892 resultados para Early Modern Spain


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La tesis plantea el estudio de la figura de Fernando García Mercadal (1896- 1985) y su obra, en el contexto del proyecto moderno perteneciente a la racionalidad teórica colectiva de la segunda generación del Movimiento Moderno en Europa, y explora la vida y circunstancias de un arquitecto que aunque nacido en el XIX, trajo la modernidad a España. El Movimiento Moderno en España, se articula en las décadas de los años 20 y 30 a través del GATEPAC y un grupo de arquitectos racionalistas en Madrid que Carlos Flores denomina Generación del 1925. Fernando García Mercadal, primero de su promoción en 1921 y pensionado en Roma, pertenece a ambos y pronto se convierte junto con Josep Lluis Sert, en una de las figuras más relevantes del panorama moderno español. Único miembro fundador del GATEPAC que había nacido en el siglo XIX, publica habitualmente en la revista AC (1931-1937), y en la revista Arquitectura desde 1920. Organiza en la Residencia de Estudiantes, entre 1928 y 1932, un famoso ciclo de Conferencias que imparten Le Corbusier, Mendelsohn, Van Doesburg, Gropius y Giedion. También asiste a la reunión constituyente de los CIAM en La Sarraz en 1928, al CIAM II en Frankfurt en 1929 y al CIAM III en Bruselas en 1930. Fue profesor en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid y Arquitecto Jefe de la Oficina de Urbanismo y de Parques y Jardines del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, cargo al que accede por oposición en 1932. Tras la guerra fue depurado e inhabilitado profesionalmente, hasta que en 1946 comienza a trabajar en el Departamento de Arquitectura del I.N.P. donde continúa hasta los años 70. En 1979 es nombrado Académico de número de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando y muere en Madrid en 1985. Estos son los datos conocidos y aunque en la tesis se aportan nuevos datos inéditos, es en las premisas para su interpretación donde este trabajo de investigación pone el acento. En la historiografía de nuestra arquitectura moderna, pervive una tendencia a suponer una desconexión entre la vanguardia arquitectónica en los años 20 y 30 y el movimiento moderno internacional. El manto de silencio que cayó sobre la generación anterior a la guerra, una vez terminada esta, contribuye a reforzar la idea, cuyo origen y causas exceden el ámbito de trabajo, aunque se tratarán tangencialmente por ser ineludible hacerlo. La tesis pone en cuestión ese planteamiento desde el convencimiento fundamentado en los datos y en la consulta de fuentes originales, que la arquitectura española anterior a la guerra, aun con las circunstancias particulares del país, estuvo en sintonía con la europea, siendo esta la hipótesis de partida de la investigación. Las aportaciones más significativas que, a mi entender, presenta la tesis doctoral, y tienen mayor originalidad, son las siguientes; 1.Puesta en valor de la arquitectura de FGM, antes y después de la guerra, abandonando la idea de su supuesta renuncia a las ideas modernas a partir de los 30; 2. Puesta en valor, con aportación de datos concretos, de la Intensa relación mantenida por FGM y otros arquitectos españoles del Movimiento Moderno con los arquitectos de igual tendencia en el resto de Europa, a través de contactos recíprocos y continuos; 3. Estudio de la obra de FGM en el marco del Movimiento Moderno como una nueva arquitectura basada no tanto en la epidermis, como en una forma de hacer y encarar los problemas donde el proceso es tan importante como el resultado; con el Urbanismo como una nueva ciencia, y con el desarrollo de nuevos programas funcionales acordes a las necesidades de la sociedad contemporánea como el Rincón de Goya y el Hospital de Zaragoza. Se manejan tres métodos de trabajo. Los dos primeros aportan un nuevo enfoque al análisis crítico de FGM y su obra, situándole en el contexto internacional, además del español. El tercero, de carácter instrumental, permite el manejo y sistematización de la documentación. El primer método, consiste en aplicar el criterio generacional de Pevsner o Giedion entre otros, al Movimiento Moderno en España, situando a Fernando García Mercadal como arquitecto de la segunda generación, para hacer un análisis crítico comparativo de su trayectoria con otros arquitectos europeos de la misma, que permita establecer semejanzas y diferencias. El segundo método, complementario al anterior, consiste en estudiar las relaciones internacionales de FGM con las figuras más próximas a él y sus posibles influencias. Por último, y en relación con la documentación de obras y proyectos, se manejan a su vez dos criterios. Para la obra completa, y debido a la inexistencia de originales del Legado García Mercadal, se utiliza con carácter general el material ya publicado, disperso