907 resultados para Electromechanical devices.


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Wearable devices performing advanced bio-signal analysis algorithms are aimed to foster a revolution in healthcare provision of chronic cardiac diseases. In this context, energy efficiency is of paramount importance, as long-term monitoring must be ensured while relying on a tiny power source. Operating at a scaled supply voltage, just above the threshold voltage, effectively helps in saving substantial energy, but it makes circuits, and especially memories, more prone to errors, threatening the correct execution of algorithms. The use of error detection and correction codes may help to protect the entire memory content, however it incurs in large area and energy overheads which may not be compatible with the tight energy budgets of wearable systems. To cope with this challenge, in this paper we propose to limit the overhead of traditional schemes by selectively detecting and correcting errors only in data highly impacting the end-to-end quality of service of ultra-low power wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) devices. This partition adopts the protection of either significant words or significant bits of each data element, according to the application characteristics (statistical properties of the data in the application buffers), and its impact in determining the output. The proposed heterogeneous error protection scheme in real ECG signals allows substantial energy savings (11% in wearable devices) compared to state-of-the-art approaches, like ECC, in which the whole memory is protected against errors. At the same time, it also results in negligible output quality degradation in the evaluated power spectrum analysis application of ECG signals.


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The idea of proxying network connectivity has been proposed as an efficient mechanism to maintain network presence on behalf of idle devices, so that they can “sleep”. The concept has been around for many years; alternative architectural solutions have been proposed to implement it, which lead to different considerations about capability, effectiveness and energy efficiency. However, there is neither a clear understanding of the potential for energy saving nor a detailed performance comparison among the different proxy architectures. In this paper, we estimate the potential energy saving achievable by different architectural solutions for proxying network connectivity. Our work considers the trade-off between the saving achievable by putting idle devices to sleep and the additional power consumption to run the proxy. Our analysis encompasses a broad range of alternatives, taking into consideration both implementations already available in the market and prototypes built for research purposes. We remark that the main value of our work is the estimation under realistic conditions, taking into consideration power measurements, usage profiles and proxying capabilities.


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Este trabalho surge do interesse em substituir os nós de rede óptica baseados maioritariamente em electrónica por nós de rede baseados em tecnologia óptica. Espera-se que a tecnologia óptica permita maiores débitos binários na rede, maior transparência e maior eficiência através de novos paradigmas de comutação. Segundo esta visão, utilizou-se o MZI-SOA, um dispositivo semicondutor integrado hibridamente, para realizar funcionalidades de processamento óptico de sinal necessárias em nós de redes ópticas de nova geração. Nas novas redes ópticas são utilizados formatos de modulação avançados, com gestão da fase, pelo que foi estudado experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto da utilização destes formatos no desempenho do MZI-SOA na conversão de comprimento de onda e formato, em várias condições de operação. Foram derivadas regras de utilização para funcionamento óptimo. Foi também estudado o impacto da forma dos pulsos do sinal no desempenho do dispositivo. De seguida, o MZI-SOA foi utilizado para realizar funcionalidades temporais ao nível do bit e do pacote. Foi investigada a operação de um conversor de multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda para multiplexagem por divisão temporal óptica, experimentalmente e por simulação, e de um compressor e descompressor de pacotes, por simulação. Para este último, foi investigada a operação com o MZI-SOA baseado em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor com geometria de poço quântico e ponto quântico. Foi também realizado experimentalmente um ermutador de intervalos temporais que explora o MZI-SOA como conversor de comprimento de onda e usa um banco de linhas de atraso ópticas para introduzir no sinal um atraso seleccionável. Por fim, foi estudado analiticamente, experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto de diafonia em redes ópticas em diversas situações. Extendeu-se um modelo analítico de cálculo de desempenho para contemplar sinais distorcidos e afectados por diafonia. Estudou-se o caso de sinais muito filtrados e afectados por diafonia e mostrou-se que, para determinar correctamente as penalidades que ocorrem, ambos os efeitos devem ser considerados simultaneamente e não em separado. Foi estudada a escalabilidade limitada por diafonia de um comutador de intervalos temporais baseado em MZI-SOA a operar como comutador espacial. Mostrou-se também que sinais afectados fortemente por não-linearidades podem causar penalidades de diafonia mais elevadas do que sinais não afectados por não-linearidades. