948 resultados para Child Labour
This paper is intended as a resource for teachers by providing information and teaching strategies to help meet the needs of children with a hearing impairment in the mainstream educational setting.
This paper investigates the conversational fluency of young cochlear implant users. The study compares objective measures and subjective impressions of conversation fluency, relates how children’s communication skills influence both objective and subjective measures of conversational fluency, and compares the performance of children who use an oral mode with those who use a total communication mode in everyday conversation.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current use of the Central Institute for the Deaf’s Speech Skills Worksheet by teacher of the deaf and speech-language pathologists, review the current literature on speech development in hearing-impaired children, and apply the findings to develop a more comprehensive Speech Skills Worksheet.
This paper discusses social training skills for deaf children.
This paper discusses a study of language development of hearing impaired children.
This paper reviews a study of an eleven year old profoundly deaf child and the use of a oscilloscope in speech therapy.
This paper examines self-esteem issues with children who wear a cochlear implant.
This paper discusses the importance of play for the preschool aged hearing impaired child.
This paper is a review of a study investigating the relationship between visual perceptual skills and reading abilities of young deaf children.
This paper is a review of educational approaches for young hearing impaired children in South Africa.
Access to thesis is restricted. Contact Archives and Rare Books. This paper reports the results of language training for a newly diagnosed hearing impaired Japanese child using methods from the CID parent-infant program.
Sectoral shifts, such as shrinkage of low labour productivity and the low-wage construction sector, can lead to apparent increased aggregate average labour productivity and average wages, especially when capital intensity differs across sectors. For 11 main sectors and 13 manufacturing sub-sectors, we quantify the compositional effects on productivity, wages and unit labour costs (ULCs) based and real effective exchange rates (REER), for 24 EU countries. Compositional effects are greatest in Ireland, where the pharmaceutical sector drives the growth of output and productivity, but other sectors have suffered greatly and have not yet recovered. Our new ULC-REER measurements, which are free from compositional effects, correlate well with export performance. Among the countries facing the most severe external adjustment challenges, Lithuania, Portugal and Ireland have been the most successful based on five indicators, and Latvia, Estonia and Greece the least successful. There is evidence of downward wage flexibility in some countries, but wage cuts have corrected just a small fraction of pre-crisis wage rises and came with massive reductions in employment even in the business sector excluding construction and real estate, highlighting the difficulty of adjusting wages downward.
As a background document for Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/11 ‘Compositional effects on productivity, labour cost and export adjustment’, this working paper presents detailed results for 24 EU countries on: • The sectoral changes in the economy; • The unit labour costs (ULC) based real effective exchange rate (REER) and its main components; • Export performance. • The ULC-REERs are calculated: • For the total economy, the business sector (excluding agriculture, construction and real estate activities), and some main sectors; • Using both actual aggregates and fixed-weight aggregates, as the latter are free from the impacts of compositional changes; • Against 30 trading partners and against three subsets of trading partners: euro-area, non-euro area EU, non-EU.