946 resultados para COLLAGEN INJECTION


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A nanocomposite based on bacterial cellulose (BC) and type I collagen (COL) was evaluated for in vitro bone regeneration. BC membranes were modified by glycine esterification followed by cross-linking of type I collagen employing 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide. Collagen incorporation was studied by spectroscopy analysis. X-Ray diffraction showed changes in the BC crystallinity after collagen incorporation. The elastic modulus and tensile strength for BC-COL decreased, while the strain at failure showed a slight increase, even after sterilization, as compared to pristine BC. Swelling tests and contact angle measurements were also performed. Cell culture experiments performed with osteogenic cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion of newborn rat calvarium revealed similar features of cell morphology for cultures grown on both membranes. Cell viability/proliferation was not different between BC and BC-COL membranes at day 10 and 14. The high total protein content and ALP activity at day 17 in cells cultured on BC-COL indicate that this composite allowed the development of the osteoblastic phenotype in vitro. Thus, BC-COL should be considered as alternative biomaterial for bone tissue engineering.


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Abstract Background The ability to manipulate the genetic networks underlying the physiological and behavioural repertoires of the adult honeybee worker (Apis mellifera) is likely to deepen our understanding of issues such as learning and memory generation, ageing, and the regulatory anatomy of social systems in proximate as well as evolutionary terms. Here we assess two methods for probing gene function by RNA interference (RNAi) in adult honeybees. Results The vitellogenin gene was chosen as target because its expression is unlikely to have a phenotypic effect until the adult stage in bees. This allowed us to introduce dsRNA in preblastoderm eggs without affecting gene function during development. Of workers reared from eggs injected with dsRNA derived from a 504 bp stretch of the vitellogenin coding sequence, 15% had strongly reduced levels of vitellogenin mRNA. When dsRNA was introduced by intra-abdominal injection in newly emerged bees, almost all individuals (96 %) showed the mutant phenotype. An RNA-fragment with an apparent size similar to the template dsRNA was still present in this group after 15 days. Conclusion Injection of dsRNA in eggs at the preblastoderm stage seems to allow disruption of gene function in all developmental stages. To dissect gene function in the adult stage, the intra-abdominal injection technique seems superior to egg injection as it gives a much higher penetrance, it is much simpler, and it makes it possible to address genes that are also expressed in the embryonic, larval or pupal stages.


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Support structures for dermal regeneration are composed of biodegradable and bioresorbable polymers, animal skin or tendons, or are bacteria products. The use of such materials is controversial due to their low efficiency. An important area within tissue engineering is the application of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to reparative surgery. The combined use of biodegradable membranes with stem cell therapy may lead to promising results for patients undergoing unsuccessful conventional treatments. Thus, the aim of this study was to test the efficacy of using membranes composed of anionic collagen with or without the addition of hyaluronic acid (HA) as a substrate for adhesion and in vitro differentiation of bone marrow-derived canine MSCs. The benefit of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on the differentiation of cells in culture was also tested. MSCs were collected from dog bone marrow, isolated and grown on collagen scaffolds with or without HA. Cell viability, proliferation rate, and cellular toxicity were analyzed after 7 days. The cultured cells showed uniform growth and morphological characteristics of undifferentiated MSCs, which demonstrated that MSCs successfully adapted to the culture conditions established by collagen scaffolds with or without HA. This demonstrates that such scaffolds are promising for applications to tissue regeneration. bFGF significantly increased the proliferative rate of MSCs by 63% when compared to groups without the addition of the growth factor. However, the addition of bFGF becomes limiting, since it has an inhibitory effect at high concentrations in culture medium.


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PURPOSE: To present a review about a comparative study of bile duct ligation versus carbon tetrachloride Injection for inducing experimental liver cirrhosis. METHODS: This research was made through Medline/PubMed and SciELO web sites looking for papers on the content "induction of liver cirrhosis in rats". We have found 107 articles but only 30 were selected from 2004 to 2011. RESULTS: The most common methods used for inducing liver cirrhosis in the rat were administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and bile duct ligation (BDL). CCl4 has induced cirrhosis from 36 hours to 18 weeks after injection and BDL from seven days to four weeks after surgery. CONCLUSION: For a safer inducing cirrhosis method BDL is better than CCl4 because of the absence of toxicity for researches and shorter time for achieving it.


