999 resultados para DNA, Copolymer, Hybrid, Selbstorganisation, überstehende Enden


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A new ternary iron(III) complex [FeL(dpq)] containing dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq) and 2,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)aminoacetic acid (H3L) is prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The high-spin complex with a FeN3O3 core shows a quasi-reversible iron(III)/iron(II) redox couple at -0.62 V (vs SCE) in DMF/0.1 M TBAP and a broad visible band at 470 nm in DMF/Tris buffer. Laser photoexcitation of this phenolate (L)-to-iron(III) charge-transfer band at visible wavelengths including red light of >= 630 nm leads to cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form via a photoredox pathway forming hydroxyl radicals.


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Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were decorated with crystalline zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) by wet chemical route to form MWCNT/ZnO NPs hybrid. The hybrid sample was characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Electrical conductivity of the hybrid can be tuned by varying the ZnO NPs content in the hybrid. In order to investigate the effect of nanoparticles loading on the conduction of MWCNTs network, electrical conductivity studies have been carried out in the wide temperature range 1.5-300K. The electrical conductivity of the hybrid below 100K is explained with the combination of variable range hopping conduction and thermal fluctuation induced tunnelling model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression that are not the result of genetic alterations. These changes include DNA methylation, histone modifications, or indeed microRNA expression. Chromatin is a tightly compacted DNA–protein complex that allows approximately two meters of DNA to be packaged inside a cell, only a few micrometers across. Although the resulting DNA structure is very stable, it is not very amiable to DNA-dependent processes, so mechanisms have to exist to allow processes such as transcription, replication, and DNA repair to occur. This chapter will look at how a cell responds to and deals with genomic instability at the epigenetic level and highlight how critical chromatin remodeling is for correct DNA repair and cell survival following DNA damage. This chapter will initially look at the DNA repair pathways that function in human cells and then at how the repair of DNA damage is controlled by epigenetics.


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Studies of double-stranded-DNA binding have been performed with three isomeric bis)2-(n-pyridyl)-1H-benzimidazole)s (n = 2, 3, 4). Like the well-known Hoechst 33258, which is a bisbenzimidazole compound, these three isomers bind to the minor groove of duplex DNA. DNA binding by the three isomers was investigated in the presence of the divalent metal ions Mg2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+. Ligand-DNA interactions were probed with fluorscence and circular dichroism spectroscopy. These studies revealed that the binding of the 2-pyridyl derivative to DNA is dramatically reduced in the presence of Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ ions and is abolished completely at a ligand/metal-cation ratio of 1:1. Control experiments done with the isomeric 3- and 4-pyridyl derivatives showed that their binding to DNA is unaffected by the aforementioned transition-metal ions. The ability of 2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazole changes of the ligand associated with ion chelation probably ledto such unusual binding results for the ortho isomer. The addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) reversed the effects completely.


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The incorporation of dUMP during replication or the deamination of cytosine in DNA results in the occurrence of uracils in genomes. To maintain genomic integrity, uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) excise uracil from DNA and initiate the base-excision repair pathway. Here, we cloned, purified and biochemically characterized a family 5 UDG, UdgB, from Mycobacterium smegmatis to allow us to use it as a model organism to investigate the physiological significance of the novel enzyme. Studies with knockout strains showed that compared with the wild-type parent, the mutation rate of the udgB(-) strain was approximately twofold higher, whereas the mutation rate of a strain deficient in the family 1 UDG (ung(-)) was found to be similar to 8.4-fold higher. Interestingly, the mutation rate of the double-knockout (ung(-)ludgB(-)) strain was remarkably high, at similar to 19.6-fold. While CG to TA mutations predominated in the ung(-) and ung(-)/udgb(-) strains, AT to GC mutations were enhanced in the udgB(-) strain. The ung(-)/udgB(-) strain was notably more sensitive to acidified nitrite and hydrogen peroxide stresses compared with the single knockouts (ung(-) or udgB(-)). These observations reveal a synergistic effect of UdgB and Ung in DNA repair, and could have implications for the generation of attenuated strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


