763 resultados para Cirilo Villaverde


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Reverberation is caused by the reflection of the sound in adjacent surfaces close to the sound source during its propagation to the listener. The impulsive response of an environment represents its reverberation characteristics. Being dependent on the environment, reverberation takes to the listener characteristics of the space where the sound is originated and its absence does not commonly sounds like “natural”. When recording sounds, it is not always possible to have the desirable characteristics of reverberation of an environment, therefore methods for artificial reverberation have been developed, always seeking a more efficient implementations and more faithful to the real environments. This work presents an implementation in FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays ) of a classic digital reverberation audio structure, based on a proposal of Manfred Schroeder, using sets of all-pass and comb filters. The developed system exploits the use of reconfigurable hardware as a platform development and implementation of digital audio effects, focusing on the modularity and reuse characteristics


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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"Introducción y Objetivo" En los últimos años se han producido importantes cambios en los estilos de vida de la población y con ello en la alimentación de niños y adolescentes. El mayor desarrollo económico, el avance tecnológico alimentario y culinario, el seguimiento de hábitos alimentarios inadecuados, como por ejemplo no desayunar, la incorporación de la mujer al trabajo fuera del hogar, la nueva estructura familiar, la gran influencia de la publicidad y de la televisión, la incorporación más temprana de los niños a la escuela, junto con la mayor posibilidad de elegir sus menús sin una adecuada supervisión familiar, entre otras, condiciona un consumo de alimentos con elevado aporte calórico y baja calidad nutricional. Debido a lo anterior cada vez es más frecuente la presencia de obesidad y sobrepeso en la población escolar, así como la aparición de otras conductas del comportamiento alimentario y la ingesta insuficiente de algunos micronutrientes como el caso de la vitamina D, calcio, hierro, acido fólico, etc. Por otra parte, también es destacable el aumento de tabaquismo y del sedentarismo entre los jóvenes de nuestro país. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se ha producido un aumento de problemas de salud entre nuestros niños y adolescentes, entre los que se encuentran las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el síndrome metabólico. Por todo lo anteriormente descrito, el objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el estado nutricional de un colectivo de escolares españoles de la ciudad de Madrid. Material y Métodos Para conseguir datos, se agruparon los 21 distritos de Madrid Capital, en función de sus características socioeconómicas similares y buscando también que todas las zonas geográficas de Madrid queden representadas. Se constituyeron 5 grupos escogiendo al azar un distrito de cada grupo resultando al final los barrios de Carabanchel, Moratalaz, Chamberí, Villaverde y Fuencarral...


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Open Access funded by Natural Environment Research Council Acknowledgements Field sample collection was funded by NERC grants NE/E006434/1 and NE/J01396X/1 to XL and a Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF 300288-grant to YM. We thank the Scottish Mink Initiative, staff, funders and multiple mink volunteers for the continued effort, samples and data. Also to Eduardo Salazar Villaverde for his assistance in the preparation of figures in early drafts of this manuscript, and Professor Colin Prescott (Reading University) for comments on the biochemistry of ARs. Finally, to Kenneth McNeill for providing data on farm sizes and distributions.