en libros y revistas. En el caso de las cinco obras seleccionadas, se completa con búsqueda en archivos, toma de datos in situ actualizados cuando es posible, y una recopilación de su repercusión en prensa escrita de su momento. ABSTRACT This research study focuses on Fernando Garcia Mercadal (1896-1985) and his work in the context of the Modern project as part of the collective theoretical rationality of the second generation of European Modern architecture. It explores the life and circumstances of the architect, who even though born in 19th century introduced Modern architecture in Spain. Modern architecture (Modern Movement) in Spain covered two decades between 20's and 30's through GATEPAC and a group of rationalists in Madrid that Carlos Flores named “generation of '25”. Fernando Garcia Mercadal, top of his class in 1921 and granted with the scholarship in Rome, belonged to both groups and early in his career he became, along with Josep Lluis Sert, one of the most relevant figures of Modern Architecture in Spain. He was the only member of GATEPAC who was born in 19th century. He frequently published on the magazine “AC” (1931-1937) and on “Arquitecture” magazine since 1920. He organized a series of famous lectures at “Residencia de Estudiantes” (Madrid) between 1928 and 1932 in which Le Corbusier, Mendelsohn, Van Doesburg, Gropius or Giedion took part. He was a member of the constituent meeting of CIAM in La Sarraz in 1928, CIAM II in Frankfurt in 1929 and CIAM III in Brussels in 1930. Mercadal was a teacher at Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid and the Chief of the Urban Planning, Parks and Gardens Office of the Council of Madrid. He earned his position by public examination in 1932. After the civil war he was disqualified professionally until 1946, when he started working at the Architecture Department at INP until 70's. In 1979 he was elected as an academic member of “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando” and later died in 1985. These are the well-known facts and even though this research study provides unpublished facts, it focuses on the premises to interpret them. Throughout the historiographical discourse of Spanish Modern architecture there is a tendency to assume a disconnection between the Avant-garde architecture movements in 20's and 30's and International Modern architecture (Modern Movement). The generation preceding the war remained silent in regard to this issue and once the war was over, they contributed to support the disconnection. The origin and cause exceed the frame of this work, even though they are incidentally commented due to its importance. This research study questions the approach explained above, based on the facts and the original sources. Its first hypothesis states that Spanish architecture before the civil war was, under its own circumstances, in tune with European architecture. The most important and original contributions of this research study are the following under my point of view: 1. To highlight the architecture of FGM, before and after the war, leaving behind his reputed withdrawal of Modernity after 30's; 2. To highlight the intense relationship between FGM and other Modern Spanish architects and other European architects sharing the same ideas, providing detailed facts; 3. Study of FGM's work in the context of Modern architecture as a new architecture based on its know-how and the way problems are faced. The process is as important as the result, not so much based on the dermis; with urban planning as the new science and with the development of the new functional programs based on the needs of contemporary society as in Rincón de Goya or Hospital de Zaragoza. Three work methods are used. The first two add a new vision of the critical analysis related to FGM and his work, positioning him in the international context in addition to Spain. The third is used as an instrument to manage and systematize the documentation. The first method applies the generational criteria of Pevsner or Giedion (among others) to Modern architecture in Spain, positioning Fernando Garcia Mercadal as a second generation architect. A critical-comparative analysis of his career and contemporary European architects is made to establish similarities and differences. The second method is complementary to the previous one and studies the international relationships of FGM with other recognised architects that were close to him and their possible influences. At last, in relation to his works and projects, two methods are used. For the complete works, due to the lack of originals, published material found on magazines and books is used as the source. In the case of the five selected buildings, it is complemented with archive search, onsite data collection when possible and the impact on the press at that moment.