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que o MZI-SOA permite construir vários e pertinentes circuitos ópticos, funcionando como bloco fundamental de construção, tendo sido o seu desempenho analisado, desde o nível de componente até ao nível de sistema. Tendo em conta as vantagens e desvantagens do MZI-SOA e os desenvolvimentos recentes de outras tecnologias, foram sugeridos tópicos de investigação com o intuito de evoluir para as redes ópticas de nova geração.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo de novos dispositivos fotónicos aplicados a sistemas de comunicações por fibra óptica e a sistemas de processamento de sinais RF. Os dispositivos apresentados baseiam-se em processamento de sinal linear e não linear. Dispositivos lineares ópticos tais como o interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder permitem adicionar sinais ópticos com pesos fixos ou sintonizáveis. Desta forma, este dispositivo pode ser usado respectivamente como um filtro óptico em amplitude com duas saídas complementares, ou, como um filtro óptico de resposta de fase sintonizável. O primeiro princípio de operação serve como base para um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. O segundo princípio de operação é explorado num novo sistema fotónico de direccionamento do campo eléctrico radiado por um agregado de antenas, e também num novo compensador sintonizável de dispersão cromática. O processamento de sinal é não linear quando sinais ópticos são atrasados e posteriormente misturados entre si, em vez de serem linearmente adicionados. Este princípio de operação está por detrás da mistura de um sinal eléctrico com um sinal óptico, que por sua vez é a base de um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. A mistura de sinais ópticos em meios não lineares permite uma operação eficiente numa grande largura espectral. Tal operação é usada para realizar conversão de comprimento de onda sintonizável. Um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal de elevada largura de banda é misturado com duas bombas ópticas não moduladas com base em processos não lineares paramétricos num guia de ondas de niobato de lítio com inversão periódica da polarização dos domínios ferroeléctricos. Noutro trabalho, uma bomba pulsada em que cada pulso tem um comprimento de onda sintonizável serve como base a um novo conversor de sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal para um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda. A bomba é misturada com o sinal óptico de entrada através de um processo não linear paramétrico numa fibra óptica com parâmetro não linear elevado. Todos os dispositivos fotónicos de processamento de sinal linear ou não linear propostos são experimentalmente validados. São também modelados teoricamente ou através de simulação, com a excepção dos que envolvem mistura de sinais ópticos. Uma análise qualitativa é suficiente nestes últimos dispositivos.


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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e aplicação de sistemas baseados em detetores gasosos microestruturados, para imagiologia de fluorescência de raios-X por dispersão em energia (EDXRF). A técnica de imagiologia por fluorescência de raios-X assume-se como uma técnica poderosa, não-destrutiva, em análises da distribuição espacial de elementos em materiais. Os sistemas para imagiologia de EDXRF desenvolvidos são constituídos por: um tubo de raios-X, usado para excitar os elementos da amostra; um detetor gasoso microestruturado; e uma lente pinhole que foca a radiação de fluorescência no plano do detetor formando assim a imagem e permitindo a sua ampliação. Por outro lado é estudada a influência do diâmetro da abertura do pinhole bem como do fator de ampliação obtido para a imagem, na resolução em posição do sistema. Foram usados dois conceitos diferentes de detetores gasosos microestruturados. O primeiro, baseado na microestrutura designada por 2D-Micro-Hole & Strip Plate (2D-MHSP) com uma área ativa de 3 3 cm2, enquanto que o segundo, baseado na estrutura 2D-Thick-COBRA (2D-THCOBRA) apresenta uma área ativa de deteção de 10 10 cm2. Estes detetores de raios-X de baixo custo têm a particularidade de funcionar em regime de fotão único permitindo a determinação da energia e posição de interação de cada fotão que chega ao detetor. Deste modo permitem detetar a energia dos fotões X de fluorescência, bem como obter imagens 2D da distribuição desses fotões X para o intervalo de energias desejado. São por isso adequados a aplicações de imagiologia de EDXRF. Os detetores desenvolvidos mostraram resoluções em energia de 17% e 22% para fotões incidentes com uma energia de 5.9 keV, respectivamente para o detetor 2D-MHSP e 2D-THCOBRA e resoluções em posição adequadas para um vasto número de aplicações. Ao longo deste trabalho é detalhado o desenvolvimento, o estudo das características e do desempenho de cada um dos detetores, e sua influência na performance final de cada sistema proposto. Numa fase mais avançada apresentam-se os resultados correspondentes à aplicação dos dois sistemas a diversas amostras, incluindo algumas do nosso património cultural e também uma amostra biológica.