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In this dissertation we study the interaction between Saturn's moon Titan and the magnetospheric plasma and magnetic field. The method of research is a three-dimensional computer simulation model, that is used to simulate this interaction. The simulation model used is a hybrid model. Hybrid models enable individual tracking or tracing of ions and also take into account the particle motion in the propagation of the electromagnetic fields. The hybrid model has been developed at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. This thesis gives a general description of the effects that the solar wind has on Earth and other planets of our solar system. Planetary satellites can also have similar interactions with the solar wind but also with the plasma flows of planetary magnetospheres. Titan is clearly the largest among the satellites of Saturn and also the only known satellite with a dense atmosphere. It is the atmosphere that makes Titan's plasma interaction with the magnetosphere of Saturn so unique. Nevertheless, comparisons with the plasma interactions of other solar system bodies are valuable. Detecting charged plasma particles requires in situ measurements obtainable through scientific spacecraft. The Cassini mission has been one of the most remarkable international efforts in space science. Since 2004 the measurements and images obtained from instruments onboard the Cassini spacecraft have increased the scientific knowledge of Saturn as well as its satellites and magnetosphere in a way no one was probably able to predict. The current level of science on Titan is practically unthinkable without the Cassini mission. Many of the observations by Cassini instrument teams have influenced this research both the direct measurements of Titan as well as observations of its plasma environment. The theoretical principles of the hybrid modelling approach are presented in connection to the broader context of plasma simulations. The developed hybrid model is described in detail: e.g. the way the equations of the hybrid model are solved is shown explicitly. Several simulation techniques, such as the grid structure and various boundary conditions, are discussed in detail as well. The testing and monitoring of simulation runs is presented as an essential routine when running sophisticated and complex models. Several significant improvements of the model, that are in preparation, are also discussed. A main part of this dissertation are four scientific articles based on the results of the Titan model. The Titan model developed during the course of the Ph.D. research has been shown to be an important tool to understand Titan's plasma interaction. One reason for this is that the structures of the magnetic field around Titan are very much three-dimensional. The simulation results give a general picture of the magnetic fields in the vicinity of Titan. The magnetic fine structure of Titan's wake as seen in the simulations seems connected to Alfvén waves an important wave mode in space plasmas. The particle escape from Titan is also a major part of these studies. Our simulations show a bending or turning of Titan's ionotail that we have shown to be a direct result of the basic principles in plasma physics. Furthermore, the ion flux from the magnetosphere of Saturn into Titan's upper atmosphere has been studied. The modelled ion flux has asymmetries that would likely have a large impact in the heating in different parts of Titan's upper atmosphere.


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Instability in conventional haptic rendering destroys the perception of rigid objects in virtual environments. Inherent limitations in the conventional haptic loop restrict the maximum stiffness that can be rendered. In this paper we present a method to render virtual walls that are much stiffer than those achieved by conventional techniques. By removing the conventional digital haptic loop and replacing it with a part-continuous and part-discrete time hybrid haptic loop, we were able to render stiffer walls. The control loop is implemented as a combinational logic circuit on an field-programmable gate array. We compared the performance of the conventional haptic loop and our hybrid haptic loop on the same haptic device, and present mathematical analysis to show the limit of stability of our device. Our hybrid method removes the computer-intensive haptic loop from the CPU-this can free a significant amount of resources that can be used for other purposes such as graphical rendering and physics modeling. It is our hope that, in the future, similar designs will lead to a haptics processing unit (HPU).


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Novel switching sequences can be employed in spacevector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) of voltage source inverters. Differentswitching sequences are evaluated and compared in terms of inverter switching loss. A hybrid PWM technique named minimum switching loss PWM is proposed, which reduces the inverter switching loss compared to conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM) and discontinuous PWM techniques at a given average switching frequency. Further, four space-vector-based hybrid PWM techniques are proposed that reduce line current distortion as well as switching loss in motor drives, compared to CSVPWM. Theoretical and experimental results are presented.


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Classification of large datasets is a challenging task in Data Mining. In the current work, we propose a novel method that compresses the data and classifies the test data directly in its compressed form. The work forms a hybrid learning approach integrating the activities of data abstraction, frequent item generation, compression, classification and use of rough sets.


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Classification of large datasets is a challenging task in Data Mining. In the current work, we propose a novel method that compresses the data and classifies the test data directly in its compressed form. The work forms a hybrid learning approach integrating the activities of data abstraction, frequent item generation, compression, classification and use of rough sets.