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[EN]The present study aimed to determine the spawning efficacy, egg quality and quantity of captive breed meagre induced with a single gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) injection of 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 or 50 μg kg–1 to determine a recommended optimum dose to induce spawning. The doses 10, 15 and 20 μg kg–1 gave eggs with the highest quality (measured as: percentage of viability, floating, fertilisation and hatch) and quantity (measured as: total number of eggs, number of viable eggs, number of floating eggs, number of hatched larvae and number of larvae that reabsorbed the yolk sac). All egg quantity parameters were described by Gaussian regression analysis with R2 = 0.89 or R2 = 0.88. The Gaussian regression analysis identified that the optimal dose used was 15 μg kg–1. The regression analysis highlighted that this comprehensive study examined doses that ranged from low doses insufficient to stimulate a high spawning response (significantly lower egg quantities, p < 0.05) compared to 15 μg kg–1 through to high doses that stimulated the spawning of significantly lower egg quantities and eggs with significantly lower quality (egg viability). In addition, the latency period (time from hormone application to spawning) decreased with increasing doses to give a regression (R2 = 0.93), which suggests that higher doses accelerated oocyte development that in turn reduced egg quality and quantity. The identification of an optimal dose for the spawning of meagre, which has high aquaculture potential, represents an important advance for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry.


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Le cardiomiopatie che insorgono a seguito di infarto miocardico sono causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità dalle importanti ricadute cliniche, dovute alle patologie insorgenti a seguito dell’ischemia e della cicatrice post-infatuale. Il ventricolo sinistro danneggiato va incontro a un rimodellamento progressivo, con perdita di cardiomiociti e proliferazione dei fibroblasti, risultante in un’architettura e in una funzionalità dell’organo distorta. I fibroblasti cardiaci sono i principali responsabili della fibrosi, il processo di cicatrizzazione caratterizzato da un’eccessiva deposizione di matrice extracellulare (ECM). Negli ultimi anni gli sforzi del nostro laboratorio sono stati volti a cercare di risolvere questo problema, attraverso l’uso di una molecola da noi sintetizzata, un estere misto degli acidi butirrico, retinoico e ialuronico, HBR, capace di commissionare le cellule staminali in senso cardio-vascolare. Studi in vivo mostrano come l’iniezione diretta di HBR in cuori di animali sottoposti a infarto sperimentale, sia in grado, tra le atre cose, di diminuire la fibrosi cardiaca. Sulla base di questa evidenza abbiamo cercato di capire come e se HBR agisse direttamente sui fibroblasti, indagando i meccanismi coinvolti nella riduzione della fibrosi in vivo.. In questa tesi abbiamo dimostrato come HBR abbia un’azione diretta su fibroblasti, inibendone la proliferazione, senza effetti citotossici. Inoltre HBR induce una significativa riduzione della deposizione di collagene.. HBR agisce sull’espressione genica e sulla sintesi proteica, sopprimendo la trascrizione dei geni del collagene, così come dell’a-sma, inibendo la trasizione fibroblasti-miofibroblasti, e promuovendo la vasculogenesi (attraverso VEGF), la chemoattrazione di cellule staminali (attraverso SDF) e un’attività antifibrotica (inibendo CTGF). HBR sembra modulare l’espressione genica agendo direttamente sulle HDAC, probabilmente grazie alla subunità BU. L’abilità di HBR di ridurre la fibrosi post-infartuale, come dimostrato dai nostri studi in vivo ed in vitro, apre la strada a importanti prospettive terapeutiche.


