950 resultados para Generalized Gibbs sampler


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We develop, implement and study a new Bayesian spatial mixture model (BSMM). The proposed BSMM allows for spatial structure in the binary activation indicators through a latent thresholded Gaussian Markov random field. We develop a Gibbs (MCMC) sampler to perform posterior inference on the model parameters, which then allows us to assess the posterior probabilities of activation for each voxel. One purpose of this article is to compare the HJ model and the BSMM in terms of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves. Also we consider the accuracy of the spatial mixture model and the BSMM for estimation of the size of the activation region in terms of bias, variance and mean squared error. We perform a simulation study to examine the aforementioned characteristics under a variety of configurations of spatial mixture model and BSMM both as the size of the region changes and as the magnitude of activation changes.


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MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34A40


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MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf Gorenflo


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C26, 90C20, 49J52, 47H05, 47J20.


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Fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) models emerge as another class of DEA models to account for imprecise inputs and outputs for decision making units (DMUs). Although several approaches for solving fuzzy DEA models have been developed, there are some drawbacks, ranging from the inability to provide satisfactory discrimination power to simplistic numerical examples that handles only triangular fuzzy numbers or symmetrical fuzzy numbers. To address these drawbacks, this paper proposes using the concept of expected value in generalized DEA (GDEA) model. This allows the unification of three models - fuzzy expected CCR, fuzzy expected BCC, and fuzzy expected FDH models - and the ability of these models to handle both symmetrical and asymmetrical fuzzy numbers. We also explored the role of fuzzy GDEA model as a ranking method and compared it to existing super-efficiency evaluation models. Our proposed model is always feasible, while infeasibility problems remain in certain cases under existing super-efficiency models. In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed method, it is first tested using two established numerical examples and compared with the results obtained from alternative methods. A third example on energy dependency among 23 European Union (EU) member countries is further used to validate and describe the efficacy of our approach under asymmetric fuzzy numbers.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A25, 41A27, 41A36.


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Imagining oneself in a stereotyped role may not only increase women's endorsement of stereotypes about women and science, but also stifle broader concerns about social change. In the experiment, 81 women imagined themselves on a stereotypical or a counter-stereotypical career path (vs. a control condition). Participants in the stereotypical imagery condition endorsed to a higher extent the stereotypes about women and science, and crucially, were more resistant to social change in general. Stereotype endorsement mediated the relationship between exposure to stereotypes and resistance to social change. Results imply that tackling occupational gender stereotypes is crucial not only because they exclude women from male-dominated careers, but also because of a potentially pervasive negative impact on broader egalitarian concerns.


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Виржиния С. Кирякова - В този обзор илюстрираме накратко наши приноси към обобщенията на дробното смятане (анализ) като теория на операторите за интегриране и диференциране от произволен (дробен) ред, на класическите специални функции и на интегралните трансформации от лапласов тип. Показано е, че тези три области на анализа са тясно свързани и взаимно индуцират своето възникване и по-нататъшно развитие. За конкретните твърдения, доказателства и примери, вж. Литературата.


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Асен Божилов, Недялко Ненов - Нека G е n-върхов граф и редицата от степените на върховете му е d1, d2, . . . , dn, а V(G) е множеството от върховете на G. Степента на върха v бележим с d(v). Най-малкото естествено число r, за което V(G) има r-разлагане V(G) = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ · · · ∪ Vr, Vi ∩ Vj = ∅, , i 6 = j такова, че d(v) ≤ n − |Vi|, ∀v ∈ Vi, i = 1, 2, . . . , r е означено с ϕ(G). В тази работа доказваме неравенството ...


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Магдалина Василева Тодорова - В статията е описан подход за верификация на процедурни програми чрез изграждане на техни модели, дефинирани чрез обобщени мрежи. Подходът интегрира концепцията “design by contract” с подходи за верификация от тип доказателство на теореми и проверка на съгласуваност на модели. За целта разделно се верифицират функциите, които изграждат програмата относно спецификации според предназначението им. Изгражда се обобщен мрежов модел, специфициащ връзките между функциите във вид на коректни редици от извиквания. За главната функция на програмата се построява обобщен мрежов модел и се проверява дали той съответства на мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата. Всяка от функциите на програмата, която използва други функции се верифицира и относно спецификацията, зададена чрез мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35S05, 35J60; Secondary 35A20, 35B08, 35B40.


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2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P35, 62P30.


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In non-linear random effects some attention has been very recently devoted to the analysis ofsuitable transformation of the response variables separately (Taylor 1996) or not (Oberg and Davidian 2000) from the transformations of the covariates and, as far as we know, no investigation has been carried out on the choice of link function in such models. In our study we consider the use of a random effect model when a parameterized family of links (Aranda-Ordaz 1981, Prentice 1996, Pregibon 1980, Stukel 1988 and Czado 1997) is introduced. We point out the advantages and the drawbacks associated with the choice of this data-driven kind of modeling. Difficulties in the interpretation of regression parameters, and therefore in understanding the influence of covariates, as well as problems related to loss of efficiency of estimates and overfitting, are discussed. A case study on radiotherapy usage in breast cancer treatment is discussed.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 62F35; Secondary 62P99


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62J12, 62F35