852 resultados para Dinâmicas urbanas
The work presented here aims to make an analysis of the socio-spatial dynamics of associative supermarket chains and their importance in redefining the roles of small urban North Rio Grande cities. The theoretical approach gives priority to business as a city constituent whose understanding allows us to seize the new socio-spatial dynamics of small towns in the face of globalization and which caused changes in the scope of its commercial forms. In this sense, we understand that trade, as an essentially urban activity has a very specific characteristic, with respect to its ability to transform the content and meaning of places. Another important factor in the construction work was the context of changes in the capitalist production system with the advent of flexible production and the determinations of the economic globalization process that brought new ways of organizing trade. The empirical analysis of the research includes two associative supermarket chains, the “Rede 10” and the “Rede Seridó”, bringing together basic elements for understanding the genesis and evolution of this new organizational model of trade in small towns of the state, as well as allowed -In understand the main changes in this segment of commercial activity. The methodology we used literature in books and periodicals, collected mainly secondary data collection with the SEBRAE and the ABRAS and was still a field research where interviews were conducted forwarded along to the associative network managers to supermarkets, owners of associated facilities and with consumers of the surveyed networks .Finally, we conclude that the formation and expansion of associative supermarket chains in the context of small cities potiguares is essentially in a survival alternative traditional small traders, that sharing the associative principles albeit somewhat rigidly guided by the training cooperation networks can not only stay in the market , but to impose as a new agent in the capital of the reproduction process. Thus, the associative supermarket chains in the search for new spaces, particularly within small towns end up promoting new momentum in these cities providing different flows and interconnections with different places, giving new content and urban roles. By taking not only the condition of the place of living, but also the place to reproduce the capital, small towns offer their population better able to make purchases, thus avoiding the mandatory population shifts to other urban centers in order to meet their consumption needs.
The use of energy from renewable sources is increasingly demanded by society, especially aeolian - whose raw material is wind. Investments in wind power have become significant in Brazil with emphasis on the Northeast and in particular the Rio Grande do Norte state. According to the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Energy Research Company) (2012 ) , investments in the state grew significantly since 2002 with a total accumulated power, by 2013, of approximately 3,400 MW . Even with the early experiences of exploitation of wind energy in 2002, it is still considered new and requires further study referring to the likely changes in the environment and society. In this case, it is of growing and urgent importance to deeply study the wind still in the survey phase of the project, ie , at the beginning of decision making on the most feasible to implement these parks site. Given the above, the question is: from a technical and environmental analysis, how to identify viable areas to install Aeolian parks, taking into account the factors of the environmental dynamics that are relevant to minimize the negative results to the environment and the society? Thus, this study conducted a study on technical and environmental feasibility, proposing a methodology of exploration of feasible wind farms in coastal areas. The study area was a fragment of the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte and its natural landscape units were identified through the environmental characterization of the area, as well as it was elaborated the map of the land cover, restriction homes and urban areas and Permanent Preservation Areas - PPAs. The environmental fragility was subdivided in the fragility of the natural dynamic, mapped through relief, soils and geology of natural units, and the fragility of the ecosystem, originated by the land cover map. In addition to these maps, it was generated the wind resource for an area from a height of 50 and 100 meters. The intersection between the fragility maps, PPAs and Restriction of homes superimposed on maps of wind potential, provided the map of feasibility of Aeolian parks, resulting in the most favorable areas for its facilities in a technical and environmental point of view. From this study, the entrepreneur can evaluate whether or not to proceed with the studies in this area and especially decrease potential conflicts with society.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
La investigación realizada se estructuró a partir de la hipótesis siguiente: Las producciones agroalimentarias artesanales de base local, aun teniendo una significación económica menor, son capaces de construir territorio en los espacios en que se ubican. La cooperación entre los distintos agentes de los sistemas agroalimentarios, organizados en forma de denominación de origen, ayuda a las empresas a adaptarse a un contexto globalizado de cambio e incertidumbre, e incide positivamente en las posibilidades de desarrollo territorial del espacio rural de la Comunidad de Madrid. Esta hipótesis se pretende contrastar a través del análisis de los recursos, activos y acciones puestos en marcha por los mecanismos de las denominaciones de origen en tres estudios de caso en la Comunidad de Madrid que se encuentran en diferentes estadios de configuración. Para ello, y siguiendo la propuesta tipológica de Muchnik y Sautier (1998) sobre la naturaleza del SIAL, los principales objetivos de la investigación son los siguientes: - Identificar las precondiciones que han podido dar origen a la formación de sistemas productivos agroalimentarios, su antigüedad y su evolución. - Analizar la estructura de las producciones estudiadas. - Identificar las relaciones entre los sistemas productivos y la formación social local. - Conocer el proceso de formación y consolidación de las DO como acciones colectivas que han permitido la cualificación de los recursos y el papel de los distintos agentes. - Examinar la relación existente entre la agroindustria y la dinamización económica y el desarrollo territorial. - Hacer uso de la experiencia de las DO para identificar posibles campos de acción orientados a la potenciación del desarrollo...