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Introduzione L’attività fisica moderata seguita da improvvisa interruzione può influenzare le caratteristiche biologiche del tendine. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di valutare l’attività cellulare, le caratteristiche istologiche, istomorfometriche e microstrutturali del tendine patellare e della sua entesi in condizioni di non allenamento (sedentarietà), allenamento ed improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica. E’ stato ipotizzato che un’iniezione peri-tendinea di acido ialuronico nelle settimane successive all’improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica potesse mantenere l’integrità strutturale e biologica del tendine patellare. Materiali e Metodi 24 ratti Sprague Dawley maschi di 8 settimane sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi, allenati per 10 settimane, fino a 60-80% VO2max. I ratti sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi: Non Allenati (6), Allenati (6), Disallenati (12). A 6 dei 12 ratti del gruppo Detrained, è stata praticata un’infiltrazione peri-tendinea a nel tendine patellare destro di 300 μl di acido ialuronico, mentre nei rimanenti 6, è stata praticata l’infiltrazione con soluzione fisiologica. I tendini rotulei espiantati sono stati valutati con coltura cellulare, valutazione biologica molecolare, valutazioni morfologiche microstrutturali, proliferazione, conta ed attività cellulare. Risultati I risultati in vitro hanno evidenziato vitalità e conta cellulare simili fra i Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA con un incremento significativo del metabolismo cellulare rispetto agli altri Gruppi. La cellularità ha mostrato valori maggiori nei Gruppi Non Allenati e Detrained-NaCl ove si è osservata una biosintesi del collagene III superiore ai Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA. Contrariamente, la produzione di collagene I e II presentava valori maggiori nei Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA suggerendo una superiore efficienza tessutale e metabolica di questi ultimi. Conclusioni Questi risultati confermano che l’allenamento ed il suo improvviso arresto hanno effetti sulla struttura tendinea patellare di ratto e che l’iniezione peritendinea di acido ialuronico nel periodo di inattività ha effetti significativi su metabolismo cellulare e sul tendine rispetto al trattamento con soluzione fisiologica.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Zellkulturen primärer Hepatozyten von Ratte und Mensch hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung untersucht Speziesunterschiede der toxischen Wirkung und des Metabolismus von Substanzen darzustellen und inwieweit die in vitro-Ergebnisse in vivo vergleichbar bzw. übertragbar sind. Des Weiteren wurde ein Zellkulturmodell entwickelt, das eine Kultivierung von primären Hepatozyten aus Ratte, Mensch und Maus über einen Zeitraum von mindestens einer bis zwei Wochen erlaubt.rnrnDie Zellkulturen primärer Hepatozyten von Ratte und Mensch zeigten deutliche Unterschiede in der substanzinduzierten Veränderung der Genexpression nach Behandlung mit den, vor allem für den Menschen, lebertoxischen Substanzen Diclofenac und Troglitazon. Diese Unterschiede traten hauptsächlich in der Induktion fremdstoffmetabolisierender Enzyme sowie deren transkriptionsregulierenden Kernrezeptoren in den humanen Hepatozyten auf. Ebenso war eine verstärkte Stressantwort zu beobachten.rnDeutliche Speziesunterschiede konnten ebenso in der Wirkung der Arzneimittelentwicklungssubstanz EMD 392949 auf die Aktivität bzw. Genexpression von Cytochrom P450 Enzymen sowie deren Regulatoren nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren konnte hier eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse aus den Zellkulturen primärer Ratten- bzw. Humanhepatozyten mit jenen aus in vivo-Experimenten mit Ratten bzw. Affen (Macaca fascicularis) beobachtet werden, was die Aussagekraft der Primärkulturen verdeutlichte.rnDie große Übereinstimmung zwischen Enzymaktivität und Genexpression in der Induktion fremdstoffmetabolisierender Enzyme konnte durch die Behandlung mit einer Reihe speziesspezifischer Induktoren in Zellkulturen primärer Ratten- bzw. Humanhepatozyten bestätigt werden; vor allem nach dem von der amerikanischen Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde (FDA, Food and Drug Administartion) vorgeschlagenen Bewertungsschema zur Untersuchung der CYP-Induktion.rnrnDie Lebensdauer sowie der Differenzierungsgrad von primären Hepatozyten in Kultur sind stark abhängig von den Zellkulturbedingungen. Durch diese Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass spezifische Eigenschaften von Rattenleberzellen durch Kultivierung in einem Sandwich aus zwei hydratisierten Collagengelschichten und unter serumfreien Bedingungen für einen Zeitraum von mindestens zwei Wochen aufrechterhalten werden können. Dieses Kulturmodel konnte auf Primärhepatozyten von Mensch und Maus übertragen werden und erweitert die möglichen Anwendungen hin zu einer Behandlung über einen längeren Zeitraum und der Untersuchung von subchronischen Effekten.rn


