789 resultados para Denzel, XXX,


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t.1. Libri I-V.--t.2. Libri VI-X.--t.3. Libri XXI-XXV.--t.4. Libri XXVI-XXX, recognoverunt et adnotatione critica instruxerunt R.S. Conway et S.K. Johnson.


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Chemical abstracts


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Helio Oiticica, Lygia Pape y Edgardo Antonio Vigo compartían la idea más o menos difundida entre los '60 y '70 de que el público debía pasar de su función de espectador pasivo a participante en el proceso artístico. El abandono de la producción de obras tradicionales, distantes y estáticas, implicó un tipo de propuestas que implicaban la acción corporal y el llamado a la exploración y el estímulo sensible. Estos programas tienden a representar una tríada autor-público-obra que pretendería romper con las concepciones más tradicionales ligadas a las Bellas Artes y se presentaban como parte de un proceso democratizador del arte, especialmente en América Latina. Apelan a una estrategia de intervención en diversos espacios, especialmente públicos, así como a una particular relación entre público y ambiente físico, pero también social


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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a transcodificacao midiatica de uma obra da dramaturgia brasileira ao meio televisivo, na forma de teleteatro. Para isso selecionamos a obra Senhora dos afogados de Nelson Rodrigues e sua adaptação para a TV, realizada em 1985 por Carlos Queiroz Telles e dirigida por Antonio Abujamra, numa consagrada produção da TV Cultura. O estudo enfoca os componentes da linguagem do teatro e da TV: texto, som, imagem, cor e movimento e suas variações em cada um desses meios, em contextos históricos diferentes e destinados a publicos diferentes. O trabalho de analise tem como instrumental basico a pesquisa qualitativa e as tecnicas da analise de conteúdo.


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This article explores the history of the archaeological category Sámi circular offering sites, which refers to certain dry wall structures in Finnmark and Troms in northern Norway. In recent years the term has been used more frequently outside this geographical area too, at times to refer to structures vastly different from those originally labelled as circular offering sites. Such interpretations may be questioned, but perhaps it is the category itself that needs to be re-evaluated; a study ofthe research history suggests that the term is a result of a mid-19th century hypothesis that was established due to a lack of other plausible explanations rather than based on indicative finds or on local traditions. This interpretation has later been adopted by key researchers and has never really been challenged by any alternative hypothesis. This article proposes that the stone structures in question could represent other cultural phenomena, and that this needs further investigation.


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Aim: Sex chromosome aneuploidies increase the risk of spoken or written language disorders but individuals with specific language impairment (SLI) or dyslexia do not routinely undergo cytogenetic analysis. We assess the frequency of sex chromosome aneuploidies in individuals with language impairment or dyslexia. Method: Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping was performed in three sample sets: a clinical cohort of individuals with speech and language deficits (87 probands: 61 males, 26 females; age range 4 to 23 years), a replication cohort of individuals with SLI, from both clinical and epidemiological samples (209 probands: 139 males, 70 females; age range 4 to 17 years), and a set of individuals with dyslexia (314 probands: 224 males, 90 females; age range 7 to 18 years). Results: In the clinical language-impaired cohort, three abnormal karyotypic results were identified in probands (proband yield 3.4%). In the SLI replication cohort, six abnormalities were identified providing a consistent proband yield (2.9%). In the sample of individuals with dyslexia, two sex chromosome aneuploidies were found giving a lower proband yield of 0.6%. In total, two XYY, four XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), three XXX, one XO (Turner syndrome), and one unresolved karyotype were identified. Interpretation: The frequency of sex chromosome aneuploidies within each of the three cohorts was increased over the expected population frequency (approximately 0.25%) suggesting that genetic testing may prove worthwhile for individuals with language and literacy problems and normal non-verbal IQ. Early detection of these aneuploidies can provide information and direct the appropriate management for individuals. © 2013 The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Mac Keith Press.


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A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Növénykórtani Tanszékén 2005 óta több illóolajjal folytatunk in vitro és in vivo vizsgálatokat. Jelen munkánkban a fahéj, a ke1ii kakukkfű és narancs illóolajának önálló illetve kombinált felhasználási lehetőségét vizsgáltuk a kajszi, alma és az őszi búza néhány jelentősebb kórokozója ellen.


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During the past two decades, many researchers have developed methods for the detection of structural defects at the early stages to operate the aerospace vehicles safely and to reduce the operating costs. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is one of these approaches developed at FIU to reduce the cost and size of the equipment. The SuRE method excites the surface at a series of frequencies and monitors the propagation characteristics of the generated waves. The amplitude of the waves reaching to any point on the surface varies with frequency; however, it remains consistent as long as the integrity and strain distribution on the part is consistent. These spectral characteristics change when cracks develop or the strain distribution changes. The SHM methods may be used for many applications, from the detection of loose screws to the monitoring of manufacturing operations. A scanning laser vibrometer was used in this study to investigate the characteristics of the spectral changes at different points on the parts. The study started with detecting a load on a plate and estimating its location. The modifications on the part with manufacturing operations were detected and the Part-Based Manufacturing Process Performance Monitoring (PbPPM) method was developed. Hardware was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods in real time. Using low-cost piezoelectric elements and the non-contact scanning laser vibrometer successfully, the data was collected for the SuRE and PbPPM methods. Locational force, loose bolts and material loss could be easily detected by comparing the spectral characteristics of the arriving waves. On-line methods used fast computational methods for estimating the spectrum and detecting the changing operational conditions from sum of the squares of the variations. Neural networks classified the spectrums when the desktop – DSP combination was used. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the SuRE and PbPPM methods.


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von Rabbi Bechaiji Ben Joseph ; mit einer, nach Jehuda Ebn Tibbon's ebräischer Uebertragung des arabischen Originales, wortgetreuen neuen deutschen Uebersetzung, nebst exegetischen Anmerkungen über schwierige Bibel-Citata und einer metrisch-gereimten Uebersetzung der "Mahnrede" von M.E. Stern