945 resultados para Compression ignition (CI)
La théorie de l'information quantique s'est développée à une vitesse fulgurante au cours des vingt dernières années, avec des analogues et extensions des théorèmes de codage de source et de codage sur canal bruité pour la communication unidirectionnelle. Pour la communication interactive, un analogue quantique de la complexité de la communication a été développé, pour lequel les protocoles quantiques peuvent performer exponentiellement mieux que les meilleurs protocoles classiques pour certaines tâches classiques. Cependant, l'information quantique est beaucoup plus sensible au bruit que l'information classique. Il est donc impératif d'utiliser les ressources quantiques à leur plein potentiel. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les protocoles quantiques interactifs du point de vue de la théorie de l'information et étudions les analogues du codage de source et du codage sur canal bruité. Le cadre considéré est celui de la complexité de la communication: Alice et Bob veulent faire un calcul quantique biparti tout en minimisant la quantité de communication échangée, sans égard au coût des calculs locaux. Nos résultats sont séparés en trois chapitres distincts, qui sont organisés de sorte à ce que chacun puisse être lu indépendamment. Étant donné le rôle central qu'elle occupe dans le contexte de la compression interactive, un chapitre est dédié à l'étude de la tâche de la redistribution d'état quantique. Nous prouvons des bornes inférieures sur les coûts de communication nécessaires dans un contexte interactif. Nous prouvons également des bornes atteignables avec un seul message, dans un contexte d'usage unique. Dans un chapitre subséquent, nous définissons une nouvelle notion de complexité de l'information quantique. Celle-ci caractérise la quantité d'information, plutôt que de communication, qu'Alice et Bob doivent échanger pour calculer une tâche bipartie. Nous prouvons beaucoup de propriétés structurelles pour cette quantité, et nous lui donnons une interprétation opérationnelle en tant que complexité de la communication quantique amortie. Dans le cas particulier d'entrées classiques, nous donnons une autre caractérisation permettant de quantifier le coût encouru par un protocole quantique qui oublie de l'information classique. Deux applications sont présentées: le premier résultat général de somme directe pour la complexité de la communication quantique à plus d'une ronde, ainsi qu'une borne optimale, à un terme polylogarithmique près, pour la complexité de la communication quantique avec un nombre de rondes limité pour la fonction « ensembles disjoints ». Dans un chapitre final, nous initions l'étude de la capacité interactive quantique pour les canaux bruités. Étant donné que les techniques pour distribuer de l'intrication sont bien étudiées, nous nous concentrons sur un modèle avec intrication préalable parfaite et communication classique bruitée. Nous démontrons que dans le cadre plus ardu des erreurs adversarielles, nous pouvons tolérer un taux d'erreur maximal de une demie moins epsilon, avec epsilon plus grand que zéro arbitrairement petit, et ce avec un taux de communication positif. Il s'ensuit que les canaux avec bruit aléatoire ayant une capacité positive pour la transmission unidirectionnelle ont une capacité positive pour la communication interactive quantique. Nous concluons avec une discussion de nos résultats et des directions futures pour ce programme de recherche sur une théorie de l'information quantique interactive.
The work is intended to study the following important aspects of document image processing and develop new methods. (1) Segmentation ofdocument images using adaptive interval valued neuro-fuzzy method. (2) Improving the segmentation procedure using Simulated Annealing technique. (3) Development of optimized compression algorithms using Genetic Algorithm and parallel Genetic Algorithm (4) Feature extraction of document images (5) Development of IV fuzzy rules. This work also helps for feature extraction and foreground and background identification. The proposed work incorporates Evolutionary and hybrid methods for segmentation and compression of document images. A study of different neural networks used in image processing, the study of developments in the area of fuzzy logic etc is carried out in this work
Extending IPv6 to IEEE 802.15.4-based Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks requires efficient header compression mechanisms to adapt to their limited bandwidth, memory and energy constraints. This paper presents an experimental evaluation of an improved header compression scheme which provides better compression of IPv6 multicast addresses and UDP port numbers compared to existing mechanisms. This scheme outperforms the existing compression mechanism in terms of data throughput of the network and energy consumption of nodes. It enhances throughput by up to 8% and reduces transmission energy of nodes by about 5%.
This work proposes a parallel genetic algorithm for compressing scanned document images. A fitness function is designed with Hausdorff distance which determines the terminating condition. The algorithm helps to locate the text lines. A greater compression ratio has achieved with lesser distortion
In this paper, an improved technique for evolving wavelet coefficients refined for compression and reconstruction of fingerprint images is presented. The FBI fingerprint compression standard [1, 2] uses the cdf 9/7 wavelet filter coefficients. Lifting scheme is an efficient way to represent classical wavelets with fewer filter coefficients [3, 4]. Here Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to evolve better lifting filter coefficients for cdf 9/7 wavelet to compress and reconstruct fingerprint images with better quality. Since the lifting filter coefficients are few in numbers compared to the corresponding classical wavelet filter coefficients, they are evolved at a faster rate using GA. A better reconstructed image quality in terms of Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) is achieved with the best lifting filter coefficients evolved for a compression ratio 16:1. These evolved coefficients perform well for other compression ratios also.