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Esta tese investiga a caracterização (e modelação) de dispositivos que realizam o interface entre os domínios digital e analógico, tal como os buffers de saída dos circuitos integrados (CI). Os terminais sem fios da atualidade estão a ser desenvolvidos tendo em vista o conceito de rádio-definido-por-software introduzido por Mitola. Idealmente esta arquitetura tira partido de poderosos processadores e estende a operação dos blocos digitais o mais próximo possível da antena. Neste sentido, não é de estranhar que haja uma crescente preocupação, no seio da comunidade científica, relativamente à caracterização dos blocos que fazem o interface entre os domínios analógico e digital, sendo os conversores digital-analógico e analógico-digital dois bons exemplos destes circuitos. Dentro dos circuitos digitais de alta velocidade, tais como as memórias Flash, um papel semelhante é desempenhado pelos buffers de saída. Estes realizam o interface entre o domínio digital (núcleo lógico) e o domínio analógico (encapsulamento dos CI e parasitas associados às linhas de transmissão), determinando a integridade do sinal transmitido. Por forma a acelerar a análise de integridade do sinal, aquando do projeto de um CI, é fundamental ter modelos que são simultaneamente eficientes (em termos computacionais) e precisos. Tipicamente a extração/validação dos modelos para buffers de saída é feita usando dados obtidos da simulação de um modelo detalhado (ao nível do transístor) ou a partir de resultados experimentais. A última abordagem não envolve problemas de propriedade intelectual; contudo é raramente mencionada na literatura referente à caracterização de buffers de saída. Neste sentido, esta tese de Doutoramento foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma nova configuração de medição para a caracterização e modelação de buffers de saída de alta velocidade, com a natural extensão aos dispositivos amplificadores comutados RF-CMOS. Tendo por base um procedimento experimental bem definido, um modelo estado-da-arte é extraído e validado. A configuração de medição desenvolvida aborda não apenas a integridade dos sinais de saída mas também do barramento de alimentação. Por forma a determinar a sensibilidade das quantias estimadas (tensão e corrente) aos erros presentes nas diversas variáveis associadas ao procedimento experimental, uma análise de incerteza é também apresentada.


