt, the largest inlet to the Baltic Sea, has a deep and well defined channel system. A distinct thermohaline layer at roughly 18 to 20 m of water depth separates the saltier and generally cooler deeper North Sea water from the brackish and warmer surface water. It is practically a current dominated area, with the strongest bottom currents due to prolonged west winds. The size and shape of the surface sediments and their grain size distributions show a close relationship with the prevailing hydrographical conditions. Southerly current marks predominate while northerly directions are confined to 10 to 14 m of water depth. The degree of bioturbation is highest in the uppermost sedimentary cover where practically all original stratification has been destroyed. Various bioturbate structures have been identified with the fauna. Coiling ratios of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus) have been successfully applied for correlation in the postglacial sediments of the early Littorina Transgression. The succession shows that in the Boreal brackish water conditions were probably followed by peat and limnic sediments as the sea regressed. With the Littorina Transgression, the sea again entered the area and high sedimentation rates resulted in the major deposits of the Great Belt. At least for the last 4000 years, sedimentation rates had been very low. Present day currents sweep out the sediments, mainly to the southern marginal areas.


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Die Sandergebiete sind von 5 Zentren her geschüttet, den Gletschertoren bei Flensburg, Frörup/Översee, Idstedt/Lürschau, Schleswig, Owschlag. Die Körnung der Schmelzwassersande nimmt mit zunehmender Entfernung von den Gletschertoren zunächst schnell, von Medianwerten über 1 mm auf Medianwerte um 0,4 mm in 10 km, dann langsam bis auf Medianwerte unter 0,2 mm in 30 km Entfernung ab. Sortierung und Symmetrie der Sande steigen entsprechend. Aus den Kornverteilungen lassen sich die Fließgeschwindigkeiten bei der Ablagerung ablesen. Sie sind geringer gewesen, als es die mächtigen und verbreiteten Akkumulationen erscheinen lassen. Bereits in 6 km Entfernung vom Eisrand flossen die Schmelzwässer als träge Bäche (0,3 m/sec) ab. In den Gletschertoren traten stoßweise extreme Fließgeschwindigkeiten auf, waren aber nur in geringem Maße am Gesamtaufbau der Sander beteiligt. Die Verbreitung der Würmsande paßt sich den Formen einer älteren Landschaft an. Sie läßt sich im behandelten Gebiet mit Hilfe der Schwermineralanalyse deutlich gegenüber den rißzeitlichen Ablagerungen abgrenzen, da die Verteilungen in den verschiedenaltrigen Sedimenten unterschiedlich sind. Vor Allem das Hornblende/Epidotverhältnis (Hornblendezahl nach STEINERT) ist ein gutes Kriterium. Da rißzeitliche Ablagerungen von den Schmelzwässern aufgearbeitet wurden, und zudem die Hornblenden im Laufe des Transportes stark abrollen, verwischen sich die Unterschiede in weiter Entfernung vom Eisrand. Schmelzwassersande der Würmvereisung sind vor Allem im Norden des Arbeitsgebietes weit nach Westen, bis an die nordfriesischen Inseln, geschüttet worden. Die Schmelzwässer benutzten als Durchlässe zu den Senken des Eemmeeres an der Westküste Täler in rißzeitlichen Hochgebieten. Die Wassermengen wurden hier gebündelt, sodaß sich auf den Eemablagerungen im Anschluß an die Durchlässe "Sekundärsander" ausbreiteten. Die Mächtigkeit der anstehenden Würm-Sandergebiete beträgt bis zu 20 m, meistens zwischen 10 und 15 m. An der Westküste sind die Schmelzwasserablagerungen von marinem Alluvium überdeckt. Teile der morphographisch als junge Sanderebenen erscheinenden Gebiete bestehen in Wirklichkeit aus rißzeitlichen, von jungen Schmelzwässern allenfalls oberflächlich umgearbeiteten Ablagerungen der älteren Vereisung. So ist der westliche und südwestliche Teil des Schleisanders schon während der Rißvereisung aufgeschüttet.