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Although the prevalence or even occurrence of insect herbivory during the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) has been questioned, we present the earliest-known ecologic evidence showing that by Late Pennsylvanian times (302 million years ago) a larva of the Holometabola was galling the internal tissue of Psaronius tree-fern fronds. Several diagnostic cellular and histological features of these petiole galls have been preserved in exquisite detail, including an excavated axial lumen filled with fecal pellets and comminuted frass, plant-produced response tissue surrounding the lumen, and specificity by the larval herbivore for a particular host species and tissue type. Whereas most suggestions over-whelmingly support the evolution of such intimate and reciprocal plant-insect interactions 175 million years later, we provide documentation that before the demise of Pennsylvanian age coal-swamp forests, a highly stereotyped life cycle was already established between an insect that was consuming internal plant tissue and a vascular plant host responding to that herbivory. This and related discoveries of insect herbivore consumption of Psaronius tissues indicate that modern-style herbivores were established in Late Pennsylvanian coal-swamp forests.


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The Upper Miocene stratigraphic succession of the Las Minas Basin, located at the external zone of the Betic Chain in SE Spain, preserves several examples of lake carbonate bench deposits. Excellent exposures of the carbonate benches allow detailed observation of the architecture of these sediments and provide new insights for the ‘‘steep-gradient bench margin–low energy’’ model proposed by Platt and Wright (1991). The lake carbonate benches developed in close association with fluvially dominated shallow deltas that exhibit typical Gilbert-type profiles. The delta sequences comprise bottomset prodelta marl facies, distal to proximal foreset facies, deposited mainly in a delta-front environment, and topset facies, the latter reflecting both subaqueous delta-front and subaerial delta-plain environments. The development of the carbonate benches was constrained by the convexupward morphology of the deltaic deposits, which led to the available accommodation space for the growth of the steep-gradient platforms. The benches display a progradational pattern characterized by sigmoid-oblique internal geometries and offlap upper boundary relationships, which suggests that the carbonate benches developed under slow though continuous lake-level rise. Both the dimensions of the benches and the dominant carbonate components (i.e., encrusted charophyte stems and calcified cyanobaterial remains), allow comparisons with the progradational marl benches recognized in modern temperate hardwater lakes. Accordingly, the case study presented here provides a good ancient sedimentary analog for low-energy lake carbonate benches. Moreover, the evolutionary trend inferred from the fossil example offers new insights into the depositional conditions of this type of sediment and allows recognition of the transitional pattern from bench to ramp carbonate lake margins.


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The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. Moreover, these new data encourage revising the previously proposed stratigraphic correlations between the studied units and those deposited in adjacent areas of the Iberian Basin. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is interpreted here as gradual and rapid, because the transition between both units comprises few meters. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valanginian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.


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Within the context of the health reforms introduced in Spain in the early 20th century and the influence of international health organisations on their development, this article analyses the growing interest that surrounded nourishment and food-related problems at that time in relation to healthcare, the diagnosis provided by hygienists of such problems, and the public health measures applied to resolve them. The issue of hygienic diet and the collective aspect of nutritional problems became priorities in the field of healthcare. Two of the most prominent initiatives involved setting up a Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene and Bromatological Technique during the early years of the Second Republic, as part of the National School of Health, as well as a Food Hygiene Service. Spanish hygienists underlined the importance of education and the dissemination of information about food hygiene, health and nutrition, in order to overcome the qualitative and quantitative deficiencies observed in the average diet of the Spanish population.


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Sandstone petrography and mudstone mineralogy and geochemistry of Triassic mudstones and sandstones from continental redbeds of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) provide useful information on provenance, palaeoclimate and geodynamics during the early stages of the Pangea break-up, and on their diagenetic evolution. The sandstones are quartzarenites to sub-litharenites, with minor lithic fragments and rare feldspars. The mudstone samples show a PAAS like elemental distribution. The samples likely record recycling processes from their metasedimentary basement rocks that significantly affected the weathering indices, and monitors cumulative effects, including a first cycle of weathering at the source rocks. Sandstone composition and chemical–mineralogical features of mudstones record a provenance derived from continental block and recycled orogen that were weathered under warm and episodically wet climate. Source areas were located towards the east of the present-day Malaguide outcrops, and were formed by fairly silicic rock types, made up mainly of Palaezoic metasedimentary rocks, similar to those of the Paleozoic underlying series, with subordinate contributions from magmatic–metamorphic sources, and a rare supply from mafic metavolcanic rocks. Clay-mineral distribution of mudstones is dominated by illite and illite/smectite mixed-layer that result from differences in provenance, weathering, and burial/temperature history. Illite crystallinity values, illitization of kaolinite, occurrence of typical authigenic minerals and apatite fission-track studies, coupled with a subsidence analysis of the whole Malaguide succession suggest burial depths of at least 4–6 km with temperatures of 140–160 °C, typical of the burial diagenetic stage, and confirm the Middle Miocene exhumation of the Betic Internal Domain tectonic stack topped by the Malaguide Complex.


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New data reveal Early Burdigalian ‘Numidian-like lithofacies’ in successions of the internal (southernmost) part of the South Iberian Margin (SIM) and the south-western margin of the Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM). The well-known Numidian Formation was deposited in the external (Massylian) sub-domain of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (a south-western branch of the Tethys Ocean). The anomalous occurrence of ‘Numidian-like lithofacies’ is induced by the particular Early Miocene palaeogeographical and geodynamic complexity of the sector. This consisted of a ‘triple point’ with a dextral transform fault between the SIM and the MM-Maghrebian Flysch Basin system. In this framework, the ageing of Iberian reliefs and the MM collapse, coupled with an African Margin upbulging, and a shortening of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (both related to the subduction), could have resulted in the arrival of the Numidian depositional system from so far away.