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K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN), is the most promising lead free material for substituting lead zirconate titanate (PZT) which is still the market leader used for sensors and actuators. To make KNN a real competitor, it is necessary to understand and to improve its properties. This goal is pursued in the present work via different approaches aiming to study KNN intrinsic properties and then to identify appropriate strategies like doping and texturing for designing better KNN materials for an intended application. Hence, polycrystalline KNN ceramics (undoped, non-stoichiometric; NST and doped), high-quality KNN single crystals and textured KNN based ceramics were successfully synthesized and characterized in this work. Polycrystalline undoped, non-stoichiometric (NST) and Mn doped KNN ceramics were prepared by conventional ceramic processing. Structure, microstructure and electrical properties were measured. It was observed that the window for mono-phasic compositions was very narrow for both NST ceramics and Mn doped ceramics. For NST ceramics the variation of A/B ratio influenced the polarization (P-E) hysteresis loop and better piezoelectric and dielectric responses could be found for small stoichiometry deviations (A/B = 0.97). Regarding Mn doping, as compared to undoped KNN which showed leaky polarization (P-E) hysteresis loops, B-site Mn doped ceramics showed a well saturated, less-leaky hysteresis loop and a significant properties improvement. Impedance spectroscopy was used to assess the role of Mn and a relation between charge transport – defects and ferroelectric response in K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) and Mn doped KNN ceramics could be established. At room temperature the conduction in KNN which is associated with holes transport is suppressed by Mn doping. Hence Mn addition increases the resistivity of the ceramic, which proved to be very helpful for improving the saturation of the P-E loop. At high temperatures the conduction is dominated by the motion of ionized oxygen vacancies whose concentration increases with Mn doping. Single crystals of potassium sodium niobate (KNN) were grown by a modified high temperature flux method. A boron-modified flux was used to obtain the crystals at a relatively low temperature. XRD, EDS and ICP analysis proved the chemical and crystallographic quality of the crystals. The grown KNN crystals exhibit higher dielectric permittivity (29,100) at the tetragonal-to-cubic phase transition temperature, higher remnant polarization (19.4 μC/cm2) and piezoelectric coefficient (160 pC/N) when compared with the standard KNN ceramics. KNN single crystals domain structure was characterized for the first time by piezoforce response microscopy. It could be observed that <001> - oriented potassium sodium niobate (KNN) single crystals reveal a long range ordered domain pattern of parallel 180° domains with zig-zag 90° domains. From the comparison of KNN Single crystals to ceramics, It is argued that the presence in KNN single crystal (and absence in KNN ceramics) of such a long range order specific domain pattern that is its fingerprint accounts for the improved properties of single crystals. These results have broad implications for the expanded use of KNN materials, by establishing a relation between the domain patterns and the dielectric and ferroelectric response of single crystals and ceramics and by indicating ways of achieving maximised properties in KNN materials. Polarized Raman analysis of ferroelectric potassium sodium niobate (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) single crystals was performed. For the first time, an evidence is provided that supports the assignment of KNN single crystals structure to the monoclinic symmetry at room temperature. Intensities of A′, A″ and mixed A′+A″ phonons have been theoretically calculated and compared with the experimental data in dependence of crystal rotation, which allowed the precise determination of the Raman tensor coefficients for (non-leaking) modes in monoclinic KNN. In relation to the previous literature, this study clarifies that assigning monoclinic phase is more suitable than the orthorhombic one. In addition, this study is the basis for non-destructive assessments of domain distribution by Raman spectroscopy in KNN-based lead-free ferroelectrics with complex structures. Searching a deeper understanding of the electrical behaviour of both KNN single crystal and polycrystalline materials for the sake of designing optimized KNN materials, a comparative study at the level of charge transport and point defects was carried out by impedance spectroscopy. KNN single crystals showed lower conductivity than polycrystals from room temperature up to 200 ºC, but above this temperature polycrystalline KNN displays lower conductivity. The low temperature (T < 200 ºC) behaviour reflects the different processing conditions of both ceramics and single crystals, which account for less defects prone to charge transport in the case of single crystals. As temperature increases (T > 200 ºC) single crystals become more conductive than polycrystalline samples, in which grain boundaries act as barriers to charge transport. For even higher temperatures the conductivity difference between both is increased due to the contribution of ionic conduction in single crystals. Indeed the values of activation energy