966 resultados para Euro-ocidente


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The growing popularity of English national insignia in international football tournaments has been widely interpreted as evidence of the emergence of a renewed English national consciousness. However, little empirical research has considered how people in England actually understand football support in relation to national identity. Interview data collected around the time of the Euro 2000 and the 2002 World Cup tournaments fail to substantiate the presumption that support for the England football team maps onto claims to patriotic sentiment in any straightforward way. People with far-right political affiliations did generally use national football support to symbolise a general pride in English national identity. However, other people either claimed not to support the England national team precisely because of its associations with nationalism, or else bracketed the domain of football support from more general connotations of English patriotism.


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The reverse engineering of a skeleton based programming environment and redesign to distribute management activities of the system and thereby remove a potential single point of failure is considered. The Ore notation is used to facilitate abstraction of the design and analysis of its properties. It is argued that Ore is particularly suited to this role as this type of management is essentially an orchestration activity. The Ore specification of the original version of the system is modified via a series of semi-formally justified derivation steps to obtain a specification of the decentralized management version which is then used as a basis for its implementation. Analysis of the two specifications allows qualitative prediction of the expected performance of the derived version with respect to the original, and this prediction is borne out in practice.


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This paper contributes to the literature on centrality measures in economics by defining a team game and identifying the key players in the game. As an illustration of the theory, we create a unique data set from the UEFA Euro 2008 tournament. To capture the interaction between players, we create the passing network of each team. This all allows us to identify the key player and key groups of players for both teams in each game. We then use our measure to explain player ratings by experts and their market values. Our measure is significant in explaining expert ratings. We also find that players having higher intercentrality measures, regardless of their field position have significantly higher market values.


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When implementing autonomic management of multiple non-functional concerns a trade-off must be found between the ability to develop independently management of the individual concerns (following the separation of concerns principle) and the detection and resolution of conflicts that may arise when combining the independently developed management code. Here we discuss strategies to establish this trade-off and introduce a model checking based methodology aimed at simplifying the discovery and handling of conflicts arising from deployment-within the same parallel application-of independently developed management policies. Preliminary results are shown demonstrating the feasibility of the approach.


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This book addresses the viability of the EU economic and social model within and after the global economic crisis. It identifies four key issues which warrant further discussion: (1) the asymmetry of the legal and policy framework of the euro and potential recalibration; (2) substantive tensions between the EU 'economic constitution' and its normative aim of social justice and impacts on national policy; (3) the role of civil society, including the two sides of industry in overcoming these tensions and (4) the EU's global aspirations towards the creation of a viable socio-economic model. Its chapters offer two perspectives on each of the four main issues. In drawing these debates together, the book provides a broad understanding as well as starting points for future research. Bringing together different disciplinary approaches, ranging from legal studies to political economy, sociology and macroeconomics, it is a valuable contribution to the debate on the European social model and introduces new insights by focusing on legal and political tensions, the impact of the financial crisis and other economic contexts as well as global dimensions. 


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The German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) ruling of 14 January 2014 deserves a thorough evaluation on several accounts: It is the first ever reference by the FCC to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), it represents a continuation of FCC case law aimed at restricting the impact of European Union law as interpreted by the Court of Justices of the European Union (CJEU) on German law as well as questioning Germany’s participation in an ever closer European Union, and it has the potential to dictate the future course of the EU’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

This case note discusses three aspects of this decision. First, it considers the aims of challenging the youngest measures to contain the euro currency crisis before the FCC, focusing on the question in how far the claims are based on national closure as opposed to an ever closer union of the peoples of Europe. Secondly it analyzes in how far the aims the claims pursue are reflected in the FCC’s response. Thirdly, it considers the substantive relevance of this reference, highlighting the surprisingly vague consequences the FCC envisages should the CJEU not re-interpret the OMT decision as the FCC suggests, and illuminating the strategic aims of the reference without deference. In conclusion, it sketches the remaining scope for the EU to engage in or at least facilitate transnational solidarity.


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While virtualisation can provide many benefits to a networks infrastructure, securing the virtualised environment is a big challenge. The security of a fully virtualised solution is dependent on the security of each of its underlying components, such as the hypervisor, guest operating systems and storage.

This paper presents a single security service running on the hypervisor that could potentially work to provide security service to all virtual machines running on the system. This paper presents a hypervisor hosted framework which performs specialised security tasks for all underlying virtual machines to protect against any malicious attacks by passively analysing the network traffic of VMs. This framework has been implemented using Xen Server and has been evaluated by detecting a Zeus Server setup and infected clients, distributed over a number of virtual machines. This framework is capable of detecting and identifying all infected VMs with no false positive or false negative detection.


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This qualitative study explored disordered eating in a small group of first-year undergraduate students and addresses a gap in the literature by exploring their lived experience.

Aims: To better understand student’s needs in those experiencing or at risk of developing disordered eating during their first year at university and to illustrate what support mechanisms and services are required to better support students experiencing or at risk during their first year at university.

Conclusion: The University could further develop its outreach to new students with a more consistently supportive programme providing better facilities and training for stress appraisal and coping and more support via student buddying. The University could also extend its programme on positive mental health in an attempt to better inform on disordered eating and to reduce a sense of stigma within the student population. Personal tutors and student health care facilities need to be consistently trained in the understanding and person centred approach to students experiencing disordered eating, particularly the sub-clinical group. In addition the University could consider some small changes and adaptations to the refectory eating areas to better facilitate students who may be at risk from disordered eating. Finally the University could perhaps better use the potentially liminal period within the first few months of student's arrival at university (a new beginning) to help embed a program to develop a stronger sense of coherence and well-being.