Na ultima década, a necessidade da definição de objectivos de gestão por parte das entidades gestoras, e a correspondente necessidade de verificação do cumprimento dos objectivos estabelecidos, levaram à implementação de iniciativas para o estudo e desenvolvimento de metedologias no domínio de avaliação de desempenho dos serviços de saneamento. O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo, a avaliação do desempenho das nove infraestruturas em exploração pela SIMLIS, SA, tendo-se seleccionado, para este efeito, doze indicadores de desempenho,distribuídos pelos domínios da qualidade da água tratada; da eficiência e fiabilidade da ETAR; da utilização de água, energia e materiais; e da gestão de subprodutos. Como aspectos da avaliação de desempenho foram seleccionados, a conformidade com a licença de descarga, a qualidade da água rejeitada no meio recetor, a eficiência global da ETAR, o consumo de energia, o consumo de reagentes, a utilização de águas residuais tratadas, a produção e valorização de lamas e a produção de biogás. Para o processo de avaliação de desempenho, definiu-se um período de análise de um ano, nomeadamente o ano de 2013, para o qual se estabeleceram metas para cada um dos indicadores a avaliar. Conclui-se que a avaliação de desempenho é uma ferramenta essencial à gestão, pois permitiu analisar, não só o desempenho global da entidade gestora, mas também, avaliar o desempenho individual de cada uma das infraestruturas. Foi ainda possível, em alguns casos, avaliar o desempenho das ETAR em função do tipo de processo de tratamento utilizado. O uso adequado desta ferramenta de avaliação de desempenho permitiu à SIMLIS, de uma forma mais eficiente, aplicar acções correctivas quando identificados problemas e optimizar recursos, sendo usada como ferramenta de apoio à decisão.
Fil: Varela, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Varela, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Varela, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
En el presente trabajo indagaremos sobre la reconfiguración de las dinámicas institucionales en dos cárceles de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, tras la inserción del dispositivo religiosoevangélico- pentecostal. Los casos serán las penitenciarías n° 3 —mediana seguridad— y n° 11 — máxima seguridad—, y nos interrogaremos sobre las relaciones de reciprocidad que el dispositivo religioso configura en el encierro, en cómo dichas relaciones definen nuevas estrategias de gobierno por parte del servicio penitenciario y de qué manera se rediseñan las relaciones de poder en el dispositivo carcelario. Abordaje comparativo que responde a la hipótesis de que el dispositivo religioso-evangélicopentecostal construye matrices comunes de ordenamiento social, funcionamiento y reciprocidades en el encierro pero, al mismo tiempo, consolida su funcionamiento a raíz de una identificación precisa de las necesidades y oportunidades de los sujetos según atraviesen situaciones de ingreso o egreso carcelario.
El artículo analiza firmas insertas en circuitos globalizados de exportación de frutas frescas, así como la interfase empresas-territorios. Se focaliza en la producción argentina de cítricos dulces y particularmente en un espacio productivo, y se interesa por cómo se traduce la construcción de los circuitos globales en los espacios y actores locales. Para ello, desarrolla una tipología de empresas e indicadores de anclaje y recurre a una combinación de fuentes cuantitativas y cualitativas, con vistas a desentrañar la “caja negra” del comportamiento empresarial. Se concluye que existen diferentes grados de anclaje territorial y combinaciones variables de fijación y movilidad por parte de las empresas. La adopción de una modalidad de agricultura empresarial multilocalizada, orientada al aprovechamiento de las peculiaridades de los diferentes ambientes locales, conduce a la desarticulación de espacios en función de sus características productivas y de sus diversos contextos sociales e institucionales. De esta forma se promueve la conformación de agentes de características flexibles, transformando su reproducción en contingente.
[ES]Propuesta de regeneración urbana y paisajística en el Carrizal de Ingenio, Gran Canaria.
Se trata de resolver una discontinuidad existente entre el territorio, el límite de la ciudad y el interior de la misma. A partir de una nueva estructura de espacios públicos y de actuaciones puntuales a modo de piezas arquitectónicas, se soluciona la fractura existente entre la ciudad y el propio territorio.