calculated to the high temperature range (T > 300 ºC) were 1.60 and 0.97 eV, confirming the charge transport due to ionic conduction and ionized oxygen vacancies in single crystals and polycrystalline KNN, respectively. It is suggested that single crystals with low defects content and improved electromechanical properties could be a better choice for room temperature applications, though at high temperatures less conductive ceramics may be the choice, depending on the targeted use. Aiming at engineering the properties of KNN polycrystals towards the performance of single crystals, the preparation and properties study of (001) – oriented (K0.5Na0.5)0.98Li0.02NbO3 (KNNL) ceramics obtained by templated grain growth (TGG) using KNN single crystals as templates was undertaken. The choice of KNN single crystals templates is related with their better properties and to their unique domain structure which were envisaged as a tool for templating better properties in KNN ceramics too. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed for the templated ceramics a monoclinic structure at room temperature and a Lotgering factor (f) of 40% which confirmed texture development. These textured ceramics exhibit a long range ordered domain pattern consisting of 90º and 180º domains, similar to the one observed in the single crystals. Enhanced dielectric (13017 at TC), ferroelectric (2Pr = 42.8 μC/cm2) and piezoelectric (d33 = 280 pC/N) properties are observed for textured KNNL ceramics as compared to the randomly oriented ones. This behaviour is suggested to be due to the long range ordered domain patterns observed in the textured ceramics. The obtained results as compared with the data previously reported on texture KNN based ceramics confirm that superior properties were found due to ordered repeated domain pattern. This study provides an useful approach towards properties improvement of KNN-based piezoelectric ceramics. Overall, the present results bring a significant contribution to the pool of knowledge on the properties of sodium potassium niobate materials: a relation between the domain patterns and di-, ferro-, and piezo-electric response of single crystals and ceramics was demonstrated and ways of engineering maximised properties in KNN materials, for example by texturing were established. This contribution is envisaged to have broad implications for the expanded use of KNN over the alternative lead-based materials.


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The objective of this thesis is to study the properties of resistive switching effect based on bistable resistive memory which is fabricated in the form of Al2O3/polymer diodes and to contribute to the elucidation of resistive switching mechanisms. Resistive memories were characterized using a variety of electrical techniques, including current-voltage measurements, small-signal impedance, and electrical noise based techniques. All the measurements were carried out over a large temperature range. Fast voltage ramps were used to elucidate the dynamic response of the memory to rapid varying electric fields. The temperature dependence of the current provided insight into the role of trapped charges in resistive switching. The analysis of fast current fluctuations using electric noise techniques contributed to the elucidation of the kinetics involved in filament formation/rupture, the filament size and correspondent current capabilities. The results reported in this thesis provide insight into a number of issues namely: (i) The fundamental limitations on the speed of operation of a bi-layer resistive memory are the time and voltage dependences of the switch-on mechanism. (ii) The results explain the wide spread in switching times reported in the literature and the apparently anomalous behaviour of the high conductance state namely the disappearance of the negative differential resistance region at high voltage scan rates which is commonly attributed to a “dead time” phenomenon which had remained elusive since it was first reported in the ‘60s. (iii) Assuming that the current is filamentary, Comsol simulations were performed and used to explain the observed dynamic properties of the current-voltage characteristics. Furthermore, the simulations suggest that filaments can interact with each other. (iv) The current-voltage characteristics have been studied as a function of temperature. The findings indicate that creation and annihilation of filaments is controlled by filling and neutralizing traps localized at the oxide/polymer interface. (v) Resistive switching was also studied in small-molecule OLEDs. It was shown that the degradation that leads to a loss of light output during operation is caused by the presence of a resistive switching layer. A diagnostic tool that predicts premature failure of OLEDs was devised and proposed. Resistive switching is a property of oxides. These layers can grow in a number of devices including, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), spin-valve transistors and photovoltaic devices fabricated in different types of material. Under strong electric fields the oxides can undergo dielectric breakdown and become resistive switching layers. Resistive switching strongly modifies the charge injection causing a number of deleterious effects and eventually device failure. In this respect the findings in this thesis are relevant to understand reliability issues in devices across a very broad field.