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Decadal to sub-decadal variability of inflow, evaporation and biological productivity derived from Lake Nam Co was used to reconstruct hydrological changes for the past ca. 24 k cal a BP. The timing of these variations corresponds to known climatic shifts on the Northern Hemisphere. After a dry and cold Last Glacial Maximum the lake level of Nam Co initially rose at ca. 20 k cal a BP. Moist but further cold conditions between ca. 16.2 and 14 k cal a BP correspond to Heinrich Event 1. A warm and moist phase between ca. 14 and 13 k cal a BP is expressed as a massive enhancement in inflow and biological productivity and might be associated with a first intensification of the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon coinciding with the Bølling-Allerød complex. A twostep decrease in inflow and a contemporaneous decline in biological productivity until ca. 11.8 k cal a BP points to cool and dry conditions during the Younger Dryas. Lake levels peak at ca. 9.4 k cal a BP, although hydrological conditions remain relatively stable during the Holocene with only low-amplitude variations observed.


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In September 1996, a grain flow survey consisting of two parts was completed and published. One part was a farm-to-market survey from a sample of Iowa grain producers, and the second was a survey of all Iowa country elevators. An updated survey for the crop year September 1, 1999 -August 31, 2000, was initiated in September 2000. The results of the two updated surveys are presented in this report. The purpose of the surveys is to estimate the amount of Iowa corn and soybeans that are shipped from each crop reporting district to each major market. Copies of the two questionnaires are presented in the appendices.


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BACKGROUND The presence of oral diseases and disorders can produce an impact on the quality of life of preschool children and their parents, affecting their oral health and well-being. However, socioeconomic factors could confound this association, but it has not been yet tested at this age. OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of early childhood caries (ECC), traumatic dental injuries (TDI) and malocclusions on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children between 2 and 5 years of age adjusted by socioeconomic factors. METHODS Parents of 260 children answered the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) (six domains) on their perception of the children's OHRQoL and socioeconomic conditions. Two calibrated dentists (κ>0.8) examined the severity of ECC according to dmft index, and children were categorized into: 0=caries free; 1-5=low severity; ≥6=high severity. TDI and malocclusions were examined according to Andreasen & Andreasen (1994) classification and for the presence or absence of three anterior malocclusion traits (AMT), respectively. OHRQoL was measured through ECOHIS domain and total scores, and poisson regression was used to associate the different factors with the outcome. RESULTS In each domain and overall ECOHIS scores, the severity of ECC showed a negative impact on OHRQoL (P<0.001). TDI and AMT did not show a negative impact on OHRQoL nor in each domain (P>0.05). The increase in the child's age, higher household crowding, lower family income and mother working out of home were significantly associated with OHRQoL (P<0.05). The multivariate adjusted model showed that the high severity of ECC (RR=3.81; 95% CI=2.66, 5.46; P<0.001) was associated with greater negative impact on OHRQoL, while high family income was a protective factor for OHRQoL (RR=0.93; 95% CI=0.87, 0.99; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS The severity of ECC and a lower family income had a negative impact on the OHRQoL of preschool children and their parents.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Abstract not available


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The Mediterranean Sea constitutes a unique environment to study cold-seep ecosystems due to the presence of different geodynamic settings, from an active margin along the Mediterranean Ridge (MR) to a passive margin in the Nile Deep-Sea Fan (NDSF). We attempted to identify the structure of benthic communities associated with the Napoli and Amsterdam mud volcanoes (MVs) located on the MR and to establish the links between faunal distribution and environmental conditions at different spatial scales. Comparison between the 2 MVs revealed that the faunal distribution seemed to be mainly controlled by the characteristics of the microhabitats. On both geological structures, the variability between the different microhabitats was higher than the variability observed between replicates of the same microhabitat, and the distribution of macro-fauna was apparently linked to gradients in physico-chemical conditions. The peripheral sites from Napoli were generally more oxygenated and harboured lower species richness than the active sites. The reduced sediment microhabitat from Amsterdam presented the highest methane concentrations and was mainly colonised by symbiont-bearing vesicomyid bivalves and heterotrophic dorvilleid polychaetes. Overall, a higher taxonomic diversity was observed on Napoli. Sub-stratum type was hypothesised to be the second factor influencing faunal distribution. The results of this study highlight the high heterogeneity of faunal communities associated with seep ecosystems within this region and the need to pursue investigations at various spatial and temporal scales.