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The effects of inserting unsubstituted omega-amino acids into the strand segments of model beta-hairpin peptides was investigated by using four synthetic decapeptides, Boc-Lcu-Val-Xxx-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Xxx-Val-Val- OMe: pepticle 1 (Xxx=Gly), pepticle 2 (Xxx=beta Gly=beta hGly=homoglycine, beta-glycine), pepticle 3 (Xxx=gamma Abu=gamma-aminobutyric acid), pepticle 4 (Xxx= delta Ava=delta-aminovaleric acid). H-1 NMR studies (500 MHz, methanol) reveal several critical cross-strand NOEs, providing evidence for P-hairpin conformations in peptides 2-4. In peptide 3, the NMR results support the formation of the nucleating turn, however, evidence for cross-strand registry is not detected. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of peptide 3 reveal a beta-hairpin conformation for both molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds, with the gamma Abu residues accommodated within the strands. The D-Pro-Gly segment in both molecules (A,B) adopts a type II' beta-turn conformation. The circular dichroism spectrum for peptide 3 is characterized by a negative CD band at 229 rim, whereas for peptides 2 and 4, the negative band is centered at 225 nm, suggesting a correlation between the orientation of the amide units in the strand segments and the observed CD pattern.


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A new class of polypeptide helices in hybrid sequences containing alpha-, beta-, and gamma-residues is described. The molecular conformations in crystals determined for the synthetic peptides Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-beta Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe 1 (beta Phe: (S)-beta(3)-homophenylalanine) and Boc-Aib-Gpn-AibGpn-OM2(Gpn:1-(aminomethyl)cycl hexaneacetic acid) reveal expanded helical turns in the hybrid sequences (alpha alpha beta)(n) and (ay), In 1, a repetitive helical structure composed Of C-14 hydrogen-bonded units is observed, whereas 2 provides an example of a repetitive C-12 hydrogen-bonded structure. Using experimentally determined backbone torsion angles for the hydrogen-bonded units formed by hybrid sequences, we have generated energetically favorable hybrid helices. Conformational parameters are provided for C-11, C-12, C-13, C-14, and C-15 helices in hybrid sequences.


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The conformational properties of foldamers generated from alpha gamma hybrid peptide sequences have been probed in the model sequence Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-NHMe. The choice of alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) and gabapentin (Gpn) residues greatly restricts sterically accessible coil formational space. This model sequence was anticipated to be a short segment of the alpha gamma C-12 helix, stabilized by three successive 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds, corresponding to a backbone-expanded analogue of the alpha polypeptide 3(10)-helix. Unexpectedly, three distinct crystalline polymorphs were characterized in the solid state by X-ray diffraction. In one form, two successive C-12 hydrogen bonds were obtained at the N-terminus, while a novel C-17 hydrogen-bonded gamma alpha gamma turn was observed at the C-terminus. In the other two polymorphs, isolated C-9 and C-7 hydrogen-bonded turns were observed at Gpn (2) and Gpn (4). Isolated C-12 and C-9 turns were also crystallographically established in the peptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe and Boc-Gpn-Aib-NHMe, respectively. Selective line broadening of NH resonances and the observation of medium range NH(i)<-> NH(i+2) NOEs established the presence of conformational heterogeneity for the tetrapeptide in CDCl3 solution. The NMR results are consistent with the limited population of the continuous C-12 helix conformation. Lengthening of the (alpha gamma)(n) sequences in the nonapeptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Xxx (Xxx = Aib, Leu) resulted in the observation of all of the sequential NOEs characteristic of an alpha gamma C-12 helix. These results establish that conformational fragility is manifested in short hybrid alpha gamma sequences despite the choice of conformationally constrained residues, while stable helices are formed on chain extension.


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Uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung)initiates the uracil excision repair pathway. We have earlier characterized the Y66W and Y66H mutants of Ung and shown that they are compromised by similar to 7- and similar to 170-fold, respectively in their uracil excision activities. In this study, fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that compared with the wild-type, the Y66W protein is moderately compromised and attenuated in binding to AP-DNA. Allelic exchange of ung in Escherichia coli with ung::kan, ungY66H:amp or ungY66W:amp alleles showed similar to 5-, similar to 3.0- and similar to 2.0-fold, respectively increase in mutation frequencies. Analysis of mutations in the rifampicin resistance determining region of rpoB revealed that the Y66W allele resulted in an increase in A to G (or T to C) mutations. However, the increase in A to G mutations was mitigated upon expression of wild-type Ung from a plasmid borne gene. Biochemical and computational analyses showed that the Y66W mutant maintains strict specificity for uracil excision from DNA. Interestingly, a strain deficient in AP-endonucleases also showed an increase in A to G mutations. We discuss these findings in the context of a proposal that the residency of DNA glycosylase(s) onto the AP-sites they generate shields them until recruitment of AP-endonucleases for further repair.