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This article is a short introduction to a special section on economic ideas and the political construction of the financial crash. It begins by explaining why economic ideas and the politics of appeals to certain ideas are so integral to the historical significance of the crash of 2008 and the question of whether it can be considered a crash at all. The first section covers the literature on ideas and economic crisis. The second section highlights that the contribution of the special section is to engage in a stock taking exercise of the empirical and conceptual patterns concerning the politics of ideational change underway in the areas of: comparative fiscal policy; monetary policy and Euro zone debt management; capital controls; and financial and securities market regulation and standard setting. The final section outlines the structure of this special section and content of the individual articles.


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In the modern society, new devices, applications and technologies, with sophisticated capabilities, are converging in the same network infrastructure. Users are also increasingly demanding in personal preferences and expectations, desiring Internet connectivity anytime and everywhere. These aspects have triggered many research efforts, since the current Internet is reaching a breaking point trying to provide enough flexibility for users and profits for operators, while dealing with the complex requirements raised by the recent evolution. Fully aligned with the future Internet research, many solutions have been proposed to enhance the current Internet-based architectures and protocols, in order to become context-aware, that is, to be dynamically adapted to the change of the information characterizing any network entity. In this sense, the presented Thesis proposes a new architecture that allows to create several networks with different characteristics according to their context, on the top of a single Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), which infrastructure and protocols are very flexible and self-adaptable. More specifically, this Thesis models the context of users, which can span from their security, cost and mobility preferences, devices’ capabilities or services’ quality requirements, in order to turn a WMN into a set of logical networks. Each logical network is configured to meet a set of user context needs (for instance, support of high mobility and low security). To implement this user-centric architecture, this Thesis uses the network virtualization, which has often been advocated as a mean to deploy independent network architectures and services towards the future Internet, while allowing a dynamic resource management. This way, network virtualization can allow a flexible and programmable configuration of a WMN, in order to be shared by multiple logical networks (or virtual networks - VNs). Moreover, the high level of isolation introduced by network virtualization can be used to differentiate the protocols and mechanisms of each context-aware VN. This architecture raises several challenges to control and manage the VNs on-demand, in response to user and WMN dynamics. In this context, we target the mechanisms to: (i) discover and select the VN to assign to an user; (ii) create, adapt and remove the VN topologies and routes. We also explore how the rate of variation of the user context requirements can be considered to improve the performance and reduce the complexity of the VN control and management. Finally, due to the scalability limitations of centralized control solutions, we propose a mechanism to distribute the control functionalities along the architectural entities, which can cooperate to control and manage the VNs in a distributed way.


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O sistema lagunar, conhecido vulgarmente por Ria Formosa, desenvolve-se na costa meridional Portuguesa, desde o Ancão a ocidente até Cacela a oriente. Com extensão, de aproximadamente 55 km, apresenta a sua maior largura, de 6 km, no sector Norte-Sul entre Faro e o Cabo de Santa Maria. Este sistema é um conjunto de ilhas-barreira que proteje a zona lagunar adjacente à plataforma litoral algarvia, da invasão marinha. A área total do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa é aproximadamente de 163 km2, sendo 48 km2 cobertos por sapal e 32 km2 ocupados por canais, esteiros e baixios (Teixeira & Alvim, 1978). Durante as marés vivas, as áreas intertidais expostas são de aproximadamente 50 km2. Estas áreas são predominantemente cobertas por plantas de sapal (Spartina maritima), angiospérmicas marinhas (Zostera e Cymodocea) e mantos de macroalgas (Entermorpha, Ulva e Fucus). 20 km2 do sistema são ocupados por salinas e aquaculturas (CCRA, 1984).


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Tese dout., Philosophy, Lancaster University, 2010


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Discrete optimization problems are very difficult to solve, even if the dimention is small. For most of them the problem of finding an ε-approximate solution is already NP-hard. The branch-and-bound algorithms are the most used algorithms for solving exactly this sort of problems.


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Several alternative approaches have been discussed: Levenberg-Marquardt - no satisfactory convergence speed + local minimum, Bacterial algorithm - problems with large dimensionality (speed), Clustering - no safe criterion for number of clusters + dimentionality problem.


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O que é o vernacular em termos de arquitectura de terra e como registar religiosamente as circulações do social? Do rótulo de época ao modo de fazer, do caco adjectivado à ruína não legendada, museologias e ontologias em debate face a um descritor Islâmico reivindicado como referencial de facto – Alcorão e Tradição – no que respeita à cultura material dos vernáculos em causa. Abrindo a caixa negra da arquitectura de terra em Portugal com recurso à teoria actor-rede, da lei na especialidade à espacialidade da lei, do enclave devoluto à argamassa da recolecção, intentada a ligação em conectividade Islâmica no campo – Mértola, Fuzeta, Portimão e Fermentelos – da exposição cosmopolítica, ainda e sobretudo pelas contingências de uma antropologia engatada num quotidiano indexado a um Algarve estendido peninsularmente como Ocidente do Andaluz.