In this article, techniques have been presented for faster evolution of wavelet lifting coefficients for fingerprint image compression (FIC). In addition to increasing the computational speed by 81.35%, the coefficients performed much better than the reported coefficients in literature. Generally, full-size images are used for evolving wavelet coefficients, which is time consuming. To overcome this, in this work, wavelets were evolved with resized, cropped, resized-average and cropped-average images. On comparing the peak- signal-to-noise-ratios (PSNR) offered by the evolved wavelets, it was found that the cropped images excelled the resized images and is in par with the results reported till date. Wavelet lifting coefficients evolved from an average of four 256 256 centre-cropped images took less than 1/5th the evolution time reported in literature. It produced an improvement of 1.009 dB in average PSNR. Improvement in average PSNR was observed for other compression ratios (CR) and degraded images as well. The proposed technique gave better PSNR for various bit rates, with set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) coder. These coefficients performed well with other fingerprint databases as well.
This paper explains the Genetic Algorithm (GA) evolution of optimized wavelet that surpass the cdf9/7 wavelet for fingerprint compression and reconstruction. Optimized wavelets have already been evolved in previous works in the literature, but they are highly computationally complex and time consuming. Therefore, in this work, a simple approach is made to reduce the computational complexity of the evolution algorithm. A training image set comprised of three 32x32 size cropped images performed much better than the reported coefficients in literature. An average improvement of 1.0059 dB in PSNR above the classical cdf9/7 wavelet over the 80 fingerprint images was achieved. In addition, the computational speed was increased by 90.18 %. The evolved coefficients for compression ratio (CR) 16:1 yielded better average PSNR for other CRs also. Improvement in average PSNR was experienced for degraded and noisy images as well
The thesis explores the area of still image compression. The image compression techniques can be broadly classified into lossless and lossy compression. The most common lossy compression techniques are based on Transform coding, Vector Quantization and Fractals. Transform coding is the simplest of the above and generally employs reversible transforms like, DCT, DWT, etc. Mapped Real Transform (MRT) is an evolving integer transform, based on real additions alone. The present research work aims at developing new image compression techniques based on MRT. Most of the transform coding techniques employ fixed block size image segmentation, usually 8×8. Hence, a fixed block size transform coding is implemented using MRT and the merits and demerits are analyzed for both 8×8 and 4×4 blocks. The N2 unique MRT coefficients, for each block, are computed using templates. Considering the merits and demerits of fixed block size transform coding techniques, a hybrid form of these techniques is implemented to improve the performance of compression. The performance of the hybrid coder is found to be better compared to the fixed block size coders. Thus, if the block size is made adaptive, the performance can be further improved. In adaptive block size coding, the block size may vary from the size of the image to 2×2. Hence, the computation of MRT using templates is impractical due to memory requirements. So, an adaptive transform coder based on Unique MRT (UMRT), a compact form of MRT, is implemented to get better performance in terms of PSNR and HVS The suitability of MRT in vector quantization of images is then experimented. The UMRT based Classified Vector Quantization (CVQ) is implemented subsequently. The edges in the images are identified and classified by employing a UMRT based criteria. Based on the above experiments, a new technique named “MRT based Adaptive Transform Coder with Classified Vector Quantization (MATC-CVQ)”is developed. Its performance is evaluated and compared against existing techniques. A comparison with standard JPEG & the well-known Shapiro’s Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (EZW) is done and found that the proposed technique gives better performance for majority of images
Recurrent iterated function systems (RIFSs) are improvements of iterated function systems (IFSs) using elements of the theory of Marcovian stochastic processes which can produce more natural looking images. We construct new RIFSs consisting substantially of a vertical contraction factor function and nonlinear transformations. These RIFSs are applied to image compression.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
El desarrollo de este trabajo de tesis constituye el esfuerzo de La Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico, Maloka, CIDEM, Universidad del Rosario y de la estudiante por contribuir con el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los pequeños y medianos empresarios colombianos, en virtud de que, en el país no existe la adecuada capacitación y formación académica y practica para crear, desarrollar y gerenciar empresas que cuenten con la capacidad y habilidad de introducir y penetrar de manera exitosa sus productos en mercados externos y así aumentar la presencia, calidad y competitividad del país con respecto a otros mercados. El referido trabajo se llevo a cabo en cinco módulos que sirvieron como base en la toma de decisiones y definición de estrategias, estos módulos son: Inteligencia de Mercados, Costos, Logística, Comercialización y Plan Exportador.
Resumen en ingl??s y castellano
Resumen tomado parcialmente de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la revista. La edici??n publicada es obra de Miquel Catany, Immaculada Bestard, Isabel Bobadilla y Lina Ponsell