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The assemblages of Early Jurassic brachiopods (Pliensbachian - Toarcian) from Sierra Espuña (Murcia Province, SE Spain) are described. This is the only area in the Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera, corresponding to the margins of the Alborán Terrane, where Jurassic brachiopods are known to occur. In the tectonic Unit of Morrón de Totana (more southward located) assemblage MT1 of Late Pliensbachian age has been characterized. This assemblage has been subdivided into three successive sub-assemblages: MT1a (Algovianum Zone), MT1b (Emaciatum Zone, Solare Subzone) and MT1c (Emaciatum Zone, Elisa Subzone). Northward, in the Perona tectonic Unit two distinct assemblages, P1 (Latest Sinemurian - Early Pliensbachian) and P2 (Early Toarcian, Serpentinum Zone) have been recognized. Differences between the assemblages from the two tectonic units are evident after the paleobiogeographical analysis. In the Morrón de Totana Unit, taxa with Mediterranean affinities occur. MT1 assemblage is very similar to assemblages previously known in the Eastern Subbetic as well as in other areas of the Mediterranean Province. In the Perona Unit the Mediterranean affinity of the assemblages is not so evident. P1 Assemblage consists of widely distributed taxa, lacking in the most characteristic elements of the Mediterranean Province which, however, are present in neighbouring Betic areas. P2 Assemblage belongs to the Spanish Province that develops in Western Tethys after the Early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event. The occurrence in this assemblage of Prionorhynchia aff. msougari Rousselle, until now only found in North Africa, indicates a closer connection of the Perona Unit with the African paleomargin of the Tethys than with the South Iberian paleomargin. The paleobiogeographical data suggest a more southern and marginal (close to epicontinental areas) position of the Perona Unit than the Morrón de Totana Unit.


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El final del Serravalliense y principio del Tortoniense es un periodo de fuerte actividad tectónica en la Cordillera Bética. Además, existe un debate sobre la existencia de sedimentos de edad Tortoniense inferior al no existir claras atribuciones fósiles en esa edad. Estos sedimentos se asignan a dicha edad por criterios indirectos, tanto estratigráficos como por la ausencia de contenido fósil más antiguo o más reciente. En este trabajo se describe la sección compuesta de Les Moreres-Albatera, que es probablemente una de las secciones más completas de edad Tortoniense en la bibliografía de la Cordillera Bética, pese a tener un importante hiato de cerca de 1 Millón de años ligado a un evento tectónico intra-Tortoniense. La sección presenta dos unidades litológicas calizas a la base (El Castellà) y al techo (Las Ventanas) y dos unidades intermedias margosas, la inferior, llamada Les Moreres, y la superior, Galería de los Suizos se encuentran separadas por el conglomerado de la Raya del Búho. Se han identificado las biozonas de nanofósiles calcáreos CN5b/NN7 a CN9a/NN11a (Okada & Bukry, 1980; Martini, 1971) y de foraminíferos planctónicos de MMi9 a MMi12a (Lourens et al., 2004). La biostratigrafía de los primeros ha permitido identificar un hiato que incluye la parte alta de las biozonas CN7/NN9 hasta la parte baja de CN9a/NN11a (Okada & Bukry, 1980; Martini, 1971). La integración de los datos biostratigráficos con los paleomagnéticos en la sección Albatera permite la calibración del límite de los magnetocrones C4r.1r/C4n.2n.


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The episcopal complex of Eio, located in El Tolmo de Minateda, was built between the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, possibly as a political decision taken by the ecclesiastical authority in the capital of the Visigothic kingdom (Toletum). With the comprehensive study of the whole complex presented below (construction cycles, furniture, decoration and location of spaces), we can interpret the function of each space in the basilica and the domus episcopi, the liturgical and general movement routes, the existence of some hierarchical environments, and specify the chronological development of the buildings. After the Arab-Berber conquest of Hispania in the early 8th century, the whole complex will experience a series of transformations that will convert the religious and monumental public area into a private, residential and industrial Islamic quarter.