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Adequate user authentication is a persistent problem, particularly with mobile devices, which tend to be highly personal and at the fringes of an organisation's influence. Yet these devices are being used increasingly in various business settings, where they pose a risk to security and privacy, not only from sensitive information they may contain, but also from the means they typically offer to access such information over wireless networks. User authentication is the first line of defence for a mobile device that falls into the hands of an unauthorised user. However, motivating users to enable simple password mechanisms and periodically update their authentication information is difficult at best. This paper examines some of the issues relating to the use of biometrics as a viable method of authentication on mobile wireless devices. It is also a critical analysis of some of the techniques currently employed and where appropriate, suggests novel hybrid ways in which they could be improved or modified. Both biometric technology and wireless setting based constraints that determine the feasibility and the performance of the authentication feature are specified. Some well known biometric technologies are briefly reviewed and their feasibility for wireless and mobile use is reviewed. Furthermore, a number of quantitative and qualitative parameters for evaluation are also presented. Biometric technologies are continuously advancing toward commercial implementation in wireless devices. When carefully designed and implemented, the advantage of biometric authentication arises mainly from increased convenience and coexistent improved security.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015


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The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with interfaces is an active challenge field in the industry over the past decades and has opened the way to communicate with the means of verbal, hand and body gestures using the latest technologies for a variety of different applications in areas such as video games, training and simulation. However, accurate recognition of gestures is still a challenge. In this paper, we review the basic principles and current methodologies used for collecting the raw gesture data from the user for recognize actions the users perform and the technologies currently used for gesture-HCI in games enterprise. In addition, we present a set of projects from various applications in games industry that are using gestural interaction.


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Background World Health Organization and EU hand hygiene guidelines state that if electric hand dryers are used, they should not aerosolize pathogens. Previous studies have investigated the dispersal by different hand-drying devices of chemical indicators, fungi and bacteria on the hands. This study assessed the aerosolization and dispersal of virus on the hands to determine any differences between hand-drying devices in their potential to contaminate other occupants of public washrooms and the washroom environment. Methods A suspension of MS2, an Escherichia coli bacteriophage virus, was used to artificially contaminate the hands of participants prior to using three different hand-drying devices: jet air dryer, warm air dryer, paper towel dispenser. Virus was detected by plaque formation on agar plates layered with the host bacterium. Vertical dispersal of virus was assessed at a fixed distance (0.4 m) and over a range of different heights (0.0 – 1.8 m) from the floor. Horizontal dispersal was assessed at different distances of up to three metres from the hand-drying devices. Virus aerosolization and dispersal was also assessed at different times up to 15 minutes after use by means of air sampling at two distances (0.1 and 1.0 m) and at a distance behind and offset from each of the hand-drying devices. Results Over a range of heights, the jet air dryer was shown to produce over 60 times greater vertical dispersal of virus from the hands than a warm air dryer and over 1300 times greater than paper towels; the maximum being detected between 0.6 and 1.2 metres from the floor. Horizontal dispersal of virus by the jet air dryer was over 20 times greater than a warm air dryer and over 190 times greater than paper towels; virus being detected at distances of up to three metres. Air sampling at three different positions from the hand-drying devices 15 minutes after use showed that the jet air dryer produced over 50-times greater viral contamination of the air than a warm air dryer and over 110-times greater than paper towels. Conclusions Due to their high air speed, jet air dryers aerosolize and disperse more virus over a range of heights, greater distances, and for longer times than other hand drying devices. If hands are inadequately washed, they have a greater potential to contaminate other occupants of a public washroom and the washroom environment. Main messages: Jet air dryers with claimed air speeds of over 600 kph have a greater potential than warm air dryers or paper towels to aerosolize and disperse viruses on the hands of users. The choice of hand-drying device should be carefully considered. Jet air dryers may increase the risk of transmission of human viruses, such as norovirus, particularly if hand washing is inadequate.