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Die Metalloproteasen Meprin α und Meprin β sind an essentiellen (patho)physiologischen Prozessen beteiligt. Um die Funktion dieser Proteasen zu verstehen, ist es von Bedeutung, sie nicht isoliert, sondern im gesamten proteolytischen Netzwerk zu betrachten.rnDie Meprine werden in einer Vielzahl von Geweben, in Leukozyten, aber auch in Krebszellen exprimiert. In der Haut konnten die beiden Enzyme in unterschiedlichen dermalen Schichten detektiert werden, wo sie u.a. an der Kollagenassemblierung durch Abspaltung der Propeptide beteiligt sind. rnIm Zuge von Proteomics Analysen konnten mehr als 3000 proteolytische Schnittstellen von fünf Astacin-Metalloproteasen (Meprin α, Meprin β, Astacin, LAST und LAST_MAM) in Peptiden und nativen Substraten identifiziert werden und somit eine Aussage über die Spaltspezifität getroffen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten diese Spaltspezifitäten mit Hilfe von fluorogenen Substraten in vitro verifiziert werden. Bemerkenswert hierbei ist die starke Präferenz der beiden Meprine und LAST_MAM für die Aminosäuren Aspartat und Glutamat in der P1‘ Position. rnMeprine werden als Zymogene exprimiert und müssen durch proteolytische Prozessierung einer tryptischen Protease aktiviert werden. Ein Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit waren Aktivitätsbestimmungen beider Meprine unter Berücksichtigung potentieller Aktivatoren und Substrate. Es konnten die kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) 4, 5 und 8 als spezifische Aktivatoren identifiziert werden, wobei nur KLK5 beide Proteasen aktiviert. Sowohl KLK4 als auch KLK8 sind lediglich in der Lage, das Propeptid von Meprin β abzuspalten. Außerdem konnte biochemisch und mittels Proteomics gezeigt werden, dass proKLK7 von Meprin β prozessiert wird. Durch N-terminale Sequenzierung wurde eine Schnittstelle zwei Aminosäuren N-terminal der eigentlichen Aktivierungsstelle identifiziert. Dieser Schritt beschleunigt die Aktivierung von KLK7, wenn durch Trypsin noch das verbliebene Dipeptid abgespalten wird. rnDa einige Vertreter der humanen kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) als Meprin-Aktivatoren identifiziert werden konnten, sollten diese im Zuge dieser Arbeit im Modellorganismus Danio rerio untersucht werden. Durch in silico und RT-PCR Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass keine funktionellen KLK-Homologe im Zebrafisch codiert sind. Da somit andere tryptische Proteasen an der Aktivierung der Meprine beteiligt sein müssen, wurde die Transmembran-Serinprotease TMPRSS4 analysiert. In der Tat zeigte die Reduktion des Expressionslevels von TMPRSS4 durch Morpholino-Injektion drastische Störungen in der embryonalen Entwicklung von Zebrabärblingen. Mittels Licht- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie ließ sich eine Fehlbildung der epidermalen Haut bis zu einem Ablösen der Keratinozyten von dem darunter liegenden Gewebe feststellen. rn


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Inspired by the need for a representation of the biomass burning emissions injection height in the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC)


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BACKGROUND: Mechanisms underlying improvement of myocardial contractile function after cell therapy as well as arrhythmic side effect remain poorly understood. We hypothesised that cell therapy might affect the mechanical properties of isolated host cardiomyocytes. METHODS: Two weeks after myocardial infarction (MI), rats were treated by intramyocardial myoblast injection (SkM, n=8), intramyocardial vehicle injection (Medium, n=6), or sham operation (Sham, n=7). Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography. Cardiomyocytes were isolated in a modified Langendorff perfusion system, their contraction was measured by video-based inter-sarcomeric analysis. Data were compared with a control-group without myocardial infarction (Control, n=5). RESULTS: Three weeks post-treatment, ejection fraction (EF) further deteriorated in vehicle-injected and non-injected rats (respectively 40.7+/-11.4% to 33+/-5.5% and 41.8+/-8% to 33.5+/-8.3%), but was stabilised in SkM group (35.9+/-6% to 36.4+/-9.7%). Significant cell hypertrophy induced by MI was maintained after cell therapy. Single cell contraction (dL/dt(max)) decreased in SkM and vehicle groups compared to non-injected group as well as cell shortening and relaxation (dL/dt(min)) in vehicle group. A significantly increased predisposition for alternation of strong and weak contractions was observed in isolated cardiomyocytes of the SkM group. CONCLUSION: Our study provides the first evidence that injection of materials into the myocardium alters host cardiomyocytes contractile function independently of the global beneficial effect of the heart function. These findings may be important in understanding possible adverse effects.


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Injecting drug use (IDU) before and after liver transplantation (LT) is poorly described. The aim of this study was to quantify relapse and survival in this population and to describe the causes of mortality after LT.


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Background Focal spasticity is a significant motor disorder following stroke, and Botulinum Toxin Type-A (BoNT-A) is a useful treatment for this. The authors evaluated kinematic modifications induced by spasticity, and whether or not there is any improvement following injection of BoNT-A. Methods Eight patients with stroke with upper-limb spasticity, showing a flexor pattern, were evaluated using kinematics before and after focal treatment with BoNT-A. A group of sex- and age-matched normal volunteers acted as a control group. Results Repeated-measures ANOVA showed that patients with stroke performed more slowly than the control group. Following treatment with BoNT-A, there was a significant improvement in kinematics in patients with stroke, while in the control group, performance remained unchanged. Conclusions Focal treatment of spasticity with BoNT-A leads to an adaptive change in the upper limb of patients with spastic stroke.


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To compare the efficacy of pars plana vitrectomy (ppV) with intravitreal injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and gas versus ppV with subretinal injection of rtPA and intravitreal injection of gas.