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Six Paleogene-Aquitanian successions have been reconstructed in the Alicante area (eastern External Betic Zone). The lithofacies association evidences “catastrophic” syn-sedimentary tectonic processes consisting of slumps, mega-olisthostromes, “pillow-beds” and turbiditic deposits. This kind of sedimentation is related to unconformity surfaces delimiting sequence and para-sequence cycles in the stratigraphic record. The data compiled have enabled the reconstruction of the Paleogene-Aquitanian paleogeographic and geodynamic evolution of this sector of the External Betics. During the Eocene the sedimentary basin is interpreted as a narrow trough affected by (growth) folding related to blind thrust faulting with a source area from the north-western margin, while the southeastern margin remained inactive. During the Oligocene-Aquitanian, the sourcing margin becames the southeastern margin of the basin affected by a catastrophic tectonic. The activity of the margins is identified from specific sediment source areas for the platform-slope-trough system and from tectofacies analysis. The southeastern South Iberian Margin is thought to be closer to the Internal Betic Zone, which was tectonically pushing towards the South Iberian Margin. This pushing could generate a lateral progressive elimination of subbetic paleogeographic domains in the eastern Betics. This geodynamic frame could explain the development of such “catastrophic” tectono-sedimentary processes during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene.


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Koninckinids are a suitable group to shed light on the biotic crisis suffered by brachiopod fauna in the Early Jurassic. Koninckinid fauna recorded in the late Pliensbachian–early Toarcian from the easternmost Subbetic basin is analyzed and identified as a precursor signal for one of the most conspicuous mass extinction events of the Phylum Brachiopoda, a multi-phased interval with episodes of changing environmental conditions, whose onset can be detected from the Elisa–Mirabile subzones up to the early Toarcian extinction boundary in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone (T-OAE). The koninckinid fauna had a previously well-established migration pattern from the intra-Tethyan to the NW-European basins but a first phase with a progressive warming episode in the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition triggered a koninckinid fauna exodus from the eastern/central Tethys toward the westernmost Mediterranean margins. A second stage shows an adaptive response to more adverse conditions in the westernmost Tethyan margins and finally, an escape and extinction phase is detected in the Atlantic areas from the mid-Polymorphum Zone onwards up to their global extinction in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone. This migration pattern is independent of the paleogeographic bioprovinciality and is unrelated to a facies-controlled pattern. The anoxic/suboxic environmental conditions should only be considered as a minor factor of partial control since well-oxygenated habitats are noted in the intra-Tethyan basins and this factor is noticeable only in the second westward migratory stage (with dwarf taxa and oligotypical assemblages). The analysis of cold-seep proxies in the Subbetic deposits suggests a radiation that is independent of methane releases in the Subbetic basin.


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The present study examined the predictive effects of gender, intellectual ability, self-concept, motivation, learning strategies, popularity and parent involvement on academic achievement. Hiearchical regression analysis were performed with six steps in which each variable was included, among a sample of 1398 high school students (mean age = 12.5; standard deviation = .67) of eight education centers from the province of Alicante (Spain). The results revealed significant predictive effects of all of the variables, explaining 59.1% of the total variance.


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Background: The immigrant population living in Spain grew exponentially in the early 2000s but has been particularly affected by the economic crisis. This study aims to analyse health inequalities between immigrants born in middle- or low-income countries and natives in Spain, in 2006 and 2012, taking into account gender, year of arrival and socioeconomic exposures. Methods: Study of trends using two cross-sections, the 2006 and 2012 editions of the Spanish National Health Survey, including residents in Spain aged 15–64 years (20 810 natives and 2950 immigrants in 2006, 14 291 natives and 2448 immigrants in 2012). Fair/poor self-rated health, poor mental health (GHQ-12 > 2), chronic activity limitation and use of psychotropic drugs were compared between natives and immigrants who arrived in Spain before 2006, adjusting robust Poisson regression models for age and socioeconomic variables to obtain prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Inequalities in poor self-rated health between immigrants and natives tend to increase among women (age-adjusted PR2006 = 1.39; 95% CI: 1.24–1.56, PR2012 = 1.56; 95% CI: 1.33–1.82). Among men, there is a new onset of inequalities in poor mental health (PR2006 = 1.10; 95% CI: 0.86–1.40, PR2012 = 1.34; 95% CI: 1.06–1.69) and an equalization of the previously lower use of psychotropic drugs (PR2006 = 0.22; 95% CI: 0.11–0.43, PR2012 = 1.20; 95% CI: 0.73–2.01). Conclusions: Between 2006 and 2012, immigrants who arrived in Spain before 2006 appeared to worsen their health status when compared with natives. The loss of the healthy immigrant effect in the context of a worse impact of the economic crisis on immigrants appears as potential explanation. Employment, social protection and re-universalization of healthcare would prevent further deterioration of immigrants’ health status.


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This paper is part of the research project HAR2012–34035 (Lectura arqueológica del uso social del espacio. Espacios domésticos y vida social entre la Antigüedad y el Medievo, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).