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Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is examined as a technique for growing compound semiconductor structures. Material analysis techniques for characterizing the quality and properties of compound semiconductor material are explained and data from recent commissioning work on a newly installed reactor at the University of Illinois is presented.


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Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to explore thermo-acoustic coupling during the onset of combustion instability in various air-breathing combustor configurations. These include a laboratory-scale 200-kW dump combustor and a 100-kW augmentor featuring a v-gutter flame holder. They were used to simulate main combustion chambers and afterburners in aero engines, respectively. The three primary themes of this work includes: 1) modeling heat release fluctuations for stability analysis, 2) conducting active combustion control with alternative fuels, and 3) demonstrating practical active control for augmentor instability suppression. The phenomenon of combustion instabilities remains an unsolved problem in propulsion engines, mainly because of the difficulty in predicting the fluctuating component of heat release without extensive testing. A hybrid model was developed to describe both the temporal and spatial variations in dynamic heat release, using a separation of variables approach that requires only a limited amount of experimental data. The use of sinusoidal basis functions further reduced the amount of data required. When the mean heat release behavior is known, the only experimental data needed for detailed stability analysis is one instantaneous picture of heat release at the peak pressure phase. This model was successfully tested in the dump combustor experiments, reproducing the correct sign of the overall Rayleigh index as well as the remarkably accurate spatial distribution pattern of fluctuating heat release. Active combustion control was explored for fuel-flexible combustor operation using twelve different jet fuels including bio-synthetic and Fischer-Tropsch types. Analysis done using an actuated spray combustion model revealed that the combustion response times of these fuels were similar. Combined with experimental spray characterizations, this suggested that controller performance should remain effective with various alternative fuels. Active control experiments validated this analysis while demonstrating 50-70\% reduction in the peak spectral amplitude. A new model augmentor was built and tested for combustion dynamics using schlieren and chemiluminescence techniques. Novel active control techniques including pulsed air injection were implemented and the results were compared with the pulsed fuel injection approach. The pulsed injection of secondary air worked just as effectively for suppressing the augmentor instability, setting up the possibility of more efficient actuation strategy.


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En los últimos años, los cuidados respiratorios especializados, y en particular los cuidados respiratorios no invasivos y otros avances tecnológicos han contribuido a una mejor calidad de vida y sobrevida de los pacientes con enfermedades neuromusculares. La naturaleza de las opciones terapéuticas (como ser la ventilación invasiva versus ventilación no invasiva, las cargas psicológicas, sociales y financieras) tienen ramificaciones éticas. Por lo tanto resulta esencial que los médicos comprendan todas las opciones terapéuticas y los factores psicosociales al informar a sus pacientes, en lo que tiene que ver con sus ventajas y desventajas y sus costos asociados, de modo que los padres puedan tomar decisiones informadas. Los nuevos desarrollos incluyen exámenes prenatales y neonatales más precisos, nuevas terapias genéticas y soporte respiratorio no invasivo para evitar episodios de fallas respiratorias y vías aéreas invasivas. Al empoderar a los pacientes y sus familias para educar y capacitar servicios personales de cuidados para que no deban depender de las instituciones y servicios de enfermería constante, y los recientes avances tecnológicos facilitan su permanencia en el hogar y dejan de estar atados a una vida dependiendo de la institución y los servicios de enfermería. Estos últimos infantilizan a los pacientes en lugar de promover su autonomía. Las consideraciones financieras, las terapias genéticas, el screening prenatal y las distintas opciones terapéuticas que promueven la autonomía, todos tienen implicancias éticas. Algunos de los avances discutidos en este artículo requieren un cambio de paradigma en la forma en que los médicos ven y tratan a estos individuos.