characters in the tales of Charles Dickens, with copious indexes and bibliography; by Gilbert A. Pierce, with additions by William A. Wheeler. New and rev. ed.
I-II. The posthumous papers of the Pickwick club.--III. Sketches by Boz.--IV. The adventures of Oliver Twist.--V-VI. Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.--VII. The old curiosity shop.--VIII-IX. Barnaby Rudge, Master Humphrey's clock, and The mystery of Edwin Drood.--X-XI. The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlelwit, and American notes.--XII-XIII. Dombey and son.--XIV-XV. The personal history of David Copperfield.--XVI-XVII. Bleak house.--XVIII-XIX. Little Dorrit.--XX. A tale of two cities.--XXI. Great expectations.--XXII-XXIII. Our mutual friend.--XXIV-XXV. Christmas books, Tales and sketches.--XXVI. Hard times, and other stories.--XXVII. The uncommercial traveller, and Pictures from Italy.--XXVIII. Plays, poems, and miscellanies.--XXIX. A child's history of England; also A holiday romance, and other pieces.--XXX-XXXI. Life, letters, and speeches of Charles Dickens; with biographical sketches of the principal illustrators of Dickens's works.--XXXII. The Dickens dictionary, a key to the plot and
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